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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Ethe nodded and rubbed her chin.
"Well, why not use the person who seems to gain the most from keeping him in line, that Princeton girl? Calla? Clara?"

"Also, if this guy becomes a real problem, I am a very impartial party that could take care of it, if need be and with proper compensation of course" She offered.
Gregor raised an eyebrow. "Calla? Oh, Clara! Yes, yes. Of course! Right under my nose, especially with her just pretty much begging me to strip the family of hosting duties! By saying Calla, you must have meant Grovershire, which is true as far as asking the other hosts of games, as she, Darling and the other hosts must all be told of the infraction and it be put to a vote to change hosts, that's why I had to inform Laird Clara that I would take it under advisement."

He raised his eyebrow. "Maybe as a last resort. He's but a Laird. The equivalent in England would be Earl or Viscount. Rualrl's title equivalent of a Duke, and Robert is the actual King of Scotland. We'll try the proper channels first, including alerting them."

He called for a scribe and runner, fashioned the letter, to be given the two kings and had Clara Princeton brought to him for an audience, in equestrian clothing. Once she was brought to him, told her mission, she would nod, bow, showing some relief that at least Rualrl would be told, and was off to alert him, and then to Edinburgh to alert the king of Scotland, himself.

When she was on her way, he turned to Ethel, and sighed. "Let's hope this is enough, but I will want you to defend yourself and the girls of court if Clara's father chooses to retaliate against us."
Ethel nodded along as he carried out the plan, then when given essentially her next objective spoke up.
"If this retaliation does come, what methods am I permitted to use in defence?"
Gregor said calmly, "What did I tell my own daughter, the non-killing vigilante of Dunwyn, against traitorous tyrant Duke igthorne? I'm sure she mentioned it. Do ye likewise. I'd rather he be taken alive to face his own King's justice, if necessary, but Robert will understand if it's not possible." The King was obviously done with bullies and tyrannical nobility.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Avenger, Ruby, Sapphire, the three princesses were packing for departure the next morning. However, two other friends were in Clair's room. "What about your more fragile instruments? Especially the microscope that allows you to see the molecules of the elements? These all must go, if nothing else to stay packed until Dunwyn. We'll only be in Berkshire to taste wine and rate who knows best how to be a good vintner." Aurora asked, helping Clair pack. "Don't worry about my microscope, compass, dual pulse count cuff, and... Arden calls it stethoscope... My mentor is taking care of my instruments. He, when you have time, not now, wants a dual pulse count cuff to take back to Cordonia with him."
Ethel nodded.
"Got it, I'll try and keep it non-Lethal, but that really depends more on him, you know, if something does happen that is"

Clair took a note
"Okay, another, D.P.C.C, heh, I don't think I have ever had this many orders before, then again I haven't been exactly charging either, heh, I suppose my mother might be a bit upset if she knew all the free things I have been making" She chuckled lightly as she packed her tools.
"For fragile things, I usually pack them tightly with hay or something"
Gregor nodded as he stated, matter of fact. "That it does. Let's hope Robert only asks him to be apprehended without incident. Otherwise, as I told Avenger regarding Igthorne, which you did... And I mean it, Ethel, as I'm tired of nobility running roughshod against those under them, including their kids... Any means necessary. This abuse of power needs to be curbed."

Shortly the two letters written and Clara sent to Rualrl,who was nearby and King Robert II of Scotland in Edinburgh on one of the King's own fast steeds. Avenger's steed once again would be needed to pull the coach that had Diana, Olivia, Grovershire, Clair and the Avenger herself rode in.

Upstairs, Aurora raised an eyebrow. "I thought the agreed upon price was the price of materials, not free." She nodded at packing the microscopes tightly in hay. "Good idea, less chance of damage, and if the hay doesn't get wet, it can be placed in the stables as bedding after we get back to Dunwyn." She began packing as Clair had instructed. "Get your clothes packed, save what you plan to wear in the morning. Show me, I'll be your surrogate big sister to approve. We are wine tasting, after all."
Ethel nodded.
"Got it, I'll make sure it's handled."

Clair nodded.
"Yes, I suppose I would have been better to say, a profitless task, essentially my mother would claim, I worked for free since I didn't add any labour costs" She clarified also packing her things.
"Oh I was just planning to wear my regular clothes, is wine tasting something we need to dress a specific way for?" She asked and showed her, what indeed would be considered a casual outfit for a peasant.
Aurora looked over, raised an eyebrow, and made a face. "I know you have something in between peasant merchant, and princess ball gown." She tutted. "If no, you should have said something a little bit sooner. Dress like Ruby or Avenger asked you on a picnic. Very decent, without being too debasing or too noble. Fit for a park outing with your princess. An easy middle, if you will." She looked through some of Clair's things, knowing she had something that maybe she had forgotten about.

Defeated, she sat hard on the floor. "This pantsuit from the visit when the King of England came early on, and you wore at the polo match isn't what I had in mind either... It's too fancy for wine tasting." Making another face, she got up and went to the door. "Besides me, Avenger and Ruby, whom do you trust most of the duchesses? Olivia, Laird Clara or Calla Grovershire?"
Clair was embarrassed, she was completely unprepared for her clothes requirements.
"Oh, I umm, sorry, I didn't think I needed something at the middle level of fancy" She admitted looking down a little.

Clair moved to sit beside her though she was on the bed.
"Well I honestly don't know, I feel like they are all trustworthy, umm, besides Avenger, you and Ruby? I wouldn't say I distrust any of them at all, but to pick one, I suppose I would pick Olivia" She said with a slight blush.
"It was just the first name that came to mind, honestly," She admitted.
"Though I trust them all!"

Olivia was managed to be pulled away to help her, having Ethel just left to deal with ''Other business'' Clair was a blushing mess while Olivia got her measured and fitted for the outfit that had been decided.
Olivia had to take in (especially in the bust) and shorten one of her mid dressy pantsuits, and it was a good idea for her to look in her closet, so to speak, because besides Ruby, whom Aurora had nixed, everyone else (including Avenger) would have to be in dresses and skirts for their middle fancy clothes. Besides, Clara, by this point, unbeknownst to the Court Physician, was already happily off to see Rualrl and Robert with the messages regarding Clara's father.

"There. Pantsuit like we prefer, though I will wear dresses and gowns." She fluffed the arms and legs as Clair was wearing it. "Sorry it's Lythikan colours of red and black, but what can you do? It's what I have. I WILL be leaving Avenger a note for either her or Ruby... Maybe Sapphire, to take you shopping for attire when we get back to Dunwyn, and I'll not hear any argument from any of you. In fashion, Duchess trumps Princess, because most of the time they don't get a choice what they get unlike you or I." Well, she had a point, there...

The next morning, the Court, minus Clara would be off for wine tasting in Berkshire. The same wine most of the girls made with partners. Upon arrival in Berkshire and everyone exiting their respective coaches, Millie was beside herself, saying excitedly to Clair, "I can't wait to try our green gummiberry-white grape wine, can't you,Clair?! Or the Doc and Princess Sapphire's Greek wine! Those are the only two I just have to! I mean Beaumont, Avenger and Ruby already know how to, and who hasn't had Amazon wine?"

Cordonian Princess Ruby would know the answer to that, and Clair would have to remind her winemaking partner, the Motiressan spy, that she didn't drink a lot of wine, if any.
Clair nodded to Olivia, she wasn't about to argue with her, she also didn't know why she felt a little extra flustered around Amazonians.
"Okay, I will, and thank you, I don't mind the colours one bit"

Clair smiled, happy she was so excited to taste their wine.
"Yeah, I mean, I don't drink wine, but maybe I'll taste it, as I am sure it is sweet. Admittedly I have not had Amazonian wine, and will likely try and get excused from most of the tasting. But don't let that stop you, I by no means want my choice to force your hand in any way, you enjoy yourself" She tried to clarify.
Darling once again welcomed the ladies back with open arms, greeting Ethel for the first time, and Olivia the first time this season. "We've already decided who's wines will be tried in what order, and I have given the order to King Gregor. To any of you who knew my daughter, Wendy, I also received a letter from her and Captain Hook about the mission, since it is completed. Meet me in the drawing room, in twenty minutes." He looked at Ethel (who was assumedly nearest the king since she was the King's advisor for mercenary action). "She mentioned you and Olivia, so I do hope at least you two can attend."

Gregor shrugged, as long as Princeton stayed in his lands up in Scotland, he had no immediate need for Ethel. Clara had no doubt delivered the first letter to Rualrl and was on her way to her king with the second.

This much was true, as Rualrl had hit the palace roof when he read the note and immediately called for his guards after giving Clara an apologetic look. Her father, by holding the court at the table, among other previous atrocities, just during the court's stay, had declared war on both Scotland AND England! He sent a runner down to Berkshire, who wouldn't get there until after Wendy's letter was read to those in court interested.
Ethel returned the offered greeting and agreed to the meeting, mostly staying quite as she let thing progress.

Ethel knew she could keep an eye on the Princeton situation and do this at the same time, it certainly wouldn't be the first time she had multiple jobs going at the same time if she was given another here.

Though once more official action would be taken by him, she would prioritize his mission when it was necessary. In the meanwhile she had approached Clair and requested a device she had already made for another, which Clair agreed to, seeing no issue with it.
Darling came into the drawing room with the letter from Wendy and Captain Hook.

"Salutations, my friends, and Ahoy from Captain Hook:

We had quite the seafaring adventure classified at the time, that has just been cleared to expound upon by our dear Queen Innis. A few of Neverland's cargo ships, I am still not allowed to divulge the names, were taken by actual pirates, and not royal privateers, and yes, Clair, Avenger and Beatrice, there is most assuredly a difference, of which we were sent to recover as much as we could.

Upon our arrival, we found one ship and crew had been slaughtered and sunk, and could only fight for the one still afloat. It was a twenty hour battle, and sadly I received many a scar and even lost my left eye in it, but have recovered fairly well. Also, more unfortunate than that, we had no choice but to blow it up with many the blood-thirsty pirates still aboard and lost a good woman in what was a suicide mission. There was no alternative. Olivia and Ethel, I can already hear your lecture about not watching out for myself better, to prevent the loss of the eye, but Hook, McGoughal and several others had to come first, as that is what I signed up to do. Don't worry , it was good odds. Seven against one! Well, more like fifty against seven, but let's not quibble. Needless to say, we did defend the Rumble Rose, and recover most of the cargo. Together. You will be happy, Ethel, to know my heroism has earned me my stripes. I am a Neverland Sergeant at Arms, just like you.

Hope this finds all of you safe, and McGoughal says ye missed a good 'un, ye landlubbers! Until I can put quill to paper again, be well.

Wendy "Whirlwind" Darling, Captain of the Guard aboard the Rumble Rose."

Darling cleared his throat. "My daughter. Captain of the Guard aboard a privateer vessel, commissioned by the queen of Hook's country. She always did want adventure and not court life. Do any of you who were friends with her this year, wish to say a few words in gratitude of knowing her?"

Darling accepted his daughter would hardly be home, ever again.
Ethel crossed her arms hearing the note.nt
"Lost an eye? Sounds like a rough battle but that is a serious debilitating wound, might be best she takes up the bow, being in close range isn't great when she is half blind." Ethel pointed out.

"Oh and congratulate her on a battle hard fought and her promotion" Ethel added.
"Maybe I'll see her again assuming she can stay alive long enough"

Clair seemed more concerned hearing about the battle, she didn't like violence and the thought made her a little sick to her stomach. But the wounds she received gave her an idea, with that she quickly jotted something down in her notebook.
"If she comes and visits me sometime I might have a little something for her, though no promises of course it's just an idea at the moment. Oh! and I hope she gets better soon!"
Most of the others, uncharacteristically Olivia one of them, remained silent. Olivia merely sadly shaking her head. She raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Ethel. "Expert swordswoman like Wendy? She probably can do just as well with the one eye as she did with two. It'll just... Take a bit of adjustment... On her part." A shrug. "Plenty of Lythikan warrior can swordfight with just one eye."

Darling sighed and nodded in agreement with Ethel and Olivia both. "I will pass on the well wishes from all of you. We'll be trying the wines tomorrow, Gregor has the order." A knock at the door, caused the shipbuilder to sigh, before going to the door, where he got the letter. Without reading, he then passed it to Gregor who quickly opened it and read it.

With a nod, moreso to himself, he met Ethel's eyes and said only two words to alert her to a possible storm. "Be prepared." He then quickly folded the letter and left for his guest chambers.

Princess Sapphire exchanged looks with Ruby, and even glanced quickly to Clair, only because Ruby looked at Clair with a worried expression. Sapphire cleared her throat and asked Ethel, "Be prepared? Be prepared for what?"

Although Sapphire was, like the Amazons and Olivia, from a warrior race, she did not need to know the answer to that. Just because she could handle the news, didn't mean the others there, could.
Ethel was about to speak up about swordplay with one eye, the loss of depth perception and field of view that came with it, and that the issue was adjustment time could cost her, her life. But then the note came and she took in a breath.

Clair returned the looks she was getting with one of equal confusion

"Avenger, Diana, Cassandra, Sapphire, Millie, Olivia, Grovershire and Aurora on me, the rest of you, listen to the King" She said before walking off to get someone private to talk, no need to panic the others too much.

Once they had a place to speak Ethel made sure the location was clear before speaking to them.
"This information stays between us until necessary, a war may be coming and we need to be prepared.
Sapphire, you will return to the others and keep them together and safe, as well as calm.
Aurora obviously if combat starts you will need to be ready for wounded and casualties, also prepare anyone that can be of service medically, we may need as many healing hands as we can get.
Olivia, Millie, I am going to need to borrow one of your hidden blades, decide among yourselves whose I take, just make sure that it's well concealed in a sleeve.
The rest of you amass what forces you can to be prepared for defence from a strike, use what talents you have, be them in combat or information to sure up our defences the best you can against the armies of Princeton. Is everyone clear!?" Ethel's tone was serious, her usual blend of sarcasm and nonchalant tones missing from this militaristic attitude.

Diana gave a nod in response.
"I see, of course the Amazonians will be ready to help defend if needed."


Clair looked at Ruby and the others who weren't called, in confusion.
"What do you think is happening?" She asked with a whisper, a little scared.
Aurora was the first to speak up, "As far as healing hands, there aren't many with us, Ethel, we're a fairly small court this season. My mentor Dr. Arden, Clair, her mother and the baker Cinnamon, is about it. The only other one with the abilities has been sent to King Robert II of Scotland to warn him. That letter had to have been from Rualrl, who must already be facing skirmishes created by Clara's father." The doctor had just made an important statement and observation that could very well save bloodshed. It was why Rualrl had hit the palace roof.

Avenger made a puzzled expression. "Awful lot of fighting going on before I'm properly knighted. Technically, I'm still a non-killing vigilante heroine."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Stop nitpicking, princess, your father has already given you permission to kill. A knight sometimes has to take a life whether they like it or not. That's why it's called war." She then handed over one of her many hidden blades she had Clair make for her. "Use it in good health, Sergeant." She remembered Wendy's letter stating Ethel was a Neverland Sergeant at Arms.

Sapphire spoke next, "I'm basically a public guard in my own country. I don't know how you knew, Ethel, but although I have been trained with the sword, I am a princess that serves and protects her people. Consider it done, Commander." She said with a salute that was not unlike the Amazons.

Ruby sidled over to Clair. "I don't know what is going on, but I don't like it. Mother and father are already on their way to meet us in Dunwyn. D'ya think they shoulda come here first?" Nobody knew that prepping now was the right thing to do. Dunwyn would be where the action happens anyway.
Ethel nodded to Aurora, knowing full well that healing hands were hard to come by at any given time.
"I know, do the best you can with what you have Dr. Aurora, be prepared for the worst"

"Thanks Olivia, and Avenger, Olivia is right, those morals are great when it comes to petty thieves, but war is different, it's kill or be killed, not only that but kill or have those you are trying to protect killed, also, as women we also need fear sexual assault on top of the physical ones from the enemies, assume no good nature in them, it's the only safe way, think of that when you are trying to figure out if killing is worth it" She explained equipping the hidden blade under her sleeves and testing it so it could come out.

Ethel then turned to sapphire.
"Good to hear, call it intuition, and keep in mind what I said to Avenger, protecting mostly ladies if the enemy gets to them who knows what horrors may occur. Is everyone clear on their objectives?"


Clair took Ruby's hand in hers.
"We just need to hope everything will be okay, maybe this is a false alarm or something, and everyone is just being extra cautious about, whatever is happening." She suggested hopefully.
Sapphire nodded, fully aware that as a princess of a small country in the Grecian Empire, she was just as much a target to Princeton and his men, as any of the other ladies in court. In fact, princess of a small country made her an even bigger target, especially since her country was the Jewel Kingdom. Their biggest export being right there in the name.

Cassandra, who wasn't as tuned in to nature and the winds of war as her sister Diana, sniffed the air, looked to her sister and shrugged. Whatever was coming was a good 72 hours out, and she won't smell it until tomorrow night, the earliest. Diana would sense the winds of war blowing towards the direction of Dunwyn, to the west. Berkshire was safe, provided they head for Dunwyn, no later than tomorrow, immediately after the wine tasting. She might want to ask the king to start earlier than tomorrow. There was plenty of time still, today.


Ruby felt her heart leap with joy at Clair taking her hand, but masked the butterflies and racing heart rate (good thing Aurora wasn't there right now), giving Clair's hand a gentle squeeze. "I hope so. I really want to see Mother and Father, and introduce you to them. Your father already has a lot in common with the Queen of Cordonia, just from a military and Knight standpoint. He may even have quite a bit in common with my father. Dom. Queen Kenna's consort." Even Ruby didn't know why Kenna and Dom weren't married, just that they were her biological parents.
Once ensuring everyone knew their roles and everything was under control on the home front in the case of a war, Ethel left to make her way toward Princeton. Under the guise of an alliance.


Diana would approach the King.
"I would suggest we move the wine tasting to pronto, we will need as much time as we can get for this and moving the wine tasting up will give us time once it's done." She suggested.

The King nodded and rubbed his chin in thought.
"Right, get things moving with the arrangements, we have lots to do."


"Huh? Oh yeah, umm right, I sure hope we have the radio ready by that time, maybe we can distract ourselves by brainstorming ideas for it's functionality." She suggested releasing her hand to grab her notebook.
Clara, coming back towards Princeton Manor from Edinburgh with none other than King Robert II, would be held up by a bunch of people and servants conspiring to overthrow both Robert II of Scotland and Richard II of England; Robert having disguised himself as a nobleman from near Dunwyn, who was born in Scotland. They would both be at the gate when Ethel would catch up. "'Member, lass, we dinnae wanna pounce til yer da shows 'is hand. Ye met me on me way back t' Dunwyn an' we travelled t'gether for yer protection."

"Aye, Majesty." Clara sighed, "but I cannae be callin' ye by yer name. Lest we be found out tha' I'm sidin' wi' England an' Scotland agin me own da. He'll be hangin' me, sure. Daughter er no."

Robert made a face. "What we need is someone who c'n act like they be wantin' an alliance wi' Princeton. He knows ye too well." He frowned. "I c'n be th' ambassador for Dunwyn, who stays quiet while the 'alliance' is bein' negotiated, an' when we're sure o' his guilt, spring the trap."

Clara frowned. "I wish Ethel, an acquaintance o' mine at court was here. This be right up her alley, i tis."

Be careful what you wish for, Clara...


In Berkshire, Gregor readied everything for the wine tasting and called everyone to the parlour where the tasting would take place. He arranged for the wines to be tried, but marked down an excuse and 300 points each for Ethel, Olivia and Millicent, for their parts in trying to prevent Princeton from making good his threat of war.

First would be Beaumont's wine
Second was the homemade wine of Butcher
Third was the Amazon wine
Fourth was the Greek wine
Last, would end up being the best, Clair and Millie's Gummiberry Wine.

(Second through fifth up to you, everyone is to rave about the Gummiberry Wine)
Ethel of course traveling carefully would overhear them as she approached from a hidden place. Smirking as she heard what Clara said.

"Ahh, speak of me and I shall come" she approached from the brush from where she had hid.


Clair of course didn't end up trying the wine after all, instead helping pour and set up the tasting.

Once all was said and done the order they had tried the wines would give them the order of their favourite, with the exclusion of the winner of the Gummi wine.
As Clara puzzled on how best to get the information her king needed against her father, Ethel showed up from amongst the shrubbery.

She raised an eyebrow as Ethel announced herself and Robert gave her a royal nod and held out his hand, "May I?" If Ethel allowed him, he would kiss her hand. Robert continued, "If you are here on Gregor's behest, this is far more dire than Rualrl indicated as we came back. Tell me, he wants to... Ahem... Fake an alliance, like we were just plotting? It be th' only way t' tak Princeton down, I'm afraid. He has started an insurrection already agin Scotland, and heartell he plans on killing Gregor and Princess Calla to start a war wi' England. All we have are rumours and stories. Nothing concrete. Will you help us save Scotland and war from coming to England?"
"I wouldn't" She replied and took his hand to shake it.

"I have a plan to do just that, that will hopefully put a quick end to this, but would like to know if what I have planned fails what are your plans are" She placed her hands on her hips, giving a nod to Clara.

"And before you ask, this is a solo mission for me, only way it might work, besides everyone else's alliances are too obvious."
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