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How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Everyone took their assigned seats, Sir Handler getting back into the mindset he had been in for the previous wars, and Mrs. Handler heading back to their shop to get things running again. Clair got into the carriage she was assigned and looked to Ruby as she joined her.
"You okay?" She asked wanting to both comfort Ruby and perhaps even receive some comfort as she was quite scared herself.

Meanwhile, Ethel hurried, knowing that though this would be a short war, some fighting would likely still commence unless Princeton's army was set to get into position and await further orders, which would now either come as a retreat or not come at all.
As soon as they arrived in Dunwyn, the king and Avenger quickly cleared the streets of people and Avenger telling everyone to stay indoors and not open the door to any strangers, regardless of being from town or no.

Gregor marvelled at the vigilante's tact and assertiveness. Dunwynians truly did love Calla as the Avenger and wondered if learning she was their beloved princess also would do more harm than good, and even posed the question to Diana, since Ethel wasn't there yet.

Seven hours later, well after sunset, and probably around midnight, Elizabeth led her troops right to the throne room of Gregor. "We haenae seen Princeton's men on th' path yet, Majesty, buh we arr here at yer biddin' t' stop him." She said as she bowed to Gregor.

Gregor nodded before looked around for Robert. "Where's my old friend, Elizabeth? Isn't he coming, too? I know how he hates war... Ethel, Olivia, welcome back to court. Ethel join me, and everyone fighting for Dunwyn, join Elizabeth's ranks. Are you in charge of your small army, Princess?"

"Aye 'n' nae. I hae las' word on how we station, buh ye hae th' where." Elizabeth informed him.

"We don't have long, but let's quickly strategize. Placement, plan of attack," glaring at Calla Avenger, but turning a gentle eye to Ethel and Diana, "and advice on whether or not Avenger gets knighted from her service to the crown up to this point. Only those who have seen her actions during court with prestige may weigh in." Glare to many of his knights against knighting the vigilante heroine before jail time, or at all. "That would be Princesses Diana, Sapphire, Ruby, Duchess Olivia, Duchess Grovershire, Baroness Baker, Dr. Aurora and Ethel. You all will carry the most weight with my other knights."

Ruby looked sadly at Clair and Avenger, before giving her vote. "No jail time, but after she proves herself in the battle." She then apologized to both for voting against Avenger being knighted early.

Sapphire nodded. "Seconded. I don't know Avenger that well, she seems like a good fighter, but I've also seen her indecision."

Olivia smirked. "Now. There's no time to worry about if when her actions before have spoken highly of her."

Grovershire shook her head. "She's never been truly battle tested. Just trained, with me, Diana and Sir Handler. After. No jail time."

Baker nodded. "She's not fought in an army yet, she's never had to rely on others. Never did teamwork. I'm sorry Avenger, you need the practice. After."

Aurora sadly shook her head, with two left to vote she said, "I'm surprised at all of you. You've been months with her. You know her character and capabilities. Although I don't like her going into this battle when she needs to heal from that appendectomy. Knight her now."

If both Ethel and Diana agree with Olivia and Aurora, there would have need of a deciding vote, which would fall to Clara who had just walked into the conversation with King Robert II. Amethyst, who also trained with Calla and Avenger both, was a knight. She wouldn't have a say, but everyone by now, should know she'd vote for Calla to be knighted now.
Diana placed a hand to her chin in thought.
"I am unsure, on one hand it would show how the royal family is truly putting their necks out there for their people, on the other it may also come across as a deception. The royal family lying to them, as well as acting as if she was acting outside the law structure when she is part of the source of their laws" she replied.
"I think like everything, there will be two sides to it"

Ethel spoke up.
"Princeton is dead, I made an attempt to send word through his people to retreat due to his death, but no sign so far if that has worked, we should prepare for the assault we initially prepared for."

Once the voting took place Diana would vote first.
"She has shown great determination and heart, as well as belief in her people and land, I think she should be knighted."

Ethel shook her head.
"We don't know how long until Princeton army arrives, we made it here before them, they could be lying in wait to attack any moment now, they could have made it here by now and are just laying low, planning to attack when our men are tired and we are unsuspecting. We must wait, her worthiness being a moot point until we know this threat is dealt with a good knight would not want anything to distract from the protection of the people. Let her fight but don't waste any time on a ceremony at the least"
Gregor nodded to all the votes. Five to three if he understood the reasons and decisions. "Then Squire Calla, the upcoming battle is your final test to see if you're ready to be a knight. Listen to your commander. That's Princess Elizabeth."

He turned to Elizabeth, "Station your men and women along the walls facing north and east. Amethyst, take your knights to the south wall, Sunrise and Tuxford, west and tighten Elizabeth's ranks. Keep a sharp eye open as it appears that Princeton's men didn't want to listen. Any questions?"

Sapphire raised her hand, as she heard how the king addressed his own daughter. "Begging your pardon, Sire, but don't you mean Princess Calla?" She asked.

Gregor shook his head. "I said Squire and meant Squire. Until she's properly knighted, Calla has been stripped of her title; she's only a princess by blood. She wants to play hero, so she will be. She gets her title back upon her dubbing... After said battle. You, Sapphire, are guard with Amethyst and Ethel right outside the throne room. Can you do that?"

Sapphire nodded and saluted. "Of course, I'm a guard for the people in the Jewel Kingdom."

Gregor then arranged for Ruby and Clair, there in the throne room with him, to protect each other and stationed a palace guard nearby. Olivia reminded Clair of the Lythikan Steel sword she had fashioned with Olivia, before she left for her position with Elizabeth. Gregor nodded to Ethel, "Let's hope guarding and not engaging is all you have to do."

They wouldn't have long to wait as arrows hit a few knights including one of Elizabeth's men from out of the north. Shouts came next of "Slay the tyrant and all who follow him!"

Everyone on the north wall called for the others and even Elizabeth, back to back with her love David Lindsay, drew swords and engaged the battle.

If a rebel managed to get into the castle and to the throne room, he would face Amethyst, Ethel and Sapphire. Three on one. It wouldn't end well for him, either.
Ethel nodded upon hearing her position.
"That works for me, let's get this place on lockdown ladies, we need to assure that the only way into this room is through us"

Clair, quite worried looked back toward Olivia.
"Right, though it will be better in your hands, I don't know if I could ever harm someone"

Ethel looked back toward Gregor.
"agreed, let's hope they are stopped before a single arrow is shot."

As Combat started, Ethel tapped her foot.
"Damn, I sent word for them to recall their troops, how is his communication chain this bad?"
Sapphire gave Ethel a frustrated look as she and Amethyst also waited, only having swords ready as the shouts carried on outside. "It's been my experience even in the Jewel Kingdom, that once certain men believe or are told something, they take it at face value and their brains shut off. Especially when it comes to pretty girls and war. One track minds, the lot of them."

Amethyst smirked and shrugged, looking at Ethel. "Hate to say it, but when the Jewel Princess is right, she's right!"

Something down the hall, on the north end where most of the fighting was, sounded like it broke. Amethyst tensed. "Up prepared*, swords at the ready."

The sounds of the battle died away and Tuxford came in nodding to the ladies. "All enemies vanquished. We lost five from our side and two from our Scottish friends. Three injuries, one severe. Ethel, inform King Gregor we need Dr Aurora what's her surname (Service) Dr Arden and Dr Bristol. I know Benjamin Monroe, the village physician, should be in town and safe. We need the other three."

Amethyst sighed. "I'll check out what came through the window a few minutes ago while you do that Ethel. everyone capable, bring to the throne room, Tuxford. Except people to watch the injured for now until the medical assist can arrive. Sapphire hold steady and only let our fighters in the throne room. Sentry position." Sapphire adjusted her stance, at attention with sword over her right shoulder. She was the only one of the three now unable to leave her post.

Inside, Gregor sighed with relief as the roughly two hour fighting ceased. Ruby was, by this point, clinging to Clair like a lifeline.

*-up prepared is better known now as on your toes
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Ethel crossed her arms looking at the two girls.
"That usually doesn't have them ignoring fall back orders, there is having a one track mind and there is ignoring orders from a superior."

Ethel readied herself as well, then relaxed again as the others joined them.
"Guess I am a messenger now, fine, though I'll also inform the King I really should be on the front line"

Clair held Ruby a little awkwardly as she too was scared that they might get stormed at any moment, Ethel's entrance making her jump as she delivered the message.

Amethyst would find Avenger injured on the ground beneath the now broken window, herself covered in cuts and glass. She rushed over to help, seeing that she had a head with her making Amethyst jump a little before returning to trying to help her.
"We should get you to the Doctors, can you walk?"
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