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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“Glad to hear. No, we both got out, laying low in one of our old spots. Are you in a spot to meet?”
“Of course he cares, you saved his life.” Yukimura said softly.
"I did my best, I'm glad it was enough..." She replied.
"I could find a better spot, for sure. I'm staying at this manga cafe for now, it's a real hide in plain sight kind of vibe. I can come to you? I know how to find you."
Yukimura bumped her shoulder gently with his. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” He said gently.
“We’ll be waiting, just make sure you’re not putting yourself out there on the way.”
"You know me." Sasuke replied before his icon changed to offline. Akihime put her arms around Yukimura's shoulders, her head resting gently against his.
"I'm the reason all of this happened..." She muttered, "You wouldn't be so hurt if it weren't for me...the family..." She stopped and hesitated before holding him tighter, "I want to make this right, however I can...I have so much more redeeming to do..."
“We all made choices Akihime, you don’t have to shoulder those.” Yukimura said softly, closing his phone and reaching to put his hand over her arm gently but firmly, leaning his head into hers.
Yukimura gave a soft grin, the skin around his eyes crinkling as he did. “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t try to carry your burdens?”
“I’d argue with you, but then I’d only be causing you more grief.” He said, squeezing her arm gently. “I’ll do my best.”
Yukimura nodded and watched her leave before sitting back in his chair, brow knit in worry. He was hoping Sasuke wouldn’t run into any trouble along the way, worried for his friend.
A few days would pass and there would be no word from Sasuke. Perhaps it was best he remained silent as to not draw attention, but it was rather worrisome.
Akihime was keeping the house clean after helping Yukimura with his medication before they heard the lock on the door and the soft creek of hinges. Akihime grabbed her gun in a hurry and pointed it at the doorway, listening to the slow growing footsteps. A figure in black techware moved into view, a hat ajd mask obscuring his face, and he froze when he saw the gun. He raised his hands quickly, eyes crinkling with a smile.
"Tadaima." Sasuke's voice sounded. Akihime's eyes widened gently and she lowered her gun.
Yukimura had stood to prepare himself for an intruder, but was only faced with his oldest friend. He felt his chest ache and he moved quickly to embrace Sasuke, thinking he would never see him again. “You made it- are you managing alright? I heard you were in bad shape when you escaped.” It was like he had spent almost no time away from him, smiling from ear to ear.
"I've been doing well enough." He replied, moving to lower his mask before looking Yukimura over, "Christ, you've seen better days, dana.." He teased.
Yukimura gave a sheepish smile, feeling an uncomfortable squirming in his gut. “I’m managing.” He said, quickly changing the subject. “And Amaya, any luck finding her?”
Sasuke frowned and shook his head, "No, nothing. I haven't stopped, though." Akihime stood to the side, glad they could reconnect so easily.
"I'll go make some coffee.." She said gently and moved to leave. Sasuke watched her go before looking back at Yukimura.
"How have you two been...?"
Yukimura nodded to Akihime before he gave a sympathetic look to Sasuke, still holding mixed feelings about his friends betrayal. “Don’t give up hope.” He said with a nod, looking down at his hands. “We’ve been better, but we’re managing. Akihime is holding me together.” He said, giving a soft laugh at the last bit.
“Yeah.” Yukimura gave a gentle lopsided smile. “She is.” He nodded before pausing briefly. “How’s your health..? I heard that at the lab you..” He felt his words catch in his throat remembering what Akihime told him.
Sasuke's grin vanished at that, replaced with a look of shame, "The place I was staying in took pretty good care of me...I was able to grow back my kakuhou fairly well. Ukaku works as well as it used to." He replied, "Sore as hell some days, but it's nothing I can't handle." He didn't want to mention his lack of appetite, Yukimura didn't need to worry over him like that.
Yukimura was in the same boat, but despite having been harvested significantly less times than Sasuke, his appetite had only seemed to grow. “I’m glad to hear you weren’t permanently affected.” He said, feeling a lump forming in bis throat, but he quickly swallowed to force it away.
Sasuke noticed. Of course he did.
"Sorry for the delay!" Akihime came in quickly with two mugs of coffee, "The filter was being fussy."
"No worries, Akihime, thank you.." Sasuke took his gratefully.
Yukimura took his with a soft thank you and a smile- turning his attention back to Sasuke, he nudged his head to the table. “Come and sit, we can talk for a while, no one will bother us here.”
He nodded and followed Yukimura to the table, catching Yukimura up with everything that had gone on after Akihime broke him out of Matsunaga's lab. How he had been combing the whole Internet with any sign of Amaya and how he had been keeping tabs on thr CCG to make sure no one was coming after them.
"Akihime has been marked KIA..." He noted. Akihime stood beside Yukimura and placed her hand on his shoulder gently.
"Is...that so...?"
"Your bloodstained ID tag was turned in to your father not long ago...there was a small service the other day.." Sasuke said.
Yukimura’s heart weighed heavily, the current situation one big mess after another. He looked to Akihime when Sasuke broke the news of her falsified death. “Why go through the trouble of lying about her defection?” He glanced nervously at Sasuke. “He’s still coming after us, isn’t he?” Yukimura didn’t think someone like Matsunaga would give up so easily, especially not when Akihime had done so much damage to his pride.
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