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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

Yukimura knew asking for a favor when already knew deep in debt was a bad idea, but they had little choice. “If it were just getting to China we could manage that on our own, but, it’s who has our friend that poses a threat. The leader of Chi She Lian. Yan.” He said with a frown.
Masamune rose his eyebrows slowly, his eyes screaming what he took too long to say.
"You're serious?" He asked, beyond shocked, "A Chinese ghoul crime lord has your friend? And you wanna just hop his fence and get them back?"
"Well, when you put it that way..." Sasuke muttered, scratching the back of his head.
“If it was as simple as that we wouldn’t be asking for your aid.” Yukimura continued. “The leader Yan has taken a liking to her- he’s taken her as his own. Please, we have no other option, you’re the only way we can get her back.”
Yukimura hadn’t expected such harsh words, clenching his fists and moving his gaze to the floor to try and hide his anger. “No, it isn’t.” He said quietly. “It’s Amaya.”
"Oh, the albino?" Masamune leaned back, looking disappointed, "Damn, got my hopes up."
"What's that supposed to mean." Sasuke snarled. Masamune waved his hand.
"So, you need a lift there and, what? Like a sponsor to get close? As if crime bosses are buddy buddy~" He teased.
Megohime seemed the least thrilled about this topic, the veins under her eye showing her displeasure, but she only crossed her arms and glared at the wall, keeping her mouth shut.
Yukimura’s knuckles were white, but he had to take it on the chin. “We have a better chance of getting close to him if you’re the one he’s meeting with.” He got on his hands and knees and bowed his head so low it touched the floor. “Please get our friend back by any means necessary.”
Sasuke stared at Yukimura before looking to Masamune. The yakuza boss looked to Sasuke expectantly and Sasuke scowled before bowing low into the floor as well.
"Please help us bring Amaya home.." He pleaded softly. A wide, wicked grin broke out across Masamune's face.
"Oh, how could I say no to that?'
“You know how I feel about you talking about other women..” Megohime grumbled, still looking rather steamed.
Yukimura picked his head up, feeling a bit of relief. “So then you’ll help?”
“Thank you so much!” He bowed his head again, knowing now they had a fighting chance to get Amaya back.
Megohime looked disarmed right away at his words, but she still put her hand on his arm for comfort. “If I see anything I don’t like, I’ll eat her myself..” She muttered.
"Like fuck you will." Sasuke hissed. Masamune tutted him.
"Easy now. I wouldn't let Megohime eat her anyway; drugs and sloppy seconds make for a poor diet. Don't they, Sanada?"
"You piece of-" Sasuke slid onto his feet quickly, kakugan flared with anger.
Yukimura’s own kakugan activated violently, angry veins spreading down his face, yet he retained his composure. “Please watch how your speak about our beloved friends and comrades- they do not deserve such a dishonor.” It was clear he was holding back, keeping his eyes on the floor, too mad to look at Masamune directly.
"So," Masamune's gaze turned to Sasuke, "what do you think she's going through? Yan kept her alive, you know what that means, don't you~?"
"I don't want to think about that." Sasuke hissed.
"Oh, but I do. If I had a nickel for every time I had to help you two get some drugged up human sex worker, I'd have two whole nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. What is it about you two that attracts women so easy to just abduct and rape, huh~?"
"Shut your goddamn mouth!" Sasuke snapped, ready to launch at Masamune.
Sasuke didn’t get the chance to lunge at Masamune, Yukimura himself springing to his feet and throwing a hard left hook for the yakuza boss’ mouth. His fist never connected, Yukimura’s hand dropping to the ground at Masamune’s feet, blood gushing from the severed stump where his hand had been connected.
“Oh, sorry, I missed.” Megohime’s Kagune swayed slowly behind her, an almost perfect copy of Masamune’s own bikaku.
Yukimura staggered back in pain, gnashing his teeth as he held his injured arm. “Take it back!” He snapped, but he wasn’t speaking to Megohime.
"Dana!" Sasuke gasped, taking a step closer, only to stop when Masamune tutted again.
"I won't take back facts, Sanada." Masamune stated, "You two are a magnet for damsel whores. It's laughable."
"Fuck this, we'll figure out our own way." Sasuke hissed, "Let's go, dana."
"Hold it." Masamune said firmly, "I never said I wasn't going to help you anymore. And even if you left, you two fuck-nuts are stuck being my dogs until debt is paid in full. It's my right to rub your goddamn noses in your own bullshit." He reached absently to play with Megohime's hair as a sort of praise for defending him.
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Megohime seemed rather pleased by his praise, smirking at the two with a satisfied look. “What happened to Akihime and Amaya isn’t just bullshit..!” Yukimura snapped back, refusing to back down on this point. “They’re both people!”
"What is it then, if not bullshit? Fate? Happenstance? Whether they're people or animals or, shit, they could be fucking robots for all the fucks I give - they get kidnapped. You forget, Sanada, your bitch has been taken twice, and used like a fucking rag for one of those instances. Do you think Tsukiyama or Laurent gave a fuck that she was a person?" He leaned forward to glare, "Spoiler: no the fuck they did not. But, I digress. I've made my peace. I only asked because there's only two thirds of your little gaggle of geese in front of me, so pardon me for wanting to be sure Akihime wasn't used as a bucket again."
Yukimura couldn’t let Masamune get away with speaking like that about Akihime. He was seeing red and hearing none of Masamune’s words. Megohime couldn’t react in time, Yukimura attacking again with his remaining hand, punching Masamune as hard as he could square in the face.
"Dana!!" Sasuke couldn't grab him in time; even if he wanted to, he wouldn't get the chance. Masamune's men moved in but Masamune rose his hand to stop them. He stood from his seat, pointing at Megohime to silently command her to stay put before pointing at Yukimura.
"Go on, say it with your chest. You're so keen on bearing your teeth at your new master, I'll happily let you growl and bark before I beat you into the mud." He stated.
“I don’t care that I’m indebted to you, I don’t care if you treat me like a dog!” Yukimura snarled through his teeth. “But stop talking about Akihime like that! I won’t allow another word!”
Megohime scowled softly, but obeyed Masamune, staying where she was and watching Yukimura closely.
"She's a cum bucket. Whether she's yours or some other dumb fuck's, it's all she is at this point."
"Shut your goddamn mouth! Akihime has done a lot for us!" Sasuke hissed. Masamune pointed his glare at him.
"The adults are talking. Wait your turn."
Yukimura had enough of words, again lunging forward to punch Masamune across the face, his kagune erupting from behind him. “Shut your mouth.”
Yukimura took him up on that offer, charging again, this time with his Kagune, trying to spear him right trough the stomach. A few men scrambled to avoid the fighting, knowing they would be blamed themselves if they got caught up in the fight.
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