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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“He might have important information on her! If we kill him, it dies with him!” He argued back, not moving an inch. “We need him still.”

Megohime nodded and took a deep breath, doing as the nurse instructed and counting backward from ten.
Sasuke gnashed his teeth and backed off, kakugan receding, "Fine."

Once she was under, they began the procedure; working quickly and carefully to make sure she took Masamune's kakuhou.
“Let’s see what else we can find out- what kind of reason for purchase.” He calmed, gently ushering him toward his chair again.

Megohime’s vitals held steady as the organ quickly took root inside her, everything seeming stable.
Sasuke sat back down and looked everything over again, "Says here...there wasn't a specific reason for purchase...just that she was purchased..."

"She's doing well, doctor. With any luck, the kakuhou will take to her quickly." The nurse said.
“Then let’s look more into this Yan guy, I read he’s a ghoul out in China, some big shot.” He said.

He nodded and started to close her up. “Make sure you keep a close watch on her vitals, the next few hours are critical.” He said.
"I've always wanted to do some big game hunting." Sasuke muttered, opening a tab in hos computer to do some searching.

"Of course, doctor." She nodded, keeping her eyes on Megohime's heartrate and blood pressure.
Yukimura read over Sasuke’s shoulder, glancing back at Matsunaga on occasion to make sure he wasn’t doing anything.

She was closed back up and moved into an observation room, waiting to see if the procedure was a success or not while Masamune was contacted.
Matsunaga's eyes were open but unfocused, his brain was still probably booting from Sasuke beatinf him around.
"He's a gang leader. Buys humans and uses them in underground fighting." His kakugan flares again before his gaze pointed to Matsunaga, ready to clobber him all over again.

"All done? Is she ok?" Masamune asked as soon as he answered the phone. He hadn't looked away from it since he dropped Megohime off.
“Amaya’s tough, we both know that. If she’s one of the fighters, she’s still alive.” He said, stepping between Sasuke and Matsunaga to block his view of the man.

“The surgery went well, she should wake in an hour or so when the anesthesia wears off. We’ll know then if it’s a success.” He responded.
Sasuke forced down his anger as he looked bqck at his computer, "Gimme a couple minutes and I'll have a location."

"Thanks. Let me know if anything changes." He said.
He nodded and let out a soft sigh of relief, moving to the door and popping his head out to check on Akihime. “It looks like we’ve found her, but it seems like she was sold overseas. How are you holding up out here?”
He nodded his head, relieved. “China, though.. I’m not sure how we’re going to get there. Maybe hitch a ride on a fishing boat?”
Yukimura had completely forgotten his promise to Date, the torture Matsunaga put him through leaving his memories spotty. “Yeah.” He sighed. “I’m sure begging will be needed this time.”
She laughed softly and reached for the whiskey he had poured her before he left, "I'm pretty good at that." She said jokingly before taking a sip.
His face flushed and he coughed sheepishly. “I’ll keep you updated.” He said before returning to Sasuke’s side.
Her face flushed, realizing the implication, before slamming her drink with a loud sigh of embarrassment.

Sasuke glanced up when Yukimura came in and looked back at his computer.
"I've almost found her."
"Good, then I can leave." Matsunaga said flatly. Guess he finally came around.
“Shut up or I’ll stick a sock in your mouth.” Yukimura pointed at Matsunaga before looking to Sasuke again. “Any idea of what kind of condition she’s in? Where is she being held?”
"How terrifying." Matsunaga rolled his eyes gently, drumming his fingers gently against the arms of the chair he was tied to. Sasuke shot him a glare before looking back at the screen.
"I don't know what kind of state she's in, but I've almost got where this guy lives. Despite their best efforts, the Chinese government doesn't have too solid of security for their cameras." He said.
The computer beeped and several photos time stamped popped up, showing a large high rise from different angles. The last photo to load caught two people getting into a vehicle outside the building, one tall figure and one shorter, the both of them having white hair.
The cleaner the photo grew the more familiar one of the figures became. Her face wasn't showing very well, but there was no mistaking her. It was Amaya at Yan's side, stoic-faced and dressed rather nicely. "It's Amaya.. but I thought Yan bought fighting slaves..?"
"Interesting, to take a liking to someone such as her." Matsunaga stated. Sasuke shot up and punched him hard in the jaw, knocking him and his chair over.
"One more word out of you and I'll rip out your goddamn throat." Sasuke hissed.
Yukimura left the room, coming back shortly with a roll of duct tape and a dirty sock he had grabbed from the hamper, pushing the sock into his mouth before taping his mouth shut. “We need him alive.” Yukimura said firmly to Sasuke.
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