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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

(Focus on Scotland/England border)

Robert shook hands and nodded along with what Ethel said, glancing to Clara who gave a nod in greeting to Ethel as well. He spoke up, "I dinnae know wha' ye heard o' me proposition, lass, but tis sounds lik yers may very well be more sound than mine. An' if ye were just here fer th' court games,"

"Fox hunt." Clara offered.

Robert nodded to Clara, "Ah aye, a fine tradition t' be sure. Usually lads only, wi' very few lasses wishin' t' tak part. Bout time I heard more lasses joinin' th' hunt." He turned back to Ethel. "Ye already know Princeton already pulled one power move on ye an' good King Gregor, under the guise o' punishing Clara here. We both know tha's rot if ever we heard it. We'll play it yer way at first, lass, an' personal, yet I still wool lik t' be yer aide, and dressed as I am, he woulnae be catchin' on I'm 'is king he wans t' usurp til we pounce. After ye, then, Ethel, let's stah th' rotter. Clara, stay here and hidden. Fer yer own good, lass... Stay! Hidden!" He motioned for Ethel to lead the way.
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Ethel nodded.
"Right, well it's definitely best if you two lay low for now at least, I'll continue forward to meet with Princeton and try my allegiance plan, if it fails I may need a place to find you two depending, assuming you will be the closest allies available to me."
Robert sighed. "Wish we hae means t' alert me if ye need it..." He snapped his fingers, "O' course! Sure'n be a way t' test 'is love for country if nae 'is King. Ye need me for anything, or t' come in an' tak 'im in, say our national emblem, which is also th' national flower. Alexander III made it our emblem jes las' century. Thistle. Call 'thistle' ye need me assistance, Ethel ol' gil. I'll be jes nearby in hedges aboot th' manor.

Clara sighed as she hid more towards the perimeter, as Robert took to a bush near the entrance, and gave a nod before ducking under the foliage.

Ethel was ready to make her move for Princeton.
Meanwhile, Olivia and Millie found out the farthest they could be from each other with the squawkers, was just over an unprecedented eight kilometres!* The "sails" worked, and then some!

*Five miles for us Americans
Ethel nodded.
"Right, but I'm afraid it's quite unlikely a hand or four will be of any help if things go tits up in there. However if a situation I don't foresee occurs I'll use it."

With that she prepared herself, stashing her armour and most of her weapons in a nearby hidden location, taking in what was more like civilian clothes with the Hidden Blade concealed under her sleeves and gloves.

Once reaching what would be the guard she stated she had a proposal for Princeton, holding her arms up saying she is unarmed and even unarmored to prove she isn't a threat. That plus she was still a young looking girl to any that didn't know her.
"Parlour, ma'am. Second door on yer left. Big room." The guard said, looking around, hand on hilt of sword, for any possible surprise attack.

Princeton hasd just sent a tall muscular and armed to the teeth man, saying just barely loud enough for Ethel to hear. "Th' redhead has t' be th' Scarlet Duchess, don't give her a chance. Kill on sight, that involves Lythikos and their lapdog, Cordonia, oh well. Treat th' other lik I wool any English spy. Hang her. Next, mak yer way t' Dunwyn an' lay in wait for Gregor an' th' princess. I want 'em alive... For now... But locked up in their own underground dungeon. Traitors are nae non-killin' vigilantes. Gregor, Richard and Robert are too lenient on vigilantes."

He went on to the parlour to speak to this girl searching for an alliance, and all but smirked to see it was Ethel who had just left his property not quite a day ago. "Well. Now tis be interestin'. Seein' Gregor an' Princess Calla as the cowards they really are? Ethel , correct? State yer business, gil."
Ethel walked carefully, ready for them to try a surprise attack of their own.

"Well Princeton, you see as a neutral party in all of this I stand to gain the most benefit from siding with the winner of the oncoming war. I know enough to realize which side holds the cards, and I am not liable to try and go against them, as a mercenary it is not in my best interest. So I come to you with an offer, a deal some might say. With my time spent among your enemies, I have learned a fair amount about the big players, and could provide my gained knowledge with you, and all you need do is ensure my hide won't find harm in the coming conflict."
Princeton raised an eyebrow, crossed his arms, and frowned. "Gregor is too lenient on vigilantes. Avenger shul be facin' a long time in a tower, nae vying fer 'is daughter's 'and. Speaking of, Calla is a lily-livered wimp, quitting th' contest afore e'en doin' th' polo match (How did he know when Calla "quit", although right). Olivia an' Millicent are spyin' and buttin' intae me business an' will be dealt with. Jes a matter o' catchin' 'em." He gave the symbol of stringing them up with ropes. "Only leaves wa' ye c'n tell me aboot th' two Amazons warriors, th' Greek from th' Jewel Kingdom, Avenger 'ersel', if th' inventor coul be convinced t' come to me side, Avenger and Grovershire's weaknesses... Chinks in their armour, if ye will, what, if anythin' c'n be done aboot th' doctors, an' whom th' Cordonian Princess is favourin'. Cause enow trouble amongst them an' Beaumont will hightail it back to Ramsford, with th' Portavira noble swimmin' back home. Ye able t' gie me somethin' especially agin th' Amazons, Avenger and the Jewel princess, I c'n mak it worth yer while wi' safety." Princeton was no fool. He wanted information against the others FIRST!
Ethel nodded along as he listed all the information off including information that he still needed to know.

"Well, it's a good thing I do have the information you are looking for, especially on the Amazons, as I have even been to their secret islands, and know their locations" She boasted one hand on her hip while her other hand dusted her clothes off.

"But as a mercenary I don't make a habit of offering things for free, and with our deal, I like to confirm we have an understanding before giving any information or services." She placed both hands on her hips before continuing.

"So I'll stick around and feed you the information you want to know and you make sure I make it through this war, deal?" She asked, holding her hand out to shake.
Princeton sighed, "if tha' be how ye wannae play it. Be warned, gil, wha' I'll do t' all traitors, including me own flesh 'n blood who has sided wi' Gregor and Princess Calla." His grip would remind Ethel of one of the blacksmith's iron vises, once again pulling a power move. "Now, right now, I need Crimson Avenger's greatest weakness and whom th' Cordonian Princess is favourin', first." Of course. For a power play and a kidnapping. Unfortunately, the answer to both the questions, was the same person. Clair Handler. Mainly because Princess Calla and the Crimson Avenger were the same person, and Ruby was head over heels in love. Princeton did NOT need to know Avenger's dual secret, though.
"Oh I have little doubt that anyone who betrays or stands against you will face a most severe punishment" She replied as their hands clasped together, though as he gripped her hand the hidden blade would shoot out stabbing into his wrist, and with it the very poison that had killed Ethel on their pirate adventure.

"Oh sorry, still getting used to that thing, as for Avenger, I could answer all you need to know about her, but you aren't looking so good" She smiled, all she needed was a simple handshake, she personally knew how deadly and quick acting that poison was.
King Robert II, still waiting from his hiding place nearest the parlor, in the bushes, heard nothing that would alert him to Princeton being stopped. He would have little trouble getting Scotland back under control, thanks to Ethel literally saving him and the day.

Clara will be overjoyed not to have to fear coming home after the court season wraps up after Christmas.

Inside, after trying to overpower via handshake, the traitorous Princeton soon collapsed on the floor with a thud, bringing many servants running.

Robert's problems wouldn't be over so easily, and neither Gregor and Calla's, as fighters had been sent to stomp out Princeton's enemies in both Edinburgh and Dunwyn.

Olivia would make it to Princeton Manor just after everyone would find Princeton dead of an apparent heart attack, and the only doctors who could prove it wasn't, might have second thoughts once the coup is fully realized. Aurora and Dr. Arden. Because of Princeton's treatment (although the doctor wasn't very nice either) Robert's royal physician would slow to even react.

Just after the collapse, one maidservant who was bringing Ethel some tea came in. Not knowing the meeting and assassination of the tyrant had just took place. "My word! Wha' 'appened, lass? Shall a physician be summoned?"
"Of course, your King had collapsed, also be sure to send word to all his men to withdraw from their previous actions. All must be halted until he is well or his proper heir takes his place." She responded.

"You handle the physicians I'll make off and send word to his daughter" she stated before moving to leave and meet with the others and gather the things she had stashed in case her plan had gone south.
Robert and Clara ran out to meet Ethel. "Is all well? Are ye alright?" Robert asked as Clara also rushed to her. "Ethel! Wha' 'appened, an' how th' blue blazes dint my father attack ye?" With the questions asked at the same time, it probably would sound like word soup to any other listener, but would Ethel be able to discern their questions? Clearly, Robert held no ill will towards England, at least to English who had wanted no harm towards him... But then, he was friends with Richard II and Gregor both.
Ethel held her hands out.
"Well, both of you need to take a breath, and park those butts down, okay?" She requested and then walked over to the tree where she had hidden her stuff, and gestured for a place for them to sit. Once they had sat she responded again.
"Okay, Princeton is dead, Sorry Clara, you will likely be next to rule, I would suggest a dialect coach or translator for overseas communications"
It seemed both King Robert II and Clara breathed sighs of relief simultaneously. Robert going so far as agreeing with Ethel. "Aye, lass, nae very many unnerstand the Scot language, although tis be an offshoot o' yer own English. I c'n send ye sum 'elp from Edinburgh, Clara, ye jes need t' ask me. I hae a wee bit o' 'elp meself dealin' wi' diplomatic relations on th' main continent.*" (Again, referring to Europe from English Isles)

Clara nodded and then raised an eyebrow, seeing as even her king didn't catch it. "Wait a minnit... An' wha' am I t' be rulin' t'en? Princeton is a Laird o' lands, nae a bloody king er queen! Most everyone I wood be dealin' wi' err Scot, Irish an' English! They unnerstand me jes fine, thank you!"

Robert shook his head. "Yer brogue alsa be a wee bit more sharp than mine, stronger than arr gift t' th' world, which ye own two distilleries."

Olivia came up, "Clara. Majesty. Ethel. Why is the King of Scotland reminding you that you own two distilleries of Scotch, Clara?" She hit the button. "Millie gimme a moment, will you? Going off for about five minutes. Over."

Millicent's crackled over after a short pause. "Roger, Olivia. Where are you? Over."

Robert raised an eyebrow as he watched Olivia talk into the box, and an answer returned.

"Princeton Manor. Where are you? Over."

"Moe's Tavern in town, about four kilometres away. Just separated a Princeton rebel from a service wench. A man with King Robert just put shackles on his sorry ass. See you when you get back. Over."

"Amazing invention. Who created it? How are ye talkin' so easily t' someone four kilometres away?" The Scottish King asked nicely.

It was Ethel's turn to speak next, including explaining to Clara about land ownership, apparently.
"Firstly Clara, owning land is more than talking to your neighbours, The time will come when you need to speak to others as well, and unless you get a translator that can clarify into a clearer common version of this language you could face some hurdles. Second, even the inventor seems to have issues understanding you at times so even some of the neighbours could have issues with it" She explained.

"And for the communications device, as far as I am aware it's a secret military invention from princess Ruby to her parents, I am unsure if we are to reveal any more then that" She replied to the King.
Robert II nodded. "Tis be enow, Ethel, ta." He pointed to Clara. "I'm th' same dialect, jes nae as brogue as ye, an' I barely unnerstand ye at times. I'll see ye receive a dialect coach and interpreter ere I return t' Edinburgh. Will ye be stayin' here, or closin' up th' manor fer th' 'olidays an' finishin' th' court season?"

Clara looked at Robert, Ethel then Olivia, and finally sighed. "Leave a skeleton crew an' key all operational. Mmm nae vyin' fer th' inventor, Princess Calla, err any other princess. Buh vyin' fer th' Baroness err the butcher." She admitted.

Olivia, not knowing a very few, Robert and Clara amongst them present, knew Cinnamon was the Baroness of Pastries and heiress to the lands on which Dunwyn sat, looked skeptical at Clara before glancing at Ethel , said, "i beg your pardon.... Who is this Baroness? There's no Baroness in court this year." She was even more confused, and thereby aggravated that people knew something she didn't, when Robert nodded. "Ah, yes. A fine baker in her own right. Good luck then. She'd help stabilize the household, and may e'en help financially wi' her wares. Many people here in Scotland go to Dunwyn for her baked goods."

Olivia took a breath. "As for this device, it's in research and development. We're testing abilities for reconnaissance. As you heard, Majesty, you can expect one of your men to be bringing you one of Princeton's rebels." She nodded to Ethel. "Nothing else can be said until the research and development period is complete. Not even the inventor, in case it doesn't meet requirements for mass production."

Robert smirked. "Heh. Leave it t' Cordonia t' be ahead of th' rest o' us in medical and military devices. Wool be shocked they weren't researchin' sum medical devices here as well."

Funny he should mention that... Thanks to Clair, they were! Maybe he should pay a visit to the court games since he and Gregor are friends. Would Ethel invite him to see Gregor?

Meanwhile, back at the court games, the wine tasting points came in, with Millie and Clair's Gummiberry Wine the clear favorite in a landslide, with only one number one vote going to Beaumont for hers.

Uncharacteristically, Dr Aurora and Arden both raised a stink. Aurora being the most vocal. "I demand a recount! How could a Greek wine come in last! We should have been no lower than fourth!"

Sapphire looked like she wanted to hide from embarrassment, ducking behind Diana and whimpering in Greek, <"hide me.... I'm so mortified by my partner in winemaking...">
Ethel nodded along as they spoke.
"I'll likely head back, needing to report my success back to Gregor, as well as be ready for any of Princeton's groups that haven't got the recall order. Unless Clara you feel you need someone to stick around and be your bodyguard until things settle down?" She offered.

Ethel then looked to Olivia.
"I'll need to speak with you when we have a moment as well, perhaps you can join me in collecting my things." She suggested, still in her civilian disguise.

As for Robert Ethel would stay quiet, she wasn't one to share information too easily, only when she deemed it necessary.


Clair smiled to Ruby.
"Good job partner, looks like we made quite the wine"

Clair was then a little saddened by Auroras response.
"Hey Aurora, I'm not really a wine expert but I know there are different kinds of good qualities to things, some have really nice flavour that is good for the first few sips, but then is too much after that, and others are a good softer flavour that you can just keep drinking because it's good and lasts. Maybe Greek wine is in the second category but ours was in the first? And this event just favoured our style of wine, when in the long run your Greek would be even better" she suggested.
Clara didn't give an aye or nae , just a shrug and a "only need t' be lockin' up th' manor." Then walked towards it with the maid, who was explaining everything as they went.

Olivia folded her hands behind her. "We should in a few minutes, but whether Laird Clara joins us or no, we need to go into town, and grab Millicent. Unless you have me tell her to meet us here, so we can all go together. We have a report to give as well."

Robert, not given an answer either way as far as traveling with them, bid the ladies farewell to meet with one of his men, when one of his palace guards, and daughter (who'll marry David Lindsay, 1st Earl of Crawford in just under three years) ran up to him and saluted. "Majesty. Father. An army of thirty of Princeton's men, at least, including two deserters from arr oon camp, heading south towards England an' especially Dunwyn. They'll be there in two days time unless ye gie me orders to rally a chase t' cut them off!"

Robert made a face. "How many knights in th' palace army, c'n ye get t'gether, Elizabeth?"

"They donnae wanna lissen t' me unless I throw th' princess card! In fact, I was sent t' you BY me commander!"

Robert motioned for Ethel and Olivia. "As much as I hate going to war, it sounds like Gregor is going t' need me an' summa me men. Go back to Edinburgh wi' me daughter an' help her convince them t' follow wi' oot her throwin' th' princess card." To his daughter, "On th' way, go t' yer betrothed an' enlist him an' any men he can spare, I wool doubt it'll be many but him."

Elizabeth nodded and saluted

Olivia sighed and keyed the squawker. "Millie! Change of plans! We already know eight kilometres is the maximum distance; I need you to get to Gregor in Berkshire as fast as you possibly can and get them to Dunwyn BY tomorrow! Explain why, and tell them the reports on these squawkers will have to wait! Over and out!" She looked at Ethel. "Let's grab your stuff. Princess Elizabeth lead the way."

Robert rubbed his face. "I'll see t' Laird Clara's safety. Get going. Th' lot o' ye!" He shooed them, his own daughter included.

Unbeknownst to all the troubles to the north-east of them, in Berkshire, and the soon need to rush home, Ruby raised an eyebrow at Clair. "I had wanted you to be my partner for the wine, but I was grabbed to help someone else, my dear Clair. Millie, who's testing the squawkers with Olivia helped you. I don't want any other partner rest of the games except you and Avenger now."

Aurora took a deep breath. "Our wine was not soft, it had a fine piney taste. You and Millie had probably the sweetest wine made, with a fine aroma, and the unique taste of teak in the aging. Remind me or Princess Ruby to introduce you to the finer aspects of enjoying a wine. A little wine would help your blood, remember I had to give you some right after your poisoning. It's when you have too much that the problems like drunkenness start. A cup should not have made you drunk." She stated.
Ethel nodded and stuck with Olivia until the plans came to get her things and she had used the squawkers to message Millicent and get the ball rolling.

Ethel nodded, and went to get her things with Elizabeth and Olivia.
"First I'll return this" she said as she removed her hidden Blade from her wrist, cleaning the blade off to remove any poison or blood that remained.

After that she stripped to change from her civilian disguise back to her mercenary armour and weapons.
"We need to move quickly, Elizabeth, think you will have any issue keeping up?"


Clair slapped a hand to her own forehead.
"Oh right! I was thinking of us working on the Squawkers together, heh guess I got some information crossed in the ol' noggin there" she admitted with a blush.

"I would like to do some tests on the consumption of wine before partaking myself, as this drunken effect seems to imply to me that it negatively effects the brain, and though only noticable in high doses I theorize there could be more happening we don't see at low doses" she admitted.
Elizabeth smirked. "Mmm one o' th' speediest Palace Guards. Kilometre in a flat twain minnit (slight exaggeration, she can actually do it in three). Ye need t' be able t' keep up wi' me, meet me at the Manor of David Lindsay in Crawford. Ta-ta!" She was off in a flash.

As Olivia reholstered the dagger, she frowned, "nobody can do a kilometre in two minutes! Fastest is Diana, our Amazon friend. Now, she definitely can. Hmm. Ol' David Lindsay is finally getting married. I'll be." Never mind 'Ol' David' was only 17.

As they would learn, after a hug and explanation of the growing dire situation, David nodded and got two other men besides himself, to join Scotland's war against the remains of Princeton's attempted coup.

"Git yesel' t' Edinburgh, posthaste, Lizzy an' yer friends. I shall hae th' twain ready in a few hours. Gie ye back here wi' th' men, quick as ye c'n!" The future Earl of Crawford encouraged his bride to be and the two ladies with her.

(According to some sources, the real Scottish Princess Elizabeth (daughter of Robert II) was born right around the same time as our fictional Calla. 1360. As early as 1355, however. We'll keep it at 1360 as the marriage is between 1375-1380, with more than one (only Wikipedia says 1375) saying 1380 We need Elizabeth for the catalyst for Calla being knighted)

Aurora raised an eyebrow at Clair s test plan. "I hate to say it, but you'll have to partake in your own test, and I'll have to be the physician in charge for the duration, especially, if you plan to do it during the season, which would be an astute idea." She waved Arden off from saying anything. She was ready to prove herself a capable physician, and this would prove her mettle.
Ethel nodded
"a Kilometer in two minutes is quite fast, but it's in the realm of possibilities. A surprising big thing that can help is running technique and pacing" she replied as she finished putting her armour on.
"Though what you are wearing definitely effects that as well."

"But let's go catch up, or at least try to" she said before running off after her, not able to run at her top speed due to her recent loss of height but still being quite fast, using the ball of her foot running technique.

Once there Ethel whispered to Elizabeth to use her pull as a guard to gain more pull.


"What? No the whole point of the test is I don't want to drink it without the test, that's like saying, let's throw the golden egg off the cliff to see if it's safe to throw the golden egg off the cliff" she shook her head.
"Listen, it's not a priority, I have much I need to do right now, and we still need to finish our chart" she explained.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she thought about what Ethel said. Grimacing, she finally noticed. "Ah, aye. Ah fergot I hae as a guard o'er summa Father's ot'er knights. If ye be joinin' arr march t' Dunwyn t' stop t'em, yer more'n welcome to join us."

Olivia, knowing the court would be in Dunwyn by then, said quickly, "We'd be delighted, Princess. Or is it Dame Knight?"

Elizabeth gave her a side-eye and sighed. "N bonnie Scotland, yer nae knighted as a guard if ye already hae a higher title. An' fellow in arms, which we be, donnae use titles. Elizabeth is fine."

Olivia nodded, and as Elizabeth went to the knights to explain the situation to the south, gaining fourteen men willing to fight for Scotland and Dunwyn, Olivia asided to Ethel, "Darn, no titles. She can't call you Sergeant and me The Scarlet Duchess. We're better marching with Robert's men and women if Elizabeth isn't the only female, to show Scotland's alliance with Dunwyn and Robert and Gregor's friendship."

Elizabeth would be the only female in the upcoming battle from Scotland.

Soon they would be back to Crawford, gathering David and two more able bodied men willing to fight for England, and a party of twenty total, seventeen men, and the three ladies, were bound for Dunwyn.


Aurora pinched her nose and sighed. She only managed an almost big sisterly "Clair..." when Millicent burst through the door, almost knocking over the footman and scaring a maid half out of her wits.

"To arms! To arms! Majesty, we must make haste to Dunwyn! To arms! To arms!"

Avenger and Amethyst both exchanged glances, before checking their swords, Avenger both of hers, the rapier and broadsword. Would Sir Handler and Diana also follow knightly protocol before asking Millie to explain herself, or would the King ask for everyone? Cassandra would wait to see what Diana did. This wasn't home, just an ally. She didn't know who they would be going against, yet.
Ethel shrugged.
"The important thing is we are getting more bodies to help with the fight, she said no title for herself, but that doesn't mean you can't introduce yourself by a title, though I'll continue not to do so, but the Scarlet Duchess may introduce herself as such" She placed a hand on her shoulder.


Clair had opened her notebook to look at all the jobs she was working on, she sure had offered a lot of at-cost or free items, but knew it was for the best, she just hopped her mother wouldn't be too mad. Though she looked at Aurora as she heard her name before looking to Millicent to seemed to demand everyone's attention.
"Oh no, this sounds bad" She whispered.

Diana and Mr. Handler would indeed take arms, as Gregor nodded to others.
"Be ready all who fight" He said before looking toward Millicent.
"With me, what all do you know? explain as we move"

As everyone hurried to the carriages, Avenger mounted her horse, and Amethyst hers. Being the only active captain of the guard, she said, "Sir Handler take the top of the King's carriage, Diana, the top of the one you, Grovershire and Clair normally ride in. Cassandra, the one with the other princesses and nobles. Beaumont, where the hell are you going?!"

Beatrice looked at Amethyst. "Ramsford, of course. I'm not sticking around to die before the holidays, I'm going back to the main continent." She continued walking away from the carriages.

Amethyst frowned. Sapphire, Ruby, join Clair's carriage since Avenger is riding her horse. Everyone, head out, let's try to make this three and a half hour ride to Dunwyn in two if possible!"

As soon as Millie was seated with the king in his carriage, which also had the only Baroness of the court (Cinnamon Baker), she expounded unto Gregor everything she had witnessed in the last several hours. Robert insuring his help with Elizabeth, one of his daughters and a palace guard, to rally the troops. Olivia and Ethel would meet them in Dunwyn, since they were going to Edinburgh first, to help the palace guard get king ordered help. They would arrive exactly one full day before Princeton's army. Millie did not know they were acting on revenge and a coup against supposed tyranny ofScotland and Dunwyn, and the enemy army didn't know Princeton, the actual tyrant, was already dead. They would get to Dunwyn several hours ahead of their ally army, who would beat Princeton's by a mere hour.

(Scotland army and Olivia and Ethel en route, up to you if we fast forward to just an hour before Princeton's army, so we can decide if Calla gets knighted before or after the battle. Despite her valour before, it might be after)
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