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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“Keep fighting even if I’m wounded!” Yukimura ordered, following up Akihime’s shot with a hard kick to the chest right where the bullet had struck. “Even if he takes my head, keep fighting!”
Matsunaga grunted from the force of both blows before swinging to press his gun into Yukimura's chest. Sasuke moved fast, grappling Matsunaga's arm with his full momentum to bring him to the ground before he pulled the trigger.
Yukimura didn’t have time to process the panic he felt in having the barrel of a gun against his chest, moving to kick the gun from his hand, not caring if he broke his hand in the process.
Matsunaga wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt him, the gun clattering off to the side.
"I got him! Tie him down already!" Sasuke hissed, and Akihime ran over with her zip ties.
Yukimura helped hold Matsunaga down, careful not to break any bones as he did, breathing heavily from the struggle. “Get him inside and check for tracking devices once he’s secured.”
Yukimura kept a firm grip on Matsunaga, dragging him inside and toward a metal chair that sat in the middle of the room. “Akihime, secure him to the chair please.”
"Got it." Akihime nodded and moved over, starting to tie Matsunaga down. He reared his head back and slammed his forehead into Akihime's nose, feeling it crunch as she wailed and stumbled backwards, her nose gushing blood. Sasuke swung hard, clocking Matsunaga in the jaw and stunning hin for a moment, taking the fallen ties and tying him down for Akihime.
“Akihime!” Yukimura held Matsunaga until he was strapped to the chair. “Make sure he doesn’t do anything funny.” He directed Sasuke before moving quickly to Akihime, looking over her nose to try and see if it was broken. He was hateful for the mask, feeling the veins on his face itch as excitement shot through him. He quickly stuffed the feeling down, swallowing hard. “Let me see..” He said gently.
Akihime moved her hands, her palms covered in small puddles of blood; her rich vitae dripped heavily down her face and chin as her nose swelled and bruised almost immediately.
"I-I...I'm ok..." Her voice came out stuffy and wet, the blood pouring down her throat as well, "It is s...super broken, though..."
“Yeah.. Let’s get you fixed up. Sasuke, check him for trackers then check his phone, give me a minute.” He called over his shoulder before looking back to Akihime.
“Sit down, this is going to be painful.” He said, giving a sorry smile.
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