How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

The rest of the dinner went smoothly with a few other curious souls asking questions regarding these "squawkers" as Ruby coined them, after dinner.

Dame Amethyst: How far do they reach before you can't hear the party? (Right now it's still only a furlong, or 1/5 a kilometre)

Olivia and Millicent: Any chance of getting a pre-order on a pair of squawkers?

Sapphire: How would you factor in the ability to talk to more than one other person, like your whole team?

Doctor Aurora: Could I be called in somewhere needed if my head doctor has one? I'm thinking we'd probably be two or more kilometres from each other, though. (What they're actually testing now)

(And a question Diana or Ethel may have)
Clair was nervous about all the questions but did her best to answer them.

"Last tested 1/5th a kilometre, but we are working on increasing the distance." She replied to Amethyst.

"Once they are ready I can try and make some yeah, or maybe share my blueprints for them to be able to be made by your own smiths" She replied to Olivia and MIllicent.

"Well, yes actually, though only one could talk at a time, any amount really could be ready to listen, though that would need to be tested to be sure" She replied to Sapphire.

"We are in the process of trying to expand the range, and since the message is sent as you say it, it would work great for that, you would just need to leave your end turned on and ready for receiving a message."

"What about being able to communicate with the women from my homeland when I am out, like here? what are the maximum limits on it?" Diana asked.
"Oh well I am hoping it can be a very long range, though across seas may be stretching it, but who knows maybe we will think of something"

"How do you think you can compensate for the massive tactical advantage this would give to any military? What if the wrong people got ahold of this tech and used it?" Ethel asked.
"Oh, well umm, I don't really know..." Clair admitted.
Ruby looked surprised at Ethel. "I hadn't thought of it either, I just wanted a way for my parents to talk back and forth across a great distance, since my mother is the Queen of Cordonia and my father is like one of her captains in charge of a legion of soldiers. Although, right now, under peacetime, it'd be for less military things. I'm thinking ahead, too, hoping Cordonia doesn't have any more wars. This civil war which reunited several great houses was bad enough." She then looked at the two holdouts that declared themselves independent countries. "Ramsford and Lythikos would be welcomed in, you two, you know that."

"Despite what my mother, uncle, and grandfather did to Queen Kenna? Ask me again in about 40 years. Let's leave these wounds heal awhile." Olivia said, shaking her head.

Beatrice frowned. "We're the wine capital of Western Europe. Only Italy makes more than the Beaumont vineyards." She said, suddenly taking on airs that would probably even shock Diana.

Sapphire frowned at the sudden attitude of the Ramsford noble. "We export plenty of Ouzo throughout Europe as well, and I'm talking all of Greece, no single vineyard is better than another."

To a Beaumont, those were fighting words and the whole table knew it. "Dinner is finished, everyone is dismissed." Gregor said hurriedly, shooing his daughter over to the Amazons, whilst Aurora and Dr Arden readied themselves for the coming argument that was sure to devolve into fists and/or swords.

Millicent grabbed Olivia and Ethel, while Ruby grabbed Clair and both headed for the hills, friends in tow.... That is, the second floor where all the rooms were. Millie and Ruby both knew there was no stopping the Beaumont battleship, now.
Ethel left with Millicent, though her gaze looked to Clair for a moment longer before they had parted ways.

Clair looked back at the argument that had started and looked to Ruby.
"Oh no, was all this my fault?"
Ruby shook her head. "If anyone is to blame, it's me. I offered them back into Cordonia and Olivia at least was polite about it. It's Duchess Beaumont, though. Granted, most of the best wine in either Gaul or Cordonia comes from there, but she just claimed to be as good as Italy. Thankfully, Sapphire, who's from Greece was here, and called her out on it, saying no vineyard, no better how good, is any better than any other single vineyard. That's what caused it. Beaumont will demand recompense for the slight. I fear there may be a duel over it, and punches thrown by both parties."

They listened to the argument getting even more heated and things starting to get broken as bodies slammed the walls and into things around them.

Olivia, braving a watch, and because she can't help but love a good fight, was rooting for Sapphire to mop up the floor with Bernice. Mostly because no one had the right to call their product better than an entire country's product of similar type.

Dr Arden and Aurora could both be heard trying to calm the Grecian Princess and Ramsford Duchess down. Even Gregor was yelling for peace and cooler heads to prevail. Suddenly a resounding clap was heard as the gauntlet was thrown.

The downstairs grew extremely quiet as Aurora gasped quite loudly, followed by an indignant, "Duchess Beaumont! You have gone too far!"

Olivia looked at both Ruby and Clair. "Oh snap. Beatrice just challenged Sapphire to swords at dawn. She slapped Sapphire with both gloves in her hand, on each side of the face. What's worse... The Grecian Princess has accepted, and as the one challenged demanded broadswords. Knight swords, basically. You're an inventor, can't you possibly make them, I don't know, less pointy so they don't kill each other over something so stupid?" Olivia's eyes seemed almost pleading.
"Oh, so that is what happened, I got kinda lost in the conversation trying to think about some of the questions we got." She admitted,

Ethel watched as well as Diana, both arms crossed and shaking their heads.

Clair nodded.
"Well I can dull them, but metal is metal, we could use a less solid material if that would work? or maybe wrap them in sheets after dulling them?" She suggested.
Olivia narrowed her eyes. "Less solid, how? They have to still look like broadswords, weigh the same as broadswords, and move through the air as broadswords."

She frowned. "I think Sapphire could use one, she's got the same build as Diana, and Ethel, just smaller, but I don't think Bernice could even handle one. A broadsword is easily the most weightier of all swords to handle. Avenger Calla has shown me the one the people made her, and I can't even lift it. Diana, Cassandra and Sapphire could, and gave a few practice swipes before praising the craftsmanship. Calla said YOU made it."

Olivia didn't know it, but just answered a burning question about the sword made specifically for Princess Calla as the Avenger... Clair had made an Amazonian Sword! It also answered Sapphire's quick healing abilities.
Clair looked to Olivia, well,
"like a mace isn't sharp but can still do significant damage, sampling dulling the blade won't stop a potential killing or harm, I suppose it would only stop such a thing via external bleeding," Clair replied.
"The weight might be the biggest issue, I could make the swords lighter, dull and the same size, the lack of weight making them less deadly as well as the dulling, but if the weight can't change I am unsure how to make them safe. At least without finding some sort of soft substance to coat them with" She added.

Clair snapped back in when she heard about the sword she had made.
"Huh? Oh yes, the Avengers sword, that one was tricky, but I made a sword I thought only Avenger and myself could use, but somehow it extended to other Amazonians." She declared.
"Though how can that help us? make a sword they can't use?" She asked confused.

Diana nodded.
"I just presumed she was Amazonian after seeing that, and that the sword was designed to only be used by Amazons."
Olivia nodded. "Explains how your sister can use it too, but not Sapphire, though, she did heal from her run through the briars and got seriously scratched up fairly quick. There's more to the Jewel Kingdom Princess than meets the eye."

She rubbed her chin in thought. She then said to Diana, but in Clair's hearing. "We could use Sapphire possibly being an Amazon Warrior, or spawn of an Amazon Warrior, to our advantage. She can pick up and use Avenger's broadsword, right? You and I both saw her wield it, and quite adeptly." She then looked at Clair. "Whatever you did for Avenger, do you think you could repeat it? We'll see if Bernice Beaumont really has what it takes to even hold a broadsword. It's time to knock that snobby wine duchess down several pegs, and at the same time, reveal Sapphire's ancestry to herself."

Turning back to Diana, Olivia fully revealed her plan. "Sapphire obviously didn't want to fight until she was slapped, and a duel of honour was mandated... If Bernice Beaumont can't even wield the chosen sword..." She gave Diana a knowing smirk and eyebrow raise. "We can force a fencing duel, and both will save face on their honour. I know rapiers can be dulled! Rapiers are a Lythikan specialty."

She turned back to Clair. "You want to learn how to make the best rapiers in all of Europe, right? I can teach you."
Clair listened and nodded along.
"If you mean make another sword like that, maybe, but it would take a lot of hard to get materials, plus I need some organic material from the target, or I guess any Amazon?" She shrugged.

"Oh, a rapier smithing lesson? Yes please" she smiled with a nod.
"Perhaps we can force a rapier joust and maybe find an excuse for them both to try and use the existing Avenger weapon?" She suggested.
Olivia smirked. "More like a lifting duel and then make Beaumont swallow her pride. I'll go talk to Avenger. Meanwhile, can you catch Laird Princeton, uh Clara, I trust her father about as far as I could throw him, our seating arrangements the main reason. I actually agree with Laird Clara on that, just don't tell her I said that. Ask her if she has a smithy here on property." She then gave a surprising warning, "Take someone with you, just in case her father is hanging around somewhere."
Clair seemed to go a little pale at the warning.
"Oh, umm, who should I bring, someone like Diana, Calla, or that Ethel girl err, lady? Or like Ruby or something?" She asked unsure what kind of risk she might be taking.
"Or should I bring something for physical defence?"
Olivia raised an eyebrow. "I hope it doesn't come to defense. Diana, Ethel and Grovershire would definitely be good defense if you need it. We don't want to have to deal with two duels. Somebody like Doc Aurora or Princess Ruby should suffice. He usually doesn't start on one of the ladies if she's with another lady. Safety in numbers, and all that. Even I would grab someone, if there's a chance of running into Clara's father."
Clair was quite nervous, she did not like any confrontation let alone something that Olivia would need or at least want backup for.
"Oh, umm, m-maybe you could come with me?" She asked.
Olivia sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine, but we talk to Avenger first about our plan to stifle Beaumont." They began walking towards Avenger's room. "Know the plan, right? Convince both broadswords are too bulky and heavy, by making Beaumont attempt to lift Avenger's broadsword. See if Laird Clara even has a smithy on property. Whichever you want to talk to, fine, I'll take the other. Avenger or Laird Clara?"
Clair nodded.
"Right, I suppose I'll talk to Avenger about using her sword. That way you can ask Clara about the smithy and what we need for the rapiers"
Having Clair ask the Dunwynian princess and hero would turn out to be the right call. Avenger knew from experience that Clair fashioned the sword, so knew how to hold and carry it. Despite Olivia's prowess with swordplay, she couldn't even lift the sword!

Calla laid it down on the table, and try as she might, Olivia couldn't even budge it. Olivia glanced at Clair, "You made this thing, yet you're not Amazon?" She then smirked. "Beaumont is so had!"

Later, downstairs, Laird Princeton the elder avoided both Olivia and Clair as they walked by him, barely acknowledging either lady. "What did I tell you? He won't bother us if there's a couple of us together." Olivia asided to Clair. "It's almost as if he's afraid of confrontation if there's witnesses."

Clara was reading in the sitting room as Olivia and Clair came in. "An' wha c'n I be doin' fer ye boat this evenin'?"

Olivia cleared her throat. "Do you have a smithy on property, Laird Princeton? And metal to fashion two Lythikan rapiers for the duel that's been declared by Beaumont."

Clara put her book on the table. "Laird Princeton, izzit? 'M nae me father, Olivia, thank God. Aye, we hae a smithy. Inna stables fer easier shoein' o' th' 'orses. I'll be cummin' wi' ye lot. Ye'll be wantin' th' Lythikan metal fer those rapiers, ye will. Follow me."

She would lead the two to the smithy, where a forge was already burning. Clara huffed under her breath. "Sum'un's aboot t' be jobless. Tha' shuddae been oot."

Olivia grabbed some metal to melt. "Seeing as you made Avenger's sword, the first few parts should be a breeze for you. Melt and start fashioning them. The trick is to heat and cool the Lythikan metal several times in the course of fashioning the metal."

Clara handed Olivia some goggles and put a pair on herself. "I want one. I'll mak it meself. Me father won't let me hae a Lythikan sword unless I c'n fashion it meself." She didn't bother with Clair since she had her own.

Olivia nodded. "So we're making three. Let's get started."
Clair was happy when Avenger agreed, and was even able to lift the sword herself since she had to in order to craft it, but her original intention was for only her and Avenger to be able to use it.
"Yeah, though I didn't intend for it to be a me and Amazonians thing, it was meant to be a me and Avenger weapon." She clarified.

Clair held her breath as they passed him, letting out a sigh of relief as it was clear he wasn't going to do anything.

"Yes, the swords I make use the same system, I figured it was very similar to regular sword crafting with proper metal purification" Clair nodded.
"Mostly it was the mold that I think I lacked before." She added as she got started.
As they progressed, Olivia explained how it was for a purer and stronger metal that it was trice heated (3x). "Once you actually start shaping your sword, you don't melt it down again. There's several heating sequences to strengthen, but it should be the purest iron. Lythikan steel contains coal called coke, but only after you've purified it (the iron) completely. I'll add your coal. Let me know when you're on your third and final purification melting process."

Shortly, when the other ladies were ready, Olivia added the special type of coal (which would have been imported from Lythikos, Germany and other mines on mainland Europe, that Clara thankfully had plenty of, but no one there knew how to make steel, little alone Lythikan Steel) "You've probably used regular coal to make your steel before today, right Clair?" Olivia asked, before adding the coke coal, equal to about two percent the total weight of her molten metal. "Mix that in and then start shaping the rapier, molding with the hammer and tongs. You'll see as it cools how much like Avenger's it really is; after it cools, you'll see how much shinier Lythikan Steel really is, as well."

Soon the hammers would resound in the smithy as the three rapiers, thin sharp fencing swords, were fashioned. Olivia, paying attention to her own work, spoke up. "Clair. This is YOUR rapier. You're only lending it to Beaumont, understand? Yours. Nowadays it's wise an inventor has her own protection."
Clair took notes and nodded.
"I see, okay, I'll let you know. Funny thing is for Avengers sword I actually heated it four times."

Clair nodded.
"Oh yes, many times, I have experimented with all sorts of metallic combinations, but steel is the most common." She admitted.

Clair seemed a bit nervous as she took the Rapier.
"Oh, I umm, I am not the best at that stuff, like I know mechanically how to use it, just not so much in practice, I have been working on a different method of protection for myself."
Olivia made a face, shook her head, but made no (usual) crass comment. "Both Ruby and Avenger can teach you. I just want it clear that you're not making this rapier for Beaumont, you're only lending it to her so she'll have one to fight with. It's YOURS to protect yourself with. There are indeed plenty of other ways to defend yourself. Take Avenger for example. She wants to, she can out think of outmaneuver any of us. She handles the rapier and the bow." She frowned at herself. "Both types of bow actually..." Olivia was thinking of the stick which is called a bo, as well as archery. "Don't let her act of denseness fool you. She's not exactly the smartest ax in the armoury, but she's no slouch either. It will only help you to learn to handle the rapier. What is it you do know for self defense? Hand to hand?"
"Oh my father taught me how to do hand to hand yes, that was his specialty, but I always gravitated more to weaponry. I know how to use mostly all weapons but lack, what's the phrase, the combative instinct? Anyway, in order to make weapons I need to know how they all operate, I just am not very aggressive I suppose." Clair admitted.l St Long a little in her explanation, she didn't have the confidence she would when explaining inventions.
Olivia seemed to both understand what Clair meant, and made movement with her head to indicate she got the gist. "Well... Since Avenger and Ruby seem the most interested in you, they'd have the patience to help teach you the basics." Olivia held up her hand, though, "I think you're a good person and all, but I don't have a lot of patience. I wouldn't be the right choice, so don't ask. I'll teach you how to mold Lythikan swords and maces, but if you don't have a lot of the basics in using them? I'm not the best teacher for you. I've gotten really annoyed with a lot of students who supposedly HAD the basics down."

When the swords were fashioned and cooling properly on displays made for cooling, Olivia said, "Okay, while these things cool, let's test Bernice Beaumont on the Amazon Sword." She smirked, "Or rather she can even lift one. Laird Clara, where did you see her last?"

"Th' wine cellar. She was helpin' me father count wine bottles. She an' me folks were headin' there wen we were cummin oot here."

Shortly, back in the castle proper, it was time to test Beaumont's ability with the broadsword.

"Clair, if you would? Please put Avenger's broadsword on the table in front of Duchess Beaumont, if you please." Olivia stated, wanting Bernice to see that Clair herself, could hold it.
"Oh, well, I suppose I may not of been clear. I do know how to use the weapons, maces, short sword, long swords, bows, even rapiers, daggers, axes and the like. I know stuff like technique and stances. Mechanically I know how to use all sorts of weapons, I need to be able to properly test for balance after all when crafting, but what I lack is more a fighting spirit." She tried to clarify.

Clair nodded, she had brought the sword and placed it down on the table, like she would when giving a sword to someone who ordered one be crafted. The handle facing toward the receiver.
"Here you are"

Meanwhile, Diana and Ethel both stood by, while Diana focused on the Duchess, Ethel had looked to Clair at first before shifting her focus.
Olivia grimaced. "Ah. The fighting spirit is what I most look for, and hone. I would still be a bad choice for training you. You need the grace of our warrior princesses to be your teacher." She throated before nodding to both Diana and Ethel.

"Thanks ladies. Helps to have two other ladies here as witnesses, but I'm sure I also informed Princess Sapphire."

Sapphire arrived a moment later. "Apologies. Doctor Aurora delayed me."

She looked to the familiar sword, handle towards a smirking Beatrice Beaumont. She raised an eyebrow and glanced quickly to Diana who had seen her lift the sword earlier, before looking at Beaumont. "I think I know what this is about..."

It was Olivia's turn to smirk. "Do you now? You, after all, called for broadswords after a double slap duel challenge, which is well within your right as the one challenged, well, here's a broadsword. Beatrice, you were too quick to accept, can you even handle a broadsword?"

Beatrice scoffed. "If that little whelp of an inventor can hold this particular sword, I certainly can." She said proudly before gripping the hilt, attempting to lift and being pulled into almost a faceplant on the table. She tried three more times, unable to move it. Turning red, and cursing, she yelled, "Impossible! What's the trick?!"

Olivia grinned in a pretty mean way. "Oh. I can assure you, there's no trick. Sapphire, if you will hand the sword back to Clair now? Diana, if you would be so kind to hand Duchess Beaumont YOUR sword? It's time our prideful wine duchess learned a lesson she would never forget."

Sapphire shrugged, picked the sword up easily in Beaumont's presence, and handed it, hilt first to Clair with a smile.

Meanwhile, Beatrice, with all her air of importance, held her hand out to Diana, still not getting that Amazonian swords could only be held by an Amazon... Or the sword's fashioner.
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