How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

"Don't worry, everyone here can be trusted, I picked them myself, We will help as many here as we can and are working on stopping my brother and Pan." She tried to explain.
"Gather up all the injured carefully, doctor, We need to save as many as we can" She called out seeing how many were being found.


"You are good, but a warrior can't worry about being hurt, even in training, If you practice with wooden weapons you will never truly respect the blade" He claimed taking a step closer and taking what looked like a basic and easily blocked swing.


"Oh, I umm, I'm sorry I did not mean to overstep," She said to Aurora before turning to see the look the princess gave her.
"These are new devices, but totally none invasive, no blood loss or skin breaking, just a little pressure" She tried to reassure her.
"Umm, oh right a name, umm heart listener? no that's no good" She rubbed her head in thought.
Viola seemed a little less suspicious of the two after the captain reassured her. "I'm staying with Tink. That's final." She informed them.

Wendy shook her head, "We have about 15 who don't have wings anymore. If there was some way to carefully carry them out of here..." Only pockets in shirts would work, and as she looked around, she noticed the only thing possibly big enough, was the doctor's medicine bag.

Tinkerbell and Viola both helped immensely, by indicating those that could fly, should, to make room for those who couldn't. It was safe to head back to the Rumble Rose.

Calla nodded like she understood, and the sword dance began. Despite Handler's reassurance, Calla did worry about hurting her friend's father. She was constantly on defense, and soon her injured shoulder was screaming, and so was she as she grabbed it after a particular bad move on her part.

Aurora was concerned about the high blood pressure of the princess. She wrapped the device around her arm, and handed the device and listening device to Clair. "I'm in a fix here. Take my blood pressure. I only had you as a control. Depending on mine, Princess Sapphire's may be dangerously high."

She would soon learn her diagnosis was right. Her blood pressure was 135/85, much lower than the princess, and both had been under a lot of stress. It was the first encounter Aurora would have, of high blood pressure.
Hook nodded.
"Only if you have the strength to fly, otherwise we can find a place for you, The important thing is we get you all in recovery that need it."


When she winced he took another swing at the Dummy, taking her wince as his advantage.


Clair nodded, operating the machine and reading out the numbers.
"Sorry princess seems like you have high pressure indeed, 135 over 85" She said showing the numbers.
Tinkerbell assured Hook and the others she could fly, and with a huff and nod, Viola lifted off, followed by all but the fifteen now wingless.

Wendy helped the doctor load the wingless into the medicine bag, and the others, including her, helped carry the loose gauze, herbs, vials of sera and miscellaneous. The doctor motioned for Wendy to trade her the items for the bag. "Hook's still testing you. You carry the injured wingless fairies, and if I so much as see one extra bruise... Well, let's just say, I hope Hook shows you mercy."

With a gulp, Wendy nodded and took the bag, being extra careful with the precious cargo, as they made their way back to the ship.

See Handler go after the dummy, Calla winced, gritted her teeth, readied an arrow and fired aiming for the weapon wielding hand. It was a direct hit to the sword, near the hilt, in an attempt to stop the dummy's beheading. She went down on her knees, her shoulder pretty much hating her for forcing it to continue to work. "I think I need Aurora to look at this..." she whimpered.

Aurora sighed. I'm going to have to restrict your chocolate intake, put you on green tea, and monitor your blood pressure.' She shook her head. "I'm not sure about the 100. It may be high, too, but we definitely need to bring that first number down." She looked at Clair. "Conference. Get your mom and the King. I need to inform the king our findings, and your mom may be the better assistant nurse. It'll at least free you to be in the Berkshire game. I probably won't be playing again today, depending on what the King and your mom has to say. However, I did want to be a medical professional. Arden warned me it wasn't all fun and games."
Once back at the ship, Hook once again took over, preparing for a possible counterattack as well as instructing the team to secure the faries on the ship for recovery.


The arrow struck and managed to divert his swing enough that it missed the lethal blow and only got a glancing one.
"Well done, and yes, let's get that looked at, do you need assistance getting there?" He asked.


Clair nodded with a yawn.
"Will do, Do you think I could find time to get a nap in?" She asked rubbing an eye still tired.
Once she got a reply she turned to leave and find her mother and the King.
Olivia's group was back first, a lot of chatter about the Piccaninny Warriors, and their offer. Olivia went up to the privateer captain and saluted. "The chief and Tiger Lily send their regards. Princess Innis is indeed with them and under their protection. Several warriors left earlier today to band with Ethel's crew and..." she didn't finish as an explosion came from the general direction of Pan's headquarters, and flames shot up hundreds of feet. "Well, that." Olivia waved at the fire. Looks like the only thing left is to defeat your brother."

Wendy raised an eyebrow. "Unless he surrenders, which would be prudent. This Hook's crew doesn't mess around."

Calla shook her head. "Both of my legs are working just fine. You didn't cripple me. I only need something to keep my shoulder from moving until Aurora looks at it. Thank you."

After her shoulder was immobilized, she went back to the manor house, and ran into Aurora, just to have to wait her turn.

Aurora sighed. "Duchess Calla is going to call breakfast any moment, and we leave for Berkshire immediately after. Depending on what the game is, you can probably get a nap before it."

They all would, as the Darlings weren't going to announce it until they were ready. They would see Avenger injured, Clair tired, and Aurora with a medical emergency. They wanted everyone able to participate before even announcing what they were doing.

When King Gregor and Mrs Handler arrived, she would talk with them in a hushed tone about what she learned about Sapphire.

"Have you factored in everything she went through?" The King asked.

"I've been under a lot of stress myself, but it wasn't 165/100." Aurora shook her head. "I know black tea and chocolate both have stimulating factors, so restricting those and giving her green tea should help. I'm looking to both of you, as having daughters yourselves, if there's something we can do to alleviate that farther. Something one of you might've done, already, to promote good health in your daughters."

"Maybe you should check my daughter's blood pressure as well. Didn't you say she was to see you for a physical?" Gregor asked.

Aurora grimaced. "The foxhunt in Scotland with the Princetons is halfway, though. Unless she gets herself injured beforehand, I've no reason to take her blood pressure until after the foxhunt."

The King nodded and yielded the floor to Mrs. Handler, just as Avenger arrived to wait out the conference.
As Ethel returned she placed a bag she was carrying to the side.
"If we need further intimidation for your brother, bring the head of his leader"


Mr. Handler nodded.
"Good, you should know you are doing well" he started as they began to walk toward the clinic.
"You had the combat skills, with weapons at least. You prioritized the person you were to protect, and you recognized your limits but remained strong enough that you didn't want an unnecessary crutch." He explained as they arrived.
"Recover well, when you are better we will have your next lesson," he told her before leaving her to wait for Aurora.


Mrs. Handler first went to her daughter as the King and Aurora talked, hugging her and speaking softly with her to not disturb the others.

"You didn't get enough sleep again did you?" her mother asked, getting a head shake in return.
"I won't drill you about what you were making this time, it seems you have taken on lots of new projects, I know you get excited for new ideas and want to help everyone but don't work yourself to death" she warned hugging her.

Mrs. Handler then went to Aurora when prompted.
"So Doctor, what can you tell me about my daughter's condition?" She asked, sounding like there may have been something behind the questions.
Wendy looked at the bag and turned a bit green. "Is that....?" She pointed to the bag as the doctor opened his bag to help the now wingless fairies into comfortable drawers to rest.

The doctor scowled at Wendy. "Don't you have something to do?!"

Wendy shrugged. "Like what? Cap'n Hook doesn't need anything mended, the cooks just got back, so lunch isn't ready yet."

"Sounds like excuses to me! There's ALWAYS something to do aboard this vessel! You just have to look!"

Aurora smiled at Mrs Handler. "Actually, she's out of the woods, now." She looked right at Clair, keeping her caring disposition, said sternly, "I just wish she'd not worry so much about the inventions. I've even heard Olivia and Millie both tell her they didn't need it right away."

"I have too, actually," Avenger interjected. "I mean, sure the grappling hook would come in handy, but not right now in the games."

Aurora pinched the bridge of her nose. "Annyyyway, I appreciate her resolve and the two inventions we have now for the field, and I really don't want to make it doctor's orders to get some rest. What I do need is ideas beyond what I've done, to promote good health in Princess Sapphire, and get that blood pressure of hers, under control."
Ethel looked at the exchange between the two then placed an arm around Wendy.
"Come lass, we will find something that needs be done about this vessel," she said as she moved to take her from the captain's quarters out onto the main deck.


"Well, I'm afraid that is more your area of expertise than mine, perhaps taking time to relax each day in addition to proper sleep? A healthy diet? And as for Clair." she said pausing to look at the now-looking down, ashamed girl.
"You may need to enforce sleep times, she gets carried away and will stay up much past what is reasonable without even realizing it." She explained.

"I'm sorry I just keep thinking, this one more thing, and then one more thing..." she admitted.
Wendy sighed and nodded. "We had two cooks with us, looking for survivors at Faerie Glen. First thing out of the head cook's mouth was, "Stay out of our way, and out of the galley until we call you. Unnerstand?!" Our captain even heard her.

As they exited Hook's cabin, one of the "Swabbies" saw them and came up to them. "Right on time. Ms. Ethel, we have some loose boards in several stairways. I'll lead ya to the lumber." She turned to Wendy. "I've got the deck, but MacGoughal wants you to clean the crows nest and help her mend the sails." She thrust a bucket and sponge into Wendy's hands. "Get to work."

Wendy whimpered as she looked up the 60 foot mast. "I'd almost rather pound nails on solid ground..." It was her phobia of falling from heights talking, using her voice. She was the new lookout. She needed to get used to it.

Aurora nodded. "So everything already done as far as changes to the princess's diet. I've already also mentioned to cut back on the salt, which was her request from the beginning, reminding them that despite her nationality, she doesn't like a lot of salt. Looks like I have two night owls I need to make sure go to bed when they're supposed to." She sighed. "I wanted to be a medical professional, not a governess¹."

She asked Mrs Handler to take care of anything the princess needed, while she checked in with Avenger. "Clair, make sure you're packed and put your bag outside the room so it can get on the carriages for the short jaunt to Berkshire." She said, also waving her off, "We'll talk in Berkshire."

1- Aurora just made her first McCoy-esque quip.
Ethel nodded.
"Excellent, no lead to show me I remember where the lumber is, however, if you are heading there anyway I'll welcome the company. Wendy, take care and get to work mending the sails is important work, don't mess it up" She warned before heading off toward the lumber.


Mrs Handler smiled.
"Yeah well, sadly it's part of the job at this stage, it should also be in recommendations you give to your patients" She reminded her.

Mrs. Handler nodded going to the princess to take care of her.
Clair did the same with a yawn before walking off, planning to get her bag ready before laying down for as much nap as she could get.
(Wendy busy until lunch)

Aurora checked Avenger's shoulder, asking how it was injured, before scolding her about using sharp weapons during practice. "I'm sure Gregor has dull blades! This is plain foolish! Did you train with sharp blades with the Amazons?"

"They wouldn't train me with swords, and both Don Diego and the Musketeers trained me with dull blades." Calla admitted.

With a groan, Aurora wrapped her shoulder, put it in a tight sling and promised to talk to both Mr Handler and King Gregor.

Soon it was breakfast, and Aurora talked quietly with the king about Avenger's injury and how it happened.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but experienced fighters always train with their own weapons in my realm. Sir Handler did nothing wrong. From what I've been told, Squire Dunwyn also proved herself able to carry out what would be her mission. Effective immediately. Squire Dunwyn knew my knights practice with real weapons. If one practices with wooden ones, one would never learn to respect the blade." He looked at Handler and then his daughter. "If she was told that, I say her trainer did his job."

Calla looked over at Handler and asided for only his ears. "So that's why you said that. It's one of father's rules on training."

Millicent sat across from Clair. "Let's make a blind deal. Going in, no matter what we're doing in Berkshire, we're partners." She held out her hand.
Mr. Handler nodded.
"yes, though not to worry, as the next training session is hand to hand, for an instance where you may be disarmed" He responded quietly.

Clair looked at her hand and then to Millicent herself.
"Umm, well we can certainly do our best to try and make that happen, but if we are assigned otherwise I am unsure how we could enforce that?" She questioned though reached out to shake her hand.
Calla nodded. "It's just as well." She held up her slinged arm, with a smirk. "You could say I'm currently disarmed right now." It was the typical Avenger way of making light of her situation.

Millicent nodded. "You know, with the sudden departure of Olivia and Wendy, we're all right back in this. Last season, I mean summer, we were pruning trees and gardening in pairs. We got to pick our partner. Let's be real. You were in fifth. What are the odds Diana, an Amazon, will pick you? Or the doctor who may or may not be able to join again, with the Grecian princess from the Jewel Kingdom still in her care? That means you can pick, and I've wanted to team up since we met. This looks like the best chance of that."

Well... Millie wasn't wrong on her logic...
"Yes well I am sure your father would also want you to recognize this injury as understanding the cost of making mistakes, and though you are disarmed, at times you may need to fight a disadvantaged fight, so may want the training anyway" He explained.

"Oh right, though I was unsure if they would wait for Wnedy and Olivia to return, how long do you think they will be gone for?" She asked.
"Also I should warn you that I am not all that good at most things" She added.
Calla could only shrug at Mr Handler and his assessment and logic. "It depends on what we're doing in Berkshire. With it being autumn, and October, my guess is it'll have something to do with harvest." A grimace. "Of course, her dad's a famous shipbuilder, but would that really be something to undertake in October? I seriously doubt it."

That could be overheard by nearby Diana, and somewhere, probably on Mt Olympus, Athena had to be smiling. It was finally sinking into the princess's thick head the concept of 'wisdom with discernment'.

Millicent put a hand to her chin in thought. "Good question, but I think they're both going to miss this part of the games. Didn't Hook say they weren't going to even reach her island country until dawn? That's right now, here. They're probably just getting there." Millicent didn't (and no one else, either) understand the concept of time zones.
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Mr. Handler nodded.
"Well if it is shipbuilding, then you might want Clair on your team, she is quite the handy girl" He chuckled.

"Oh I suppose so, just does not seem very fair, though I suppose if there is a need to finish by a certain time we can't exactly wait forever." She nodded.
By nine AM, everyone was called to the carriages, and Crimson Avenger and her close friends... that were still there... Diana, Clair and Grovershire... Were put in one, Aurora, her patient, and the Handlers in another, and the other eleven split between two others. They would travel to Berkshire in a "train" of sorts, one right behind the other.

Now would be a time for Diana or Clair to speak to any of the others. Diana, after all was the new leader, 127 points behind the absent Olivia.
Clair was quiet and her usual shy self, looking through her notes and making adjustments to her inventions as they rode.

Diana however, spoke up.
"So Groveshire, your chances just went up as did mine for winning this thing, how do you feel about it?" She asked.
Calla Grovershire shrugged. "Personally I'm just glad to be able to play again. Being the host, and not able to play due to an unfair advantage..." she sighed. "Last two games I've been stuck at 1160."

Crimson Avenger was busy just staring out the window, hand pressed to a cheek, and head tilted against it, at the passing scenery. "You ladies are missing hills rolling by." She muttered to anyone.
Diana smiled. "oh right, I have seen this a few times now, it really is beautiful, but what about you Avenger, how do you feel about the competition going forward, you have lots of catching up to do," She asked.
Calla glanced over to Diana with a sad smile. "If I got it figured right, I had 750 going into the two games in Grovershire. Thanks to tracking and finding Princess Sapphire, you and I got 475 points a piece for that, and the scouting/scavenger hunt I came in fifth, so 950 points between the two? I've finally caught up. If I'm realistic though, I'm going to lose major ground if I have to bag a fox in Devonshire, Scotland." She thought about it, "or is it Innisbrook?" She turned back to the scenery. "Remind me to pester Clara Princeton about her town's name sometime today."

Princess Calla would get both names right since the town was right on the border of England and Scotland. Devonshire on the English half, Innisbrook on the Scottish half.
Diana nodded, correct, and yeah, looking good for us with Olivia, and mind you, that Ethel, who despite just getting here was gaining traction quickly. She commented hand to chin.
"A fox hunt not your cup of tea?" She asked.
Calla chuckled wryly. "Diana, not killing Innocents is kinda my MO. Yes if the fox broke into the chicken coop, and there's proof, you can believe he's a dead dog... But killing for sport, and that's all a foxhunt is... Then, no. Not my cup of tea."

Grovershire sighed. "I can relate to that..." She raised an eyebrow, "And I'm in the King's army."

Everyone would notice the carriage slowing to a stop. Both Callas looked at each other and said in a singsong lilt, "We're hee-eerree!" Grovershire then winked at Diana as she said, "Jinx! You owe me a mead, Avenger!"

The princess chuckled, and playfully swatted Grovershire's arm with her hat, before affixing it back to her head.

Everyone would be allowed to step out of the carriages before Mr Darling would inform them about the game they would be playing, but first: The top leaders on the list to date would pick their partners from the others. Millicent would cross her fingers, hoping Clair wouldn't be picked, and they passed her over also.

So partners would be needed, just like over the spring season just past, and other seasons before. Unlike other times, however, they weren't told what they were doing!

The current standings: x-not present.

Olivia Nevrakis x 2120
Diana of Brittania Amazona 1993
Wendy Darling x 1850
Princess Ruby Rose Rhys 1820
Dr Aurora Service 1800
Clair Handler 1790
Ariel Mendes 1775
Cassandra of Brittania Amazona 1718
Crimson Avenger 1705
Cinnamon Baker 1640
Millicent Umberto 1630
Clara Princeton 1625
Amanda Butcher 1550
Beatrice Beaumont 1270
Calla Lily Grovershire 1160
Ethel x 1000
Princess Sapphire 0 (Aurora will choose her as her partner to keep watch over her)

Although it wouldn't be mentioned until everyone partners up, they're harvesting grapes, because the ladies are making wine.
Diana nodded along with them as they explained.
"Yes, that does make sense, though what if they had used a fox that had gotten into the chicken coup?" She asked.
"Does it make it okay, to hunt it in such a fashion? trap it, have it run for it's life just to be caught and slaughtered?" She asked.

As they arrived she chuckled and rolled her eyes at their antics before getting out of the carriage.

As Diana was first to pick her partner she decided to call on Calla Grovershire as her partner.

Clair would remember her promise, to Millicent, but also note that Ruby was second to pick her partner, and given her feelings, she felt like she may be picked before she had a chance to keep that promise.
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