How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

(Sapphire goes back to sleep, Aurora ponders quietly about Clair's latest brainstorm, as well as the listening device she's already invented.)

Ethel would be there just ahead of Cassandra and Diana, the other two close enough, Amethyst waited for them, before telling all three the clue. "Sweet it is, although it starts a taste of sour. All it takes is one every 24 hours to rob Aurora Service of all her power."

Cassandra made a face. "Aurora doesn't have any power to begin with, what does Duchess Calla mean by this item robs Aurora of her power? What power?"

Princess Ruby, who arrived fourth, grinned knowingly. "Aurora made fun of the Cordonian saying. An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay." It's referring to that saying. The second item on the scavenger hunt is an apple. Not just any apple, though. Only one apple in all of Europe starts sour, then becomes sweet. It's why apple pies made with this apple are so delectable. The one I'm named for. The Cordonian Ruby. But where are we going to find that over here in England?"

There would be only one place: The Grovershire Apple Orchard, where Grovershire herself, would be waiting with the third clue to the mystery location and to the third item in the scavenger hunt. Scouting was indeed needed, because the players had to find a certain type of apple tree in a grove of similar looking apple trees!

Meanwhile, Clair would get both scavenger items, except instead of a real Cordonian Ruby apple, she would get a pillow shaped like an oversized one. With both items being red, one being cloth, and the other a fruit, could Clair have an inkling of it being a general store in Grovershire, which was called Red's.
Clair made some tweaks to her listening device and let Aurora test it, as well as managed to scrounge up some materials and make a prototype of her blood pressure testing device, as well as starting to experiment with her new spyglass idea, giving Aurora time to also check the pressure device.


Ethel listened to the clue and the response of the other girls, smiling as she knew she could pick out the tree she needed by subtle differences in the bark and leafs.

Once again Ethel's long legs and speed gave her an edge as she was able to quickly make it to the orchard and find groveshire.
"What's next? Another red item? Or perhaps a red place?" She asked already seeing the pattern.

Clair managed to look up from her work as the clues were given to her.
"Red? Umm, an apple and a hood? Hmm, picnic basket maybe? Oh! I got some of these items at a place called Reds, maybe that is something?" she asked but wasn't confident enough to commit to that idea.
Aurora slid the cuff on Clair's arm, and said with a knowing grin, "You said you wanted to help..." After pumping the air ball to inflate the device, which would also squeeze the arm, Aurora continued to use the pulse checking device also, just under the cuff on the inside of the elbow. "It's not too tight, is it? Speak yes or no, don't move. Hmmm, experimental device but no way those numbers can be right. I'm getting two..." She took off her ear device and slid the cuff off. "Let's check this every day with you before I try it on the patients." She took quill and parchment, and started a new paper. She wrote, 'Clair's BP checked with new device. 125/80' She then took Clair's wrist and after a minute wrote 77. "Your pulse is running a little fast. You're usually in the low 70s not upper. I want you to slow down a little. We don't need these things right away. Just relax and help me as needed with our Grecian princess. Doctor's orders."

Grovershire smirked and gave Ethel a wink. "Just keep getting the clues and items. Here's this one, a poem I wrote for this particular clue:
I should have known you'd bid me farewell
There's a lesson to be learned from this
And I learned it very well
Now I know you're not the only starfish in the sea
And if I never hear your name again, it's all the same to me
And I think
It's gonna be alright
The worse is over now
The morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball."

After giving Ethel the pillow, she pointed to the tree. "Pick yourself an apple to eat on the way, I'll except to see your pillow at the end of the game. Oh. And this is the last clue on Manor property."

Ethel didn't have Cassandra or Ruby this time, and if the clue was any indication, she needed to head east, the direction the sun rose from and find either a lake or sea inlet. The item was literally listed right there in the poem! She needed to find a Starfish! Most came in orange, rust or off brown. Red things were definitely the pattern!
Clair nodded as she slipped the device on and reacted to Aurora commenting on the two values being given.
"Oh yes, I wasn't sure if you wanted the pressure given when the pulse happened or between pulses, or maybe wanted the difference? So I have it display both." She explained.

"Oh umm okay, but do you think my recovering from the poison might have an effect? Maybe it was low from recovering and now I'm returning to normal. We, unfortunately, don't have a big sample source." she asked.


Ethel smirked and listened.
"Hmm, noted, all I have now is a direction, but I'm sure the rest will come together in time" she replied taking the pillow and making her way east, quickly seeing the sea and remembering the star-fish line, quickly looking for one.
Aurora raised an eyebrow. "What display, it's just a gauge with numbers, I, and any other doctor would just have to know how to read the scale. I got the second number as I was releasing the air. The higher number I got first, and should have been the only number."

As she handed the prototype back, it finally hit her what Clair had said. "That second one... The lower one I got as I was releasing the air...was between pulses and you planned it that way?"

She then cleared her throat. "I still want you to rest your brain, and therefore, your pulse."

The person hired to give the next clue, and had all the dried starfish that would be needed for the ladies, came out to watch Ethel. After a while and four others after Ethel, The Crimson Avenger showed up, followed by Olivia. There were now seven of them, and with a shake of her head, the proprietress of the boat rental asked, "Can I help you ladies with something?" She kept track of when everyone came.
Clair blushed a little as it seemed Aurora had not understood what she meant at first, and she may have made a mistake.
"Oh, umm yes, I wasn't super sure which information was needed and know that at least when I'm working more info always is better than less so went for the different values to be shown on gauge," she explained before taking a breath.
"Okay, I'll try and relax my brain, it's just hard to do sometimes"


"Yes, I believe we are here, likely for a starfish and or clue, one that is apparently out of the manor property." Ethel was quick to reply.
Aurora nodded. "I think you're onto something. If I write it as I did with the bigger number on top, indicating it's the one even with the pulse, we physicians might be able to catch abnormalities in the pressure inside our patients' bodies."

She then nodded. "Good. We both can relax as we keep an eye on Princess Sapphire."

The boat rental proprietress nodded. "You must be the court ladies, then, that Duchess Grovershire mentioned. Follow me. My office is a bit crowded, so I have to ask you ladies to enter one at a time, in the order you arrived. That would be the real tall Amazon, then the blonde one, the raven haired one, the brunette girl who smells of Cinnamon, the red haired princess, Crimson Avenger, then the other redhead with the scowl."

Olivia let out a grunt and folded her arms.

Inside the building was dried starfish, plenty for those already present and then some. "Picnics and hayrides, bedrooms, chess and carriages' inside have this in common." She then handed Ethel the first starfish and a copy of the clue. "And remember, your answer is not back at the manor house or property. There's only one more clue left, good luck finding the item in the scavenger hunt."

With the seven having the written clue to read over, they might have to put their heads together to solve the puzzle. Princess Ruby started it off. "Well, each of those things usually have something with a checkerboard design. Even my royal carriage in Cordonia has that on the inside. Picnic basket is weaved like one, Hayrides usually have a checkerboard blanket couples can wrap themselves in, bedroom has to be the bed with a quilt, chess is played on a wooden board with that design."

Cassandra would inch them closer to the answer. "Right, but there's got to be a common place that has all those things. Picnic baskets start in a kitchen, blankets start in the linens, there's a bedroom mentioned, chess games are frequently found in a parlor and a carriage would be in a carriage house."

Avenger pinched the bridge of her nose. "Cass...We need a single place you can find ALL these things without being on the manor property. Even Duchess Calla said the clue we got from her was the last one on the property. Which of those checkerboard items is the actual thing connected to the clue? Everything so far has been a shade of red. THAT'S also got to be a clue."

They all turned to Ethel and Diana for their ideas on the clue.
Clair nodded taking another breath and setting her book in her bag, so it was out of sight. She then leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling.
"haa, okay, relaxing, going to relax now, now I am relaxing."


Both Ethel and Diana looked around in thought.
"Well, a picnic blanket is often associated with a red and white pattern" Diana suggested.

"Hmm, Chess boards often have a red white, or redwood coloring to them" Ethel added going over and checking the chess board.
Aurora raised an eyebrow as she watched Clair. "Ever read for fun? I have an adventure book based on a certain English hero's exploits. Has a forward by King Richard, himself. Author took some liberties with the story though." She handed it to Clair, and she'd soon see it was titled The Life and Adventures of Robin Hood. "Unfortunately, being a medical student doesn't allow me time to rest my brain right now. Dr. Arden asked me to conduct research on the physician who's made the bold claim of washing hands before treating a patient. I'm actually to implement it, and you saw me do it before changing the princess's bandages."

"Right interesting piece, eh, luv? Carved the pieces, m'self." The proprietress stated. "Fancy a match after you come back from the games, swing back down here. You know where I live, now." She pointed to her chess set, sitting on a table, just outside the door. "Popular enough game, they actually sell them downtown. Not popular enough, they're always in stock."

Cassandra agreed with her sister. "Not always checkerboard, but always red and white pattern, or solid red. While picnic baskets are weaved in the interlocking pattern of a checkerboard, they're not always red."

Crimson Avenger sighed. "I think we can also rule out the hayrides and bedrooms. Although the quilts and blankets are almost always checkerboard, they aren't always red. I've seen blue and white checkerboard quilts. I even have one."

Ruby cleared her throat. "I think it's decided then. We're going to find kitchens, parlors and carriages in downtown Grovershire. Last one there is apple butter!"

The princess took off, but Ethel's size would easily help her catch up and pass the Cordonian princess.
She looked at the book and then back to Aurora.
"A book for fun, no I only have read to learn." She replied looking at the book.
"Oh yes! That is what I am basing the telescope invention on, if there is something there we need to wash off maybe I can help us see it" She smiled, seeing that what she was doing might help Aurora with her research.
"Didn't he have an increase in successful births using that system? Though I suppose there could be other factors." She asked, seeming to have some issues turning her brain off.


Diana left with them.

Ethel looked at the chessboard.
"I'll take this then?" She asked, and did so if allowed, then was able to quickly catch up to the others with her long strides.
Aurora shook her head. "Although Arden sides with him, and as a student of Arden's, I have followed the research, it's not a very popular practice. On top of that, he's from the Kingdom of Hungary. Cordonia, Lythikos, Gaul and Iberia have all clashed with them. I think even England has. A lot of the medical field, in fact, the vast majority of them, think he's mad. Personally, I can see his point about washing hands, especially after handling a cadaver¹, and before treating a living person, it may seem like madness to the vast majority, but with the decrease in deaths, and as you said, success in the birth rates, the idea has merit." She shrugged. "I've always washed after handling a cadaver. That seems like common sense to me, unless that's my barkeep experience talking. I mean you wash a glass or stein before serving someone else with it, why not wash your hands before you treat the next person?"

The proprietress thought about it. "What are the odds it's something else? What if it's a carriage or picnic item? If you're sure the chessboard is the right answer, I'll loan it, but bring it back soon as you're finished." She cleared the pieces from the board. "And you owe me a match. On this very board."

Meanwhile, those without the checkerboard had to find the store with enough for everyone. Meanwhile, there was the final clue, given to everyone with a checkerboard (none of the other ladies had one upon arrival at first) by the guard as one entered downtown.

"Bloody brilliant! You're with the Grovershire ladies, right? How'd you come up with the answer so quick? And with the correct item, yet? Here, and listen carefully, reread your copy as needed: All your items can be bought at the same, where the common factor is the correct name." The guard then cleared his throat. "You're new here, so if you know the common factor, and tell it to me, I'll point you in the right direction to meet up with your hostess."

Red's General Store was a dinky shoppe with many various items for sale, but was a little hole in the wall not accessible by the street. In fact, the entrance was a non descript door with the name in red, in an alley, just off the main roads.

¹-cadaver is a dead body.
"Well, we don't really know if it causes any additional harm right? And I suppose some might see it as a waste of time. I don't know, I think his theory has merit and want to help investigate it with my new invention. Though I could also very well end up proving him wrong, or at least, providing evidence against him." She replied.


Ethel nodded taking the board and smiling.
"You got yourself a deal, though I'll warn you I once faced the one who invented the game and won." She told her before running off.

"Excellent, I was hoping it was the right choice, and the connection is obviously the colour red, is there a red district or something?" She asked before getting clarification and heading toward Red's store once getting its location.
Aurora shrugged. "You mean washing as opposed to not? There's been no substantial proof either way, but I was a barkeep before I got in the medical field. Three years. From age 15-18. Trust me... You WANT to rinse those glasses and steins out after every use, and it just makes sense, common sense, to wash your hands after touching a dead body."

So Aurora was one of those that answered things using logic, and common sense.

Duchess Calla and King Gregor were talking to Red Service, an old grey haired and bearded man when Ethel would walk in with the checkerboard.

Calla smirked. "I recognize the board. With all the things I named, how did you figure the game board was the correct answer, and how'd you get Seaworthy Spring to part with it for a few hours?"

Gregor didn't give Ethel a chance to answer right away, beaming and saying, "I declare Lady Ethel the winner, and award her first place and the 500 points! You'll gain on everyone at minimum, five points!"

The duchess cleared her throat, "Begging the king's pardon, but may I find out how she received permission to get the boat rental proprietress' permission to use her chessboard?"

The King laughed and nodded, "I know Spring myself. She's nice and all, but doesn't loan anything without something attached to it."
Clair nodded.
"Well I agree, even when I am making my inventions I like to clean my hands often, and I am not even working with people and stuff." She smiled.
"That is why I want to make this thing and help provide proof to his hypothesis, or theory" She replied.


Ethel looked between them all waiting for her moment to respond.
"Well thank you sire, and as for how I got the board, easy I asked, and agreed to bring it back as soon as I could, as well as play a game with her, on this very board" She replied.
"Which means now that I got the official win, should be heading back to hold up my end of the bargain." She added, turning to leave.
Aurora nodded with a thinker's frown. According to her expression, Clair's practice made sense to her. "Remind me to tell you about my barkeep days. I was around your age when I was doing that. The Queen herself came to my tavern a number of times, checking to make sure I was doing well."

Sapphire called out, and Aurora arose to check on her. After quiet admonishment from her, the unhappy princess settled back down.

"That girl is too restless. I had to explain to her she can't be going about the manor without an escort, and the Duchess and King aren't even here right now, so all she can do is rest, and should. I promised her I would reexamine her wounds this evening and allow her audience with whoever she wishes if I feel she's healed enough."

She playfully bopped Clair's nose with a grin. "Reminds me of another patient I had recently, who had to do things soon after her own incident." She sighed. "One person... Resident or full physician, can only do so much. I ended having no choice in your case, and may be in the same position with the princess. I AM only one person, after all."

Spring was ready, and arose to greet Ethel. "Let's get set up and start the game. Had some pirate captain lady ask for you and one of the other ladies at court. The Berkshire one, if her name is Wendy. All Captain Hook said was she NEEDED both of you as soon as possible. An elf in her homeland causing trouble, bad trouble from the sounds of it... I asked her to return in about a few hours. You just missed her by five minutes. She wants you bad enough, she'll be back." She set up the game while she spoke. "Weird thing is... She asked for the two of you specifically and by name."
Clair nodded along with Aurora as she spoke about her bartending days. She waited and watched as Aurora went off to help the princess.

As she returned and 'booped' her nose Clair blushed, both at the gesture and at the following comment.
'Heh, sorry, I do get a little anxious when doing nothing" She admitted playing with her fingers.


Ethel sighed and took a seat.
"Hook ehh? I'm not surprised, have helped them in the past, and did well, and now they want help again. Well by the sounds of it we have plenty of time before their return, Let's play that game, and then I'll go fetch Wendy and return to wait for Hooks' return" She smiled and placed the board down before starting to set up the pieces.
Aurora nodded and smiled. "Really need to break you of that habit. Bit of a bother for your own nerves and peace of mind. "

Aurora then asked Clair to face her, and practice breathing like she did, taking slow, deep and calming breaths. Even closing her eyes as she breathed in through her nose, and out through her mouth.

In downtown Grovershire, Cassandra wasted no time, getting second place, and was pretty sure her sister was right behind her. She, or they, were followed by Cinnamon, Crimson Avenger, Ruby, Millicent, Clara, Ariel, Olivia (out of breath), Amanda, Bernice, Wendy and finally, as the Duchess and King were leaving the shop, Genevieve made it... Dead last and almost ten minutes behind Wendy.

Gregor shook his head. "I'll get these added up, and announce the totals after dinner. Lady Wendy, will you fetch our winner today? Lady Ethel had to return the board and play a chess match with Seaworthy Spring."

The game was well underway, and Spring was plotting her move, scrutinizing the board with a squint eye peer, as Captain Hook returned. "Splendid! One I specifically asked for. Ethel, I hear you're a sword for hire. I'd like to talk to you about a certain elf back in my homeland. Kidnapped some faeries and beat the hell out of a mermaid friend of mine, he did. I hear tell also Wendy Darling of Berkshire is a force to be reckoned with, is adept with the dagger. I want her on my crew. But first, my and my homeland's tales of woe under the tyrannical elf known as Pan." She took her hat off and bowed, "Jane Hook, at your service. My brother has sadly joined Pan's gang, easily seduced by his own greed, and promises from Pan."

Wendy was minutes away, yet, and a very irate Versailles, with murder on her mind, just a few minutes behind Wendy.
Clair looked down ashamed as Aurora told her of her bad habit.
"Sorry," She apologized before closing her eyes and trying the breathing exercise.


Ethel turned to look at Hook.
"Oh, hello, yes I have heard the tale of Pan, the elf that promises eternal youth, sounds like a crock to me, as soon as this game is done I'll go fetch Wendy and we can get into specifics" She replied.
Aurora would continue to encourage Clair with breathing, clear up to dinner time. "Help me change the bandages, I want another good look at the wounds. The bruising may be painful, but they should be passable for dinner, as long as we help her down the steps."

Princess Sapphire swore in Greek, before saying, off-putting, "You physicians are all alike! She's right here, y'know!"

Aurora couldn't help but chuckle. "Touché, Princess Sapphire!"

After wrapping the more worse of the wounds, Aurora nodded to Clair. "Lean between us, Princess. Let's get you downstairs for dinner, and as promised, you may have audience with the King, but as the physician treating you, I can't allow it to be alone. Just in case you pass out from exhaustion.

Sapphire rolled her eyes, sighed exasperated, and muttered, "Fiiine..."

Hook watched the game progress, and Spring shook her head, finally moving and calling. "Knight takes rook, and I believe that puts your queen in check."

The captain shook her head. With both kings off the table, leaving both queens to be the one put in check, she had to chuckle. Never had she seen it played where both royal pieces had to be mated or checked. She saw the opportunity, same time she hoped Ethel did. Her knight could take Spring's other knight, and put Spring's queen in check.

Meanwhile, Wendy arrived and gawped at the pirate watching the two playing chess. "Uhhh...?"

Spring and Hook both glared at Wendy and shushed her.

Folding her arms, she watched, and that's when Genevieve struck, Wendy caught the arm, twisted it, and proceeded to say exactly what she was doing, "What blatant disrespect over a stupid game! Try to kill me, will ya? I'm gonna kick your bloody arse!" After doing so, Wendy then flipped the beaten and disarmed Genevieve into the lake with a splash and a curt, "Now, cool off!"
Clair did as asked and helped with Sapphire.
"I am sorry princess, we should be sure to address you directly"
She did her best to help her down the stairs, though was still weak from recovering.


Ethel smirked as the knight was taken.
"Oh no, how, clumsy of me, except, knight takes knight, and now, instead of my queen being in check you get the honors"

Seeing the commotion Ethel stood up and looked to Wendy.
"What the? What is the meaning of this?" She asked looking toward the lake for the girl to surface.
Aurora was alongside the other side of Sapphire, taking it slow for both Sapphire's and Clair's sakes. Finally, they were where they could all sit, and Sapphire collapsed into the chair. "I don't care what it is, I just hope it's good..." The princess sighed, exhausted.

Duchess Calla cleared her throat. "Portavira Clam Chowder, Cordonia Fruit Salad, Themiscyran Warrior Stew, Scotland Shepherd Pie, and for dessert Monterissan Custard Supreme."

Sapphire's eyes went wide. A five course dinner? But didn't you say, Dr. Aurora, that it was scouting today?"

Aurora nodded. "I think the cooks couldn't decide between Themiscyra and Scotland, so decided to do both. Hope you're hungry...."

Wendy was irate, pointing to the place where Genevieve went in the water, "Bloody Gaul git tried to kill me!" She hissed, obviously no love lost between the Gaul who tried to kill the English woman Wendy, and herself."

Genevieve raised out of the lake like some water demon. "Try nothing!" She stomped out of the water, shoved Captain Hook out of the way, calling her a wet sea cow, and reached for Wendy's neck with both hands like claws."I'm going to strangle your pathetic English neck!"

Wendy grabbed both arms, and spinning expertly, swung her around and flung her farther in the lake. "So not... Mess with THIS... English girl!"

Hook glared at the place where Genevieve hit the water. "She DID NOT push me aside and call me a wet sea cow!"

Wendy shrugged. "Hate to tell you... But yes she did."

"I'll flog her, string her upside down by the yardarm, AND make her walk the plank!"

Wendy sighed... "Get in line..."

Hook collected herself and nodded. "Heard you were quite the fighter, Lady Darling. The stories didn't do you justice. Come, we'll gather and I'll explain all..."

Spring just continued watching the area where Genevieve hit the water the second time. "I need my spyglass... I think she's swimming away from shore and out to sea. Fool girl 'pears to plan on SWIMMING back to Gaul!"

Hook shook her head. "Regardless, I'm asking both of you to save my homeland from the tyrant elf Peter Pan and his gang of Lost Boys, of which my brother, also a captain, has joined." She nodded to Ethel. "You've heard the tales then, of his talk of eternal youth and riches beyond imagination. On the backs of the faeries and mermaids, no doubt. Seduces mostly kids around thirteen, and men of various ages into his web. Somehow we girls are for the most part immune, although one with a cold enough heart could be swayed, of that I have no doubt."

Wendy sighed. "Like Versailles."

"The woman you threw in the lake? Twice? With that hatred, undoubtedly." Hook nodded. "Any questions for me, or are you both just onboard?"

Wendy pulled together her resolve. "We should at least let the king know we're heading out. How long do you suspect...?"

"It's a war, my dear, Wendy, it's over when it's over. I'll allow the goodbye, but we must be off tonight, follow the second star on the right, and straight on until morning." Hook said, glancing to Ethel to see if she had any questions.
Clair took her seat beside the princess.
"Ahh, yeah I am good to settle for edible, but so far everything has been amazing" Clair replied to Sapphire exhausted from her day.

"Oh wow, all that sounds delicious" she smiled brightly.
"And I think my appetite is finally back" she added.


Ethel narrowed her eyes at the woman who was thrown into the lake a second time, any reservations she had about her soon fading.

She turned to the others as they talked.
"Yeah, I'm in, though I don't plan on letting this war last too long. However, there is much we must discuss before we decide to start planning anything, most notably, if all of Pan's allies stay that way, are you willing to take them all out, no matter who they might be?" she asked.
Everyone was looking up and down the table, noticing Wendy and Ethel STILL hadn't entered the dining hall. Gregor and Avenger both cleared their throats uneasily. Duchess Calla looked at the fireplace mantel and the ticking clock upon it. Somebody's stomach growled, and rather loudly. After ten more uneasy minutes, the servant asided to Duchess Calla. "Should I start serving, anyway, ma'am?"

Grovershire just shook her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Both Olivia and Ruby grabbed a roll from their bread baskets and buttered them and bit into them. "That's two demerits for the both of you." The King said sternly, "Should have known not to send one of the youngest out by herself! Amethyst. Aurora. Find out what's taking so long!"

"Doctor and a knight. That's not good." Avenger whispered.

"You want to join them hero? You're not a knight yet, otherwise it would have been you and the doctor." Gregor growled, giving her the dad eye. The princess gulped and fell silent, even looking away. "That's what I thought."

Hook had not only agreed to allow them to inform the king, but led them up the manor walk towards them. Hook was dressed in a royal privateer type uniform, though probably only Ethel would have recognized it as such. She answered the question right as Amethyst and Aurora stepped out. "Belay that, Ethel! Ye heard of me, then ye know better'n to ask that. I'm not my villainous brother! I am more than willing to lay any wager that Pan falls, so does his hold on them. James is probably the only one who won't follow reason. He'd already shown himself before he joined with Pan his greed, and bloodlust. He'll slice us all to ribbons, he's angry enough. Even the king has given up on him. I was to hunt him down and bring him back in chains."

Amethyst and Aurora exchanged looks before looking between Ethel and Wendy. Amethyst spoke up. "I think you three need an audience with the king posthaste. Please follow me to his section of the table, and join us for dinner, while you explain yourselves. Have any of seen Genevieve Versailles?"

"She tried to kill me over my beating her in scouting, today. I threw her in the lake, twice. The second time, she swam off." Wendy explained with a sigh.

"And you'll have to explain that as well, then." Amethyst said sternly, a frown appearing on her features.

As soon as the three were seated and ready to talk with the king about the need Captain Hook wanted them for, Genevieve Versailles burst open the doors to the hall, and told on herself. Wendy, Hook and Ethel wouldn't need to say a word. "WENDY MOIRA ANGELA DARLING!! YOU'RE A DEAD WOMAN!!!"
Ethel rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Great, that makes this a lot more complicated, Well I can always go undercover as someone wanting to join their ranks" she suggested just as Amethyst and Aurora arrived.

"Oh right, they have been waiting on us most likely. Well let's be off, talk to the King then make a way with you Hook" Ethel replied walking with the others to the King.

Ethel stood up and walked toward Genevieve.
"Hey, you need to relax and sit down, Now! Or deal with me" she threatened hands on hips as she got in her way.
Hook only nodded to Ethel.

Gregor got up, throwing his napkin on the table, and poked Diana, while motioning Amethyst, silently asking to flank Versailles with their swords drawn.

Amethyst nodded once, then motioned Diana to take the Gaul's right side, while she moved to the left.

Genevieve either had a death wish, or was just plain stupid, either way, she tried to push past the brick wall.

Gregor had to reach up to pat Ethel's upper back. "Stand down, Lady Ethel." Then to the perpetrator, "You've bullied several of the ladies here, including Clair. You sucker punched Crimson Avenger, and now you are threatening the very life of the Berkshire noble. I've tolerated all I can from you, you are expelled from court. These two will escort you to your ship to take you home, along with a note that I will personally send to your father. You will not be allowed back in this court until you learn decency and respect. Most other Gaul nationals do not show the hatred you have. They show rivalry, but not disdain. You want to come back, change your ways. Amethyst. Diana. Get this woman out of my sight."

He then returned to his seat, and said, "Now then, let's sup, and Captain Hook can explain why a royal privateer from a country I do not recognize, but will acknowledge their colours, is seeking the aid of two English citizens."

As Hook laid everything out for the king on the plight and troubles of Neverland, Avenger dared whisper to Ethel. "Are you an English citizen? I thought some Amazons insist on their country, whether it's Brittania Amazona or Themiscyra, be their nationality."

It was an innocent enough question.
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