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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

"A madman like him, if Akihime is dead then no one will question it if he gets a hold of her and inacts his revenge..." Sasuke replied, "Who would question him if he found a body to bury?"
"It makes sense..." Akihime muttered, "As much as I hate to say it.."
Yukimura clenched his fist and fell silent for a moment. “Then we know he’s looking for Akihime at least, and more than likely the both of us as well.” His brow set and he looked between Sasuke and Akihime. “Let’s use that to our advantage and lure him out, finish this off once and for all- and while we’re at it, get some answers from him on where he sent Amaya.”
Yukimura looked back to Sasuke. “We’ll need to start making a plan, start surveilling. Can we count on you for that?”
“Akihime and I will work on a plan of attack as well as mapping out possible routes and ideal contact zones. We’ll be capturing him alive.” Yukimura said.
Yukimura nodded. “Even if we have to break all his limbs.” He took a long drink of his coffee. “This won’t be an easy fight, even if he is alone.”
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