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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair took the sword back and sheathed it with a smile.
"Thanks" she replied though felt a little bad.

Diana nodded at the request and unsheathed her sword. She then offered it to Beaumont. Who after recomposing herself reached for the sword and as she grabbed the handle thought she had a hold of it, until Diana released it and she came crashing down to her knees.

"Ahh!" She called out in both surprise and pain as her hands her temporarily pinned to the ground by the sword until she managed to pull them free rubbing them.
"What kind of trickery is this!? No way those are ordinary swords!" She barked.
Olivia raised an eyebrow and held onto her smirk, as Sapphire, still not realizing she also was being tested, by being shown her Amazon heritage, picked Diana's sword up and handed it back to her with a solemn diplomatic curtsy (she's in a dress, and didn't know she should bow like an Amazon).

"Beatrice, did you not see who you challenge pick up both swords with no problem? Don't you know who Diana is?" Her smirk had become maddening. "Fine. Let her off the hook. Clair, will you tell Ms Prideful who's sword you have and who made it? And... I'm sure you know, who Diana is?"
Clair cleared her throat.
"Well umm, I crafted this sword, and although it was only meant for me and Avenger to use, turns out it can be used by myself and any Amazonian." Clair explained.

"And I am an Amazonian, and this is my sword that share a similar property." Diana added.

Ethel simply watched, staying there as a witness.
Sapphire looked genuinely puzzled by the remarks. "I shouldn't have been able to lift that sword, then!" This caused Bernice Beaumont to raise an eyebrow. "I don't know much about my mother's side, just that royal blood flows in my veins and it's through both mother and father. Father is Prince Topaz. And the House of Amethyst, our Great House of the Jewel Kingdom, has only been around since my great-grandmother, Princess Cassiopeia came to the kingdom. I don't know what she's a princess of originally."

Maybe Diana will recognize the name, and clue Sapphire in to her maternal heritage. Sapphire was a princess either way, being the daughter of the current prince of the House of Blue Topaz AND House of Amethyst.

Meanwhile, Olivia turned to Clair. "That checks out with Lythikos. Lythikan smithies also are the only ones who can hold a sword or mace of any kind fashioned for another tribe. Including the Amazons. Did you know Avenger was part Amazon? For it to be attuned to Amazons, any Amazons, you would have needed something like blood or hair from the Avenger. It's the only way to make an Amazon sword or other battlement. Including armour."

She caught Diana looking. "Ask Cassandra. I made her armour for when she gets her kingdom in Scandinavia. I need a crest and a tailor to make her cape. The Armour is ready, and in my castle, in the armoury."
Diana did indeed lean in and whisper to Sapphire, catching her up so to speak about her lineage.

Clair nodded.
"Yes, I needed a way to mark her as a user, I didn't know about the Amazonian thing, that was an accident." She admitted.
"I went to one of her combat encounters and found of umm, elements of her that were left behind."
Sapphire grimaced and turned to Diana. "Maybe I should go with you and learn more about my great grandmother. To think I'm related to the Amazons of Themiscyra! I still don't quite get how the Greek muse Cassiopeia ties into my ancestor of the same name." Learning she was Amazon was hard enough, but now her curiosity was piqued.

Olivia and Clara both raised their eyebrows at Clair's relevation. Clara cleared her throat. "Surely ye moost be mistaken. T' nae know makin' such a weapon was an Amazon thing... Ye cannae be serious. What'd ye do if ye guessed wrong, and Avenger wouldnae be able t' lift it either? Ye'd hae a sword ye'd hae t' gift a real Amazon!"

Olivia rubbed her chin. "Even though it was never stated, and at first her identity was unknown, the fact The Crimson Avenger was both female and a strong warrior was quite apparent. I should have put two and two together a lot sooner than her surprise unmasking earlier, at the polo match."

Clair had a chance to kid both her friends: Laird Clara for calling her Shirley, and Olivia for having knowledge, albeit an educated guess, on Calla's secret before one of the most knowledgeable people on all things noble and royal in all of Europe.
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