How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Aurora was just a few steps quicker than her queen. "Clair, I had wanted to give you another physical once we got back to Dunwyn, but we ended having to stop Princeton's bloody army of usurpers first. Before the king gets here and the painting commences, if I can give you a quick once over? It'll give Kenna," She nodded quickly to her queen, "a chance to see the stethoscope and blood pressure regulator in action."

Kenna raised an eyebrow, and then saw Ruby nearby. "A moment, Ruby, before this game starts. You've been around Clair the most of everyone here, is my understanding. I'm assuming Dr. Service has the second most, or maybe Avenger. I want your opinion of her. A good friend?"

Aurora caught up, and helped Clair to a nearby no backed settee. "Can we start with the blood pressure measurement?" To Kenna, Aurora explained, "We've learned that an average measurement has two distinct readings, Queen Kenna. Most of the girls, save two, have between 115 and 125 on the first measurement. Avenger's averages in the 130s and 140s probably due to her activity, with Princess Sapphire I have to constantly monitor."

Kenna raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid to ask, but fear I must. Why are there two readings?"

"Pulse and between pulse, my queen. It actually gives us a better read of the health of the individual." She turned to Clair, pulling out the blood pressure cuff. "When you're ready, Clair. Ruby, technically I have to give you a physical also, so don't go anywhere."

Kenna gripped Ruby's shoulder. "Oh, she won't, Dr. Service, I assure you. Besides, I'd like her to watch that I don't say anything to frighten her inventor friend when I ask about a few of the inventions. This compass you showed me, doctor, in particular." She took a glance around quickly, to see if Ethel was also in, since she asked her to at least be present, when Kenna spoke to Clair. "Will she be able to speak while you do this blood pressure measurement?"

Aurora nodded, to Kenna and Clair. "Just don't move your arm while I'm counting on your blood pressure, Clair, okay? Feel free to tell the Queen of Cordonia about the compass."

She would get started as Kenna distracted Clair from worrying needlessly about her blood pressure by asking about the compass.

Ruby explaining rules were paused.
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