How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Continuing before Ethel's arrival:

"Oh! Umm hey, Oh Avenger, umm Doctor Service, I am sure we can all get along now that we are roommates, r-right?" Clair asked nervously staying between the two girls.

"I umm, you both worked so well together when you saved me. P-plus I umm, Doctor, you said I need to still take it easy right? I am sure arguing isn't good for me right now hmm?" she added unsure what else to do.
Aurora grimaced, but finally nodded. "I'm going back to my room, Clair. Avenger. I'll see you two in the morning."

Just before Aurora left, she whispered for Clair's ears only, "I've heard rumours the princess snores like a trumpet. I hope you can sleep through the racket."

The room was set up with two twin beds, Calla having already claimed the nearer one to the door... And Clair would find whoever had told Aurora that was lying. The princess snored alright... Like a chattering chipmunk or squirrel.

The bells started chiming and five bongs followed with it still dark outside.

"Five bells, ladies! Up and at 'em! Breakfast first, then dress and be ready for tracking at dawn's early light!" Calla Grovershire called banging on everyone's door.

At the gate, the guards, one of Tuxford's men and Amethyst herself exchanged glances.

"It is open to all, Lady Ethel, although it's preferred you hold some kind of station, like baroness, queen , princess, knight, duchess, doctor, merchant or something else of nobility." Amethyst said cordially. "Considering what's at stake, you understand."

"Amethyst. That's the breakfast bell, what's say we let her dine with the other ladies and the king and let him get into all that. Here comes your replacement, why don't you escort our guest to breakfast."

With a sigh and nod, while looking up to meet the guest's eyes (at 5-7, the knight would definitely have to even move her head to look up). "You'll probably be easily the tallest of the ladies, even taller than the two Amazons vying for the princess. You'll have quite a lot of catching up to do, but I've seen others come from a two game deficit to contend."

She would lead her to the extravagant dining hall that all the others had already seen, and placards at every seat save for one on the far end, right across from her escort, which the newcomer would see as Dame Knight Amethyst Galway of Dunwyn. Not one of the targets, but she would see one of them, recognizing the outfit, up across from a brunette with a braided ponytail, and both seated with the king at the head.
Clair nodded.
"Oh, umm, Okay see you in the morning, uhh thanks" she smiled to Aurora before looking to Avenger.
"Hey," she smiled.


Clair took the other bed, happy they provided clothes for her again and a changing station, luckily Avenger's quiet snoring was not enough to hamper Clair's sleep which she truly needed, waking the call given by Grovshire.

"Morning Avenger," she said as she woke a little. groggy.
"I can't believe how much I needed that rest"


 Before Ethel could answer about her station the guard suggested bringing her to the breakfast and she nodded with a smile.
"Yes... Dame Knight? Amethyst, let us talk more about a meal" She nodded to the guard.

"I apologize as your partner here only referred to you by your name, but your garb suggested the title I gave," she replied as they walked over.
"Yes, I'm sure it will quite the competition."

As they all sat at the table Ethel looked across t9 her escort.
"I don't suppose you would be so kind as to give me a rundown of the other ladies here, would you?"

Diana meanwhile assisted to Cassandra.
"That feeling you mentioned before, does it not feel closer?" she whispered, not wanting to worry anyone else.

Clair looked to Aurora and smiled.
"I'll remember to eat as much as I can"
Calla smiled cordially to Clair as they would put whatever on for breakfast. "Morning. I believe that, and you and everyone else here knows who I am, it's only Doc Stuffed Shirt who wants to insist on my higher station of princess over my preference of hero. Calling me Calla is fine. I've had to pretty much tell everyone the same thing. The secret's out, just call me Calla now." She shrugged. "The hostess isn't happy, something about sending the court into anarchy, but whatever, y'know?" Big princess grin.

Cassandra looked across the table to her sister and just gave a nod, following her sister in not wanting to worry the others.

Aurora nodded to Clair. "Remember. These come as courses, even if there doesn't look to be that much."

Calla Grovershire clinked the glass with her fork. "Ladies and His Majesty, due to the kind of outing today is, tracking, which will be done in pairs, breakfast will be served all at once. Granted it's a bit unorthodox, but I want all of us to have ample time to get dressed appropriately in clothes you don't care what happens to, since we will all at one point be on our hands and knees. The two course meal is fresh variety of fruit from all countries involved. Watch the fresh crisp Cordonia Ruby apple slices, they'll be a bit tart at first to the unrefined palate. Buttermilk pancakes and scrambled eggs with choices of fruit or maple syrup. Yes, Ariel, there is rhubarb puree you can have for syrup. Enjoy your breakfast."

Amethyst waited for Grovershire to finish speaking to the newcomer. "Sorry, rule of etiquette, don't try to have a conversation with someone else when your hostess is talking. The gentleman at the head of the table is none other than King Gregor himself, he's in charge of the points and point tallying."

She then named everyone at the table. "From right to left; the brunette with the braided ponytail is our hostess and one of the King's Minutemen, Calla Grovershire. Across from her is a hero who really needs no introduction. The Crimson Avenger. She and the king have a truce after she fought at his side against some brigands that tried to rob him. She's been instrumental in keeping the ruffians at bay, especially in the village of Dunwyn." This was the opposite of what Igthorne said happened. That Avenger had attacked the king. That, Ethel could check by asking Gregor himself!

"Next row is Duchess Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos, a dear friend of the princess and current frontrunner in the friendly court games. She's a bit of an explosive type when she's mad, but otherwise pretty cool with people. Someone you don't want on your bad side... Or want to be on hers. Across from her is the physician for our games and a Duchess in her own right, Aurora Service of Valtoria, Cordonia. Very caring, typical good doctor."

"Next row is Lady Wendy Darling of Berkshire, just a big kid at heart that one, but can hold her own in the sparring competition, which is much later this year. Across from her Lady Clair Handler of Dunwyn, the court's unofficial inventor/genius. Very shy and friendly. Wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Next row is another Merchant, Amanda Butcher of Dunwyn, ask her about any cut of meat and you best have five minutes at least to spare. Across from her is Millicent Umberto of Monterisso. Although they are known as the Spy kingdom of the known world, they're more like government agents or intelligence investigators for whomever can afford them. Need something looked into? She's your girl."

"Next is Amazon sisters and Princesses of Brittania Amazona to the north of us. Right is younger sister Cassandra, across from her, her older sister Diana and the actual leader of the Amazon country to the north. They follow the traditions of the Themiscyran Amazons. No man may set foot on their land. It's actually pissed Duke Igthorne off, and he's declared war on them and actually King Gregor, as well, since Gregor has accepted the Amazons' terms." This was something Igthorne had claimed Avenger was doing! But there was the Avenger and two Amazons dining together. Amethyst didn't know Igthorne had said Diana was in cohorts with the Avenger. The first red flag that Igthorne was lying was thrown already. Diana was Queen of these Brittania Amazons, not an exile!

Amethyst continued down the table. "Next we have Princess Ruby Rose Rhys of Cordonia, who's famous mother Kenna saved Cordonia from certain ruin, reestablishing it as a country about 20 years ago, reuniting their noble houses, including Aurora's and even pretty much single handed quelling another civil unrest about seven years ago. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, although shy, you don't want to cross Ruby. Across from her is the third noble merchant from Dunwyn, Cinnamon Baker. They bake all their pastries save two. A lavender pastry from Lythikos and something called a "bear claw" from Monterisso."

"Next row, is Duchess Beatrice Beaumont of Ramsford. Knows everything you want to ask about wine, and is quite stuck up about it. Very better than thou attitude. Ahem. Moving on, we have Lady Genevieve Versailles of Gaul. She has only put us down throughout the ball about a week ago. I've heard she's trash talked a few of these girls and Wendy actually called her out on it yesterday. We keep throwing the olive branch out to Gaul, but we keep getting bitten one way or other. Princess Marie was also invited but has apparently declined without letting us know. We have no idea why Gaul hates us English."

"Finally, next to you, is Lady Ariel Mendes of Portavira, Iberia, hometown of some of the finest Iberian cuisine and main exporter of fresh fish and seafood. Most of their trades have to do with the sea, and they're also quite the tourist destination. Across from her and next to me is Laird Clara Princeton of Scotland. She owns a sizable lot of land and we'll be heading there this season, as she has taken over the foxhunt games."

"We also are home of the hero Zorro. Ironically his name means fox, and he is very sly, crafty and smart, but also very good and kind. He supports our trades with England and especially King Richard the head king of all England." Ariel said nodding.

Current points after three games (Maximum 500 points per game)

Olivia Nevrakis 1297
Wendy Darling 1103 -194
Diana of Amazona 1003 294
Ariel Mendes 0968 329
Aurora Service 0898 399
Clair Handler 0895 402
Ruby Rose Rhys 0877 420
Cassandra of Amazona 0823 474
Clara Princeton 0816 481
Calla Lily Grovershire 0808 489
Amanda Butcher 0800 497
Millicent Umberto 0798 499
Over 500 points back,(1 full games points) but mathematically still in the games. Cut off 0797 points.

Cinnamon Baker 0777 020
Crimson Avenger 0750 047
Genevieve Versailles 0747 050
Beatrice Beaumont 0715 082
Over 1000 points back (2 full games points) but mathematically still in the games Cut off 1297

Ethel 0000 -1297
From nearest competitor 0715
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Clair nodded.
"Okay Calla, that sounds good to me" she returned her grin.
"Though I think it's best to call people what they want to be called, I mean it doesn't hurt us right?"


Clair prepared herself for the food, and though stopped eating to listen to the announcement, she was motivated to finish all her food!


Ethel listened and looked at each girl nodding as her suspicions of Igathorn seemed to be verified by her, though she would not take everything at face value she would certainly go and talk to each target, ask them questions and see if the stories lined up. Even ask them some things she knew were wrong to see if they would correct her.

"Well, I certainly asked the right person, you are very knowledgeable Dame Knight Amethyst, I thank you. You mentioned a man named Igathorn, what do you know about him? It sounds like he is an enemy of the King?" she asked.

"Any idea why someone may have bad feelings toward the King? When it sounds like he should only really be angry with the Amazons" she asked.
During breakfast, Aurora noticed the newcomer. "Avenger. Belay letting everyone be palsy wowsy with you. Someone who doesn't know your secret has joined. I don't think I recognize her either. She looks like she might tower over all of us, including Cassandra, Diana and Olivia. I'll be the first to admit I'm probably the shortest here."

Calla gave a casual glance over. "Why do you have to be right all the time, Duchess? Anarchy!" She snarked at Grovershire across from her, causing both her and the king to choke on their breakfast as they chuckled.

Gregor calmly patted his mouth. "Several of these ladies weren't about to call you either Calla or Avenger, anyway. Bernice and Genevieve being two of them."

Grovershire cleared her throat. "Your Majesty, as it looks like almost everyone is finished, might I suggest we get everyone to change and meet in the foyer in say half hour?"

Gregor nodded. "Make your announcement, hostess."

Grovershire once again set the fork to tink against the glass. "Might I have everyone's attention. Please make your way upstairs to your rooms, and put on your old clothes. Merchants, that would probably be the clothes you had on prior to the ball about a week ago. Let's meet in the foyer in half hour!"

Calla looked worried at Clair. "If Lady Amethyst didn't pack your clothes when she had you change into the ballgown, we're in a heap of trouble!" The princess shouldn't have been concerned, if Clair dug through her clothes, she'd find them right where Amethyst put them right after Clair changed into Calla's old dress. Her old merchant/inventor clothes were there.

As everyone began to rise, Amethyst nodded to her tablemate. "Let me introduce you to the King while everyone's in their rooms. You should have a few minutes before everyone starts traipsing down the stairs to begin the festivities. To answer your question, Duke Igthorne is more than just against the king, but I am not at liberty to divulge all I know. It's best to ask him all about Igthorne and the battles he's had with King Gregor. It's too bad the princess isn't here, but after speaking with Gregor, you should corner the Avenger. She's had more than her share of run-ins with Igthorne as well, again, Im not at liberty to divulge more about them. It's always best to get it from the source."

Amethyst would then take the woman to meet the King.
Clair too began to worry, unsure where her original outfit might be if not where her other things were, though she swore she saw them when she went to grab her things before. She would be correct as she soon would find out.

Ethel nodded along with Amethyst as she explained what she could involve about Igthorne.
"I understand, I'll follow your advice and be sure to ask the others"

As Ethel reached the King she would give an older fashioned Warrior bow, one the King might recognize from his youth.
"A pleasure sire, thank you for allowing me to participate, Amethyst has given me a brief rundown but I would love your insight on some things of you have the time.". She asked before standing up straight.
"For example, Avenger and her Inventor, as well as their Doctor, Aurora"
Gregor nodded, but there looked like a spark from almost half a century prior seemed to come in his eyes. "Welcome, stranger... I seem to know you from some time ago, before my Jenna."

"This is Lady Ethel, Majesty, I'm sorry I didn't give her name." Amethyst bowed.

"We'll talk about guest protocol and introductions later, young lady." As Amethyst nodded, bowed and excused herself, Gregor turned to Ethel. "Well, first off, whoever said Clair was the Avenger's inventor, was only half right. She can invent for whomever she wills, and she was introduced here as Avenger's inventor. Fool girl forgot ANY inventor, if tied to a trade is of noble rank. She merely thought Clair needed to know a noble to get in.

As for Duchess Aurora of Valtoria, that was a bit worse of a misnomer. She's a Cordonian not a Dunwynian. We are merely borrowing her services during the season. Even you, yourself can see her if you need. She's the court physician."

Gregor cleared his throat. "As for Dunwyn's favourite daughter, what is it you don't know about the hero? I can tell you she made her appearance about four years ago, and basically started cleaning up the town that many of the knights, no longer in my employ, wouldn't. When she saved me from a group of brigands a few months later, I was impressed with her fighting style and fencing and made a truce pact with her. She has never to my knowledge broken the spirit of the laws of the land, although I did have to confront her about breaking the letter. She must attend me when I bid to keep her truce with me, and is why she's here. This is her knightly trial if you will. She wants to continue heroing, I want her to be duly knighted."
"Oh yes sire, I surprisingly get that a lot, perhaps I have a common face" she smiled with a shrug.

"I know very little about this Avenger, I have been away from this land for some time, and thus need to do some catching up. For instance, this Igathorne fellow I have heard of. Does he in your opinion want what is best for your kingdom? I also can't help but notice that your daughter seems to be quite absent." She said as she looked around.
"Heh, I also find it strange the land's favourite daughter is not yours, and instead this heroine"
The king sadly shook his head. "Sigmund is a very greedy, spiteful and dishonest individual. He only wants anything he can't and shouldn't have. He terrorized my daughter and myself since she was ten and has tried on several occasions to usurp the throne or attempt to woo Calla, my daughter. Or stab her in the back, one. I am absolutely ashamed to be related to him." He bowed his head. "I wonder if the incident with Cavin wasn't the proverbial straw that broke the proverbial camel's back, regarding her unnatural attraction to women, and it didn't start with her uncle."

Gregor nodded at Ethel's correct assessment. "The Crimson Avenger fairly won the hearts of the villagers in Dunwyn. I'm surprised she hasn't had marriage proposals out the wazoo, if you'll pardon the expression."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, Your Majesty, and while she has indeed won the hearts of the people by her honour, valour, and friendship, for me, personally, although she wears the clothes of a Gaulish musketeer.... She has stolen my heart. Probably the only true crime she's guilty of, yet I doubt she knows." Cinnamon Baker confessed. "I heard her question, and I too, am curious."

"Calla herself, is apparently not cut out for courting. Whoever wins, if they will have her, she's willing to accept." Gregor said, which was a half truth. As the princess, the Avenger was indeed going to accept whoever won the court games if they'd have her, but she had to be there as the Avenger to gain her knighthood, something Gregor already revealed to Ethel. She was under his order to stay on as her alter ego to protect Clair.
Ethel wrinkled her nose at the description the King gave, this pretty much settled it in her mind, she was spot on about Igthorne, he seemed to be an even more greasy rat than she had at first read.
"Sounds like this is a man that would be better off dead for you, have you considered taking action to end his rebellion? Or are you worried he might have support and become a martyr? By your description, I can't imagine he has that much support."

Ethel nodded along as they discussed Calla.
"Well, I certainly hope I'll get a chance to meet her, she sounds like quite the lady, though do not worry Lady Cinnamon, as lovely as she may be I do not believe I am much one for courting either, though that won't mean I won't try and win, so you best give it your all." she gave her a wink.
"It's possible. He controls a band of ogres as well as having wooed a good portion of disloyal knights like Cornwall to his side. Chop off the serpent's head during battle in this case, and the ogres might be the ones rampaging. The death and destruction would be unfathomable." He gave a smirk, just as Avenger would make her way down. "However, get enough evidence of how much he's done to the good people, especially the very villagers he should have been helping... Even those brutes might think twice when he's found guilty in the court of law."

He noticed Calla in her Avenger outfit. "Hold, young lady. This guest will have words with you. Attend."

Crimson Avenger froze in mid-stride. Knowing how she now had to handle her father, the princess gulped. "Y-yes, s-sire. At y-your s-service."

Gregor grimaced. "You aren't in trouble, yet. She wishes your audience. Not like you to fear me." He then asided for Ethel's ears only. "When Calla bailed, I did snap at Avenger and ordered her to not only keep an eye on Clair, but have commissioned her to protect her. I might have overdone the dad thing."

If Clair came down with the Avenger, Gregor would ask her to keep him company while the Avenger had a private conversation with Ethel.
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She rubbed her chin and nodded as he explained.
"Interesting, so you would still want to bring him to a court? If you could have him taken out quietly, no war just send an assassin as he may very well of done for your inventor"

Clair was with Avenger, as they were about to head toward the stables, for some more time with the horse Clair was to use.
"Yes sire, of course" She would stay with him as the others talked.

Ethel nodded.
"Thank you, do not worry young Lady, this will not take too long" She assured walking with her a short distance away so they could talk in private.

"So, what is your relationship with the King, that Inventor girl, Clair I guess is her name, and Doctor Aurora" She asked, looking down at her as she stood tall, hands on her hips.
Calla blinked a few times as she looked up to Ethel. "The King to me?" She asked as if trying to get the question to register. "Like any other resident of Dunwyn to a kind King. Loyal. He did kind of scare me yesterday, probably just misdirected frustration. Water off a duck's back, I'll be over it soon enough. I guess the fear was because he's like a father to me as well. I look up to him." She glanced to Clair, before returning focus to Ethel. "Clair's a sweetheart. Gentle as a lamb. I've commissioned her to invent devices for me to help in my neverending fight for truth, justice and the English way¹. We're pretty much still in the research and development process as we just got connected a little over a week ago."

She scratched her head and shook her head, knocking her hat askew, but not off. She straightened it with a grimace and said, "This is my first court appearance, so there's not really much I can tell you the king probably hasn't already. She's the court physician, so we aren't running to the host community for theirs. Clair has already needed her services, but if her bedside demeanor is anything like her court one as a prospect, we're in capable and kind hands. My doctor is B-Monroe in Dunwyn." She caught herself before saying Bristol, the name of the royal physician.

Dr. Monroe made it down the steps, just in time to hear Avenger's near slip up. "Avenger. I've told you before. I'm too old for you. Hero or not, you cannot be that familiar with me." He chided, before offering a hand to the much taller woman. "I'm on my way out, but yes, I am Avenger's regular physician. Benjamin Monroe. An honour. What's going on? Someone saying I'm not?"

Calla nodded. "I'm supposedly seeing Dr. Service from Cordonia."

"This is her trial run, Avenger! She's got all the makings of a fine physician, but she's a mere medical student! This court season is her residency! She's to put in action all her knowledge, and the king will report his recommendations to her instructor in Cordonia!" Monroe said with an eyebrow raised. He again looked at Ethel. "Who's saying this balderdash?! I and William Bristol, the royal physician, are the only doctors in Dunwyn!"

¹-does "truth, justice and the ___ way" sound familiar? It should... That's what Superman fights for in the serials and TV series!
Ethel listened looking toward Clair who had given a gentle wave to Avenger as she looked, getting a quick wink from Ethel, causing Clair to blush.

As the Doctor arrived she turned her attention to him, shaking his hand as it was offered, she had a firm grip.
"Ahh yes, medical science is certainly growing quickly, I do not envy being in your growing field, I hear that germ theory is prime to be revolutionary"

"As for the information, thank you, that is all I wanted to know, do you know a girl named Olivia? What are your thoughts on her?" She asked looking toward Avenger again.
Monroe scoffed. "Save all those theories for the younger set, like Lt. Arden and Dr. Service. Until it's proven, I'll continue my practice as I have always done with no issues. I won't be adverse to medical advances that are proven, like the young inventor's respiratory ear...tool. She needs to name it, but it works, splendidly. Avenger, after court season I want to see you for a follow up physical." With that, Dr. Monroe was out the door, before Calla could even acknowledge.

With a sigh, she went to the question Ethel had asked. "So far these questions have been in regards to ladies here in winter court. Assuming that is the case, you must mean Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos. She's a badass. Plain and simple. Once she warms up to you, she's more civil, and it comes from growing up Lythikan nobility, and being a heartbeat from running it. We're actually friends; I've been skiing with her in the Lythikan Alps, horseback riding, even watched the tradition of wolf-bonding." Only three outsiders (she knew of) had ever successfully bonded with a Lythikan wolf. Crimson Avenger, but as her princess persona, Millicent of Monterisso, and Aurora of Cordonia (yes, the doctor bonded with a wolf, but as a barkeep, before Lt Arden came back from his tour of duty). If Ethel had also, she'd be privy to that information, and might be able to ferret out the Avenger's secret! She may have given away too much as is, because the actual bonding with a Lythikan wolf involves being a part of the pack, taking a gentle, yet strong spirit, meaning shyness wouldn't cut it (which is why Ruby hasn't).

What Calla Dunwyn didn't know, is Kenna, Queen of Cordonia, had also bonded with a wolf... Again, the Avenger only knew three who had. She did during her self imposed exile prior to becoming the Avenger, and saw the other two bond with wolf cubs when she did.

(This leaves it open for Ethel to know the Lythikan tradition, maybe through a different family, and to have a bonded wolf companion in Lythikos as well.)
"Fascinating, working on medical advances I think is truly the way t advance our society, but so many kingdoms seem to focus on weapons or military might" She smiled at hearing the information about the Aurora and Clair.

Ethel nodded, confirming that was indeed the Olivia she had meant. She listened and nodded as Avenger spoke of her experience with the Wolves and Olivia.
"Oh, amazing, bonding with a Wolf is no easy task, they do not simply take to anyone." Ethel knew that information alone would prove to her that Igthorne was the true villain here, now she had a choice to make.

Ethel lead Avenger out of earshot of anyone else and whispered to her.
"I have some important information for you, but not just you, I need you to gather yourself, Clair the inventor, Aurora the Doctor, Diana the Amazon, and Duchess Olivia together for a secret and private meeting." After whispering that with a serious look, she smiled.
"Now I'll go get Olivia myself if you were to be so kind as to inform me where I might find her." She asked.
Calla was perplexed by Ethel's shift in decorum. Hadn't there been enough secrets for one season, with her being revealed on accident the biggest? She thought about those named. Something was obviously up considering she, Diana and Olivia, fighters, warriors, were required.

"I can't understand why Clair would be requested, since she's no fighter. Asking for the court physician can only mean her services may be required, but you have piqued my interest. Let's meet in the solarium half hour hence. Olivia likes to take her steed out for an early morning exercise regimen, and if she's not at the stables, will be shortly. I saw her from my room upstairs head that way about ten minutes ago.. She's most likely riding as we speak. She'll be respectful if not a bit abrasive, if you approach her from straight on front of her."

She then went to retrieve Clair, explaining the conversation broadly, and asked her to find the court physician. Ironically, Aurora would be in the solarium with Calla Grovershire, and an irate Genevieve Versailles, cussing in Gaul at the hapless doctor, as she held a cold slab of meat to Genevieve's left eye.

"Lady Versailles! I daresay such atrocious language does not befit a lady of your breeding! Even sailors aren't so course in language!" Grovershire gasped with a blush.

Cassandra would be stepping out of her room as Avenger appeared. Noticing Calla about to knock, Cassandra said, "Hold! She told me not to bother her as she changes. I would rather not my sister think me impatient!"

Calla grimaced. "Cass, you ARE impatient. Be that as it may, I have need of her as Lady Ethel wishes our audience." She raised her fist to the door.

"Avenger! I beseech you...!"

Rap. Rap rap rap. Rap. Rap rap. Rap rap rap. Rap.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow. "Warrior alert knock? I'm coming with, and will not take no for an answer. You need one Amazon sister, you get both."
"I will explain all at the place of the meeting, we shall meet at the stable worker's quarters since I need to meet Olivia there and can set up unless there was a better place you had in mind?" She asked.

Clair nodded.
"Okay, I don't know what this is about but I trust you, Avenger"

Diana walked out of her room shortly after.
"I heard everything, if it's a secret meeting you should really be more discrete, perhaps it was about Cassandra" Diana suggested with a chuckle.

Clair arrived at the solarium after some asking around.
"Umm excuse me, Dr. Aurora, umm, could I speak with you please?" She asked, once having a moment in quiet she would repeat what Calla had told her.

Ethel meanwhile quickly found the redhead riding around and waved her over from clear sight.
"Greetings Duchess Olivia, I need your time, a meeting with four others." She declared but offered an old symbol that would indicate she had been wolf bonded.
"I also have a question for you, I hear two others besides yourself had bonded with a wolf, doctor Aurora, and one other, but the name escapes me."
Avenger merely nodded. The stablehand quarters was fine.

As they came down the steps, Calla realized she had forgotten to tell Clair where. Asking Diana to wait a moment, Calla went to the solarium where she would hear Aurora's comment. "Three warriors, you, and the court physician? Sounds ominous. Where are we meeting?"

"Stablehand quarters, at the stables." Calla Dunwyn commented, if you will all follow me."

"Captain Redundancy rides again." Versailles smarted off, glaring at the Avenger. The Gaul-English wars continued.

Avenger glared at her, before turning on her heel, causing her cape to flair out behind her, and stated, "Clair, Dr. Aurora, if you will be so kind."

Only once clear of Genevieve Versailles, would Calla divulge where they were headed.

Olivia patted her whinnying horse, as she scowled at the visitor, before the look softened to a mere frown as the gesture was made. Dismounting, Olivia returned the wolf bonding gesture before speaking. "Not many remember that symbol. The other member of our pack? How do you know of Aurora and not remember that there was actually a trio that bonded at Nevrakis Manor. Princess Calla Dunwyn of England, herself and Millicent Umberto of Monterisso."

She waved off her own question as if it was rhetorical. "Not important right now." She took the reins of her horse and headed for the stalls and the only vacant one in the stables. "What brings a fellow wolf-sister to Grovershire? News from Lythikos?" Olivia was cutting right to the chase, showing her lack of tolerance for nicities, especially when she could smell something brewing. She had no idea...

Within ten minutes, Olivia would be joined by the Avenger and the others. Aurora frowned as she took one look around. "Why are Clair and I here, again, Avenger? You know we aren't sparring yet, and I personally am feeling a bit outnumbered." She glanced at the two Amazons mostly, having to look up to meet either Cassandra or Diana in the eye.
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Clair once she got Aurora on board happily followed Avenger with her to the meeting.

Ethel walked with her, once getting into the room she started to set up a table and chairs for each of them to sit.
"No no, I have not been to Lythikos in years, that was just a curiosity of mine, the Avenger filled me in about your connection. I am afraid this meeting is for something else, but I don't like to repeat myself and the others should be here soon, so would you like to help me get things ready?" She asked.

As the others arrived there would be a chair for each of them say, Cassandra, as well as a drink, which Olivia would have seen her pour from a skin she had brought with her.
"Please take a... wait, there is an extra here, what is going on?" She asked crossing her arms.
Olivia smirked, nodded and did her best to do what Ethel asked of her. She also raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat."

"No sister left behind. You take one Amazon sister you take us both." Cassandra said straightforward as Olivia sat next to Avenger and leaned over, whispering for her ears only. "What's Cassandra doing here, and for your information? Your bonded wolf will know you by your scent, no matter what clothes you put on to show yourself to everyone else. She'll know you. Keep that in mind."

Avenger took a breath while nodding. She said aloud, "Cassandra invited herself, but she's trustworthy. She's also just as battle seasoned as the other warriors present, that you asked for, Lady Ethel. If she thinks her older sister is in danger? Forgot about convincing her otherwise."

"I don't mind standing, and if any of you have a sister... You know how tight a bond that is. Now imagine it manifest in Amazons and Amazon traditions."

Aurora shook her head. "Alright, forget why I asked why I was needed. That pretty much explains everything I need to know about it. My next question is who exactly are you?" No wonder Dr. Aurora bonded with a wolf. She definitely had a strong spirit, even if she wasn't much of a fighter.
Ethel sighed and put her hands on her hips but nodded.
"Fine, though keep in mind anything I say here does not apply to you." She explained.

Clair was sitting and started to sip the drink that Ethel replied, something she did out of nerves to keep herself preoccupied.

"Okay, I'll explain everything in a moment, I just have one more question each of you need to answer first." She said looking among the women she had invited.
"What is each of your relationships with Igathorne?"

Diana answered first.
"I know very little of him, other than he wanted to go to Themyscira and was denied, which I had told him, that was really my only interaction with him"

Eventually, Clair was up to answer.
"I umm, nothing really that I know of, other than him taxing my family, but that was more my parents then me"
Aurora cleared her throat uneasily. "We discussed that before, Clair. According to that cad, you're guilty by association. With your parents first, and then us."

She looked up and over to Ethel. "I've never met the man. You could say that just because I'm in association with Dunwyn and have treated it's citizens, I've had to have done something against him. I treated Clair, for example, after a knight in his employ attempted to kidnap her and did succeed in poisoning her. Adamantum takes as long as four weeks to flush fully out of her system, and she may suffer ill effects from it for another day or two at least. The poisoning just occurred the day before yesterday." She then turned to Diana. "Does being your friend automatically make me a citizen of Themiscyra or Brittania Amazona? Because I'm beginning to suspect it does in this cad's eyes."

This question even caused Cassandra to raise both of her eyebrows, before knitting them into a very pronounced frown. She set her jaw and looked at Diana with a nod. Little sister would do as big sister said... As long as she stayed in the party. Igthorne was apparently making rules up for any country who crossed him in order to get rid of any person who might have even accidentally crossed him. Saving Clair's life, would definitely have put the good doctor on Igthorne's naughty list.

Crimson Avenger sighed and spoke next. "Ever since I came to Dunwyn, that man has made my life a living Hell. I've been putting things together in a private investigation, from ogre attacks, knights that won't do their jobs, many of which are in the Duke's pockets, if you all follow. I started getting suspicious when the king himself was attacked by a gang of robbers, and I'm afraid of what would be the state of Dunwyn had I NOT stepped to his aid. He seems to be uniting monsters, both literal and figurative, to do his bidding instead of just allowing Dunwyn to live in peace. He has his own land. Drekmore. And if any of you have seen how barren and grim it is, you know he gets his hands on Dunwyn, it'll look the same in as little as five years. However long it takes for him to strip the land of it's resources. The only part I don't understand, is why make it appear like the king is charging these exorbitant taxes? Any Dunwynian with common sense would know this is a treasonous act... But then, terrorizing the populous keeps them afraid of seeing the truth right in front of them, doesn't it? Even before the king asked me to investigate the taxes, I was already compiling quite the list of his crimes. I actually have them in a secure place, and plan to give them to King Gregor when we arrive in the area it's hidden, for the court games. I may be just too close to the truth for igthorne's liking."

Olivia took a deep breath, arms folded across her chest. "Looks like I'm up. I'm familiar with him and have even banned him from my castle in my duchy. I'm also next in line for the throne, unless my knucklehead leader wakes up and gets married and has a kid, which I hope is soon!" A sigh. "I digress. Igthorne knows if I do end up in control of Lythikos, the first thing I'm doing is banning him from my country." A look to Diana. "Not because he's a man, but because he's a thief. You're wise to have the no boys allowed on your country's door." She turned her attention back to Ethel. "After his visit, I was missing 10 bottles of Lythikan Ale, ten broadswords and twenty daggers. Oh yeah, and a mace that had been in the Nevrakis family for close to 150 years. I've banned him from being within twenty feet of my property. That's why he hates me. I won't let him steal from me." She gave everyone a curt nod, letting them know she was finished.
Ethel nodded to each, taking mental notes.
"Okay, now that you all have shared, it's my turn. I am here because I am a mercenary, hand for hire, and I was hired by Igathorne to kill the five women I invited to this room, so not Cassandra, that is why I specified the people I did."

As she said that Clair spat out the drink she had been sipping in panic, worried about being poisoned again.

"However, clearly that is not what I intend to do, he wanted your heads, but I propose those of you that are willing join me in turning the contract on him" Ethel suggested.
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