How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Ethel smirked,
"Robin Hood hmm? Yeah, I'm willing to take that risk" She added to the gesture to follow.

After they gather Cassandra and started to make their way back, Robin Hood dropped down from a tree in front of their path.
"Hey Ladies, looks like you have one of my more slippery marry band there"

"Hey there little bird" Ethel smirked, her hand that wasn't holding Igathorne on her hip.

"Wha-? Ethel? Y-you look uhh, young, mind if I get her back?" He asked seeming uncharacteristically nervous for the famous Robin Hood.

"That is up to these ladies, my portion of the mission lead is done" She said gesturing to Olivia and Cassandra.


Clair nodded and followed along, falling down backward as Avenger jumped out, and being even more startled at the horse's reaction, afraid she was going to get stomped on and covered her head with her hands. Sitting up slowly once the horse calmed with tears in her eyes already.
"I umm, f-foot-s-steps?" She asked wiping her face.
"I umm, i-if a real person is lost shouldn't we try and help find them?" Clair asked Ruby.

Diana had to take a long way around and had yet to arrive.
Olivia smirked, one hand on her hip, eying Robin Hood. "The famous Sir Robin of Locksley. One noble to another." She gave him a warrior like bow, but keeping her eyes locked on his, and hand on the hilt of a dagger, which was even more militaristic than the Amazons. Meanwhile Cassandra gave a warrior bow like meeting an old friend.

Brittany let out an "Oi! We don't be using that..."

Olivia interrupted, purposely. "Lythikans don't follow that. We acknowledge name, rank and place. Sir Robin would be wise to acknowledge the traditions of allied countries to England. And teach you that. As well as how to mind your elders."

Brittany stood there gape mouthed and wide-eyed. If Robin was familiar with Lythikan traditions, he'd bow back to Olivia, similarly, eyes on her, hand on his bow, and address her as Duchess Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos.

Olivia then added, "I'm eager to learn what awaits your protege back in Sherwood Forest. I still say you had no idea she'd tried to stop tyranny on her own. Even YOU had your merry band of followers AND a certain niece of the king of all England to back you." Olivia was being typical Olivia, straightforward and as terse as humanly possible with the facts.

"Just give him his protege, Olivia... Gregor has no beef with Robin or his Merry Ladies and Men. From one outsider to Dunwyn to another, butt out." Cassandra warned.

"Lady Hagglethorn didn't. I think we should know how he intends to deal with his wayward little sniper." Olivia said, folding her arms in a stance that literally said Prove me wrong.

Ruby nodded to Clair. "Normally, I would agree, and I hope Avenger saw the game's quest to completion before going on this errand of mercy." She sighed. "As much as I would love to believe you at your word, you know I'm challenging you, so it'll take the word of your partner." She dismounted and faced Avenger. "Calla. I'm dead serious. I hope Diana knows you're on this, and followed you.... Somehow. Otherwise, I'll have to tell your father you're making up rules."

Clair, if she paid attention to the cabin, would see silhouetted movement against the sheer curtains to the living room window, when even Ruby said the hunter and his dog were part of the game. There shouldn't be ANYONE in the old hunter's cabin!
Robin returned the bow keeping eye contact.
"It's okay Duchess Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos, though you are correct that I didn't know about her little side mission, so that is the first thing we will be talking about. She seems to of forgotten the whole merry Band thing, as well as the fact, we are no assassins." He explained.


Clair just happened to look toward the cabin and the movement caught her eye.
"Ah! I-I saw someone in the building!" She declared as soon as she had seen it.
Brittany found some courage, "Begging your pardon, Robin, but everyone seemed to be afraid of Igthorne and/or the disgrace that would be wrought on all nobles, because of one man. It's why King Gregor and Princess Calla would only drive him back to Drekmore. Even your friend, the Crimson Avenger dared not accuse him, when we all knew he was behind all the ills of the last near decade."

Olivia sighed. "Well... She's not wrong..." She mentioned to Robin, before turning to Brittany, "But what you fail to consider are why. Igthorne wanted several of us dead, including the Avenger, because of amassing evidence. Sure, Gregor and Calla seemed like they were just chasing him away, but how much you willing to bet... Since they're literally kin of the villain, they were rightly afraid of how it would look if one, the king and supposed good brother killed the bad one; or what if the princess killed her own uncle? He'd become a martyr, and they would be painted as the bad guys. Hell, the princess might even go from being loved, to being lynched... Especially without irrefutable proof of his villainy."

"Never thought of that..." Brittany admitted. "I take it, there's enough proof now."

Olivia sighed. "I hope so, kid. Wanting mine, Princess Diana's and Dr. Aurora's heads, all of us foreign dignitaries... It might finally be what we needed to put him in a dungeon for the rest of his days. Go. And listen to Robin Hood. If I ever catch you pulling this stunt again, I will have you bound and handed over to Gregor." She then used her two fingers to point at her eyes, before pointing both at Brittany, while wearing a scowl, showing she wasn't playing.

Ruby turned Clair's direction and then looked towards the cabin. She and the Avenger exchanged glances, before Avenger looked for any sign of Diana and her white horse. "I didn't think I got that far in front of her... I hope Diana comes within the next few minutes. Otherwise only one person equipped to handle a sword would HAVE to be enough."

Ruby put a protective hand on Clair's shoulder. "Stay close to me, dear Clair, away from the cabin... At least for now."

"I'll give Diana five more minutes, then scout around the house, to see if the person is a threat." Calla would rather not do it alone, two people could cover both front and back... One could only cover one or the other.
Robin gave them another bow.
"How very generous ladies, Brittany, be sure you thank them properly" He insisted as she returned to him.

Meanwhile, Ethel simply listened as she held Igathorne over her shoulder.


Clair seemed a bit more afraid as they started to speak like that, nodding sheepishly to Ruby and moving to hide behind her while peeking out.

Almost as if on cue they would hear the gallop of footsteps approach as Diana rode in.
"There you are, had to go around some bad Bramble, Oh, Princess Ruby, Lady Clair, what are you doing here? Don't tell me Avenger you were just following the clues for their hunt" Diana asked.
Brittany gave the famous (to those present) sweeping bow with hat in hand, to all of them, "How gracious of you, and good luck keeping a hold of Igthorne. Slippery devil that he is."

"Remember what I said, Hagglethorn." Olivia stated as she bowed again to Robin, and they all parted ways.

The next hour or so, might be in quiet, the rest of the way to Grovershire, unless Ethel had anything to say. (Two turns if quiet)

Avenger shook her head. "Not unless these two were tracking Snow White¹. I showed you the footprints, why would Duchess Calla send them down the other fork if their tracking was to be where I found that second set of tracks?"

A slow handclap ensued, followed by Athena's immediate appearance out of thin air. "Finally. She's using discernment with her wisdom. Everyone knows of your intelligence, Princess. About time you used it, correctly. Continue with your leadership skills. I wish to see how this plays out."

Calla gulped, before addressing Diana. "The two of us surround the house, and the intruder inside, messing with these girls completion of their own quest." To Ruby, "Continue protecting Clair, Princess. Make your own mom proud. And stay back until we give you the okay." She then confided in Diana. "Athena said she was going to keep an eye on me, but does she have to be right here? It's admittingly making me nervous; I mean, she IS one of your goddesses." She then cleared her throat, "You want to take the front or back? I'll take the other."

¹Snow White is the first Disney princess. Calla, unfortunately, since she's TV series, and not movie, is not considered a DISNEY princess
Diana gave her customary bow to Athena as she appeared.

She looked to Avenger once she was addressed by her.
"Do not mind her presence, we need your focus, you take the front, you are in the lead after all, and I'll cover the rear." She replied, speaking softly.
Athena nodded in return, before the two "fighters" set out to find out who was in the cabin, with Avenger giving Diana a nod, accepting both Diana's choice, and why it was.

"You in the cabin! Come out where I can see your hands!" Avenger called, banging on the door, scaring the princess, badly scratched from the brambles, and bruised from numerous strikes with a fist (especially in one eye and all over her body that were visible), to let out a terrified squeak and try to leave out the back, and right into Diana, where she let out another terrified squeak, before dropping to her knees and cowering before her, begging for mercy and sanctuary.

Princess Sapphire of the Jewel Kingdom, although she hasn't mentioned her name yet.
"Man, goatee beard, tall, like a knight I think..." None of the rest of what she said would make sense, unless Diana understood Greek. "<He called me Calla and just punched me over and over, I think he meant to kill me! I came to Dunwyn to see King Gregor, as an emissary to his honor, King Topaz the Brilliance of the Jewel Kingdom, I am Princess Sapphire of House Amethyst¹.>" She shook her head unable to continue, instead, weeping.

Calla in her Crimson Avenger outfit came around the back. She popped her hat up as she saw the princess in ragged clothes and badly bruised. "Princess Sapphire?!" She gasped, before quickly recovering. "Diana. We need to get her to Aurora as quickly as possible... Or as she is wont to say, 'sooner than a trice!' We can question her only after we get the okay from Aurora, who, might I remind you, has final say over all medical matters, and outranks even my father on such. He'll be the first to agree with me."

Sapphire looked askance at the woman dressed as a Gaul Royal Musketeer, then back to the Amazon, and back to the Avenger. "Yes. A physician. I must be hazy. A Gaul Royal Musketeer siding with England? Either I'm seeing things, or have gone mad from the pain. Gaul hates the English..."

Ruby had entered the hunter's cabin, but had sent Clair to go to the Avenger. She would appear in the doorway, looking at the fellow Royal in shock. "We Cordonians believe the Jewel Kingdom a myth, but you're really real!"

Avenger looked at Clair. "I guess the roles are reversed, now. See to Princess Ruby, for I fear she may faint away from shock." She cleared her throat. "Sapphire? Are you able to walk, again? King Gregor and Dr. Aurora will be at the end of the trail here, at the second checkpoint, where everyone is to gather. I'm afraid, dear girl, you got caught up in our tracking game, and you're in Grovershire, now, not Dunwyn. The King is here, though, overseeing the seasonal court games. Let's get those wounds and bruises treated."

Sapphire nodded, but continued to cling to Diana, all the way to the checkpoint. Avenger would have to walk Diana's horse back.

¹-Only Diana would understand Sapphire, translated for everyone else's benefit.
As Clair walked in she gasped, nearly fainting herself but resisted before nodding and returning to Princess Ruby.
"They found a girl, and said I should return to you"

Diana nodded to Avenger, gently lifting Sapphire up into a carry.
'Igathorne, hopefully, the other group succeeds and we can get a confirm on him' Diana thought to herself as she heard his description.
"She need not walk, I'll carry her as long as you guide my horse. It is okay Princess Sapphire, save your strength until we can get you treated by our doctor"
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Sapphire wrapped her arms weakly around the Amazon. "Efcharistó¹." She whispered.

As they began walking, Ruby, leading her own horse, asided to Clair. "I thought the Jewel Kingdom was but a fairy tale. A more modern one, set in contemporary² times... Like Rapunzel³. What say you? Did your dad ever talk about seeing this mythical kingdom in his travels? Mom was too focussed on saving Cordonia to travel, but heard tales from others who helped save Cordonia, but even she thought it a fairytale."

Avenger only nodded, and clicked her tongue to Diana's horse as she took the reins, walking the horse to the checkpoint.

At the checkpoint, they would find Aurora conversing with the Handlers, Amethyst and the King. Would one of the Handlers see the Amazon carrying the princess and alert the doctor?

¹-Thank you in Greek
²-contemporary, relatively speaking. Late 14th century.
³-A fairytale set in the time of our RP, in Germany
Diana nodded and smiled at her.
"You are safe now, we will get you feeling better in no time" She whispered back.

Clair thought for a moment as they walked then nodded.
"I think so, he has been all over and to be honest I am not great with things like names and places, it sounds familiar but I would have not thought much of it until you said something."

As they arrived Mrs. Handler happened to look over and despite who was talking would speak up immediately to Aurora.
"Looks like someone needs your help, best hurry up and let me know if you need another pair of hands" She would tell her as she pointed toward Diana with the princess in her arms, walking just ahead of Avenger and her horse.

Meanwhile, Ethel, Olivia, and Cassandra would just be returning with Igathorne still unconscious over Ethel's shoulder.
As Aurora approached, stopping to give a curtsey to the princess (since she was wearing her dress with house colours) and therefore Diana as well, Sapphire spotted the unconscious Igthorne and shrieked, pointing him out, and crying out, "<That's him! That's him! That's the man who beat me up and would have killed me if I hadn't escaped his clutches! Please! Keep him away from me! Don't give me back to him! Please!¹>" she was flailing around, clawing and clutching Diana for protection, not meaning to hurt her if she was.

Gregor looked between Amethyst and the Handlers. "Mrs Handler, please help the good doctor sedate the... Erm... Grecian princess." He didn't need what the princess had said translated; her panicked state was quite sufficient in relaying her words.

He then looked at Ethel, Olivia and Cassandra. "It appears you did your own tracking, ladies, however, I wish to know the story before deciding what to do with you three. Since it appears to have been fruitful, it'll only be whether it'll be accepted as part of the court games." Then to Amethyst. "Relieve Lady Olivia of the mace, and mark it as hers to be returned when we leave Grovershire." He then called some other guards to relieve Ethel of her burden, and asked Mr Handler if he would like to assist them with him, assuring everyone, Igthorne WOULD be in chains.

Calla Grovershire, watching all this, nodded, "I have a nice, dark, dank cell in my dungeon... Underground dungeon. For the likes of him, if you gentlemen will follow me, after you have him secured."

1-Translated from Greek
Ethel stopped as it appeared she was pointing at her but soon realized it was her passenger.
"Ahh, yes, another victim of this man, no need to worry, he isn't going to hurt anyone now." She assured.

Mrs. Handler nodded and moved to follow Aurora and assist her as needed.

Ethel nodded.
"Of course sire, you see he originally hired me to assassinate several of the ladies, here five to be exact, but after learning that his heart was not in the right place through inquisition, I turned the tables on him returning with these ladies to apprehend him." She explained as she handed him off to the other guards, it took multiple to carry him.

Mr. Handler nodded as well.
"I will help keep him secure for certain. Lead on" He said to Calla.
Aurora had a Dickens of a time with the panicked princess, even with Mrs Handler helping her. After getting bopped accidentally in both eyes, she sighed, and pinched Princess Sapphire's neck, on the jugular, which caused her to finally fall unconscious¹. After a sigh of relief, she instructed Mrs. Handler to fetch her bag and the new cloths she had just received from Gregor (who enlisted the help of Dr Bristol to get Dr. Aurora some). "I was hoping that would work, and not accidentally kill her. By pinching the main artery in her neck closed, it would rob her head of the blood flow." She quickly checked the pulse, nodded, and picked her unconscious form up. "Thank you, Princess Diana. I've lost count how many times you or the Avenger have assisted me. Believe me, I'll be letting Dr. Arden know in my full report to him." She then motioned for Mrs. Handler to follow her to the manor, following Mr. Handler and the knights.

The last thing the others would hear before the two got out of earshot was Aurora admitting to Mrs. Handler, "I hope Duchess Calla doesn't string me up, but I need a long and sturdy table to correctly dress these many wounds."

Gregor sighed. "Why am I not surprised Sigmund was out to murder some of these ladies?" A shake of his head. "Now that THAT excitement is over, Lady Ethel, a little more detail about his capture, if you please. I take you as the mastermind and leader of the three of you? Also, which five were targeted by him."

Cassandra glanced towards her sister, getting her horse from Avenger, as Olivia raised her hand. Gregor misunderstood both gestures. "Cassandra. Pay attention, or I'll be talking to your sister Diana about you not participating in a debriefing. Olivia, you'll have your turn soon enough. Lady Ethel knew more than she led on this morning, so she's telling her side first." He then nodded to Ethel.

Seeing all this happening, Ruby was puzzled, and asked the only one near her... Clair. "So... Because theirs was off-site, they get to go first? Diana and Avenger just saved a real-life princess, for pity's sakes!"

1-Will become the famous Vulcan neck pinch centuries later, although it's doubtful the actors ever actually pinched the jugular. It was a last resort for Aurora.
Mrs. Handler seemed a bit worried at the technique that Aurora used, even though she was struck she was shocked to know that what she did may have killed her!?
"If you were not sure, isn't that a bit of a risk? I certainly hope you did not do anything that risky to Clair" She asked but did as asked.
"If it is to help this poor girl I am sure Calla won't mind making a little mess on a table" She commented.

Ethel nodded.
"Essentially, I lead the team that went to get Igathorne, the girls that were my original targets were, Clair, Aurora, Diana, Olivia, and Avenger, I believe Olivia was claiming to be a target. He had also offered me a handsome reward for each target. I am unsure where he gained the coin but it was more than most have" She explained.
"As for the operation, I lead with Olivia covering my back and Cassandra covering the escape route, I was able to walk in free because of my previous meeting with him."

Clair shrugged to Ruby.
"I am a bit confused about lots of it, to be honest, my head has kind of been elsewhere." She replied not sure what else to say.
Aurora nodded. "That's why it was a last resort, ma'am. I take my oath very seriously. First, do no harm. Or how I learned it from Dr. Arden: Primum non nocere."

Gregor sighed and nodded. "Avenger is a thorn in his side, Olivia banned him from her castle, and Diana only explained that no man can set foot on their lands. I think it has something to do with their beliefs. I accepted it at face value. What could Clair and Aurora have done? Clair's a merchant and inventor, while Aurora's just a physician. And a student at that. These court games are her residency. What the hell is Sigmund thinking?!"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, and waved for Olivia to tell her part. She explained how they found her familial mace that Igthorne had stolen, which was among the many things that got him banned from her castle in Lythikos.

Finally, Cassandra was up, and seemed miffed about missing all the fun Ethel and Olivia had, and let slip about Brittany Hagglethorn, but not that she was a member of Robin Hood's band.

Olivia facepalmed with a groan.

Gregor took a deep breath. "Full credits for the games. As leader, Ethel will get the full 500 maximum. For your part of it, Olivia, 450, and Cassandra will get 400. You three are excused."

He then called Diana and Avenger to explain about finding the princess.

Ruby snorted her laugh. "That's more like it. Probably because they found a real person, and to debrief about their actual "mission" in the games." She patted Clair's shoulder. "And as the equestrian, and therefore, leader, Diana will have to do most of the talking. I'll have to do that for our hunter and his dog." She then showed the paper, "According to this: We found them, malnourished, yet alive. You still have the hat and collar? Although I do all the talking, you hand over the items."
Ethel offered her theory.
"Well he presented them to me as Avengers inventor, as well as her doctor, so I imagine it was their perceived connection to Avenger that got them on the list" She suggested.

Once told to leave she did so, walking with the others.
"Well ladies I dare say that went about as smoothly as it could have"

Clair nodded.
"Oh good, not talking is right where I am comfortable"
Clair would wait for the moment she felt was proper to hand over the items before doing so.
Olivia smirked and playfully elbowed Ethel. "You not only took down Igthorne with my help... You gained 50 points on me, to boot. We're not tracking tomorrow, we're scouting. We won't even know what we're searching for... And it will be a what, not a who... Until tomorrow. We'll all be on our own tomorrow, as it's a race somewhere. A scavenger hunt."

During, dinner, the king cleared his throat and looked at all 17 ladies. "It was a very fruitful mission for many of you. Two teams had their own real life excitement to add to the tracking game, with the captains of both securing the full 500 available points. Give a hand to Diana of Brittania Amazona, originally Themiscyra, and newcomer Ethel, who we can thank for our current guest in Duchess Calla's underground dungeon.

Although she broke protocol, and actually took over the team's leadership, congratulations to Crimson Avenger, who is third on the day with 475 points, for insisting on following unfamiliar footprints. If she hadn't, we may not have found Princess Sapphire of the Jewel Kingdom." He then turned to Aurora, "And how is the patient?"

Aurora cleared her throat before giving Avenger a pointed look. "Resting peacefully, and must remain so all night under careful observation."

Calla pulled her hat over her eyes and sunk in her chair, avoiding eye contact with anybody, even the king, as the King nodded his own understanding.

"Who am I to trifle with a doctor's orders!" He laughed, raising his glass. "To today's top three point gatherers in today's tracking games!" He motioned with it to Ethel, Diana and Avenger, and took a drink.

Olivia smirked. "You three beat me fairly, but don't expect scouting to be easy for you." She raised her glass, motioned it towards the three before taking a drink. She knew Grovershire's clues weren't going to be easy. They haven't been since Calla herself took over the hosting duties. Because it was a race, and she knew the answers, she was disqualified from taking part in the scouting game, but wouldn't be passed helping out Clair during it,. All Clair would have to do, was ask her privily. Of course there was the matter of the care for the foreign princess... Maybe Aurora could use her help with that, instead. It was up to Clair either way.


Olivia Nevrakis - Lythikos 1747
Wendy Darling - Berkshire 1550
Diana - Brittania Amazona 1503
Ariel Mendes - Portavira 1375
Aurora Service - Valtoria, Cordonia 1350
Ruby Rose Rhys - Cordonia princess 1347
Clair Handler - Dunwyn General Store 1340
Crimson Avenger - Calla of Dunwyn 1225
Cassandra - Brittania Amazona 1223
Amanda Butcher - Dunwyn Meats 1200
Clara Princeton - Scotland 1200
Millicent Umberto - Monterisso 1160
Calla Lily Grovershire - Grovershire 1160
Cinnamon Baker - Dunwyn Bakery 1155
Genevieve Versailles - Gaul 1000
Beatrice Beaumont - Ramsford 945
Ethel 500
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Ethel smirked at the elbow.
"To be honest, I wasn't trying for the points really, you know I only originally came here to investigate and potentially kill you and your friends. Though clearly, that didn't happen because all the claims on you all were false, you know, original motivation and all that." She shrugged.
"But hey, I suppose if anything this will be a decent way to hone my skills, maybe learn a thing or two"


"here here!" Ethel cheered back from the king's toast.
She then leaned toward Olivia after her announcement.
"You know I am a professional mercenary right? Scouting is a big part of most of my client's requests, I cannot count the number of times I had, something wrong over that direction from some nobles."

Clair meanwhile looked toward Aurora and spoke to her when she had a chance.
"Hey umm, do you have anyone to help you with the princess while the others do the scouting mission? If not I can help if you want, I am not going to be able to beat the others anyway and another person's health is more important then the games right?"
Olivia smirked. "That's the spirit! At least stick around until your next mission. About time I got a run for my money. These other girls except for maybe the Amazons, are pushovers. This was the fourth game. That's 2000 possible points. I'm not even trying right now in the games. That real mission to stop Igthorne was the first time I WAS trying."

Aurora looked over to Clair. "Seeing as how your mother was exhausted... Well, Princess Sapphire is an exhausting patient... At any rate, get enough sleep, as I'll be calling on you early tomorrow morning if you're sure."

Next Morning

Aurora would wake Clair up at half past four, a full hour and a half before the rest of the girls needed to be up. "Sorry, Clair, honey, but I need help changing the princess's bandages. Would like to do as gently as possible without waking her, if at all possible."

The rest of the time would be Aurora training Clair in nursing, since she herself had to be the physician, and on call for the court. She had paperwork she needed to get done, including her latest report to Dr Arden in Cordonia.

At seven am, breakfast was served, and everyone would be gathered at the table in the dining hall. Grovershire clinked her glass to get everyone's attention. "Scouting begins at 8:30, where I will give you the clue to the second, and directions to your first item. There are 17 ladies still in this, although I'm disqualified for any points this game. As the hostess, I shouldn't get points just for making up the clues, as it should be." She took a breath. "Since Aurora has a patient and Clair is assisting her, that only leaves 14 of you. That means, in order to get a written clue, you must be in the top 10 at each checkpoint. Remember, you're racing each other to each checkpoint. There are more than enough items for each of you to get one, to piece together where the final destination is. Don't try to skip ahead to the destination without all the clues like some tried to do last year, you'll have to give an account if you don't have every item in your possession. I'll see you all at the stables in about an hour and a half. Enjoy your breakfasts."

Aurora stopped Calla and motioned towards Clair about her at least getting the items, even if she couldn't get the clues. Grovershire winked at Clair, before saying, "I'll see what I can do. The items are theirs to keep. It would be nice for Clair to have a memory of what could have been, you heard you both get points anyway, for treating our welcomed guest, right?"

At 8:30, Princess Sapphire woke up screaming, and Aurora raced to her side, dropping quill and parchment. "Clair, bring me some crushed lavender, and that vial with the clear liquid, sooner than a trice!" Now could be a good time for Clair to offer the acronym "S.T.A.T." so Aurora could say it with less breath and still not lose the meaning of the urgency of her words.
Ethel smirked.
"Well I'm not one to back down from a challenge, but just know I won't go easy on you" she warned.


Clair nodded.
"Oh wow, she must be quite the hand full to tire out my mother, she works all day in the shop and that doesn't usually get to her, I'll do my best but I am still a little tired from the attack" she replied.


Clair woke a little groggy.
"Hmmm? Oh umm, it's fine ill get ready and join you" she responded getting up and moving to get ready, in her state not even thinking about Aurora seeing her.

As Aurora trained Clair and she managed to wake up more she started to talk with her about inventions.
"So I was thinking about maybe a device that is kinda like a spyglass, but it looks really closely at things, like a hand or blood. I heard that one doctor purposed a hand-washing thing and thought maybe there could be evidence of small things on unwashed hands that we can't see without a device" she asked.

Ethel was already ready for breakfast, this actually being quite late for her usual early morning. She listened and nodded, already thinking of techniques to use to find the clues, she knew she far exceeded any of these girls in experience, even if she went easy it wouldn't even be close. But she kept that to herself.

Clair nodded.
"That would be nice, scouting was probably going to be one of my better games, but helping take care of Sapphire is probably a better use for me" She replied.
"It's nice we will still get points though" she added.

Clair grabbed the needed items.
"Okay, getting the items S.T.A.T!" she replied.
"Oh sorry, I like acronyms, I usually default to them for naming projects" she admitted as she gave them to her.
Aurora scratched her head at first, as Clair used the four letter acronym for the four words she had thought up when she had needed something immediately. She nodded, before adding the crushed lavender to some water. "Shake the vial, uncork it slowly, and gently wave it just under Princess Sapphire's nose." She instructed as she patted one of the princess's hands. "The aroma therapy will work as a sedative for her senses." She held onto the glass, so the shaking princess wouldn't spill the lavender water all over herself, "Sapphire, drink... Slowly. Just relax, you're alright, now. No one is going to hurt you anymore. The bad man is locked up for good. It's going to be just fine..."

Sapphire watched both physician and assistant warily, but did relax some as the lavender started to do it's sedation job.

Meanwhile, Calla Grovershire gathered everyone around her. "I was instructed by the king to let the bottom ten playing be the ones to get the written out clues to the second checkpoint, and second clue. Dame Knight Amethyst is there and will hand out clue two to the top ten finishers. Listen carefully to the clue to the second checkpoint: 'Over the hill and through the woods to grandmother's house you go'." She then whistled for attention as the ladies clamoured. "Quiet! What did I just tell you at breakfast?! You have to have all the items to put together to learn where the final destination is! As I call your name, come forward and claim your written clue, which is just as I read it to you! Lady Ethel... Lady Beaumont... Lady Versailles... Lady Baker... Lady Umberto... Laird Clara... Lady Butcher... Princess Cassandra... Crimson Avenger... And Princess Ruby. I'll give you remaining four the clue one more time verbally. 'Over the hill and through the woods to grandmother's house you go' Your first item is a red hooded cloak for each of you. I suggest you put it on so you don't lose it. It needs to be on your person at the end of the game." As she handed out the cloaks, she wished everyone good luck.

Everyone would start searching the property before the woods for the right hill. The hill one would have to climb to get to the woods. Beatrice and Amanda both went over the smallest hill. They would soon learn it was the wrong one. Genevieve shook her head, and decided to just watch the others leave, and take the one the most would guess as the right hill.

Cassandra walked over to her sister, who did not get the written clue. "Over. It doesn't say anything about going down to enter the woods. It's got to be the far right one of the three hills close to each other and us. The one on the left is not it, because the woods start as you continue walking up. The middle one can't be it either, it's the smallest of the three and you actually start back down before you actually enter the woods. That means the one on the right as the woods start right at the crest... Or as you go over the hill." She then went that direction, determined to be one of the ten to get her hands on the second clue. The second checkpoint would be the cabin Diana, Avenger and Ruby knew well from the day before, right before the woods cleared completely, so indeed, 'through the woods'.
Clair nodded and did as asked, being careful to let the scent into her nose without overwhelming her, and not letting her spill on herself. She was also doing her best to give a friendly smile, knowing she was shaken and afraid, but also being nervous herself.
"Yeah, umm, we are here to help as best we can, let us know if you need water or anything" she offered, speaking a little nervously.


Ethel listened to the clue and knew quickly what she needed to do, assisting the proper hill in a similar fashion as the others who succeeded. As well as quickly making it to the Cabin, she also knew that if it came down to it, she could also take the red hoods from the competition, as losing it would disqualify them. Although she was even faster than Diana being able to make it to the Cabin first.

Ethel had also recognised the old cautionary tale of little red riding hood, and would be on the lookout for a big bad wolf, a lumberjack and an old lady.

Diana wasn't too far behind and would actually make similar time as Cassandra, likely seeing her there when they arrived.
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