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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair wasn't sure if they should change separately, but once she saw Ruby starting to change she took that as a green light to do the same. She also blushed at the sight, though she too did not stare and averted her eyes once she noticed, somewhat unsure of the type of underclothes she had, it was more fancy than her regular clothes! She, however, simply had a sleeveless shirt, and short shorts on under her clothes.

"I guess it makes sense, they still want to make sure the food is good and edible, they have no idea how good or bad of cooks we are I suppose" She replied as she tried to figure out how to put on the provided cooking wear.
The dress, being double breasted and open in the front was easy for Ruby to slip on. After finishing closing her top, she looked questioningly to Clair. "Do you need some help? It fastens in front instead of back, and the one big lapel that runs the length of the torso goes across the other side." She modeled her outfit to show Clair.

Clair looked over and nodded.
"Oh thanks, I think I should be good, seems simple enough" She nodded and with the information given by Ruby was able to adorn the uniform.

"Heh, okay now that we are properly dressed, I suppose we should get to work, or report back to the head chef? I have only done a little cooking but it is surprisingly similar to some of my experiments, mixing different things together and applying heat to get a specific result and all that" She smiled.
Ruby smiled. "Ok, we should try to have an idea on what we're going to make for the Appetizer, Entree, and Dessert. I've got the perfect entree, mixing chocolate with spices, and of course, apples, called "Cordonian Mud Chili" Lots of garden vegetables besides the apples. The other two should be from other countries represented among this year's court. Any ideas?"
Clair thought to herself.
"Oh that sounds yummy, and what else depends on if our Chili has a meat, and if so, what kind?" She asked.

"A poultry" She replied.

"Oh Excellent, in that case maybe to balance out the sweetness of the Chili, we have a more savoury appetizer, perhaps potatoes sliced into stick shapes and boiled in animal fat, then mixed with a meat sauce and cheese" She suggested.
"I think the savoury flavour of the appetizer would make the sweetness of the chilli pop a little more."
Ruby genuinely smiled as Clair mentioned a good complimentary appetizer. "I can't wait til we get started! I hope the chef likes the idea, too!"

Chef St. Lorraine raised an impressed eyebrow, as not only did the girls come back in the right apparel, but even had a halfway decent meal. So excited that he didn't have to do too much, instructions, he promptly kissed both cheeks on both girls and exclaimed, "Mon Dieu, what an excellent meal vous haff prepared, no? Now chop chop! Let's get this Cordonian Mud Chili started, oui? Poultry for the meat... One of you set the water to boil, chop garlic, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and, ah yes, zee peas, and of course Cordonian Ruby apples, but mix your spices together in a mixing bowl: Bay leaf, cilantro, cinnamon, oregano, sage and thyme. The other? Melt chocolate until slightly soft in a sauce pan, when so, add it to zee spices in zee bowl. I'll fetch and prepare the pheasant!"

He clapped his hands, "I leave vous filles to it, zen, but I'll be watching." He would return in five minutes with the meat for the chili.
Clair nodded and looked at Ruby.
"Okay, so I suppose I'll get the chocolate going if you start on the spices, since it's your meal you probably know the spice proportions you want best" She suggested.

With that, Under way, they quickly got to work, but as the Chef returned with the Pheseant Clair spoke up, but didn't stop working on the chocolate.
"Oh umm, Chef, Could we also include some non-alcoholic drink options, I know that myself and at least one other girl don't drink." She asked.
Ruby had the water boiling and was mixing the vegetables and apples, tossing them in except for the tomatoes as she went. "Clair, love, did you remember to fold the spices into the chocolate? I'll need a few more tomatoes before I add them to the sauce pan for the main base before mixing the chocolate tomato spice mixture into these vegetables!" She glanced in the large soup pot. "Uh, after these get soft and I drain the water, that is."

St. Lorraine looked at Clair. "No alcohol? No wine? Mon petit fleur, vous would not like much Gaul cooking, then. Wine and brandy are ingredients in most our dishes. No matter. What would vous and zee other fille like instead? And please do not insult the great St. Lorraine avec tea." Now would be the perfect time to ask for a specific drink that could also be made non-alcoholic: Honey mead.
Clair nodded to Ruby.
"Right, thank you!" She replied before introducing the spices into the chocolate as she folded it.

"Oh!, well umm, I suppose a Honey Mead, or perhaps a cider?" She suggested.
St. Lorraine studied Clair as he chided Ruby. "Non! Do not drain the water! Vous will be adding to the pot because the water boils away. Mix tomatoes in your spicy chocolate, oui, but add it to the vegetables sans removal of water! In fact, add more water when vous add zee mixture!"

His attention returned to Clair. "Oui, oui. Warm apple cider, or honey mead good choices. I assume most will want wine, but we offer all trois choices. Ruby has zee tomatoes ready for vous. Go add, and keep stirring until she is ready to add to the big soup pot."

That was after Ruby lowered the fire on the pot. "Clair, I'm ready for the chocolate spicy tomato sauce... Stuff. Come add it slowly as I keep stirring."
Clair winced a little at his little outburst toward Ruby, though had heard chefs can be this way.

She nodded in return to the approval of the drinking options, happy that her and whoever else wanted non alcoholic options would have them.

Clair nodded to Ruby, having finished preparing the mixture now and carefully brought it over.
"Okay on your mark and pace I'll add it."
Before Clair moved with the chocolate tomato sauce, St. Lorraine excused himself to grab the sage, and seemed to massage the spice into the pheasant before cooking it, saying moreso to Ruby, "Always cook your poultry THOROUGHLY afore adding it to your chili. You'll ruin both meat and dish otherwise."

Ruby glanced over to St. Lorraine with a curt, regal nod, before grabbing a bowl of water, and getting on the other side of Clair, pouring more water in as Clair poured the sauce in. She excitedly said, "Oh, I hope we can do this together again, after these court games, Clair. It's so much fun working with you!"

Careful, princess, your crush is showing... Again.
Clair returned her smile and nodded.
"Me too, I am sure we can find a time to do just that, I find it fun too!" She smiled in return, missing the obvious signs of her crush, though it wasn't like she didn't know how Ruby felt.
As the day progressed to early afternoon, St. Lorraine didn't have to check on the girls as much as he or Laird Clara thought. He did end up chasing the Avenger out, waving a metal spoon, and flinging it at the hapless Dunwyn princess and hero, who let out a yelp as she ducked from being hit by it.

He then called Clair from Ruby's side. "Zee zavory potatoes. What spices do vous want? It's time to prepare. Dinner is in deux heures, I haff dessert. Do not worry about it. Zee aperitif is first course, after all."
Clair felt bad for Avenger, wishing she could let her help but it was not her kitchen.

"Oh spices, right, salt for sure, of course, maybe a little paprika? I was honestly more concerned about the meat sauce and cheese on it for the flavouring. What do you think chef, given the other ingredients in the dish?" She asked, wanting the opinion of a professional.
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St. Lorraine rubbed a hand on his chin. "Savory, oui? To complement the herbal spices and chocolate of the Cordonian dish? Hmm, besides paprika, add just a dash of cayenne, cumin and lemon pepper. Dere izz oregano and thyme in the chili. Cayenne will bring out some of the zing of the chili later. It is zee go to spice in most chilis."

Ruby gave a perplexed stare at St Lorraine. "Maybe in Iberia and Gaul, but we seldom put paprika in anything, since we use apples. Cayenne is a stronger spice than paprika."

St. Lorraine sighed. "And zat is why Cordonians haff weak palates." He sighed, shaking his head to hunt up the paprika and cayenne for Clair's dish. Cumin and lemon pepper were well within Clair's grasp. The chef would be back within a few minutes with the other two spices.

Meanwhile, Avenger put a hand to her chest, patting it, as she leaned against the wall. Most of the other girls saw her, with Bernice Beaumont scoffing at her. Clara spoke, "An' what, prithee, hae ye in a dither?"

Calla Avenger took a deep breath. "I tried to go in the kitchen for some of my squirrel jerky, and was chased out of the kitchen by a big Gaul with a large metal serving spoon!"

Would Ethel or Diana dare to get Avenger's snack for her, as long as the Avenger was willing to share?
Clair nodded to the chef as he explained the spices that should be used. Then turned her attention to Ruby as she brought up her point, only to seemly be shut down by the chef.

"I thought what you said made sense, but I suppose using both couldn't be less then just using one, I think that is what the chef meant" she tried to assure her as she prepared the cumin and lemon pepper.

Ethel raised an eyebrow at Avenger.
"Sounds like you could use the help of a hireable mercenary, though I'll have to charge you with some Jerky of my own if you want to employ my services." She offered.
Avenger sighed. "I need Amethyst to go with me to hunt, as I don't have much left. Maybe a pound? I'll go half with you, if that's good enough?"

Amethyst overheard. "Ahh, right, your Amazon punishment of fixing your own meals isn't over yet, is it? Ethel, please get what she has left to snack on, minus your cut, of course." She looked at Calla Avenger. "Bow and arrow, meet me at the front door. You have five minutes. Move."

The front door will be where Ethel would find Avenger, with her bow and a quiver of arrows.
She nodded.
"That sounds like a deal to me Avenger, and I have had to hunt for my own food for many years, it's not so bad, good practice in case you are in a dire situation one day and have no other options"

Ethel nodded and went into the kitchen to find the Jerky, not paying mind whether the chef was there or not. However, if she did not see the Jerky, she would ask Ruby and Clair if they knew where it was.
Ruby, getting another bowl of well water for the chili, which was already casting an alluring aroma in the kitchen, glanced at Ethel. "If you're looking for what I think you're looking for, considering Avenger just got chased out of here with a serving spoon, try looking over there in the rest of the dried meats area," She pointed towards the back, in a dark recess of the kitchen, "Look for a leather satchel with the initials C.D. branded into the side."

Calla was right. There was only about a pound of squirrel jerky left.
Ethel nodded.
"Thanks, you're a good egg" She replied before heading over to the satchel and taking it.

With the bag in hand, she would turn to leave and head to the meeting place with Avenger.

Clair giggled at the comment.
"hehe, You are a good egg Ruby"
Ruby smirked. "I don't understand. Was that a compliment? Before Cordonia was the Rhys family of Stormholt. My country is only about five years older than me... I think. Roughly twenty to twenty-five years ago was the civil war that rejoined the great houses. Want to be country correct, she would have called me a good apple." She gave a self-assured nod, just like centuries later an anime character would.
Ruby giggled. "You're not wrong there!"

Avenger thanked Ethel for recovering her bag as well. "I forgot I left it there as I didn't have a place to store it that was cool and dry." She then measured out the last of her squirrel jerky, giving Ethel exactly half, before Amethyst pulled her arm, signalling for her to go hunt.
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