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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair looked shocked at her response.
"Oh sorry, That's terrible, I hate it when the generation above us just treats us as children, not thinking our opinions don't matter"

Clair ate while listening.
"Oh, okay so still a bit to go then" she smiled.
"I umm, do you know who you would paint? If you won, Also do you know if instead of painting one can do a sketch?" Clair asked after swallowing her bite of food.
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Clara gave Clair a straight faced stiff nod and simple agreement. "Aye."

"Aboot five weeks, lass, ye c'n expect a few games per week, I imagine." She commented and then raised an eyebrow at the question. "Nae shure I'm gonna be paintin'. Ne'er thought aboot it." She chuckled sarcastically. "Nae e'en shure anyone here mmm int'rested in that way... If I wan' points, best I should be figurin' that oot, aye?" She blinked. "Sketch err paint, tis the same. Paintin' just in colour an' give ye more points. Yer giftin' th' paintin' t' whomever hae yer heart, e'en afore ye make th' gift err gifts later. Wi' who I hae seen ye closest to, I trust ye may wanna gie them art in colours."

Clara had a point. Both princesses, Grovershire, and Olivia would be more appreciative of a portrait of them in colour.
"Oh okay, well I probably won't need to worry about it anyway, do you know who you will be painting if you win? You don't need to tell me who if you don't want, but I am curious if you know who you would pick. Honestly I'm not certain myself" she admitted.
Nae lass, yer paintin' whom ye lik best. Who ye wan' t' hae yer heart." Clara corrected slightly irritated. "Me..." She shook her head. "Gotta decide that in aboot a fortnight."

She raised her eyebrow, looking at Clair. "I was ye, I'd try fer one o' th' princesses, err th' doc. They're really the only ones what lik bot' ye an' yer inventions. Decide twixt th' t'ree o' 'em." Clara meant Calla Dunwyn, aka Crimson Avenger, or Princess Ruby, as far as the princesses who both liked both Clair AND her inventions. She was pretty sure even Clair knew Aurora was partial to both Clair and her inventions, even though the Cordonian doctor hadn't really made it as clear that she liked Clair.
Clair looked down a little ashamed.
"I think, I feel like whomever I pick, I'll make others feel bad... I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, especially not my friends and the ones that care about me"
"Heh" She chuckled
"I guess since you are one of the ones I don't think might like me it's easier to tell you that"
Clara huffed and rolled her eyes. "If they're true friends, Clair, they'll be happy ye chose a tall. Yer first court innit? Yer miss int jes t' mak friends. In fact, sum, especially lik Olivia, don't usually use this time to socialize. This year's th' most I t'ink she's talked in a while."
Clara made a face. "Prolly. Prolly nae. Depends whom i' tis. Betrothed more lik." She shrugged. "Princess Calla or Ruby, aye. They hae t' t'ink o' their country. Calla, bein' Dunwyn princess, an' must become a knight? Aye. Yer bein' married. She donnae hae nae choice in th' matter. But... An' this is most important, Clair, if yer happy wi' 'em an' love 'em, e'en a marriage o' convenience an' necessity c'n be lovin'. Jes ask King Gregor."
Clair replied a bit nervous.
"Right, I suppose I have lots to think about. But I suppose maybe I should talk to all of them about it as well, like, it's not just my decision right? They need to like, paint me as well, that is if any of them even want to pick me, maybe they don't and I am just being self absorbed."
Clara nodded. "Aye. Tis best, lass. Dinnae wanna wait til yer surprised day of. Tho i tis obvious twixt Calla, Ruby and Aurora they hae it pretty strong fer ye... Do ye feel th' same aboot 'em... I t'ink fer one o' 'em tha' answer is aye. I'll leave ye t' it, then. Mak shure I git th' notes on what ye've learned aboot th' potatoes. Good day t' ye, Clair." With that, the Laird of Princeton Manor (well, the heiress to the title) left Clair to both talk to the three ladies joining her for the invention for Ruby's parents, and Aurora with the elements explanation. She'd be able to join the trio and all could walk back to her room together.
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"Oh wow, umm, I am not so sure about that, but okay, have a good day Clara" She waved her off as she got up to join the trio.

"Hey, so what are the plans for today now?" She asked.
Ruby raised her eyebrows, but grinned. "Well, we've got all weekend until tomorrow afternoon. Maybe we get back to the invention for my parents? What do you need me to do to help?"

Calla shook her head, with a small chuckle and smile. "I've nothing else to do. I'd love to help in some way or another."

Aurora sighed. "You're discovery of elements' atoms just became my final essay. He's got a few things to do and wants a detailed report of that. He might come by later, but meanwhile..." She gave a smile, and unlike some worried ones, this seemed to reach her eyes.
Clair smiled at each of their responses, assuming Aurora also wanted to help in her workshop/room.
"Great, let's get back to the workshop then and keep at it. I have Jobs for everyone that wants one, and as for the device for your parents Ruby I think I got it we can test it when we get there."

Clair would head back to her room and have a device ready to test with Ruby, where they could bring it out of the room, close the door and talk with each other through it.
Just as Aurora gave a nod and turned to follow Clair, Princess Sapphire came up to her holding the center of her stomach. "Giatré Aouróra panáei to stomáchi mou.¹" She groaned.

Ruby stared unblinking. "You said what?" She looked at her expression, and noticed her looking a little green. "Oh. I think."

Aurora just nodded, and looked to the others. "Looks like I need to take care of this first. Have that elements list ready for me, shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes." Turning to Sapphire, she said, "Princess, it's okay to vocalize your problems in English whilst you're here in England."

Calla glanced at Clair, remembering what she had said last night. "Being the Greek Kingdoms are allies, I understood her completely. Did you catch all that? I or Diana could teach you if you didn't."

1- Just in case Clair did: Sapphire said, Doctor Aurora my stomach hurts
Clair started to walk but stopped as she heard sapphire. She remained quiet as they talked but nodded to Aurora as she was addressed.
"Right, I'll at least have all that I have"

Once they left and Calla spoke to her she nodded.
"I think so, she had an upset stomach, right? I usually can get the jist of what people are saying." She explained
"though would not shy away from being more fluent" She added.
"But for now we have lots to do, so shall we get going?" She asked excited to return to her workshop.
Ruby looked between all parties and sighed. "I'm game. We only have one week the most for my mom and maybe dad, too, meets us for the winter holidays in Dunwyn."

Calla nodded. "What I've heard of Cordonia, I'm looking forward to meeting Queen Kenna. First time she'll be in England, right Ruby?"

"Since the war to reunite Cordonia's Great Houses, yes." Ruby answered, as they arrived at Clair's room. "Let's get started, we still need a charging system for these voice boxes, right?"

Calla made a face. "I don't think I'll ever understand them or their intentions. What's wrong with the old way of a runner?" Seeing as she was Clair's age, it probably wouldn't take a lot to win The Crimson Avenger over to the concept of this new "technology", someone like her dad? Or even Clair's dad? That might be a different story, although it won't hurt, being Clair's invention.
Clair was excited to return to work, her mind lost in her inventions as others talked.

"I have a few designs here, you can turn this crank here to charge it, but you need to place it in this dock first," She said gesturing to the charging device she had made.
"They should be charged if you want to test them" She offered.
Ruby handled one of the communication devices gently. "Dock? Is that what you're calling this flatish place to set them when not in use..." She remembered building it the night before, while Aurora side-tracked Clair with the compass.

Calla chuckled. "It's definitely easier to say, and 'boat' because of it's flatness would have been a little obvious since it's what holds the devices and thing to charge them." She then looked around and asked a loaded question, that could send her testing the devices WITH Ruby. "What can I do, as I'm not used to twiddling my thumbs, but thanks to Doctor Aurora's no adventuring rule..."
"Yeah, like how you set a boat at one, you set this on one" She replied.
"But I am open to other names if you got one." She replied.

"You can test the other end of the device, Here, just pick up this thing here, and press this in here to talk, but then release it to listen" She explained, showing them how it works.
The two princesses exchanged glances, before quietly conferring amongst themselves. Finally Calla Avenger spoke up, taking her hat off in a doff to Clair. "Port sounds better than dock or pier, mostly because if you've seen docks, you have seen them laden with IMported merchandise. It's also where we send things out... Or EXport them. Port is the common word there."

"My mom might get it better, as she more military minded, although Dad, knowing more how a merchant mind would work, would definitely understand port and be able to explain it to Mom." Ruby said, as Calla picked up the other device.

"Ruby, do you hear me?" Calla sounded like she was echoing, as she pressed where Clair showed her.

Aurora walked in at that moment. "Take those outside to play with them, and spread out more!" Aurora waved, shooing them out. "One can already tell those are NOT meant to be THIS close to each other, or for inside! Shoo! Don't forget your coats! It's cold out there!"

After taking a deep breath as the two left, the 21 year old new doctor sighed, put her own notebook down along with a quill and inkwell, and said calmly. "So... This thing about the elements? And the names? Looks like you're the instructor here." She stated with a soft smile.
Clair looked between them as they discussed the name.
"Honestly, the name isn't the focus, we can call it whatever for now, ports work if you prefer, I mostly need testing at the moment" She admitted.

"Yes, you can bring them outside but don't get them wet!" She called out to them as they got ready to leave.

"Right, so here, I only have a few, but I am keeping empty spots like Sodium is 11, Iron is 26, and copper is 29, but if my theory is correct, all things might be able to add to this list." She explained as she showed her the work done so far
Aurora made a face after writing down what Clair had. "Like what elements make up this?" She asked picking up the potato. "It sounds definitely like something the Amazons would do, or a curious Monterissan. Here's an idea." She picked up Clair's basin and put some water in one of her bowls. "Water's an element, right? Let's find it's base, what, protons, you said?"

Water, along with fire, air and earth all were believed to be elements, and they just recently learned snow was technically frozen water filled with air.
Clair nodded.
"Right, let's take a look." She said getting some water and placing it under her new microscope.
"hmm, oh interesting, it's different than the others, like, it's made up of multiple elements. Some only seem to have a single electron, while others have eight, still, these are the lowest numbers we have seen yet"
It was a good thing Aurora hadn't written down what each element had, just the numbers. As she wrote down the correct word of electrons, she raised an eyebrow as she looked at Clair. "More than one? But, I don't understand. Water is an element. Probably the most vital next to air!" She thought about that. "Definitely second most important element for our survival. We need air to breathe."

She rushed to see this for herself. "Let me look. Maybe you're mistaken..." After looking in the microscope. "This is so much stronger than the one you made for me. You might want to keep it under wraps for a while, and just let a few see this. You'll set science on it's ear right now. Did I see what I think I saw? It appears two of those one electron elements are connected to the eight electron one. One on each side." She wrote down her observations as she had Clair verify her. Water, always thought to be it's own element, was really two.
"But imagine if it wasn't an element, but a combination of them, oh! maybe one is what we breathe, and the other is something else, and like fish gills can filter out the one we get from the air" She theorized as Aurora looked.

"Exactly! but how do we find out what each one is?" She rubbed her chin.
"Maybe boiling it will separate them?"
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