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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“What, Akihime, you can’t do this by yourself, let me help..!” He quickly turned when Sasuke started leaving, sputtering and quickly digging into his own pockets. “Sasuke, wait, I’ve got a few thumb drives.”
"Huh? Oh, sure. Sorry, kinda auto piloted there." He held out his hand for them, giving a nod once Yukimura handed them over.
Akihime had turned completely away from Yukimura, trying to examine the wound on her own.
Yukimura turned around and sighed softly, moving to retrieve the first aid kit. He returned and set it down beside her, kneeling in front of her. “Please let me help you?” He coaxed.
"Why...? So you can scold me some more...?" She asked, trying to be angry; but how could she? He was just trying to protect her, "I feel stupid enough..."
“I wasn’t-” He stopped and let out a soft breath, lowering his head a bit. “I won’t scold you, I just want to make sure your leg gets taken care of.” His tone was gentle now, hoping to deescalate the situation.
She hesitated before turning toward him, refusing to look at him as she did. He could hear the hard thumping of her heart, the anxious skip it made.
“Would you rather have Sasuke dress your wound?” He felt his palms starting to sweat; did he end up scaring her again? Was it his eyes? He wore his respirator mask to avoid smelling blood, but he couldn’t control his eyes when he saw it.
"No, Sasuke isn't a very good nurse..."
"I heard that!" Sasuke called from the other room.
"I just don't want you being angry with me for being useless again..." She said, "You were so angry..."
“You weren’t useless, you got hurt, Akihime- I got scared.” He lowered his voice more to that of a whisper. “I was afraid I would lose you. I was mad at myself for putting you in harms way.”
She shook her head, "You didn't put me anywhere...I wanted to come with you...I didn't want you in any danger, I thought," she paused and frowned, "maybe with me there, the odds would be better.."
“They were but only for me- Akihime, my problem isn’t you not being able to protect me, it’s me not being able to protect you.” He said, red-black eyes only able to stare at her hands.
"I'm sorry, Yukimura...I just want to help...I feel useless hiding away..." Her hands moved over his, "Just don't cast me aside, please...I want to help you succeed in your vision...I want humans and ghouls to coexist peacefully..."
His eyes finally met hers, looking like a guilty dog. “You do help me, Akihime, you’re holding me together right now.” He took her hands carefully. “Just make sure you aren’t the one leaving me behind. Please.”
He nodded, giving her hands a gentle squeeze back. “Can I help you with your leg?” He asked again. “I need the practice anyway.” He joked lightly.
He nodded and got to work on her leg, putting on gloves before cutting her jeans to get to the wound to check if it had gone through cleanly or not.
“I’ve seen worse.” He said, beginning to clean the wound, disinfecting it with rubbing alcohol before preparing a needle and suture thread. “But it’s still gonna need stitches, sorry.”
“Matsunaga still has one on.” Yukimura joked, working diligently as to minimize scarring. “Maybe Sasuke can peel it off for you.”
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