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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Aurora shook her head. "Well, since you have to cook dinner tomorrow night, well tomorrow afternoon... Maybe you can run the experiment then. Doesn't water turn to vapour easier in the kitchen than by room temperature? If only you could have some way to check when the water turns to vapour under your microscope whilst you're cooking...."

The two stopped as commotion came up the stairs, and Ruby came in red, looking embarrassed. Calla was right behind her soaked thoroughly. "... Sploosh! Right in the blinkin' pond! Dunno how many fish I scared! I'll be lucky I don't catch my death!"

"Avenger! I said I was sorry! I didn't know we were so close TO the fishing pond!"

Calla did actually have a few thin icicles hanging in her hair, lashes and floppy musketeer hat, and shivering immensely. "At least you caught the other talking device, even if you couldn't catch me before I fell in!"

"Avenger, let's get you out of those wet things. Quickly. Clair, can you go with her and lay out some dry clothes, hopefully she can dry herself." Aurora asked worriedly. "It sounds like the snowfall hid the danger, and these two need separated, anyway."
"Yeah, well water must be heated to become vapor, and yeah, I just need a way to like, look at the air like I do the other materials"

Clair jumped at their entrance and stood in shock until Aurora took charge.
"Right, let's get you dry and in some dry clothes Avenger" Clair said going to get one of the towels in her room.
Aurora grimaced as she thought, while Avenger, still shivering, allowed herself to be wrapped in the towel.

"I wish I had our seamstress make me a couple of these suits." She said, upon reaching her room. "Can you set out my dry petticoat from the chest, and the dress suit that looks like the librarian's suit? That tan one that looks like his? Like a book cover?" She asked, trying to both dry herself off AND undress, yet keep herself covered at the same time.

(No image found. Fedora, dress suit with skirt)
Calla turned her back as she slipped on the petticoat. "It's safe, I mean we're both girls and I've got my petticoat on now." She said, shaking her head as she buttoned down her blouse and shook her vest.

"Could you help me drape these so they'll dry properly, before you go back to the doc." She asked, slipping up the long skirt, but leaving her vest unbuttoned, although her blouse was.
Clair turned around and nodded, walking over to Avenger and taking her clothes to help drape them.
"So how have you been feeling? recovering well?"
As they were draping out Calla's wet clothes, she carefully explained how the test went. "It seems that I was starting to lose Ruby, again, after a furlong.¹ That's pretty far, I think."

After she finished helping, Calla would finish buttoning up her vest and put on the fedora, looking almost like a serious Bogart-like female gumshoe of the 20th century, so definitely still a crime fighting knight for the 14th. "What do you think?"

Differences, blonde hair all tan outfit. This is her general look)

1-The communication devices work to about 660 feet apart, or 220 yards. This would be good enough for right now as Christmas 1377 is only during "The Hundred Years War" which is unrest between England and France, which all parties would know about, but not try to involve themselves in.
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"Huh? That's it? dang, I'll try and extend that range, but it will do for some uses" Clair replied to the range.

"Oh, I think it looks good, though does this make you Avenger still or Calla?" She asked.
Calla blinked. "That's already miraculous, Clair, we probably would have had to have a runner go back and forth otherwise! Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't it take five of those for a kilometer? What would satisfy you? The whole kilometer? Could that even be done?"

She rubbed her face, "You, Ruby, Diana, Olivia and Dame Duchess Calla are my friends. You can call me by my real name, even though Diana and Olivia probably won't, obeying father's rule. You're all closer to me than that silly so-called punishment. As long as it's not princess... I have a sneaky suspicion I've been already stripped of my title, father just hasn't said anything yet. I can't have two titles until I actually become a knight. Some ancient law that dates back to King Arthur." She sighed. "Let's get back to Aurora and Ruby."
Clair blushed.
"Well, honestly, I was hoping for multiple kilometres" She admitted.

"Oh okay Calla, let's get back, we have lots to do still" She smiled.
On the way back to Clair's room, Calla didn't say anything, but looked as if she had been thinking about what Clair had said. Once there, Calla touched her arm. "Wait a minute, how would we test such a great distance? Horseback?"

Aurora raised her eyebrow. "What are you on about, Avenger?" She looked Calla over and smirked. "Or should I say detective knight?" A chuckle. "Nice outfit."

Calla scoffed and then asided to Clair, "Remember how I didn't mention the doc amongst my friends? Any questions as to why, now?"

Ruby looked between Aurora, Calla and Clair. "Did I miss the joke?"
"Yeah horseback could work, or boat maybe? As long as both ends have a way to recharge, then as long as they get far enough away from each other, it should work" Clair replied.

Clair stayed quiet at the slightly tense moment, at least for her.
"So umm, should we get back to crafting?" She asked nervously
Ruby nodded, "Yes, please."

Aurora grabbed a potato and proceeded to cut it into chunks, placing one room temperature on the counter, another in water, and set yet a third piece in the window sill where the cold air of outside could hit it. Frowning, she then took the third in water and cut it in half, plunking one piece back in the water, and making another water and putting salt in with it. "We know cooking them softens them, but let's see what happens when you just leave one in water and boil the other. Now, we need a way to do just that."

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "What's with the piece in the window?

"Room temperature is the control. Anyone who has cut potatoes before, knows about them turning reddish inside once cut. I want that one by the window to deal with the cold temperatures found in most cellars, where things are kept cold. And yes, Calla and Clair, it has to do with biology and medicine."
Clair observed and nodded.
"I will be curious on what you learn about the different atmospheric changes effect on them"

"As for us, we need to find a better way to extend the range of your parent's communication device," She told Ruby.
Ruby sighed. "Yeah... Only a furlong. We need four more for a kilometre. But how do we extend that distance in the little time we have left? Shouldn't we try to find a way to boil that piece of potato for Doctor Aurora?"

Calla Avenger shook her head. "Diana taught me how to make a campfire, but we can't do it inside, and it's too cold outside. Isn't fire one of our natural elements? Can't you find a way to, I don't know, contain it for lab experiments?" She looked at Clair.

Aurora snapped her fingers. "Greek fire¹! Avenger! Quick, fetch Princess Sapphire!"

Ruby frowned, "Wouldn't Diana know too?"

Aurora glared. "Don't assume all Amazons are privy to Themiscyra, Thessalonica, or any other Grecian city or invention, moreso than a Greek princess. Diana and Cassandra may be the daughters of Hippolyta, but they haven't LIVED there in over a decade. We ask Sapphire."

Cassandra overheard, and rushed to tell Diana. "I'm three years younger than you, sister, but even I know Greek fire should not be handled carelessly... Prithee, sister, what IS Greek fire? I was but five when we left for England and these Amazons for you to rule them²."

1-Greek fire is a military grade weapon. Doctor Aurora would only know the name, not what it does.

2- We established that Diana has been leading Brittania Amazona for more than 12 years, now. Since she was about eight to ten.
Clair paused but nodded to Ruby, then turned to Calla.
"Hmm, contain fire.. huh? Greek fire?" Clair wasn't certain what that was but she was curious.

"I too would like to know what Greek fire is" Clair asked.
Calla folded her arms below her breasts. "This is ridiculous. Greek fire can't be any different than regular fire, especially if the Greeks and Romans shipped it throughout the realm!"

Aurora became irritated. "Princess. March." She grabbed Calla's shoulders on each side of her, and started walking her to the door. "The sooner we even KNOW what Greek fire IS, the sooner Clair can figure out how to use it to cook experiments, right? Instead of arguing, just get Sapphire, and if you can't walk yourself, I'll walk you to the meeting myself!"

They would get down to the parlour and the hunters' debrief from the day before with Sapphire, Ethel, Grovershire, Olivia, Diana and Cassandra, after Cassandra had came in and talked to Diana privily about the others plans to use Greek fire.

Ruby shrugged to Clair. "I guess that leaves us more than enough time to plan how to get more distance out of these communication devices, right, Clair?"
Clair watched and blinked at the interaction, she wasn't comfortable with confrontation but was at least glad she wasn't pulled too deeply into it. They had left without needing her input luckily.

As Diana saw them she approached.
"Hey ladies, you hear about the... Greek fire" She whispered the last part.

Clair looked at Ruby as she spoke up.
"Right, perhaps we need a better method for them to receive it, maybe a wider surface, like how a sail catches the wind?" She suggested.
Sapphire raised a curious eyebrow as Diana approached Doctor Service and her lady companion (to her, she was polite to physicians and didn't know Princess Calla as anything but Avenger in a floppy crimson hat with a feather. She raised her other eyebrow when she didn't hear Diana finish her sentence.

The doctor nodded to Diana, whispering to her. "That's why we need a Greek native. So we learn what it is, and use it for some lab experiments."

Avenger saw her own father look right at her, brow furrowed and clear his throat. She whispered, "Okay, two questions. One, we're interrupting, and two... Uhh... Why are we whispering?"

Upstairs, Ruby turned the device over in her hands. "I barely understand the concept of your... Oh, I don't know... Squawker? At least that's what they sound like when you talk into them. Sailing I understand, being Cordonian, but a sail? That's a cloth. Is that really going to catch these sound waves?"

Ruby, you described what it does. Think, girl, you're smarter than this!
Diana nodded.
"Right, well we can loop Sapphire in, but we might want to let the meeting finish first. And Whispering makes it harder for others to hear" Diana told them, also getting a curious look from Ethel. Whispering the last part again jokingly.

Diana then returned to the others.
"My apologies, where were we?"

Clair placed a hand to her chin, thinking of how to explain.
"Hmm, well the sail thing is more like an example of function then material, just expand the area it can receive the message that travels through air. And they aren't really sound waves, it's kinda different, these devices translate sound into then back from this other kind of wave"
Gregor said, "We were discussing ways for you that got foxes this year what to do with them. How you want these pelts sold. Stoles, cuff liners, Et cetera, and if Ethel and Diana, the only ones with enough, want coats, pants vests, or blazers made to sell of yours." He sighed and arose. "Talk quietly amongst yourselves, I need to talk to my daughter about her annoying outfit." He made a beeline. "Hold, Avenger, we shall have words."

Sapphire blinked. "That's Avenger?" She looked again at Calla who was talking... And explaining... To her father, who had his hands on his hips, why she was dressed thusly. She addressed the other girls. "I thought you ladies told me she's something like a detective. That looks better than the crimson musketeer outfit, you ask me. More detective like."

Ruby nodded, "Okay, I get it. We can't really expand the area without making a bigger squawker. It still needs to be able to be held in the hand...." She thought about it, and suddenly grabbed the parchment and inkwell. "I got it! Make the squawker like this! I think we can get a kilometre out of this!" She proceeded to draw an upended trapezoid and circled about four fifths of it. She then showed it to Clair. "See? More room. Even if it's only millimetres. And if you make it where more of it is what you speak and listen out of..." She than sang the final syllables. "Ta-da!"
Ethel nodded, stating to the others she wanted her portions to go to making clothes for homeless and orphaned children, primarily jackets to keep warm, or blankets for the same purpose. Diana hearing this also said that she would throw in portion in for the same cause.

Clair looked it over and nodded.
"In theory I think that could work, good job, but we need to design and test it to be sure, so let's get to work." She smiled.
When Gregor returned, and heard what the ladies suggested, he nodded. "Easiest hunting debrief in over a decade. Dismissed, ladies, thank you. Diana... A moment."

After all the other ladies had left, he addressed the current leader. "Calla continues to make tomboy moves. She fell in the pond, she says. Remind her she's 18 this spring, she needs to grow up. I don't mind her playing hero, but she needs to stop acting like she's invincible. Knights do NOT take chances they shouldn't. She should have never gone out since she didn't know the landscape. I've already told her she's grounded until we get back to Dunwyn. I don't want her outside. At all. When we return to Berkshire for the wine tasting, I don't care what you have to do to stop her from venturing out, including sitting on her to stop her. Thank you in advance. Now get Sapphire and see what our inventors are on about, and why they want you Grecian natives." So he had heard, but didn't know they were interested in Greek fire for all the wrong reasons, mostly due to ignorance.

Ruby happily helped Clair remodel the devices for her parents, but blushed with a bitten lower lip Everytime their hands brushed.
Ethel nodded to the King and left to give him and Diana space.

Diana gave a warrior bow to the King.
"Of course sire, I'll keep a tight leash, and perhaps try to drill some lessons into her in the meantime about self preservation. As for the others, I'll make sure they aren't going to cause any more undue damage." She assured.

After that Diana approached Sapphire.
"They inventors want to know about Greek fire for some reason, I doubt they know the dangers of it so be sure to highlight them" she whispered.

Clair was ecstatic she had an inventor partner, things could move twice as quick now. Her own tunnel vision filtering out each time their hands would touch, that plus the fact she wore gloves while inventing.
Sapphire's eyes widened at Diana's reveal. "Ahh! Kataraménous ilithious¹!" She hissed, before apologizing to Diana. "Sorry, that wasn't very ladylike or princess like of me. "Either they don't realize that's a military grade weapon, or they truly are, ahem, ilithious. Point blank, and I won't apologize for that." Taking a deep breath. "After you, milady."

Aurora and Calla returned to the room, the latter with her head bowed. "We're back, but Avenger has something to say before she goes to her room." She nudged Calla who removed her hat. "If you can give her a moment?"

Ruby poked Clair gently and stopped what she was doing to look at the downtrodden hero.

1-damned idiots
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