SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

She shook her head gently, staring down at the blood stained handkerchief in her hands, "You had no way of knowing...neither of us did...we had been in hiding for so long...I just...never thought I would shame him so much that he would do that..." She muttered.
Yukimura moved closer to Akihime, putting his hand over hers, resting his forehead against hers. “Once we’re finished here, I’ll look into what happened… See where he was laid to rest.”
He frowned, giving her hands a light squeeze. “We’ll see what we can’t do to check on him.”
He shook his head firmly. “But you didn’t, that’s what matters. We’ll get the answers we need, Akihime.”
She nodded and tried to peer past him to see what Sasuke was doing, only to regret it immediately at the sight of Matsunaga's missing fingernails.
“You don’t have to watch that..” Yukimura said. “Why don’t you get cleaned up?” He offered. “We’ve got things handled for now.”
He shook his head and cupped her cheek gently. “We’ll be waiting for you- go care for yourself.”
She leaned into his touch gently and gave a small nod, "Ok...I probably look really ugly with all this blood anyhow.." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Only because it hides your beauty.” He joked back. “Go clean up- we have answers to get and something tells me Matsunaga can handle a lot.”
She nodded and kissed his palm gently, careful not to smear any of her blood on him, before standing and heading to the washroom.
Sasuke had removed all the nails on Matsunaga's left hand, and the old man barely shed a tear over it.
"Goddamn, you're a tough bitch." Sasuke hissed distastefully. Matsunaga's eyes moved to him, brows furrowed gently.
"I've played this game a long time." He replied.
Yukimura returned, kakugan still flared as he tried his best to ignore the sight of blood. “Anything yet?” He asked Sasuke.

Megohime was increasingly hiding away in Masamune’s room, barely coming out to eat. Today was no different, Megohime missing dinner again, still holed up in Masamune’s room.
"No, he's being a little fuck ass about it." Sasuke huffed, "Just tell us where you sent her."
"You may as well just kill me." Matsunaga replied.

Masamune moved to his room and frowned softly, knocking gently, "Megohime...? Don't you wanna come eat...? The boys miss you.."
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Yukimura scowled behind his mask, knowing breaking Matsunaga might not be possible. “Do you think you can get the answer out of him without killing him?”

The room was dark and quiet, barely any moment coming from behind the door. “I’m not hungry.” Her words were slurred, despite doing her best to speak clearly, it was clear she had been drinking again.
"If I could get to his computers, maybe." Sasuke muttered.
"They're wiped clean." Matsunaga replied, "Obviously."
"Yeah, sure. I could find it. Computer trails aren't that easy to cover." Sasuke replied.

Masamune frowned more, "You haven't eaten in'll die if you don't get something in aren't built like I am.."
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Yukimura glanced between Sasuke and Matsunaga, brows furrowed. “Could you get the information if I brought you the computer?”

Something heavy struck the door, clattering to the floor inside the room. “I’m not eating!” Her voice came again, angry this time.
Sasuke nodded, "Absolutely." He replied firmly.
"You'll die getting in." Matsunaga said, his eyes on Yukimura.

He scowled heavily and pushed the door open, "I'm not taking no for an answer."
“I’ll get it.” He said firmly, looking to Matsunaga with a scowl. “And I’ll bring it back.” This was their only current lead, they had to take it.

The heavy smell of cigarette smoke met Masamune, the lights in the room off. A dark figure sat in the corner by the bed, Megohime crouched down like she was hiding. “What are you going to do, force feed me?” She asked, the stench of alcohol in the air.
“I’ll go tell Akihime, keep an eye on Matsunaga, keep him sedated if you have to. I’m counting on you Sasuke.” He said, backing up as he spoke, then turning to head off.

He had to step over her phone to get closer- clearly what she had thrown at the door. “Fuck you, I’m not a child- I don’t have to eat if I don’t want to!” She sneered at him, waving something at him- a gun flashing in the low light.
"You got it, dana." Sasuke said as he left. Akihime was still in the washroom, getting the last of the blood off her face, silently lamenting over the stains in her clothes.

He stopped and eyed it warily, "Megohime, put that down." He said calmly.
Yukimura knocked on the bathroom door, waiting outside for Akihime. “Akihime? There’s been a change in plan.”

Megohime sneered at him, her grip tightening around the gun. “Why? You have your weapon on you at all times, but I don’t have something like that- how am I supposed to be safe if I don’t have it?” Tears filled her eyes as she rambled, clutching her head.
"Haa?" The knob turned and Akihime opened the door to look up at him, "Change...? What happened...?"

"Because you're here day in and day out. Surrounded by men willing to die for you. You don't need a gun. I need one because bitches like to try me and I ain't the one. Please, put it down." He said gently.
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