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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“I think I’d have even more to worry about then.” He teased, finishing up and tying off the thread, trimming it and setting aside his tools.
“Sorry, I wanted to make sure my work was clean.” He cleaned up and retrieved the vodka and a glass from the cabinets, setting them on the table next to Akihime. “Just in case- let me go check on Sasuke, make sure he isn’t running into any troubles.”
She nodded and grabbed his arm gently before he left, pulling his knuckles to her lips delicately, "Since I can't kiss you with your mask on.." She told him.
Yukimura’s cheeks flushed dark red when Akihime kissed his knuckles, leaning down and resting his forehead to hers. “Once we get all this blood cleaned up.”
Sasuke was in the room he had commendered, Matsunaga's hard drive hooked up to his main computer while the thumb drives were connected to several different laptops. He looked up briefly when Yukimura came in, giving a nod before looking back.
“Anything yet?” He asked, something catching his eye as he entered the room. Matsunaga lay unconscious on the floor, still tied up. “How uh- how long has he been out?”
Yukimura nodded, stepping carefully over Matsunaga and closer to Sasuke to watch him work. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
He nodded and moved over to one of the laptops and getting to work, going through anything he could find.
A lot of it was patrol routes and research data. Different weapons and armors being made from ghouls Matsunaga had captured.
One of the drives held profiles; of Doves and ghouls alike.
Yukimura clicked into that one, skimming over the words for anything specific, brows furrowed as he struggled with some words.
There was a file for every single Dove in the CCG; from the higher ups to the ones at the bottom of the food chain. Akihime's file was in there, as was her brother's, and even Amaya's.
For the ghouls, it was labeled by Ward; there was maybe triple the number of ghoul files compared to Doves. There was one with his name on it, and one for Sasuke, too. Just how much did Matsunaga know?
Yukimura desperately wanted to see what exactly they had on himself and everyone else, but the mission came first. He started with Amaya’s folder, going through it carefully to see if there was any leads there.
It was basic information of her; academy scores, kill counts, even everything regarding her time with Matsunaga. There was a note that said "KIA" some time before she and Sasuke joined up with him, before an edited annotation stated that she had been found and reassimilated.
He frowned and moved on, searching through the ghouls files instead, avoiding his own and Sasuke’s. He went through one by one, finally reaching one with the name Yan.
Yan was a ghoul in China, and seemed to be doing very well for himself given all the information Matsunaga had on him.
"Holy shit..." Sasuke gasped softly, "I...dana, I think I found her..."
Yukimura perked and moved away from his laptop and back over to Sasuke’s side. “What is it?” He asked, looking to the screen.
It was an invoice, a large lump of money from a man named Yan. Sasuke ran his finger along the description of the invoice - what Yan would be receiving.
"'One near mint condition human - mid twenties, decent health. Suffers from albinism-' dana, it's Amaya! That bastard shipped her to China to be ghoul food!" Sasuke shot up in his chair and turned on Matsunaga, who was starting to stir, "I'll fucking kill you, you piece of shit!" He snapped, kakugan flared and angry.
Yukimura stopped Sasuke before he could do anything rash, holding his hands out. “We don’t know that she was sold as food!” It came out before he could even think. “Look at the price he paid for her..! It’s too much just for food..! There’s a chance she’s still alive!”

Megohime was cleared for surgery by Masamune’s own doctor, at his clinic to implant his pre-harvested Kakuhou into her in an attempt to turn her into an artificial ghoul.
She waited nervously in the bed as the OR was being prepped, wishing she could at least have a shot to calm her nerves.
"He's fucking dead either way!" Sasuke snapped, "Move, or I'll move you myself!"

"You'll do great, Megohime-san." The nurse aiding the doctor smiled before moving to place a mask over her mouth, "Now, take a deep breath and count backwards from ten."
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