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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

"I don't give a fuck. I'll kill him if I hear one more smart ass remark." Sasuke stated.
"Can I help at all...?" Akihime had limped into the room, careful to keep pressure off her leg. Sasuke huffed and moved back to his computer.
"Keep me from killing Matsunaga." He muttered.
“We confirmed Amaya’s condition and location but..” He sighed softly. “It’s not somewhere we have any power.” He rubbed the back of his head, wracking his brain for any ideas.
"We could ask Date...?" Akihime offered again. Sasuke looked up at her before looking to Yukimura.
"He would have the resources to get us to China." He said.
"I still owe him from the last time I asked a favor.. but I'm willing to do what I need to to make things right." He nodded. "Worst thing that happens I have to beg."
Yukimura nodded, digging his phone out of his pocket and shooting off a text to Masamune, still having his number saved. “Are you open for business? It’s Sanada.
Not soon after, his phone began to ring, Masamune's number flashing on the screen. When he answered, there was a loud sigh.
"You're quite the hard man to get ahold of, Sanada." Masamune said.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for that." He began to pace a bit, letting out a nervous chuckle. "I was unreachable for a while, but I'm back now. Can we meet in person? We have a few important matters to discuss."
He glanced to Akihime and Sasuke before nodding his head. “I won’t keep you waiting then.” He said.
Yukimura closed his phone and let out a short breath. “We’re going to Date’s. He’s expecting us, and it sounds like begging might get involved.”
Yukimura frowned and looked to Matsunaga. “Sedation?” He asked with a shrug, looking to Sasuke.
Sasuke made a noise, "I might overdose him."
"I don't blame you..." Akihime muttered but stepped forward, "I'll do it. That way we can keep him alive."
Yukimura wanted to object, but stopped himself, nodding and looking to Akihime. “We’ll be counting on you. Do what you have to, and keep yourself safe over anything.” He said.
Yukimura made sure to leave Akihime with his knife, knowing it would be best to not take it to Date’s anyway.
The traveled to Masamune's estate, where the guards out front radio'd to inform the boss before nodding to let them through. Sasuke looked around nervously as he followed Yukimura to the den, where Masamune sat waiting.
"And just where have you been hiding, eh, Sanada?" He asked.
Yukimura took the lead, knowing he would have to settle the issue of him running out on his tab. He lowered his head in a bow, almost sweating under Masamune’s gaze. “The CCG.” He answered truthfully.
“Yes, my confinement was for some time, I apologize if it seemed like I skipped out on my dues.” He kept his head down. “I’m here to repay them now.”
“Masamune..?” A woman’s voice called, sounding groggy. Megohime came to see what all the chatter was about, still recovering from her surgery, but already her incision was closed up fully. It took only half a day after eating, which Megohime seemed to have little problem doing so, having a healthy appetite.
Masamune looked over and smiled, offering her his hand.
"Yer good, baby, what's up?"
"She reeks of rotten meat." Sasuke muttered, "Wasn't she human before?"
"Oh yeah~ I gave her my kakuhou~ pretty cool, huh~?" Masamune asked. Sasuke's eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
"You did what?"
Megohime turned to glare at Sasuke, her newly sharpened ears picking up on his words. Sure enough, one of her eyes was a distinct red and black, with angry veins down her cheek. “Maybe your nose isn’t so good.” She said lowly, taking Masamune’s hand.
Yukimura stared in shock, but quickly composed himself, tearing his eyes away from Megohime- the ethical dilemma would have to wait until after he was out of debt with Masamune. “Date-dono.” He called again. “I’ve come here to pay my debts no matter the task, but I’ve also come to ask something more of you.”
"More debts, huh?" Masamune asked, "What is it this time?"
"We need a way to get to China, to get one of ours home." Sasuke said. Masamune glanced at him, eyebrow raised.
"China? That's a penny and a half." He remarked.
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