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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

It was quiet outside, which was eery and unsettling - they should have run into someone by now. Akihime moved behind him, waiting for his ok.

He exhaled gently and moved over, sitting beside her and offering his arms out to hold her.
Yukimura got a sinking feeling in his stomach, but heard no one, so nodded for Akihime to move as he too moved out into the hallway.

Megohime moved into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist and holding him close. “I don’t want to be scared anymore..” She whispered.
Akihime followed him, and they made pretty decent ground before a loud alarm startled the both of them. She readied her gun and looked around, keeping her eyes open for investigators.

He held her and pet her hair slowly, "You won't ever be scared again, baby.."
Yukimura ushered her forward, back toward the way they entered, knowing they only had to flee outside and then he could carry Akihime to safety. He drew his blade and stayed close to Akihime, scanning for any signs of movement.
"They're over here! Don't kill them, just immobize them!" A dove swung out from around the corner before more appeared and began firing at them. Akihime took pot shots to try and get them to back off some, keeping close to Yukimura.
Yukimura made sure he stood in front of Akihime, his kakugan flaring and his nerves being shot. This was just like last time all over again, only he had been dumb enough to walk right into a trap. He gnashed his teeth and grabbed Akihime, picking her up and holding her close as he made a mad dash for another escape route.
He kicked open the closest door and nearly cried tears of joy at the sight of a window. Yukimura ran for it, summoning a single tail of his Kagune and smashing through the window before jumping through, making sure to shield Akihime’s head the best he could with his hands.
Yukimura landed hard on his feet, using his Kagune to brace the fall, hurrying down the alleyway and up the side of the neighboring building. “Are you hurt?” Yukimura asked as he ran, wanting to get several buildings away before stopping.
She shook her head, "I don't think so.." She replied. The adrenaline started to wear down and she felt a soft burning in her leg, "W-Wait..." She winced gently, "My hurts really bad..."
Yukimura felt his guts twist and he nodded. “Give me a sec, ok? Just hold on.” He got a safer distance away before stopping in a roof and setting Akihime down to check her leg. Blood was soaking through her pant let, and Yukimura was grateful for the mask he wore. He didn’t realize he was breathing heavily, staring at the wound on her leg as a soft buzzing noise grew in his ears. This was all just like before, and he couldn’t stop the panic that crawled up his back.
Akihime winced a bit and moved her pant leg, seeing a gun wound in her calf, "D-Dammit...when did that happen...?" She frowned and looked up at him, "I-It's ok...! I'm ok...! It doesn't hurt...!"
He had to pull himself out of his attack, immediately pulling his belt off and moving to affix it around her leg, hands shaking. “I-I’m fine- we’re fine. I’m just going to tourniquet it and then we have to keep moving.” He was still breathing raggedly, but was doing his best to not panic.
She nodded and glanced behind them to make sure no one was following them.
"Really, I'm ok, Yukimura...! I don't even remember it happening...!" Please, I want to be useful to you.
“You’re shot!” He snapped, tightening the belt and fixing it in place. “You aren’t fine..!” He picked her up carefully, moving off quickly.
“This isn’t the time for this!” He argued back, exhausted from the mission, but at least now they were a safer distance away, having circled back to the motorcycle. “Just get on- we need to get back.” He said, setting her down.
“There isn’t anything for you to apologize for..” He said, starting up the bike once she was on and holding onto him.
He was careful to take the back roads home, adding a bit more time onto their journey, but making sure they weren’t followed was of upmost importance.
No one seemed to be after them, thankfully; when they returned to the house, Sasuke was outside waiting.
"Oh, geeze..." He muttered, staring at Akihime's leg, "What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it..." Akihime replied, face flushing in shame.
Yukimura had to carry Akihime inside, careful not to bump her leg. “We got it all, and we’re both alive.” He said, tryin to make the best of the situation, hands still shaking from adrenaline.
“What did he say?” He glanced back at Sasuke before setting Akihime on the couch, taking a quick breath before looking at the wound so he could start treating it.
"'I won't talk', blah blah blah..." Sasuke muttered, standing behind Yukimura.
"N...No..." Akihime shyed away from him, feeling even more ashamed, "I'll deal with," she pulled out the hard drive and passed it to Sasuke, "I hope you find her, Sasuke..."
"Thanks.." Sasuke took it gently and looked it over as he moved to leave.
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