How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Wendy and Olivia both watched Ethel come back aboard, before Wendy excused herself as she sheathed her sword and went to where her Captain Hook was stationed. "Is there anything I can get you my captain? Cup of tea, perhaps? Umm, also, I'm trying to figure everyone and their positions, but I'm afraid I don't know who you first mate, naval wise, is..." She was acting like a girl with a crush again, now that the danger was over. She was sure she'd met the first mate, but wouldn't be yet able to pick her out of a lineup. All she knew was who she suspected (and would guess right), sounded like Clara Princeton, the Scot still vying for Princess Calla.
She smirked as she witnessed Wendy return to her and act all giddy again.
"Well, you were hand-picked to help me and I want to make sure you are all that I need, so, why don't you tell me who you deduce is my first mate? If you can't figure that out, maybe you don't have the skills needed for this mission" She teased.

Ethel meanwhile took her gloves off and returned to helping out on the ship, repairing any damages that had been dons and could be repaired on the go.
Wendy, played with her hands, as in wringing them, not meeting Hook's eyes. "Ummm, the one about your age, well, since you're Olivia's, anyway. Since first mates tend to do like lookout things, the one that sounds like Clara Princeton. She was the one that called out to you about, ummm, the other Hook approaching. Clara is from Scotland, but just because you sound like you're from somewhere, doesn't mean you are. For example, I sound like I'm from Londonium, but my home is in the Midlands. Berkshire. It's in the country, y'see. Not too far from Grovershire and just a hop, skip and jump from Birmingham. Only, I don't know her name. I didn't hear it, anyway." Wendy figured not calling the first mate Scottish, in case she wasn't, could save her from being insulted in Scottish later. Unfortunately, the first mate was proud of her heritage, so by NOT calling her one, Wendy accidentally insulted the woman anyway.
Hook smirked at her assessment.
"Well done, she is indeed, on both accounts, though she is quite proud of her Scottish heritage, and if she heard you would likely not like like you doubting her heritage" She explained.
Wendy smiled that she guessed right who was first mate aboard the ship, but winced, shoulders up, scrunched face and eyes tightly shut, when she learned, that like Clara, the woman was a proud Scot. "Oof, I didn't mean to insult anyone aboard ship... Well, except Olivia, but the two of us know each other so... We..." She shrugged, "sort of insult each other pretty regularly, goodnaturedly, of course."

"Hey sleepy Jean¹! Cookie wants to know if you and the Cap want some..." Olivia made a face, and although she liked the seaweed soup, wanted to razz Wendy some more. "Scurvy fighting green slime?"

Wendy made a disgusted face, wondering what it could possibly be, but it sure didn't sound appetizing... Which is exactly what Olivia wanted. What Olivia wasn't expecting was, "Ewwww! Sounds like a medication Dr. Aurora would love to use to torture patients WITH scurvy! I'd rather have a citrus fruit!"

Captain Hook would have to remind Wendy there wouldn't be any citrus fruit until they got to Neverland... If Pan wasn't hording it and jacking up the prices to unreasonable heights. And also give the name of her Scottish first mate.

Meanwhile Olivia was chuckling under her breath. Both of them just proved Wendy had told the truth about their relationship dynamic.

1-Protagonist of the song Daydream Believer by the Monkees.
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Ethel took the offering just fine.

Hook smirked.
"Yes, her name is Clara, my first mate. Also, you should know, that we are fresh out of citrus, we would usually stalk up when we port, but this mission has a time crunch so there was no time. Also, be wary because of our situation, Pan may be holding the fruit hostage"
Olivia overheard and growled sarcastically, "Nice. Yet ANOTHER reason I want to castrate Pan. I barely know why we're fighting, except obvious regicide, if the male Hook was telling the truth. Pan is really starting to sound like your Duke Igthorne, King Gregor's brother, Wens."

"He's not MY Duke, Olivia."

"Well, he sure the hell ain't mine. I'm from Lythikos. YOU'RE the one nearest Dunwyn, and therefore Drekmore!" Olivia countered.

Wendy folded arms across chest and pouted. "I hate you right now."

Olivia rolled her eyes and snarked, "No you don't."

Wendy agreed with her, saying at the same time, "No I don't."

"Beggin' the Captain's pardon, but we be arrivin' inna few hours, sooner if th' wins continnae t' be fer us. Ye wan' yon wee bairn," She made a motion towards Wendy, "t' learn crow's nest duties whilst we 'ave peace?"

Wendy frowned. "What's a 'wee bairn'?"

"She's basically calling you a baby, Wens, and let's face it... We both are. This is the first time we've been at sea preparing for war."

Wendy was incensed. She said quite loudly. "Who set down seven of the other Hook's men?! Hah?! Olivia! And who fought a seasoned pirate, won, and made him walk the plank?! Hah?! Me! We ain't babies!"

Clara MacGoughal shook her head. "Ye gonna act like that, gil, then I'll keep callin' ye a wee bairn, til ye prove me wrong." She then got right in Wendy's face. "Wee bairn!" She glared at Olivia, who suddenly found her soup very interesting. "Tha's what I thought from the other wee bairn."
Hook Smirked just watching. until they went quiet.
"Well if the wee Bairn 'as no more objections, she does need to learn all duties, includin' lookout" she teased as Ethel entered.

"So we pretty much have everything repaired, luckily not too much damage was taken so it's mostly cosmetic" She explained.
"What's going on here? Why the glum faces on these two?" She asked before everyone looked at Wndy and Olivia.
Wendy muttered darkly under her breath, "I'm a week from 17 and Olivia's like mid 20's. Wee bairns, indeed." She huffed past Ethel and to the mast, and with some prodding from Clara, started climbing it. Carefully . After another prod from Clara, Wendy gasped, "I'm upping! I'm upping! Sheesh, watta grouch! What's your hurry?!"

"Mind yer tongue, lassie! Afore ye find yerself wi'out one! Speed is essential onboard any vessel, and Cap'n Hook's is nae exception. Ye need t' shimmy uppa mast in 15 seconds flat, if nae sooner!"

Wendy finally got up to the crow's nest, white as a sheet, and gripped the basket like rim as if her life depended on it. She was looking out to the horizon and called excitedly. "I think I can make out an island! It's way out there, but it's there!" She said, pointing to a barely visible speck.

Olivia took this moment to tell Ethel about the incident, in her own way. "Oh, the first mate called us both babies and Wendy took exception. I knew better to correct any first officer, but a pirate," a quick look to Hook, "sorry, privateer first officer? Noooo, thank you. I LIKE being in one piece. I WILL take exception though, if she tries to burp me."

Clara pulled out her spyglass and looked in the direction of Wendy pointing. She sighed exasperated. "Ye blamed git!! It be too sma t' be an island, and it's zeroin' in on us! Ye be a wee bairn, indeed!" She then blew a pipe and called down, "faerie off th' port bow, Cap'n! Comin' in faster than usual! 'Peers t' be a friend o' yers!"

Wendy raised an eyebrow and looked askance at Clara. "Why'd you have to blow that pipe to announce her?!"

Clara shrugged. "Well, how else do ye pipe aboard a friend?"

Wendy thumped her head against the rim of the crow's nest. "I think I've seen it all..."

It was a fairy dressed in electric blue, that Jane Hook would know as Electra. She hardly EVER left the confines of Faerie Glen, little alone Neverland. Something bad had to have happened.
Ethel smirked.
"Heh, little baby pirates, or yeah, privateers, it's basically true in regard to ship experience" She nodded arms crossed.

Hook nodded, hearing the announcement and moving out to get eyes on her with her own spyglass.
"Good spot! That's Electra, this must be serious, Get ready to welcome her aboard!" She called out, moving into position to wave her down.

Ethel moved with them.
Olivia smirked. "That's exactly why I didn't open my yap about it. And as upset it made Wendy, who technically IS an adult being 16, I figured she could be incensed enough for both of us."

Olivia followed suit, and the flash of blue, just like lightning zipped by them, and alit upon Hook's right shoulder. "It safe to go big? I see strangers!" She shook her head. "Jane, Pan and your brother... They decimated Faerie Glen! The large tree, the one that has housed us fairies for eons? Burned to cinders! Most of the fairies have been either killed, caged or, worse yet, had their wings ripped off! VERY annoying to have your wings ripped off!¹

Pan did the killing, maiming and caging. Your brother was the one who set our tree ablaze, and laughed as it burned." Electrical sparks flew from her as she related the story, seeming to get agitated all over again. The only way to calm an electric fairy down was to sing to her, which Olivia unwittingly did, as she hummed a jazzy tune, mainly to herself, yet she didn't realize it was out loud.

Wendy had managed to be sent back down as Clara slid down to the deck. "That's terrible! I'm with Olivia on castrating Pan... But I'm not sure if I want to feed his balls to him, or your evil brother! Either way, they're both dead meat, ya hear? Dead! Meat!"

Electra shook her head. "I haven't even gotten to the worse news. King Lomond is dead and Princess Innis is in hiding among the Piccaninny Warriors. I don't know how true it is, but Pan, his Lost Boys, and Hook and his pirates have been eating the mermaids! I heard a pirate bragging that as they burned our tree! Can I just stay here? I'd rather be caged by you, AND keep my wings!"

"Are ye daft, lassie?! Yer a friend, why would we be apt t' lockin' ye inna cage?" MacGoughal asked, surprised the electric fairy even thought that.

The Mermaid Cove would be the safest place to dock, and Jane Hook would learn in a few hours, the mermaids had been attacked by Pan and Hook, but they definitely WEREN'T being eaten.

1-Harry Potter reference
"That sounds more than just annoying, to have your wings ripped off?" Hook questioned before moving on.
"Anyway, you are welcome to have asylum here. We are already on our way to stop Pan and my Brother is temporarily locked at sea with the damage we did to his ship"

"Hopefully we can finish with Pan before the lesser Hook returns," Ethel spoke up.
"I'll go on a solo assassination mission if I must." She added.

"Wendy, with those eyes you are now on lookout till we arrive at Neverland!" Hook Ordered as she got to the bottom.
Olivia winced with a hiss, one eye closed. "Sounds like we shoulda sent the male Hook to Davy Jones" locker, instead of just messing up his crew a little. I see that Jolly Roger again, that's where he's going."

Almost every privateer was in agreement with her.

Electra thanked Hook for her kindness as she took off for a higher vantage point.

Wendy, meanwhile, whined as she looked back up the mast to the crows nest. "You mean I gotta go all the way back up there?!" After a whimper, Wendy gulped, and with an "Aye, my captain," she was climbing back up there.

This all intrigued Electra, and she tilted her head, and looked at the brunette. Curiosity got the better of her, and she flew up to the crows nest, sat on Wendy's shoulder and said, "You're an odd one. Why don't you like being up here?"

Wendy sighed. "I'm afraid of falling from heights.I can be high up, if it's a secure enough thing, but if it's tall, and, like this... I mean a mast could fall! I don't want to be high up and what I'm up on decides to fall."

"Then why'd you agree to come?"

"Have you seen Jane Hook? She's gorgeous." Wendy peered out on the horizon.

Electra nodded. "Oh. You're in love. Love does make you do strange things to prove your worthiness to someone."

Within an hour, just at the crack of dawn,Wendy called down with! "On the left, just visible! An island, an island!"

MacGoughal facepalmed. "Starboard. Land Ho." She explained to the crew.

Meanwhile, back in Grovershire, England, the court was packing up and headed for the next games to be played in Wendy's hometown of Berkshire.

Gregor had called for Aurora, the Handlers (which included Clair), Avenger and Princess Sapphire for a meeting before breakfast, with the Amazons and Amethyst to stand guard at the door.

Calla, in her Avenger outfit, put a hand to the hilt of her sheathed sword, gifted her by the people of Dunwyn, asided to Clair. "I don't know why we have to be up so blasted early. I mean, the sun's not even up yet!"

Two timezones to the east (although they hadn't been discovered yet) dawn was just breaking for Neverland.
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Ethel and Hook then sat down looking at Olivia.
"While we travel, should we discuss plans for when we arrive, how we are going to take out Pan's power"


Clair yawned and rubbed an eye with a nod.
"Yeah, I didn't expect it, and was up pretty late working on a few things." She replied in a tired whisper.
Olivia smirked, folding arms across her chest as she sat. "Depends on where our port will be, and the lay of the land. You've already told me that Pan likes to be in the forest, and especially attacking from the trees, like some kind of evil version of Wendy's hero Robin Hood."

"A mile, Cap'n." Clara called as Wendy started directing the navigator towards Mermaid Cove.

Olivia glanced at the Scotswoman, before turning her attention back to Hook. "I think a third of us should investigate Faerie Glen, see what kinda damage we're talking, and hunt for survivors. A third of us make contact with the Piccaninny Warriors to make sure Princess Innis is indeed safe with them, and the other third? A frontal attack on Pan's treehouse, and destroy it. See how he likes being homeless."

One privateer whistled softly. "Ruthless!" She then smirked similar to Olivia's, "Me like-y! You HAVE to be from Lythikos!"

Princess Calla chuckled softly, before greeting Clair's parents. "Good morrow, Handlers!" She continued whispering for Clair's ears only. "I hear you. Breakfast won't be until dawn. Two or three hours yet. Princess Sapphire is STILL recovering from her wounds Igthorne and the woods afflicted upon her person. Although Aurora cleared her to be questioned about the encounter, she wasn't invited to this as Sapphire's physician. This has to be serious."
Ethel nodded.
"Good, the trees will make them think they are safe, assuming themselves invisible among the trees. I like your plan and agree, I can easily find them in the trees, though I should be where is going to face the heaviest combat as I am the most experienced warrior you got" she explained confidently.


"Yeah, I'm not sure what's going to happen but I'm all worried, You think it's going to be, like, really bad?" she asked worried.
Olivia raised an eyebrow as she looked at Ethel. "I may not officially be as seasoned as you, Ethel, but EVERY Lythikan, whether male or female, learns to handle a dagger by the age of five. We may not practice with real ones until ten, but we also learn how to use them. Usually before we get any form of education. I should at the very least, be on that run with you to destroy Pan's dwelling while you destroy him and his 'lost boys'. I have 20 years experience with a dagger." Actually, by her own words, she had 15 with a REAL dagger, however, Olivia would better serve Hook by checking on the princess and speaking to the Piccaninny Warriors, with Clara. Hook herself would take Wendy and Electra to Faerie Glen.

Wendy called down from the crow's nest. "How much farther into the cove are we to go? I think we're about 120 to 150 yards from the shore?" The crew was already anticipating the order as they took down the sails.

Avenger shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe not for us, but father has never been one to take long on treason charges, especially if they are and can be proven. It's pretty cut and dry with Igthorne, but he's a stickler for the rules." As she was about to find out.

"Good morrow, Sir Handler, Mrs Handler, Clair, Avenger and Princess Sapphire. Princess, please come up to the throne," he motioned to Duchess Calla's ornamented chair, on a dias with the Grovershire Horse prominently displayed above, and the chair itself surrounded by curtains, "So we can discuss, privily, your suggestions." He glanced to Handler. "Sir Handler, I know you are retired, but I need you to actively train Squire Dunwyn over here, in knightly duties." Glaring at his daughter in her Avenger outfit, he asked, "You DON'T have a problem with that, right, Ms. Squire Hero?"

With a blush and a gulp, Calla shook her head. She then asided to Clair. "Damn! Father IS still pissed at me! Your parents didn't know officially who I was until just now!"

After speaking and listening to Sapphire at length, Gregor nodded and excused her. "Clair. Please escort our Greek princess back to her physician, and get packed for Berkshire so we can leave right after breakfast. We don't want to overstay our welcome here in Grovershire. I'll see you at breakfast, and thank you for your early attendance.

After clearing his throat he called for Amethyst and Diana to bring in Igthorne, and Cassandra to remain stationed as guard where she was joined by one of Tuxford's knights.
Ethel smiled as Olivia spoke up, she let her finish before replying.
"20 years training with a dagger huh? Well, I don't want to get into a debate about skill level yada yada" she said making a talking motion with her hand.
"But if you ever want to test your metal, I'd be willing to spar, Don't even need to warn me, go for the kill sneak attack if you want the practice, I would welcome it" she smiled.
"As for the mission, Hook can decide those specifics, or I suppose you since I think you are in charge of the strategy aspect? I was just giving my experienced opinion."

Hook when the time came called out to lower anchor, as well as giving her usual porting instructions to crew. As for her team, she looked to Olivia.
"I have a crew and ship to take care of, I trust you can lead the rest of the planning for all three divisions of the plan"


The Handlers all listened as the king spoke, Clair's face going a little pale as the King dropped the info on Avenger as they both looked over.
"Squire, Dun- ohhh" Mr. Handler whispered.
"I knew it Mrs. Handler whispered to herself.

"Of course, Sire, I would be happy to train her, though as it seems she will be in charge or at least partially responsible for guarding my daughter, know that I will not go easy on her." He warned a sternness that had yet to be heard by him from Avenger to his usual jovial tone.

Clair nodded and left with Sapphire.
"Of course Sire" She gave a tired but appropriate bow.

Once they were out of earshot she asided to the princess.
"You feeling up to travel again? I suppose you must really want to leave this place."
Olivia raised an eyebrow as Hook made it clear what Olivia was to do. With a sigh, she took a head count (and also asked MacGoughal) how many experienced fighters aboard. Of the 132 women aboard, 99 were well equipped, not counting Captain Hook herself, or the three new members of the Rumble Rose.

Olivia did some quick math and finally said, "We don't want the ship unprotected in case the other Hook comes calling." She turned to Ethel. "You're definitely in charge of the ones going after Pan. Can you destroy him and his headquarters with 21? Counting you, that's 22. I really think your team should be 25 strong counting you, not that I don't believe you could do it, but we have to count the variables."

After learning that the Indians were peaceful, but one definitely didn't want to rile them up, Olivia put herself in charge of the peace mission to touch base with them and check on Princess Innis. "I can't help thinking I'm missing something right in front of my face... Why the hell does Lomond sound so damned familiar...?"

Electra wasted no time rushing to Hook's shoulder. "Jane, I beg your pardon, but with what happened to us thanks to your brother, sending anyone to Faerie Glen except a small party of 12 or 13, including yourself, and no survivors would be found. They'd all stay hidden, and no one would know if there's any hurt. Leave your first mate in charge, and definitely take your doctor and Eyes," she made a motion to Wendy. "We TRUST you! If you aren't seen leading...?" She gave a shudder to indicate her concern over the terrified survivors.

Gregor nodded at Sir Handler's words. "If I didn't need Amethyst and Diana to guard Igthorne in shifts, I would have had one of them do it. Diana and Avenger both also need to compete in the Berkshire round, which we won't know until we get there. I would expect nothing less, old friend. You are all excused, and thank you."

Avenger lowered her head as she would follow Mr. Handler to her first knight lessons. When she was finally ready, she shook her head. "I already know archery and how to care for and restring my bow, make my arrows, polish and care for my swords, both the broadsword and my rapier, how to care for and groom my horse... I know a knight basically serves and protects his or her town, answers his or her king's call, goes out to war as well, even quests... so what am I not doing?" It was a serious question, and a loaded one, after all, her weapons weren't the only things she needed to care for. She didn't mention anything about her quiver, sheaths, holsters, belt or anything when it came to the equipment for her horse! Her saddle, reins, bridle, blinds, and other accessories. No wonder her horse didn't like the saddle and equipment, it wasn't being cared for, just her! Calla also had a lot to know about true serving and protecting. It was also time Calla learned to follow directions to the letter, as well as toning reflexes daily. Handler was right. Since Calla wanted to play hero knight, Gregor wanted her permanently on as Clair's bodyguard!

Sapphire sighed and shook her head. "Not more than a day's walk. I'm hundreds of miles from home. I informed your king only on his evil brother. I need to rest a little more before I go for the main reason I came originally. Trade route." She shrugged. "Or export from here, import from us." She made a face. "Ugh, I'm not with it yet... That made utterly no sense. Help me explain to your physician that's taking care of me, yes?"
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Ethel smiled.
"Honey, I could do it solo if need be, 21 extra shall be just fine"

Hook thought hand on her chin for a moment, I really should not leave my ship, however, my first mate is skilled and trustworthy enough to leave with my ship, She can defend from my brother if needed, very well I shall join Weny's team, though I'll still be depending on Wndy for field strategies.


Mr. Handler nodded as she stated her credentials.
"Yes, I think I understand your skills, but I have a specific regiment in mind." He replied walking up by a practice dummy.
"Okay, so first we spar, Let's say that practice statue is my daughter since you will be needing to protect her., Sound good?" He asked, and as soon as she answered he would throw two throwing knives, one at her and one at the dummy.
Olivia nodded to Ethel. "Done. I'll let Hook know, but you pick your own squad."

She then picked fifteen for her small group to meet the Indians, and reported the need of 36 total of the 99 fighters of the crew to MacGoughal who nodded. "Aye, wee bairn. I'll clear that many 'twixt the two of ye. I MAY drop th' nickname when ye come back in one piece wi' everyone ye take, lass." She still didn't want to respect Olivia's Lythikan heritage until she saw more from her. Olivia understood with a nod.

Since Electra already chose Eyes, which was her nickname for Wendy, and with Hook herself, Hook could get away with only one or two more fighters, and leave MacGoughal with 61 including herself.

Once Olivia learned Hook herself was requested by the fairy, she gave the report. "Ethel and her band of 21 will storm Pan's headquarters, I'll take my small band to visit the Piccaninny Warriors, and I guess that means Wendy and you will lead a small group to Faerie Glen for search and rescue. We're ready to go on your orders to begin."

MacGoughal gave her captain a nod. She could handle things, especially with so many available fighters at her command.

Avenger had no idea she was being trained as a palace guard, and specifically bodyguard to Clair. She looked at the practice dummy and back at her training knight. "I guess?" She said, before suddenly two throwing knives were coming for the dummy and her!

Grasping her broadsword, it was soon out of it's sheath and one handedly, she deflected the one aiming for the dummy. She hissed as the other planted itself in her back , at her shoulder... She wasn't quick enough, but by moving as quick as she did, it wasn't lower. "Owww." She winced grabbing the spot.

Sapphire sighed as they reached Aurora's room. Aurora looked between the two of them. "Didn't it go well?"

"The conversation about Igthorne went splendid." The princess shrugged. "I just explained to Lady Clair here about the main reason I came, and I sounded... Like I forgot all my training on commerce. I even explained import and export, and still sounded like an idiot."

Aurora's eyes bugged out of her head. "Clair, you're a merchant, the daughter of a merchant, did the princess really sound like she didn't know what commerce is?" She turned to the princess, "As a barkeep, I could help teach you something about commerce, or at least help you recall what you were taught, and between Clair or her mother... I mean, if neither of them mind..." She glanced again at Clair.
Ethel nodded and picked her crew, seeing that Wendy was on it.
Hook spoke first
"Okay, ladies, we are search and rescue, which means our priority is the victims, Warrior ladies we may be, and though you may want to prioritize taking down these bastards, know that you don't put your want for revenge above any of the lives we are there to save, understand? However, whoever is with Ethel, still follow that rule, you will be the focus of the best defense is a good offense, so kick some ass out there." She explained before Ethel added to it, once Hook gestured to her.
"Listen to Wendy here, she will lead the second division in our team, you ready for that Wendy? I'll be focusing on a solo flank tactic, though you will likely still see me out there." She added.


Mr Handler nodded.
"Well, glad you understand the need to prioritize the one you are protecting. However, now you are injured." He said tossing two more daggers at the dummy.


Clair blushed.
"Oh umm, honestly not at all, though I am not very familiar with that stuff despite being from a merchant household, I mostly focused on making the product. Actually, thinking about it, I have done a lot of free work so far during this thing, my mother won't be very happy about that" She rubbed the back of her head.
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Electra didn't realize that Hook was going to purposely put Wendy in charge of search and rescue at Faerie Glen. She even gave Hook a double take.

Wendy wasn't surprised, she figured this was more proving her meddle to the privateer captain. She wondered if her crush had anything to do with it. That guess would be right. "Umm, right, I just don't know Neverland. If this was Berkshire, I would not hesitate, because I know the area."

Electra tutted, as she flew to Wendy's shoulder. "Then, it's a good thing you have me, right? I will show you to Faerie Glen. Just pick your crew and make it small."

Wendy shrugged. "My captain, the ship's doctor and her assistant, umm," she looked at the others, and picked a fighter as their guard and some of the cooks to whip something up for any survivors they found. Electra smiled and nodded. Small party, just as she asked Hook.

Meanwhile, those in Ethel's crew held up swords, broad and thin, in unison, "We'll take the headquarters! You can take Pan! Let's take Neverland back! In honor of King Lomond! For Princess Innis!"

With a shrug, Wendy followed Electra one way as Ethel and her band would go another. They soon reached the clearing, and the obvious telltale sign of the remains and burnt trunk of the fairies' home. Within a few seconds of that Wendy would spot two fairies, injured, but with wings. One in a green dress another in a purple pantsuit. "Doctor! Captain Hook! Over here, two survivors!" She had just found Tinkerbell and Viola, but didn't know it. Hook would recognize Tink, surely, and the marks of what would appear to be manacles on her wrists. The doctor would get right to work, treating both, allowing Wendy to keep searching with her hand picked crew, minus the Captain, who the doctor asked to stay.

(Only need to follow search and rescue party)

Calla grimaced. "Well, for starters, I didn't think you'd use real weapons for practice or sparring. Don Diego didn't, Athos, Porthos and Aramis didn't, Only Artemis did, but she was teaching me to hunt and training me with the bow, Lord Tarnok was all about my hands and body being a secret weapon, and my fingers, sabres." She commented, deflecting one easily, and just plain showing off, as well as showing Mr Handler something only Tarnok could have taught her. Catching the other blade between her fore and middle fingers. Her quick movements somehow didn't even move her hat, it stayed secure to her head.

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "I was under the impression I was paying a discount. For the items used. Not every inventor charges for labor, Clair. I wasn't going to tell you that, though, until after the portable heart beat monitor," she pointed to the device she had around her neck, "And you never told me if you came up with a name for it, the blood pressure device, which we're still checking, and the new device for looking at things incredibly small, that could even help people who need to separate platelets, like Olivia. It was her magnifier that saved your life." She smirked. "Which reminds me, let's test this again, by taking your blood pressure." She grabbed the device from where she had it hung. "Come on... Your invention, so you're the guinea." She motioned for Clair to take a seat.
Ethel looked to her team and nodded.
"Let's show them the same mercy they have shown" She claimed before leaving with her team.

Hook saw the double take, and understood, knowing Electra thought she would be in charge but she did need to test Wendy, and putting her in a leader role could test many things at once, but she knew if it was needed Electra would take over.

Hook quickly moved to the injured fairies.
"Quickly they need help, search for more survivors, and be careful where you step!" She called out as she showed the injured fairies she was there so they would not panic.
"Tink is that you? don't worry we are going to help you all out and find everyone we can"

Ethel meanwhile carefully followed the trail left by the attackers, calling out any fairies they may have seen as they moved on.


"I heard my daughter nearly died while taken here by you, and you are to be the one to protect her, As a bodyguard you won't always be ready, and the enemy won't use fake blades, besides, you already have field experience" He explained.

"But so far, I can see you at least won't let her get hurt from the obvious ranged attack," He said unsheathing a sword, not his primary weapon but one he was used to.


Clair blushed.
"Oh right, I forgot, I did remember with you, and yes sure, though you think we would need to test with multiple people to get better results, I mean I tested it on myself multiple times while making it, but what if it's not accurate for others?" She asked taking the seat as Aurora had asked.
Tinkerbell only spoke in her fairy language with bells, as she really didn't know the doctor. It was a good thing Jane Hook knew the language. "<Jane! Thank the stars! Your brother kidnapped me, tortured me and threatened my wings if I didn't lead him back to here!>" she tinked. Viola eyed the woman towering over them suspiciously, as the doctor gently wrapped Tinkerbell's hands. She asided to Tinkerbell in their language of bells, "<Who is this human?! Haven't you gone through enough? She may be dressed in the human King's colours of red, green and blue, but she looks like that monster who forced you to betray us!>"

Meanwhile, Wendy spied a total of thirty more fairies, alive, but half of them had their wings ripped off, all of them indicating either Pan or Jane's brother as the culprits.

Calla frowned. "Begging your pardon, Mr. Handler, but that was Birmingham, not Grovershire, and the king had told all ladies who could ride a horse to participate in the polo match. I trusted my King and Duchess Aurora to take care of her, but even they couldn't have expected that cowardly attack to kidnap Clair." She sighed. "Besides, if Clair hadn't bitten the attempted kidnapper, since Aurora was attacking him, she believes Clair wouldn't have been poisoned." She watched the sword being drawn. "Sir Handler, please... I-I don't want to hurt you..." she switched her broadsword to her right hand to prepare to defend herself. She didn't know this was exactly how Handler and Amethyst, Sir Rock's daughter, practiced before they found the dolls hanging in the tree, and a common practice among Gregor's knights that she so badly wanted to be a part of since a little girl.

Aurora stopped, and looked at Clair for a long moment. "You've had very little practice in medicine, Clair, that was pretty foolish." She sighed. "But you're right. I should check this with all patients, however, I do remember telling you I wanted to monitor your blood pressure as well." After checking the day before's numbers, she took it off Clair's arm. "125/80. Seems your higher pressure is usually between 120 and 125, and your lower is usually 80." She then told the princess what it was, and what it was for, before the young lady shrugged and allowed hers to be taken. With a sigh, and worried glance at Clair, Aurora announced. "I'll retake it in about an hour. 165/100."
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