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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

Masamune dodged each rinkaku before slamming his bikaku into Yukimura's face with enough force to punch him through the tatami mats. He tutted with a scowl, his bikaku swaying at the ready.
"What happened that caused you to lose the sense of respect you had for your betters, huh?"
Yukimura was on his feet again in no time, blood gushing from his broken nose, but his rinkaku tails shot out to get Masamune. “Those betters intentionally speaking ill of my loved ones!” He hissed.
Masamune dodged and deflected his rinkaku with his kagune before kicking him hard in the face, sending him back into the floor.
"Stay down." He hissed.
Blood splattered onto the floor from the kick, Yukimura’s mouth bleeding badly now as well. “I refuse!” He snapped, pushing himself back up.
Megohime’s eye grew irritated, the scent of blood exciting her and making her mouth water as she watched Yukimura.
Masamune stomped down hard on Yukimura's back, leaning all of his weight onto his leg.
"You really shouldn't."
Sasuke's eyes moved over Megohime and he scowled.
"Don't even think about it."
“Why don’t you fuck off?” Megohime hissed at Sasuke, her hungry eyes falling on him as her bikaku swayed behind her.
Yukimura let out a cry of pain, coughing up blood with a pained wheeze. He could hardly breathe, white spots dancing in his vision as he gnashed his teeth together and tried to push back against Masamune. “Take it.. back..!”
"Why don't you eat a dick?" He hissed back, ukaku burning his shoulder.
Masamune scowled.
"You gonna put those fangs back in your mouth and stop snarling at your only ticket to China?"
“I think I’ll eat your tongue after I pull it out of your mouth.” She hissed, bikaku shooting out to pierce him.
Yukimura flinched at his threat, fists clenching tightly as he lowered his head in shame.
Sasuke flung himself to the side before shooting toward her, landing on her and throwing her backwards as he wrapped his hands around her throat, ukaku shooting out and preparing some shards.
"Good dog." Masamune said before glancing over his shoulder.
"Get your goddamn hands off her."
"Tell her to keep her fucking mouth shut." Sasuke hissed.
Megohime’s hands came up to grab Sasuke’s wrists, thrown off balance and caught off guard by his speed. “Get your filthy hands off me!” She hissed.
“Sasuke!” Yukimura called firmly. “Let her go!”
"I'm tired of her peanut gallery comments, dana! If we didn't need them, I'd skewer her right now!" Sasuke snapped.
"Last warning, ginger." Masamune threatened.
“But we do need them! We have no other choice!” Yukimura snapped at him.
“Listen to your master, bitch boy.” Megohime sneered at him through her teeth.
Sasuke pulled his fist back, ready to strike, before opting to just smack her head into the floor as he pushed himself off her. Masamune's bikaku wrapped around his neck and he threw him into the floor beside Yukimura.
"Both of you are rather disobedient dogs." He hissed.
Megohime tumbled to the floor, head hitting the floor with a hard crack. It did little other than anger her, Megohime jumping up with bulging eyes, seething with anger. “He doesn’t need his balls to be an obedient dog, let me fucking crush them..!” She hissed, looking to Masamune for permission, Yukimura catching Sasuke the best he could to soften the fall.
Sasuke grunted when he hit the ground, cushioned or otherwise, and groaned a bit from the pain in his neck and back.
"As much as I would love to humor you, Megohime, I think they learned their lesson. Right, Sanada?" Masamune said.
Yukimura nodded right away. “We have, it won’t happen again.” He said, squeezing Sasuke’a arm as a signal.
Megohime fumed, fists clenched and Kagune trashing like an angry cats tail. “Fine.” She growled out through her teeth, turning to leave before she did something she would regret. Her emotions were still rather volatile, but at the least she listened to Masamune.
"You're lucky she listens so good. She would have skinned the both of you." Masamune said before he moved to sit back down, "Now then, all is forgiven. I'll get to work on getting you two over to China. With any luck, Yan will part with her easily."
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