SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

She laughed. “Oh I know, they match.” She couldn’t help but snigger at the dirty joke.

Megohime was beyond angry, having gone snooping where she shouldn’t have when Masamune was in the shower. It didn’t take her very long to find the contract of purchase, and the more she read, the angrier she got.
She was waiting for him on the bed, arms crossed with the contract in hand, kakugan flared angrily. “Where is she?” She asked coldly.
Sasuke blushed and laughed as well, "Someone's been stalking me, that's weirdly attractive~"

Masamune blinked and glanced around before glancing back at her, "Where's who?" He asked back.
“I could microchip you if it’d make you happy~” She teased, feeling like she was back in her little shithole college apartment. It was a real shoebox, and she had to share a bed with Sasuke, but it was nice.

She didn’t break eye contact with him as she held out the paper in front of her, unfolding it by flicking her wrist and quoting from the contract. “Upon purchase of the human female Fu Xuan, conditions must be implicitly upheld that the aforementioned human to be obtained solely with the intent of consensual companionship, never to be consumed, including upon death.” The veins around her eye extended. “What the fuck Masamune? You swore to me you were leaving just to help some dipshits get their friend back, and you end up buying a whore- as a what, souvenir?”
Sasuke laughed softly, rubbing the back of his head, "If that means you'll go out with me?"

Masamune held up his hands, brows furrowed.
"Now, hold on. First off, what the hell are you doing digging through my shit? Secondly, do you smell a human bitch here? That whore is the friend I left to get back. Yan made me sign a contract so I wouldn't hurt her, he was fucking obsessed with her."
“If you want we can make it just like our first date and I can feed you~” She offered jokingly.

“I obviously had a good reason digging through your shit!” She argued back, angry tears in her eyes. “And that sounds like bullshit! You had to buy some woman as a companion otherwise you couldn’t help some guy get his girlfriend back? Do I seem like an idiot to you? I won’t share you, I’ll kill her if I ever smell her on you.”
He blushed again and grinned, "If you really wanted to." He replied, "It'll be a bit more romantic this time."

"Megohime, are you being for real right now?" He asked, "Are you deadass? Do you see a bitch waltzing around? Do you hear the guys acting like idiots? Where the fuck would I put her, I came straight home from the airport. Did you hear me leave somewhere to stash this mysterious whore? Smell me leave? Ya smell her?" He moved over, his own kakugan agitated now.
"I have killed for you. I have done everything in my power and in my control for you, to keep you safe and to keep you happy, and you're accusing me of cheating? I'll take my kakuhou back right now if you honestly think so goddamn little of me."
“I look forward to it then.” She said, heart aching a bit- god she had missed him.

Megohime deflated like a balloon, backing down right away, tears dripping down her cheeks as she slumped down onto the bed. “I’m sorry, I just saw it and thought… I thought for a second you were maybe getting tired of me..” She tried to stifle her cries, tears falling silently. “I’m sorry I went through your things and accused you of cheating..!”
He smiled softly and reached to hold her hand, "Me too..." He said, looking down at their hands, "Okaerinasai, Amaya..."

His kakugan receded and he frowned gently.
"Oh, baby," he pet her cheek gently, "I get it, really...that's a scary thing to find. But I would never do that to you. And it hurts me when you think of me like that."
“Tadaima..” She said softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, pulling his hand a bit closer.

Megohime’s lower lip quivered and she leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry, I know I don’t have to worry about that kind of thing… My thoughts just got the better of me..”
"Um," Sasuke glanced back, seeing Akihime standing at the door - Yukimura directly behind her - and looking anxious, "is everything ok...?"
"Yeah, we were just chattin. Wanna say hi? I promise she doesn't bite." Sasuke added the last with some teasing. Akihime smiled softly and nodded before stepping closer.
"It's so good to see you again, Amaya...we were all super worried about you..."

"It's ok, baby, I forgive you.." He said, "That contract doesn't mean shit to me. I promise."
Amaya seemed a bit nervous herself, standing and moving to hug both Akihime and Yukimura, who looked surprised, but quickly hugged back around Akihime. “It’s really good to see another familiar face.” She said softly.

She nodded, sniffing hard and wiping her eyes quickly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lose my shit, I should’ve trusted you more.”
“It looks like a lot has happened, wanna fill me in?” “How long do you have?” Yukimura joked.
Amaya took a step back and chuckled. “Maybe in the morning? I think the jet lag in starting to kick my ass.”
“That actually sounds great..” Amaya said tiredly.
“I can find something for you to wear to bed, we should still have some unclaimed clothes in your size here.” Yukimura said.
"I snuck into my old apartment the other day...Mitsu-nii hasn't cleaned it out, I have some clothes for her." Akihime offered.
"Aki, that's dangerous." Sasuke scolded. She smiled sheepishly.
"Yes, but I needed to shower and didn't have anything clean..." She replied, "And Yukimura doesn't like it when I steal.." She mumbled ashamedly.
“You did what?” Yukimura’s head swiveled around and he looked at Akihime.
“Thanks Aki, I’ll return them tomorrow, promise.” Amaya thanked her, hoping to weasel her out of Yukimura’s scolding.
Akihime stiffened and tried to find something to look at that wasn't him, "Uh, let me go get you those clothes!" She said and turned to hurry out of the room before Yukimura could properly scold her. Sasuke sighed genyly.
"That girl..." He muttered.
“Wh- hey!” Yukimura didn’t have the time to react before Akihime was long gone, leaving him standing there mouth falling like a fish. “This conversation isn’t over!” He called after her.
Amaya turned to head inside after Akihime. “I’ll go grab some clothes, probably crash on the couch or whatever open space there is.”
"For now, it is!" Akihime called back, though she didn't aound serious.
"You could crash with me?" Sasuke offered, "I got space on my bed." He rubbed the back of his head, "If that isn't weird?"
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