How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Ethel stood her ground but did not attempt to approach the woman once told to stand down, returning to her previous place once the woman was apprehended by Diana and Amethyst.

Diana of course followed along with the plan, apprehending her on the King's orders.

Ethel shrugged at the question of her nationality.
"Honestly, I am from all over, It's kind of a complicated question for me so I am okay with whatever people want to label me as, they will likely at least be partially right most of the time," she replied in a whisper.
Avenger nodded.

Captain Hook kept glancing over at Avenger, looked at her hat, hanging on her chair back, and cleared her throat. "Far be it that I intrude, but it seems your knight in training is disrespecting the table."

Sure enough, a few other ladies were staring at the princess of Dunwyn who was still had her hat on. She had avoided Ethel seeing her sans her musketeer hat, by claiming not to feel well.

Gregor sighed and nodded. Ethel and Hook might as well know what everyone else there did. He was certain Sapphire at least suspected it. "Crimson Avenger, if you are staying at the table, you might want to be slightly less rude."

Calla just looked askance, as the Duchess Calla pointed to the top of her head.

Aurora offered her help, in order for Princess Calla to get the hint. "If your arm's too heavy, squire hero, I'll be more than happy to assist you."

Calla Dunwyn was still blanking and stared at everyone and their cold stares and raised eyebrows. Even Wendy mouthed the words, pointing to her own head Your hat! Remove your hat at the dinner table!

Finally, she got the hint, but looked hesitant at both Ethel and Hook.

"Squire hero. If you do not remove it now, and respect our guest who removed hers, I'll remove it for you, and you won't get it back for at least 24 hours." The King growled, glaring at his daughter.

Calla quickly removed it, setting it like Hook had hers. Hook returned to her conversation with the King, not even noticing the resemblance, or at least, not commenting on it, between hero and King.

Gregor nodded finally, as the first main course was brought before everyone. "I know you can't guarantee their safety, but do your best to bring them both back safely to our shores after the war of Neverland, Captain. And good luck with your brother. Having a traitorous one myself, I know how hard it will be for you. I just ask you finish dining with us before you three set out."

The privateer nodded, thanking the king for his hospitality, and for Wendy's services.

Since it took so long for Princess Calla to realize everyone was upset about the hat, and to remove it at the dinner table, Amethyst and Diana would be getting back just as the first main course, the Themiscyran Warrior Stew, was being served.

Diana might notice her sister Cassandra and a few others still scowling Princess Calla's direction.
Ethel watched the display as they all tried desperately to get Avenger to remove her hat. She had already suspected the missing Princess Calla to be the one but as soon as she removed her hat it helped to confirm her suspicion, though she said nothing.

Diana took her seat as she arrived.
"Apologies for our tardiness sire, the food smells wonderful, and we are honoured with the dish choice.

"What did Avenger do now?" she whispered after she took her seat beside Cassandra.
The King merely nodded to Diana and Amethyst as they were seated.

Wendy, already starting to crush on the captain, asked shyly, the first time around Captain Hook she was even blushing, "Um, so... What exactly does a um privateer do? I heard it's, like, basically a legal pirate..?"

She would definitely be worth her salt, and then some, when the time came... But right now... She was showing how a woman in uniform made her feel.

Cassandra shook her head. "Being hungry must have affected her brains. Athena would have crowned her surely we hadn't had the privateer guest. She definitely wasn't pretending on her denseness. She wouldn't remove her hat at the table. Never mind Lady Ethel and Captain Hook didn't know who she was under it, I couldn't believe Calla actually DIDN'T know she was being rude to the captain who removed her hat. It took the doctor and her own father to threaten to remove her hat for her for the light to even dawn. It was embarrassing to watch."
Diana made a face that said 'Ouch', she could just picture it in her mind, and how this was certainly not going to help Calla in the hole she had already been digging.
"That's rough, she is going to really need to pick up her pants to avoid punishment when this is all done," she whispered.

Ethel meanwhile, kept to herself, Although she felt like she had figured it all there was no reason to go and rub it in everyone's faces.

Hook looked toward Wendy.
"Well sort of, I suppose, since there is not much law out at sea we simply ensure all is well fair and good as best we can out there" she explained.
Cassandra shrugged. "It's as much ours and King Gregor's fault. We didn't enforce removing the hat. We just finally had a guest that removed hers first. Calla literally didn't know any better, and probably thought we were all nuts since it hadn't been a big deal before. Not excusing it, just seeing how it could have been confusing. And she definitely looked confused. It hadn't been an issue before. We just didn't need an international incident. But as a princess, she definitely should have known better. That's why we're all sore at her."

Wendy nodded. "So royal navy, yet not. Even our English Royal Navy goes on raids ordered by the King. Uhhh, the main King of England. Meaning Richard the Lionheart." She probably didn't need to explain which King, it would have been likely Hook would know which King.

Soon, as dessert was being finished up, Gregor cleared his throat. "It's with a heavy heart we bid farewell to Ethel and Wendy as they have been called away, by name to fight for an island country's freedom from tyranny. Know that our thoughts are with you all, and to listen to Hook, your field commander. You have a fine tracker and fighter in Wendy Darling, don't let her age fool you. She's well seasoned for someone not quite 17. I'm just sorry that your parents will be out Berkshire hosts instead of you."

Wendy shook her head and asided to both Ethel and Hook. "A week. One lousy week. In seven days I WILL be 17. I hate soppy goodbyes."

And she definitely meant soppy and not sappy. Next stop for her: Neverland and the frontlines of war.
Diana nodded.
"Right, that does make sense, but I don't think that will make how much it will affect Calla in terms of future punishment." She replied.


Ethel cleared her throat after the King spoke up.
"Not to correct the King, but to clarify, Wendy is under Hook's command, I am a hired hand and under my own. However, I know enough to cooperate and will do as asked as long as it does not go against my own better judgment, but by no means am I by some manner, ' 'out ranked' ' " she said using air quotes.
"No offence just making sure to be clear"
Olivia smirked as she looked between Wendy and Hook. There has to be a decade age difference between them. "You know, Wins, if you think you're heart will get in your way of doing your job, I'm available. I'm looking for a good scrap or three, and I'm certainly not going to get it here... Especially since the Gaul was outed." She smirked at the pirate captain. Definitely not flirtatious, but in a way that said she could see Wendy was crushing. "I'm willing to bet you could definitely teach Wendy more than just honing her fighting skills."

Wendy turned bright red in blush. "Oliv-eee-uhh!! Staaahhhp!!" She gasped, before hiding her face in her hands.

Gregor raised an eyebrow as Ethel addressed him. After she said her piece, of which Hook gave an approving nod, he nodded to both. "Then, I sit corrected. Well stated, and showing necessary respect." He glanced at Calla finishing her dessert. "Unlike someone else. We will have words after our guests leave, young lady."

Hook arose, grabbing her hat, then the three of us will be off to my ship. We must set sail tonight." A glance to Olivia. "If you are coming, Lythikan. Best join now. Once aboard the Rumble Rose we will be off within quarter to half hour. We aren't waiting. Every woman works on my ship. " A look at Wendy. "Every. Without exception. I'll find you something, even if it's personal servant, or galley wench."

Wendy shrugged. "Try me at every position, Captain, my father owns a shipyard. I may not want to get in the business, but I know my way around a boat."

Hook scowled. "My ship is NOT a mere boat, Darling. Do well not to call her such again. Or I'll only use your last name until you respect her!"

Olivia smirked. "Or barnacle. Or barracuda, or swabby..." She needed to hush before she got Hook mad at her, too, and she got uninvited to help.
Ethel nodded to the King, accepting his apology and appreciating him respecting her proclamation.

As the others talked about boarding the Rumble Rose and chuckled.
"Well Captain, I'll help as well wherever needed on the Rumble Rose, I have been everything from powder monkey to galley wench, to even a Captain myself, I can fill any role your heart desires while aboard" She claimed.
Wendy took a good look about the ship as they got there and seemed to nod with the size, even thumping the mast upon reach deck. "Seems sturdy enough... What did you say? Follow the second star on the left and straight on until morning?"

The crew didn't even need to be asked or told what to do, starting to haul up the anchor and setting up the sails.

Wendy looked a little lost, and hesitant to throw in on the rigging, until she saw an obvious newer sailor tying the rope wrong. "No no, it'll come loose... Here watch." She then expertly made the sailor hitch, after making sure the rigging was taut.

Olivia was looking about as lost as Wendy. Hook's crew was working like a well oiled machine, and even after the lesson, it didn't look like Wendy had a job, either.
Hook quickly got to her position watching as Wendy started to tie the rope, watching to make sure she did it properly before noticing Olivia also without a job.
"You two! newcomers! Red, start cleaning, Wendy up here!"

Ethel meanwhile had already made her way below deck, starting to help with small tasks here and there. It wasn't her first time being the guest on a pirate ship.
While Wendy seemed to know exactly what she was doing with the rigging, she suddenly became shy and awkward, blushing like a school girl and meekly climbed up to the bridge/helm near the aft of the galleon.

"Start cleaning? Cleaning what?" Olivia asked still a little lost.

"Well the fore cannons on the starboard side need polishing. Start with that. Decks already been swabbed." A seasoned sailor answered. She waved a hand to follow, and with a shrug, Olivia followed and got to work.

"What do you want me to do?" Wendy asked, biting her lower lip, blushing, but not looking up to Hook's face.
Hook crossed her arms.
"Follow me," She told her before turning to head into her quarters.

Once they were both inside she gestured to a chair in front of her desk before taking her own seat.
"Well you still need a proper response for referring to Rumble Rose as a boat, so you will be my personal assistant for the remainder of the passage" She explained holding a bag out for her.
"If I need anything you will retrieve it, in addition, you shall be responsible for delivering my meals and anything else I shall need, understood?" She asked.
Wendy looked at the floor, or rather the cabin deck, as she was scolded for insulting Hook's ship.

She did finally meet Hook's eyes as she did blurt out her crush and fantasy at the same time, without really realizing it. It was just her and the Captain, thankfully. "Yes, my captain, and do I sleep with you, too?" She still hadn't realized it as she said, "So the first meal to get would be breakfast, ma'am, Captain, right?"

They had already had a very decent big dinner.
"Oh, how forward, I didn't expect that from you, you want to sleep with me already? But what makes you think that is appropriate?" She asked teasingly.
Wendy's eyes bugged out as she realized she had blurted out her fantasy, and therefore, her crush. Blushing, she just shrugged, looking down. "Right, two females. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, per se. And I guess you might mean, you know privateer and noble. We Darlings are kinda low end nobles, my father being a shipbuilder, so, you know, under Baroness, but over Merchant. And it's not like there's THAT big an age difference. Seventeen in a week. You don't look much older than Olivia, and she's 25. Besides, I think I can do some sailor's stuff. I taught that new one on your crew how to tie a decent sailor's hitch, and I know other knots my father taught me."

Wendy would have a point there, and she wouldn't be off by much on the age. Hook was ten years older than her, a decade wasn't that big a difference to her. Or anyone in love with a sea captain.

Only thing is tying knots wasn't all that would be required for her to really be worth the captain. She needed to know navigation, star charts, maps, AND be an excellent personal servant, or valet... Which would mean, taking care of the Captain's clothes, including any sewing or patching. Wendy was asking an awful lot to fulfill her fantasy... Of the Captain and herself. Something that still hadn't dawned on her.
Hook smirked at Wendy.
"Just because you can tie a few knots does not mean you would be a proper fit to be with me, I am the captain of this vessel and if I am to be with someone, they are going to have to know more than that. What do you know about navigation, star charts, maps, sewing, patching, and finally pleasing a woman?" She whispered the last part.
Wendy didn't have a good answer for the last one, except her telltale blush and awkward pigeon toed stance, saying she would definitely have to be taught THAT.

She cleared her throat, "As much as the next person, I suppose. Cartography is just a hobby." Lie. Like a dog. Not everyone knew that cartography was the study of maps, except maybe the pirate captain and her brother. Very few of her sailors would even know that.

"And how hard could a star chart be if one could read a map?" Very good question. She could probably pick up stars in the sky, and find them on a map since she obviously knew how to read a map well.

"My mother taught me how to sew as well as knit, and even cross-stitch, not that the latter would do me any good aboard a galleon such as this. I also learned some basic kitchen duties, but I suppose that's called something else on the Rumble Rose." Yes. A galley. She wasn't fully listening when one of the jobs aboard ship, was galley wench.

She looked down, shrugged, and admitted, almost too quietly, that she had never been with either, but was positive she liked girls.

One of the sailors from earlier could be heard in the crows nest. "Ship ahoy, Captain, and I think it's the Jolly Roger! She's flyin' the skull and crossbones, and nae th' Neverland colours, ma'am, about a mile out.... Full sails and power! I think she's aimin' t' ram us!"

This was Wendy's chance. "Port or starboard?" Wendy asked, biting her lower lip.

The sailor glanced at Wendy and then Hook, but still answered. "Port, but wha's th' difference wi' th' head o' steam she's comin'?!"

"Would you're brother listen to a warning cannonball from below decks? And maybe Ethel, as well as the best swordfighters you have, be up topside to repel any boarding attempts!"

Sounded like Mr. Darling had taught his daughter how to repel pirates from a ship among the knotting lessons. Her mouth may just put her on the front lines to defend the ship from the other Captain Hook. Pan's Captain Hook.
Hook was about to reply to her verbal resume when the attack was announced.

She looked to Wendy and then toward the Sailor that announced it.
"Get everyone in battle positions! load the canons and prepare for battle! Fire a warning shot like the girl said, I can't be sure how he will act now that Pan has entered his ear!" She declared.

With that smoothly everyone entered position, Ethel, Olivia and Wendy were instructed to be ready to fight off a boarding.
Wendy grimaced, as the sailor called out an "Aye, Cap'n!" She hurried out of the crow's nest, swinging down via a shipline, and hurried below decks to the cannon deck, just below topside. "I only have this..." She complained, showing a 28 inch basket hilted sword, still in its sheath. She had to hike up her dress, showing a good part of her leg, to show off the sword.

"What're you complaining about, then, Darling?! Olivia hissed, "I only have two daggers! To use, these guys would have to be almost on top of me! I wish I had a sword! Hell, even a rapier would do! 24 inches beats the hell out of two!"

"I really need a different set of clothes. Preferably some pants..." Wendy said shaking her head. "How'm I sposed to fight in a dress? I'm still in my scouting clothes!"

She definitely was at a disadvantage compared to everyone else. They had maybe ten minutes for Wendy to become war acceptable as the below decks cannon was fired with it's warning shot.
Hook overhearing them grabbed some pants from her Cabin, throwing them toward Wendy.
"Put those on and rip the dress at the waist! You get anyone that needs a sword a standard straight from our supply!" She called out, the sailors quickly following her command.

Ethel was offered a sword after Olivia was handed one and she shook her head.
"I'm good" She refused, putting on what looked like metallic gloves.
Wendy slipped the pants on quickly, finding that she and the Captain were nearly the same size, as Olivia smirked, waving the sword with a few practice swishes.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Olivia beamed as she put one dagger in her mouth, crosswise, biting down on the Lythikan made steel, looking every bit the pirate, if not somewhat more menacing.

With Wendy having trouble with ripping the skirt off her dress (it was cotton, so a lot stronger than most of the others' clothes, except maybe the Dunwynian merchants and Olivia herself), Olivia tutted and came over, and with her other dagger, helped Wendy out. "Some pretty bad stains and fraying on this. You could probably keep the top as a decent shirt. No wonder this was your scouting dress. This will teach you to have a strong, durable skirt, though."

With access to her sword, now, without giving the Captain (and everyone else) a show of leg, Wendy drew her sword. "I'll keep that in mind, after the war, Olivia. Right now, let's prevent a boarding party by the boys!"

Jolly Roger had fired back, but aiming for the beam of the galleon, before it came alongside the Rumble Rose. With screams of war James's crew tried to board the ship, only for Olivia and Wendy to either kick them completely off the ship upon landing, or kick them in mid flight, sending rope swinging them back across to their ship.

Unfortunately, they came more fast and furious and many made a landing.

Wendy was suddenly in a real swordfight with a grizzled older pirate that was probably 3x her age, and had at least that long (almost 17 years) swordfighting practice. Wendy was no slouch either, trading blows and quips. "We don't need or want no scurvy scalawag BOYS on our ship!" She'd shoot, as their swords clanged.

"Apparently Jane's resorted to robbin' cradles, now, lookin' at cha!" The older pirate snapped.

"Them's fightin' words, and Imma make ya eat em!" Wendy shot.

"I'm waitin'... When ye gonna start fightin'?!" Like that wasn't what the two were doing, dancing and clashing swords across the deck. Despite her lack of experience, Wendy was actually holding her own against him!

Olivia, meanwhile, was going through the pirates challenging her like, well, paper... Or cotton dress skirts. She had three dead and had injured at least two others severely, and was on her sixth, with none of Wendy's witty piratical repartee.
Hook was staying back, making calls for the ship battle and making sure her team was working well, occasionally quickly dispatching any of the few that managed to get to her.

Meanwhile, Ethel took to the offensive jumping onto the enemy ship and preventing men from leaving, while fighting any that stayed behind because of her boarding.
She fought like this was a game instead of a battle, using the metal on her gauntlets to grab the sword and clock them in the face with the other fist, knocking them out in a solid blow to the jaw before moving on to the next. If watched enough it would be seen she was using positioning (both hers and pulling enemies to new positions) to make it difficult for the boys to not hit each other.
Wendy finally wore the other pirate out, disarmed him, and then in an ironic twist, made HIM walk the plank, and right into the sea. She was then, right next to Olivia, driving the rest of the men off.

Kicking one small older pirate in a striped stocking cap¹, right in the ass, she quipped, "Hope you boys enjoyed your arse kicking as much as we ladies enjoyed kicking your arses! Now get off our ship!"

A tall man, who looked a lot like her Captain Hook, called over, "You, little girl, will be the first to taste my steel next we meet!" He angrily pointed at her. Then to her Captain. "Pan's in charge now, sister, your king is dead, along with many of your fairy and mermaid friends... I'll hang YOU myself... AFTER Pan and I have hung every last member of your crew. You're going to watch them ALL die!" He then laughed maniacally, almost like Pan had driven him mad.

1-First mate Smee. Jane's would be the Scottish one that was in the crow's nest.
Hook watched as everyone forced the men off their ship, and they managed to start to pull away successfully keeping them from boarding the ship further.

Ethel meanwhile, continued to fight on the enemy ship, all conscious and still aboard men turned to her as they were forced back on the ship. As she saw the boats splitting she used the nearby sword to cut a taught rope and launch herself into the air, and back toward Hook's ship, just making it as she landed on the railing and stepped down in a single motion.
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