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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Diana smirked.
"That might be a bit harsh, more likely they are just ignorant of it, be gentle" she advised.

Clair stopped at the poke as well, she placed her tools down and turned to give Avenger her undivided attention.
"Yes Avenger?"
Sapphire just gave a smirk, herself. "At this point? The only thing that will save them from a tongue lashing IS true ignorance." She sighed. "Jewel Kingdom natives are trained in how to catch when someone feigns it." She furrowed her brow. "I find it peculiar you being from Themiscyra, one of our realm's islands, you know so little. The Romans stole that from us centuries ago. It's in both Greek and Roman annals." She stopped outside Clair's room as Calla cleared her throat.

Calla didn't look up after clearing her throat. "I got in bigger trouble than the last time. Father has put me under house arrest until we return to Dunwyn in about a week, for behaviour unbefitting a knight. I will not be allowed outside without Dame Amethyst at my side, since I only assumed my way around, when I knew nothing of the terrain here. It's doubtful I'll be able to help with Ruby's squawker going forward. I shall make my exit, now, with your indulgence." She bowed, and then left, excusing herself past Sapphire and Diana, head lowered in shame.

Sapphire gave Diana a quizzical look, not knowing the whole story, which Diana did.
"Well to be frank, that kind of topic of study was never my strongest suite" She admitted.

Diana looked back at Calla then to Sapphire again.
"Sorry that story is not mine to share" She held her hands up.

Clair felt terrible, but had no idea what to say as she left, and remained quiet.
Sapphire now had the chance to speak. Using her authoritative princess voice, she began. "I'm told you want to learn about Greek fire. Before I even tell you about it, I need to know why you wish to learn. What do you plan to do with it."

Aurora said, "We know of two kinds of that element. Regular fire and Greek fire. It is rumoured Greek fire burns hotter."

Ruby then glanced over to Clair and Aurora followed suit. Clair was, after all, the lead scientist of their group. She could better explain what it would be used for, than them.
Clair looked around at the others.
"Hmm? Oh! well, honestly, Aurora was the one that offered it could perhaps help. I am more so just curious about what it is and how it differs from regular, or non-greek fire. Though if it simply just is hotter, I suppose we could use it to try and separate the elements in water to better study them apart from each other" She replied.
"Of course I would like to know if it differs in other ways as well, who knows what might help, also I suppose it might be easier to study then regular fire?"
Sapphire grimaced. "Greek fire isn't what you think. First off, it's several chemicals including nitrate, blended together to create a military grade weapon. Usually used to sink enemy vessels. Yes, it does burn hotter, but remember your little pellets you showed? Imagine the power behind those times 1000. If you even accidentally set Greek fire off inside this building, there would be nothing left of it. Or you. Please, for your own good, leave it to the military."

Aurora's eyes grew three times their size, and she audibly gulped. "Clair, let's find something different to try to separate the molecules... Or leave it for now and focus on your squawk boxes."

Ruby already started working on the improved wide speakers, but shaking as she did.
Clair nodded.
"I agree Aurora, though I would be honored to get more information on what chemicals are used to make this Greek fire, I am working on chart that could use those elements in it." She explained.

Clair after getting the answer to that would look toward Ruby.
"Hey, you okay?"
Sapphire made a face. "I cannot give you the ingredients without my mother, Queen Iris, permission. She has already been sent word I'm safe with all of you, and will be needed at Igthorne's trial. She's sure to be in Dunwyn when we get there, but please... Let me talk to my mother first, or you'll get us both skinned."

She then asided to Diana, "My mother makes our goddess Hera look tame in comparison, when she gets on the warpath, and she's already wanting goddess type vengeance on the bad Duke. I could definitely use your help, considering your mother, Hippolyta is in good standing with her. Come see me when we get back to Dunwyn." She then gave Diana a gentle squeeze on the forearm, before heading for her own room.

Ruby glanced at Clair. "Um... I... Erm... I just need to be busy." She said, not sure how to explain the fear of using Greek fire wrong, now that she knows it blows things up.
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Clair nodded.
"Right, skinning is not ideal"

Diana replied with a nod.
"I'll see what I can do, and with that, I'll leave with Sapphire, good luck to you ladies" she left to head to her own room walking with Sapphire till they needed to separate.

Clair returned the look toward Ruby.
"Right, well luckily we have lots to do still, shall we return to working on our, skwaker? sail?" She said double guessing the name.
Ruby looked at Clair. "I'm trying to name the communication devices themselves. I'm calling them 'squawkers', because I don't know what else to. It's how one sounds talking through them."
"Oh right, squawkers, that's right, I knew it was something like that. Yeah the squawkers sail, or whatever we will call it" She replied.
"We can get back to work on that"
Ruby shrugged. "I guess for now?" She handed Clair a screwdriver. "I've got this one pretty much girl handled. We need to just make the sail bigger on the other one." They would work in silence rest of the afternoon. "Maybe we can test our new and improved squawkers at dinner?"

Clara soon bellowed. "Four o'clock! Dinner and tea! And that means everyone! Ye donnae come doon, I'll drag ye doon! Wi' th' king's permission! He wants everyone eatin' together!"

"Bring the squawker, this can be a partial field test, since Cordonia isn't near England in the seating arrangements, I'm across the table and down from you." Ruby explained. "We're not shouting at each other with the rest of the din at the large table."
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Clair nodded.
"Assuming this works, our biggest issue testing it will actually be traveling far enough away from each other."

"Oh! well that is good timing, let's see if the others will offer to help us test the distance after dinner. As we ensure it base works during." Clair suggested, getting up and offering a hand to Ruby.
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