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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

With everything ready, Laird Princeton the Senior rang the dinner bell, then barked at both Clair and Ruby, who had been told by both St. Lorraine AND Clara to take a seat and be served with the rest of the court. This caused a father/daughter set to shouting match, that King Gregor had to get between them to settle them down.

Avenger had gotten her dinner of wild greens and onions, as well as her own grouse, that St. Lorraine had insisted in cooking right for her, to both Avenger's and Diana's chagrin. With permission from her father, she had borrowed the squawkers. "Diana? How do they expect me to finish my Amazon penitence if they won't let me cook my own dinner? This is twice now. Over."

Ruby sighed as she sat too far from Clair, and they only had one pair of squawkers. She cast Clair a puppy dog pout.
"I don't know, but it is indeed poor timing for this, with all the mandatory meals we have to share, perhaps you may need to wait till after to do the penitence properly. uhh, over" She replied.

Clair gave a friendly smile and a wave before trying to sign a message.
"It's okay, we can still talk like this maybe"
Calla Avenger sighed. "More woods and country around Dunwyn anyway. If Sir Robin Locksley can hunt and feed his band in Sherwood Forest, I can hunt and cook in Gummi Glen, the place of the legendary Gummi Bears. Father has already said to do the penitence to honour the Amazons and my mother." She sighed, "I just hope those Gummi Bears just stay in our legends, because after I freaked in the woods with a wild one, who knows what I'll do if I run across a legendary sentient one. Over." She had a point, but she was dwelling on the past, so not being discerning with her smarts (using wisdom), like Athena asked... Nay, ordered.

Ruby looked puzzled at Clair as her hand movements commenced. Maybe it was signed wrong, or the Cordonian Princess misunderstood. Either way, using the royal sign language, which Clair might not understand, We better clear that walk with King Gregor and Baron Darling, but I would like to get the skinny on the landscape in Berkshire. We might find more berries. Dr. Aurora said to look when we got back there, and that's tomorrow. It's a date! Until tomorrow's walk, dear Clair! She blew Clair a kiss for added measure, getting a staredown from said Cordonian Physician.
"Remember what Athena ordered of you Avenger, think things through" Diana reminded her.

Clair was indeed not familiar with that version of sign, she did her best but some things got lost in translation.
I may need that again when we can speak.
She blushed at the blown kiss but with Auroras reaction she did not know how to reply.
Clara tapped her fork against her wine glass, containing the white wine. "Be I haein' yer attention? Our final repast in bonny Scotland come courtesy of Princess Ruby o' Cordonia an' th' inventor 'ersel' Clair Handler. An' might one o' 'em be tellin' us what we'll be havin', t'en? An' th' country th' dish originates from?"

All eyes turned to Clair and Ruby, the latter becoming even shier in the scope of the looks. Glancing at Clair, she shrugged, not knowing anything about the appetizer Clair made. She just knew hers was an old Stormholt recipe from back before her mother's time.

Luckily for Clair, St. Lorraine thought he recognized the potatoes dish. He leaned over, hands clasped behind his back, and whispered for Clair. "It's an inspired take on old Italia/Eastern Europe recipe. Your father and Dr. Arden will be most honoured by you inspiration of it. I know I am honoured."
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Clair cleared her throat.
"The appetizer comes from, well, my house, I just kind of made it up one day, so it's an original, name pending I suppose" She stated, figuring they should do the intros based on the order they are eaten.
"Though it has inspiration from old Italian and Eastern European recipes, and has been tweaked from its original from by our head chef" She explained.

"Ruby, has provided the entree," She said so she would know to go next.
The girls, and even King Gregor nodded, with Dr. Arden taking the time to actually breathe in the aroma of the spices and meat sauce, and gave a nod to a fellow army man (although Arden was a medic, himself) in Clair's dad.

St. Lorraine smirked. "Non, Clair, all I did was tell you spices that would both complement your dish, and the entree. This was all vous."

Ruby took a deep breath. "This is an old Stormholt recipe, that was passed down in my family through, I guess I'm either the third or fourth generation? It's called after my country, originally the kingdom. I present to you Cordonian Mud Chili. A sweet meaty dish that only presents oregano with any bite. Made with dark chocolate, garden vegetables, apple and pheasant for the meat, although any poultry will do."

The King would try the chili first, followed by a bite of Clair's dish. "The savory potato in meat sauce enhances the enjoyment of the sweet pheasant chili. Servers, bring the entree out now."

Calla Avenger's face fell. Her meal, although nutritious, and plenty, didn't have the same aroma as everyone else's dinner. The grouse and wild vegetables that any other time would be more than enough, paled to the chili and potatoes. Everyone could see she longed to enjoy the Cordonian dish, and Clair's appetizer. Maybe if she hadn't hidden her hero identity so long, she wouldn't be serving a much deserved penitence.
Clair looked down at the praise and deflect of the recipe be fully hers. She always got flustered at compliments and praise, something this tournament had been testing.

She was happy when Ruby took the stage and eyes away from her.

Clair noticed Avenger and decided she might try and save some of each for her to try once dinner was over.

Mr. Handler returned a knowing nod. He was very proud of his daughter for the dish.
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After Arden received verification of his army experience, even if it was a different kingdom, he returned his attention to his own meal.

Olivia asided to Ethel, the only ones even near interest in each other, "Something besides the meat sauce different about the inventor's version then the army's version, I just can't put my finger on. Paprika, check; cheese, check; lemon pepper, check. It's the other red spice. I'm sure of it. Very prevalent in Iberian cuisine. Especially the southern part where Portavira is." She is thinking, and doesn't realize it, of the cayenne, which would do wonders for zinging up the Cordonian Mud Chili, since the appetizer is complementing the dish so well that the king ordered both served together.
Ethel nodded, able to narrow down the spice she had been missing.
"Cayenne, I believe is the other red spice you are looking for, pretty similar to paprika" she added.
Olivia nodded. "That's it. Abit bolder than paprika. Gives things a bit more bite. That would work in the chili better than the oregano, but won't take away how sweet the chili is. Might actually enhance it, like having the inventor's dish next to it." She pointed to Clair's dish after taking another bite. "I'd like her to invent some more gastronomic delights."

After dinner, a cheese plate was brought out, and among the different cheeses were some for every taste (listed in alphabetical order for convenience): Appenzeller, Beaufort, Brie de Meaux, Cantal, Castlemagno, Cheshire, Comte, Grana, Gorgonzola, Gruyere, Feta, Mariolles, Parmesan, Romano, Roquefort, Sbrinz, Talgar and Wensleydale.

As the plate went around each person was instructed to take three different types. Of course Sapphire gravitated to her country's cheese of Feta, but picked Gruyere and the brand new cheese of Talgar. Clair was also encouraged to pick the new Welsh cheese as one of her three cut pieces, by St Lorraine.

(Talgar is on here as being just introduced, as it is listed as having made it's debut historically in 1377)
Ethel chuckled.
"If she switches her talents to food inventions I definitely would be less worried, that's for sure"

"The art of milk based products are continuing to surprise me" Ethel stated as she tasted the cheese.

Clair did as requested.
"Honestly I have never been much of a cheese eater, partially because we couldn't afford it. But this is certainly an interesting taste."
Olivia smirked. "With a certain princess very interested in her, we shall see what develops should Clair find herself on the mainland¹ after the season. After watching the Cordonian Queen kick my grandfather's and my mother's ass, I wouldn't want to upset Kenna if I was Clair's parents. I could be reading too much into the looks Princess Ruby keeps giving her, though."

Soon, the dessert was over, along with the drinks. Although a wine sipper, Ruby didn't get her regular drink, choosing, instead, to drink the Cordonian apple cider in solidarity of Clair and Avenger who don't drink. This would surely be noticed by Diana and Ethel, since both Aurora and Cassandra did.

Cassandra couldn't help aside to Diana in a whisper. "I think Ruby is serious about either Avenger or Clair. She refused her wine in exchange for cider."

1 - Olivia is referring to the main continent of Europe, where Cordonia, and her own country of Lythikos, is.
Ethel raised an eyebrow.
"What exactly do you mean by that? What are you worried might happen exactly? And might someone use Clair's skills to push the limit of destruction?"

Diana smiled, seeing Ruby trying to connect to Clair like that, curious if she even liked the cider.
"Heh, pretty sure it's Clair, after the fiasco before, and her spending so much time helping her with her work, there is little doubt." She whispered back.

Clair meanwhile smiled at Ruby.
"Hey, you decided to go with the cider too? I thought you liked wine"
Olivia shook her head. "Ruby might not act it, but she's a princess, so she's spoiled. As I said before, it's doubtful Kenna or Dom will use Clair's incentive abilities to push for destruction. Even Amalas, bad as she is, wouldn't do that. Crazy spy stuff, to eavesdrop on Europe? Oh, hell yeah. That's Amalas' MO. Destruction, no. She's interested on Intel and knowing things before everyone else. Spies like Millicent, and this one guy named James¹. They're being used by their queen. Their 'Mother Dearest', if you will... And no, as far as I know, neither her top spies are actually her kids."

She took a deep breath. "I'm saying, Kenna will give Ruby anything she wants: Including a wife, if that's really what Ruby wants. The Cordonian Princess already has done more than last year, just because she has found someone with the same likes. All Ruby has to say, is 'Mom, I want her to live with us', and Kenna will bend over backwards, to make sure she gets her."

Cassandra could only nod her understanding, and chose wisely to leave it there, thinking she might have missed something her more astute sister didn't miss.

Ruby smiled back. "Not really a big deal. It's our apple cider. This is the go to drink for any Cordonian come autumn and winter. It's excellent warmed up, too. Sure, I enjoy my wine, but since you don't drink, I'll support you since we made this meal together."

1-reference to a 14th century version of Bond
Ethel crossed her arms.
"I certainly hope you are right then, though I think unless otherwise distracted I'll be keeping an eye on her." She thought for a moment.
"What if the inventor refuses? You think Ruby's betters will try and force the issue?" She asked.

Clair smiled at Ruby.
"That's sweet though I hope you aren't putting yourself out for my sake. Honestly I want to do test effects of alcohol, because I feel like alcohol may have adverse effects on mental performance in the long term as well as the short." She whispered.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Please. RUBY would be the one most likely to pitch a fit. Why do you think Beaumont has been lying about Ramsford being a part of Cordonia? It's a grudge against Ruby, not Kenna, for something last year in Cordonia in the Ramsford duchy. It's... Best... not to go in to the details." Although Olivia didn't literally do it, Ethel could tell from Olivia's inflection and body language, the incident was a real facepalm moment, an embarrassment on Ruby herself, and best left in the past.

Clara looked at the king, or more precisely her own father, getting antsy as dinner was over and no one had yet been excused. Even the king himself looked ready to go over Laird Princeton's head, but this wasn't even his country.

Ruby looked over to Clair with a perplexed stare, before looking towards Princeton, after being motioned by Clara's head that it wasn't up to her.

Aurora and Arden both uneasily cleared their throats in the Scottish Laird's direction after another five minutes.

The servants started looking at each other and shrugging, because they couldn't finish clearing the table until the guests left.

Cassandra hissed under her breath, close to being very undiplomatic, something both Diana or Ethel would get her for (if not one of the Greek gods or goddesses). "Damnit, what the hell is he waiting on?! Christmas?!"
Ethel places her hands on the back of her own head leaning back slightly.
"No worries, to be honest politics aren't a huge deal for me" she admitted.

Clair was looking around as well, though she assumed there was some social thing she wasn't understanding and just sat and smiled.

Ethel looked around raising an eyebrow before hearing Cassandra call out.
"Well this seems like an interesting power move, what do you think Is trying to be proven here?" She whispered to Olivia.
Laird Princeton made it clear to everyone, be they royal or noble, English or from the main continent, by glaring directly at Clara for whatever infraction she had transgressed against him, before he finally excused the table, after making them all stay seated. Ethel had been right: It was a power move. Father reminding daughter who really was Laird of their lands. A familial power move that spilled into the court itself.

Clara get up, slammed her napkin into the plate, and said to the only ones near her, which was Clair, her family, the butcher, baker and Avenger. "If he wouldnae lord it o'er me so blatantly... An' he wonders why mmm tryin' fer th' PRINCESS'S hand?! Why I donnae gie a man a second glance?! Bloody arse!"

Avenger went to, well avenge her friend, but then Gregor stopped her. "Stand down, Avenger, you're heart's in the right place, but his isn't. You confront him, you'll set off a Scottish-English war. And I'll put YOU on the front lines, daughter or no. Understand?"
Clair froze, she wasn't good with conflict, especially not at this level!

Ethel looked around, if a Scottish-English war started, that might put a serious threat on what the Inventor might be made to create. She didn't act yet, but was ready to do so if she felt it was necessary.

Diana knew she couldn't intervene just yet, but would try and broker peace if needed.
Ruby wrapped her arms around Avenger and Clair both, kissing each friend on the cheek. "Come on. Let's go bug Princess Sapphire and Doctor Aurora for some fun. 'Sides, we gotta pack so we'll be ready to head to Berkshire in the morning."

Before they could leave, Clara begged the King's audience and gave all a startling request. "Sire, I beseech thee... Tak th' fox hunt from us. Gie it to arr neighbors down the lane. It wool steel be in Scotland. I'll move t' Greece if I hae t', jes t' get away from me pa. Please."

All could see Gregor's heart break for Laird Clara. He said the only diplomatic thing he could. "Thank you, Laird Clara, I'll take it under advisement." He noticed Olivia, Millicent and Ethel. "You three. Come with me please. I have need of a pair of spies and an advisor." He looked at Clair. "You want your squawkers tested for long distances, yet? Give them to Millie and Olivia. They're going to need them."
Clair smiled nervously at the sudden attachment, she wasn't used to or good with this much physical contact.
"Right, we have lots to pack." She agreed before she was stopped from leaving just yet.

Ethel was of course still watching, glad that the worst had seemed to pass, but was not off her edge yet.

Clair nodded at the Kings request and walked over, handing them each one of the squawkers.
"Do you need any assistance with how to operate them?" She asked.

Ethel would get up and approach the King with the others, doing so silently, she was curious if she were to be a spy, or for what reason the King might have to ask her to be an advisor. He shouldn't know about her experience, though perhaps he needed some advice that a mercenary could offer, more than someone with a wealth of experience.
Gregor sighed, nodded, and after Olivia and Millie were shown how to operate the squawkers, he excused Clair, Ruby and Avenger, telling them he needed to speak to the trio of Ethel, Millie and Olivia alone.

"Ethel. You've seen how I try to run a kingdom without creating an inter-kingdom, or international incident, but after the dealings we've just faced with Laird Princeton here, and Beaumont trying to declare war on Greece, or at the very least, the Jewel Kingdom, over hurt feelings, I'm afraid I'm going to need a mercenary's honest and expert opinion in holding what tentative peace we have."

He sent Olivia and Millie to watch and follow Clara's father, who was definitely up to something, considering the familial power play against his own daughter, he just pulled that delayed the whole court.

He rubbed his face, "Should I force Crimson Avenger, who has already proven herself a loyal, trustworthy and honourable subject into service early because of less than honourable knights and the other squires are not ready, even though technically she is an untested squire herself, or will that backfire because she's my daughter, and I'll be showing unwarranted favouritism? The only thing I can do, and may ask you to continue to aid in, as it's a bit of political espionage... Snooping, if you will... Is send Olivia and Millie out as spies to see what, if anything, is Princeton's game. Is he playing power games with the whole court or just his daughter? I already know, right now, I can only play longball until Queen Kenna arrives in Dunwyn for the holidays and the confusing signals Ruby is giving out. It's like, as you just witnessed, she wants both Calla and Clair. Cordonia is not a kingdom, or queendom as it were, to play those kinds of mind games. Scotland? They have in the past, but as a nation, not single land owners."
Clair once excused returned to Ruby and Avenger.
"Sorry, I'm back now, sadly the squeakers are needed elsewhere but there is still lots to do for us."

Ethel crossed her arms and nodded.
"It's a tricky situation, if you don't trust the leader of another country, and want to avoid war, the best thing to do is get someone you do agree with to take over the leadership role of that country, preferably through the normal means of that countries customs." She explained.
Gregor nodded. "I'm actually friends with the king of Scotland, Robert II. I'm also friends with this realm's king, although he's more a High Steward, Rualrl. Princeton has a lot of prestige in this section of southern Scotland. It's he I'm most concerned about, presently. I'm wanting to keep you close at hand, more as a continued advisor after Princeton's power play. You can continue to enjoy the games and you'll be well compensated if you accept. Unfortunately, I need advice on who to send to both Rualrl and Robert to alert them both about this power play."

Gregor didn't realize he had the perfect person, willing to do anything to escape her father, who was starting to act like a tyrant: Clara Princeton.
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