How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Ruby squealed Aurora's name again.

"I was right here, I saw." She commented rolling her eyes at the princess. "Control yourself, princess, you won't do her or you any good if you panic everytime she faints."

With a sigh, and using the rest of the vial of smelling salts vapour, Aurora would once again begin to waken Clair.
Clair would wake again.
"Oh wow.. huh? oh, uhh.. sorry I guess I blacked out again huh?" She asked sitting up again.

"I umm, this is a lot for me to process right now... I am not even fully sure what it all means... I mean... I don't really know you too well princess, I have never even gone on a date, let alone marry someone..." She said hands still on her head.
"I don't want to say no, but I don't know, is there like a way to like... I don't know.." She said as she started to spiral.
Ruby whimpered and hugged Clair, "Stay with me, stay with me!" She looked right at Clair. "What you said about never being on a date or marry anyone? Me too! Well, not a REAL date with someone I actually like. I mean, I only want you to meet my mother because I consider you a friend, and since you know Aurora, that's okay. Aurora grew up around the palace. She's three years older than me, that's why I said she knew Mom before I was born. She knows my dad, Dom, too."

"And who said anything about marriage, Clair? Queen Kenna took Dom as a consort, not husband. They only live together in the palace." Aurora countered.

"The point is, I mean this court season is kinda when we can go on dates if you want. I just needed you to know you're really special to me." She said, looking down.

Seemed like Ruby also needed assertive lessons from Olivia.
"Eeep!" Clair squeaked as she was hugged, though hugged back after the panic passed.
"Oh I umm, I thought the whole painting thing was like, a proposal? I guess I got confused" She seemed a little less panicked now.

Clair was her usual shy and reserved self as Ruby and Aurora explained everything.
"Okay, umm y-yeah, m-maybe we c-can try a date or something," She said looking away as she rubbed her neck.
"Oh! And I umm consider you a friend too, and umm, Aurora, would you be going as well?" She asked.
Aurora rubbed the back of her head. "I think you were misled a scoch. It can be a proposal, but it's more actually, a 'of all of you here, this is who I choose to get to know better.' More or less." She bit her lower lip and looked at the two. "This is more to drive the point home to the proposer... You better be absolutely sure, princess. Just over half those painted, although usually are the princesses being painted by a beau... Have married who painted them. You're sort of the 'beau', in this case."

Ruby blushed, biting her own lower lip. "Yeah, well, no offense to the physician, but I really don't want a chaperone if we go on a date, Clair, if that's okay? I mean you're at least 16, right? You're an adult then."

"Besides," Aurora teased with a wink, "I might want my own date... Even if it's more business." After clearing her throat, she then said, "Speaking of... I would like to borrow Clair for a bit, now, princess. We have a medical invention or two to discuss."

Ruby sighed and nodded. "Nothing in stone yet... Well maybe it is, but we haven't actually gone on the date yet. Until the morrow my dearest Clair." She then kissed her hand, which actually would be the correct way to greet Ariel! Maybe it was love, since it was a kiss on the hand in parting!

Aurora sighed. "Try not to pass out until we get to my room. I don't have any more smelling salts on me."
Clair nodded as she listened to the explanation about the painting, she didn't know how she felt about Ruby yet, she was certainly flattered by the fact that she of all the girls here was the one she had a crush on even though she thought all the other girls were much prettier. But she knew that was not enough to spend her life with someone.

"Oh, umm, I was just worried that my recent condition might return, or if I get attacked again Aurora managed to save my life last time, and would feel safer with her there. B-but I suppose that might be a bit paranoid of me." She replied, not wanting to hurt Ruby's feelings.

"Oh, umm, y-yeah we need to talk about those things, it might end up being very useful in medicine" She blushed at the mention of that being a date as well.

"Oh, umm wow, uhh, th-thank you.. d-do I kiss your hand back or umm?" She asked not sure what the procedure was here.

"Heh, R-right, just try not to overwhelm me until we get there" She joked a little, her face still red from the kiss on her hand. She got up, a little shaky at first but regained her balance and walked with Aurora.
"Okay, umm b-bye Ruby, see you tomorrow" She waved.
Ruby blushed and smiled, hand to her own cheek. "I mean you can if you want... I definitely won't mind."

Aurora smiled softly. "Looks like that could be more than a crush, I'm afraid." As Aurora let Clair in her bedroom, she pointed to the desk, which unlike Ruby's, was pulled out, and both chairs sitting across from each other. There was a partition separating the two chairs since it was over the desk and stood five feet from the floor. "I didn't think this through very well." Aurora mused, moving the one chair around to sit at the side. "I'll let you sit at the desk as you'll be showing me what to do."

Clair would be surprised to see tubes of various lengths on the desk. "It looked like the invention used for measuring the pulse consisted mostly of tubes. I don't know what you needed those metal round things for and couldn't find any. I did ask a few servants and the maid to look, describing it the best I could. Would they have to be made of metal?"
Clair did her best to mimic the hand-kissing gesture.

Clair nodded as Aurora seemed to think it was more than a crush.
"Heh, y-yeah"

As they entered Aurora's room she looked around as she took a seat, putting her bag to the side and her book on the desk.
"Hmm, yeah I usually work with metal, it is just some parts that need to be good at keeping and moving sound through them."

Clair paused in thought and turned to face Aurora.
"Hey umm, before we get into this, uhh, wh- what do you think I- I mean... wait, when you said, this was a date, were you serious about it? Or were you serious about wanting a date with me?" She asked looking down and rubbing her arm.
Ruby smiled and blushed even more, actually hoping this really was the start of her and Clair dating. "Until the morrow, dearest Clair." She sighed.

Aurora nodded. "That makes sense. I recall Dr. Arden saying something about metal conducting more than electricity, and something about our nerves' impulses have to be electricity."

Aurora looked at Clair as she asked about it being a date. "Oh wow, you are pretty new to the whole socializing thing, aren't you? What I've learned in my life, and this is from observing Cordonian society, which really isn't THAT different from English, is there are several forms of dates and dating."

She noticed the calendar on the wall and pointed to it. "There's the time or calendar date, like right now, time, is Wednesday, October 1st, 1377. That's the time's date."

She pointed out the door and to Ruby's room. "The princess of Cordonia is wanting a romantic date, because she has strong feelings for you. She cares deeply for you and wants to see if there's something between you called chemistry. A... Erm... Spark... If you will. Again, not my forte as it's mostly psychological. Even Dr. Arden would know more about it than I, maybe even your village physician might have a better understanding of it."

She pointed to Clair's journal. "We're here to discuss a possible medical invention or breakthrough. This is called two things in Cordonia. Business meeting or business date, depending on the amount of people involved. Since it's just you and I, it's a business date, if there was another physician here, it would be a meeting." She shrugged. "So yes, Clair, this is a date. A business date."

She sighed. "The final kind of date is when two people who like each other, but don't have feelings for each other, or is one sided where one cares deeply for the other, and just want to spend time together, is called a friend date."

"I understand you and Olivia spent time together in the garden before dinner... Duchess Grovershire has a big mouth. It got around. Knowing now about the kinds of dates there are... Which of those four dates was the date with Olivia? Because it WAS some kind of date." Aurora finished.
Clair nodded as Aurora replied, both to the metal tubes and as she explained the various types of dates to her. As she started to explain she also started to take notes, seeming to have a separate part of the journal to note things of social import compared to her inventions.
"Wow, this is all very confusing, I certainly wished everyone would use the prefixes when we initiated the various dates so I know which is which."

"Umm so this is a business date, but Olivia, I umm, I don't know... I mean, I know it wasn't the calendar date, obviously, but it seemed like it could have been any of the others right? m-maybe? I mean, we talked a little about the invention, but also other stuff, is there a way for me to know? or do I need to ask Olivia?" She asked.
Aurora tapped her finger against her cheek as she looked up, before returning her gaze to Clair. "The invention, and other things, that's what you said, right? Which did you spend more time on, and what 'other things'?"

Dr. Monroe looked out the carriage window carrying him, Amethyst and the Handlers to Grovershire Manor. The carriage pulled to a stop, and as the carriage driver opened the door, Dr. Monroe popped out with his medical bag, and then held out a hand to the other passengers. "You first Dame Amethyst Galway. I'll continue on to the door and let you finish unloading the others, after you're safely aground."

Amethyst really made a Sir Rock out of herself, as she went off on the doctor about knights, protocol and how much she went through as both a page and squire, and she's not some poor damsel in distress, thumping her metal armour upon ending her lecture.

"Of course not, ma'am, but knight or no, bodyguard or no, you are still a female and deserve the courtesy of being helped out of the carriage." The doctor stated.

Amethyst rolled her eyes as she got out, turned around to help the Handlers out, while giving Mr Handler a pleading look for him to explain a bodyguard knight's duties to the good doctor, which would be greatly compromised if she has to keep accepting help from well meaning men.

Meanwhile, in Castle Drekmore, the villains of our story were gathered in the main dining room, having a meeting, as they continued having issues with getting to either the Crimson Avenger and/or her inventor. There were now a few more names added to that list they wanted done away with, since two got in their way. Themiscyran Princess Diana and Duchess Aurora Service of Cordonia.

They planned to make those two to sound like the evil ones to their guest. Duchess Olivia Nevrakis' reputation might precede her; they didn't think they'd need to make her sound even meaner than her own reputation made her.
Clair thought for a moment.
"Well, she helped to teach me to be more assertive, umm, then we talked about flowers and the Avenger after that was the invention, it all felt pretty even I think," she replied trying to remember as my h as she could, she had not written it all down though so was not sure.


Mr. Handler got out and saw the look he received after seeing the interaction.
"Well good Doctor, as much as I understand your position, as I would offer my wife and daughters a hand out of a carriage, I would not dare offer it to a fellow soldier, let alone a knight. If it helps, focus less on their gender and more so on their station, or even better if they say they don't want or need assistance, they don't argue, especially with someone who can beat you up." He smirked and patted his back.


As their connections landed them a mercenary who had managed to do some seemingly impossible tasks in the past, their guest soon walked in. A towering woman, strapped in leather armour and armed to the teeth, she stood about 6'8 and had everything from a greatsword to gauntlets and crossbow with her.
"You say there is a threat to your kingdom? That my targets threaten the people and are a danger to the very society you have built up?" She asked as she walked in and leaned on the table they had gathered around, also bringing to light her muscular form. Her almost blood-red short hair, and sky-blue eyes, with a scar going from the top left of her forehead down across her nose, between her eyes, and down to her right cheek became visible as she removed her helmet.
Aurora chuckled. "Sounds like a friend date to me, despite talking about the invention. There were a myriad of topics discussed, plus helping you on a social skill. That's something else one does on a friend date."

She cleared her throat. "Well, then, before this becomes a counseling session, let's get back to the real reason we're together. The device for listening to the heart, without taking the pulse."

A knock on the door, and after Aurora bid to enter, a couple of servants came in. The male laid a few perfectly round, flat metal objects down of various diameters, each with a hole in the centre, bowed and left, as the maid stood there grimacing and wringing her hands.

After another two minutes of this, Aurora said calmly, "Well... Out with it, woman, what is it?"

"Th-There's a g-g-gentleman caller, with a-a sim-similar satchel as y-yours, ma'am... To see... Um... B-both of you, I'm a-a-afraid. Fr-from Dunwyn."

Aurora gave Clair a puzzled look. "Who could be coming from Dunwyn? And with a medical bag at that? For BOTH of us? Dr. Arden wouldn't be here from Cordonia THIS quick, although I asked for him to come sooner than a trice." She gave the poor maid a perplexed stare. "I just sent my request a few hours ago! It has to travel all the way to Cordonia!"

Clair would know. Dr. Monroe, the village physician.

Duchess Grovershire once again greeted Amethyst and the Handlers warmly. "Welcome to Grovershire Manor, can I or a servant get you anything? Dr. Monroe is already on his way upstairs to consult with the court stand-in physician and your daughter, we don't want to disturb those three right now. I'm sure the two physicians have quite a lot to talk about."

Amethyst cut right to the chase. "My king summoned us, Duchess. He wanted to speak with the three of us upon arrival. The doctor was to speak with the court doctor and Clair. Together. I assume that would be Dr. Bristol?"

"No. Medical assistant from Cordonia. Aurora Service." Grovershire sighed. "Duchess of Valtoria."

The female rank and name would come as a surprise for Amethyst, Doctors were high ranking nobles, not as high as a Duke or Duchess, but high enough. Would the Handlers be as surprised about a woman doctor?

Igthorne rook over and explained to the warrior woman how The Crimson Avenger and her inventor were terrorizing the villages, laying all of his and the knights' evils on them.

He also explained about a rogue Amazon who had made her home in England, describing Princess Diana to her, as well as some Cordonian noble named Aurora Service, who joined up with the Avenger to cause trouble. These people were tricky, he would explain, claiming to be fighting for justice.

"Don't forget about the Lythikan, Your Grace Duke. Duchess Olivia Nevrakis is as bad as the Avenger." Cornwall stated emphatically.

Igthorne nodded, running a hand along his beard. "Those three have been exiled from their own countries and are stirring up trouble here. These five cannot be allowed to continue tormenting my people. Bring me their heads."
"Oh.. right I suppose that makes sense.. does that make this more of a friend date? since we are also talking about this stuff? Or is it just like, business and you are doing doctor mind stuff?" Clair asked but agreed to return to their original business.

Clair nodded and wanted to start up with her device again, but they seemed to get interrupted again by the visitor.
"Hmm, could be Dr. Monroe, though I don't know why he would be delivering them to us"


"Nothing for me thank you" Mr. Handler replied to the offer.
"Some tea would be great" Mrs. Handler smiled.

"Oh, good for her, about time we start getting some women doctors" Mrs. Handler smiled and placed her hands on her hips.
"Heh, yes, I knew some lady field medics that could dance laps around some doctors" Mr. Handler nodded.


"Excellent, assuming what you say is true, these five would certainly be the kind of people I take out, half the cost now, and half upon completion," She told them.
"Funny how everyone seems to think they are on the proper side" She chuckled.
Amethyst nodded, saying some tea was fine for her, too.

Calla Grovershire nodded, giving a peer curtsey¹ and said, "The King is waiting for you in the solarium². Constance will lead you there, I'll meet you there with your teas and King Gregor's as well."

The head housekeeper instructed the Handlers and Amethyst to follow, and they arrived just before Grovershire.

"Thank you, you three for being so prompt. I called you, Amethyst, and the parents here because there's been another attack. Much worse than simply hanging a doll."

"Sire, there's not much worse that can be done." Amethyst frowned as the Duchess handed her, Mrs Handler and King Gregor their teas.

"Thank you, Duchess Calla. See that we are not disturbed." Gregor stated.

After curtseying, Grovershire pulled the doors closed behind her as she left.

The king took a sip of tea before acknowledging Amethyst's remark. "As you said. Not much worse. An assassination attempt is, however." He looked at the three. "A knight that was under Sir Cornwall made an attempt on Clair. She was poisoned when she bit the hand of the culprit, who also tried to kidnap her. Thanks to Dr. Service, Princess Diana, and the Crimson Avenger, she's on her way to a full recovery. You must know, Clair is already very loved by several of the girls, and despite how shy she is... Or maybe because of it... Is one of the most popular and loved, here. She's made friends with not only Lythikos and Cordonia, but the Amazons respect her, and Monterisso has actually commissioned her. For what I can scarce imagine. The noble has even confided in me that she's very impressed."

Gregor sighed, took a sip of tea, and continued. "Taking her out of court at this stage would be a travesty, I want all three of you here for added protection, which brings me to the reason I asked you to come. In order for you to stay here to help keep an eye on Clair, but please do not interfere with the courtly games... I need to know about how much you make at the store on an average day, so that I may compensate you for the losses you'll incur to help protect your daughter."

Amethyst frowned. "The Avenger is here?"

Gregor nodded. "And unmasked. She lost her hat tackling the kidnapper. I've postponed her sentencing until after court. I hope in that time, we, meaning you, I and she, can change the minds of the knights. She understands that after the games per day, she is under house arrest, as it were. I'm sure if she continues to keep her nose clean, the knights will be convinced she doesn't need jail time. She has been stationed with Clair, effective tonight, and two guards at their door. She is one of Clair's saviours, after all."

Amethyst frowned, "With Avenger and Diana..."

"They are only two people. They can't be everywhere. Tomorrow is scouting. That means being one with nature, alone. Amethyst. You know there are several girls who can't ride a horse well. Everyone deserves an equal shot at the points. I'd like to have you three stationed at the checkpoints, but I need to know the Handlers are onboard, and how much days wages they'll lose on average for being a part of the court guard."

Amethyst smirked at Mr. Handler. "The perks of knighthood! Even retired, you can be a court guard!"

Aurora sighed and shook her head. "No. This would still have been a business date. If Dr. Monroe is joining us, it just became a meeting." She nodded to the maid. "Show him in."

The same salt and pepper haired gentleman Clair knew well, came in and took off his hat. "I daresay, you aren't my old friend, Bristol!"

Aurora extended her hand. "Aurora Service. Cordonia. I study under Lt. Arden."

"That old soldier finally recruited a nurse. How well do you know your medicine, young lady?" Monroe smiled taking the hand in a firm shake.

"Take the chair, I'll move to my bed to sit. Well enough to have saved Clair here from adamantum poisoning."

The two doctors switched positions and Monroe sat in the chair Aurora vacated.

"Sounds like you have quite the head on your shoulders. Most women don't make it because of either panic or weak constitution."

This caused a back and forth between the two physicians that Clair would have no hope of following, but would learn some medical jargon if she was quick enough with her quill and ink.

"I am impressed, Dr. Service. Monroe said, laughing. He then looked at the table, really observing the pieces on it. "What's this then?" He asked.

"That's an idea Dr. Arden and I have been fiddling with, and Clair has been kind enough to try to put together. It had only started as an idea, Clair is the mind to hopefully get it to work, we were just about to put the invention together. Clair? Will you take it from here?"

Igthorne and Cornwall agreed to the terms, and paid the half. "You get the other half when we see these criminals' heads." Igthorne said.

¹-A peer curtsey would be a half curtsey a noble would give another of like or lesser rank. By giving a Merchant one, the Duchess is respecting the Merchant's rank as a fellow noble.

²-Solarium is basically a room with a lot of glass... A medieval greenhouse.
The Handlers greeted the King with a bow and curtsy as they entered before listening to what had to be said.

The couple grew increasingly nervous as he spoke, glad they already mentioned that Clair was safe with others at the moment, but were shocked to hear Clair was subject to an assassination attempt, and was actually poisoned!
"My apologies, sire, but why exactly was this attempt on our daughter of all people? Did you catch the assassin?" Mr. Handler asked.
"My poor girl, why would anyone ever want to hurt her?" Mrs. Handler said hands on her face in surprise.

"As for being involved in the next event that would be fine with us, though I would prefer if we could stand together, though, Clair has never ridden a horse before, that plus her still recovering, would she be excused from this event?" Mr Handler asked.
"As for our compensation, I would gladly share our books with you as we did with your daughter"


Clair mostly sat and watched and listened, smiling and greeting her regular doctor, though was a little disappointed by his initial attitude toward Aurora.
"She saved my life, probably multiple times at this point, in fact, I am pretty sure it's defiantly multiple times" After she said her piece she merely listened and did record what she could of their lingo.

"Oh yes, I have been thinking about it in the back of my mind, so, here is the idea, we stick these in your ears, then this like disk shape on the end and absorb the vibrations from the heartbeat, though you would need to place it on the chest" She explained showing each component as she did.

"It should actually be really simple to put together, just a little metal shaping and smelting, and should be done in no time" She explained.


"Okay sounds like a deal," She said taking the bag of coins and walked away.
King Gregor shook his head and shrugged. "With it involving Sigmund... Who knows? She has both mine AND Calla's favour, and Calla has her in court both because she likes her, AND she's helping her open up and be sociable. He always was the jealous type. He could have just because Clair has HER favour, little alone mine. That's what's maddening even for me." He then nodded. "The poison worked both ways. Clair ingested it by biting him, it got into his bloodstream through the bite, according to the Birmingham physician." The king shook his head. "Mrs. Handler. I've been asking myself that same question. The little I've seen of Clair, and spoken to her, she wouldn't hurt a fly." A sigh. "When you have a power hungry tyrant for a brother trying to usurp your throne pretty much your entire reign... The hell he put my own daughter through..." He cleared his throat. "I digress. This is about yours and her safety."

Amethyst raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if I even like the idea of complete separation, Sire. The princess and Clair both commissioned me to protect Clair's parents, for the very reason that's actually happened to Clair. If she isn't with her husband, Mrs. Handler should be with me. I'm trained to handle bastards like Igthorne."

"So apparently is my daughter. At least now I know what she did during her self imposed exile after Cavin broke her heart. She became Dunwyn's hero and other 'favourite daughter'." Gregor countered with a frown, letting all three know he knew who the Avenger was. He nodded to Mrs. Handler about looking at the books, before addressing Mr. Handler. "Scouting is also about finding a safe trail through enemy territory during wartime, and a safe trail through rocky terrain during peace. As popular as Clair is, she'll be taken early as the foot scout for the horse rider, who has to do her own scouting. They will be graded as a team, however. Don't worry about her lack of equestrian skills, it's not necessary the next two days. I'm sure she'll have several teachers to choose from to help her learn for later. Let's try to let her learn from a suitor, though, Mr. Handler, hmmm?"

Aurora raised one eyebrow, as Dr. Monroe raised the other, and the two exchanged looks. "Unless you have a soldering iron in that screwdriver kit you got from your trip to Dunwyn... How are you going to solder these pieces together?" Aurora asked, beating Monroe to the punch.

All the Dunwyn physician could do was shrug and say, "What she said..."

Cornwall held up a hand. "Hold. Be diligent for another reason. It's court season, which means they could be posing as members of the court. They were headed for Berkshire or Grovershire last, and may even be there now."
The Handlers listened to the King as he spoke, both were curious about the suspect's relationship with Calla as well as the news of her being the Avenger.
"Oh my, if Calla, aka Avenger, already had issues with this guy, and you expect him to be responsible for the attack on our daughter, why has he not yet been arrested?" Mrs Handler asked.
"Yes well I am sure she is learning a lot from this event and I am happy she is making friends for the first time really, is it really worth letting her continue with whoever tried to have her killed still on the loose? what if they send someone else? or worse, what if one of the existing guards are sympathizers for their group?" Mr. Handler added.


"Oh, well I was just going to attach them with puddy or glue for the prototype to test the theory, the sodering would come once we know it works and want a more sturdy longer lasting model" Clair explained as she pulled out a small tube of some puddy from her bag.
"Just need to make sure the metal is flush," She said as she started to align the metals and attach them.


"Hmm, court season you say? is it open courting or pre-assigned? Could I enter under the pretense as someone who wishes to court?" She stopped and asked.
King Gregor's countenance fell for the first time even Amethyst could remember. "It's extremely hard to get charges against nobility to stick, even with proof. Before Sigmund had been keeping it just against Calla and myself. Now that he's involved the village of Dunwyn and is actually showing his desperation with charging these exuberant taxes..." He shook his head. "I even told the Avenger, before I found out she's my daughter, to forgo her no kill promise. I should have suspected it then... When a vigilante WILLINGLY swears an oath to her king she will not willingly take a human life..." He sighed. "It was part of my truce with her. As long as she didn't kill and/or break the spirit of the law, and come when I bid her, I was going to leave her alone. She was too eager to accept that, which is odd in itself."

He met eyes with Mr. Handler. "Sigmund lets everyone else do his dirty work. Rarely does he involve himself. The incident described when he taxed his own niece and princess is the exception, not the rule. Everyone knows it's Duke Igthorne, but there's no solid proof. I think Calla was already investigating that as the Avenger when I bid audience with her."

The king frowned as Handler still wanted to pull Clair. "As a father, I understand that fear, but removing her could destroy the progress she, Calla and the other girls have made in bonding. As I said, Sir Handler, Clair is already pretty popular with them, and her shyness may very well be why. At the same time, we do want her to grow socially, because we've finally made headway in having the proof we need to not only have Igthorne jailed, but even hung. Unless she wins someone's heart this season, she can return for the spring season leading up to my own daughter's wedding, midway through. Pulling her also lets Igthorne win. It'll devastate the friends she's made."

Gregor shook his head, sadly. "That's the worse part of it, isn't it? Igthorne doesn't know when he's beat. The good news is, those sympathetic were not allowed to be in court. The only guards here are part of Tuxford's, Sunrise's, Dunworth's and Amethyst Galway's units. Loyal to their lead knight and their king."

Amethyst nodded. "I know my men and women, Sir Handler. You can trust every one of them."

Aurora nodded, yet looked skeptical and curious both. She seemed more into what Clair was doing, than Dr. Monroe.

"Pays to be a tinkerer in every field, by the looks of things, Clair. Especially to make some idea from a Cordonian physician, whom you've never met, and make it a reality. Not that I don't trust Dr. Service, but I'll put the invention through it's paces. I want to give you a physical anyway. It sounds like there's a very capable court physician here, even if she is a woman."

Aurora smirked. "I'd like a second opinion on that, doctor. As in leaving off the last part of that sentence."

Monroe looked at Aurora. "Since you also run a duchy in Cordonia, Dr. Service, here's your second opinion. You're also a very competent Duchess. Just remember, if you're choosing to be a physician, your patients must always come before everything else... Even your duchy. Remember the promise we make..."

"Primum non nocere¹." Aurora answered without batting an eyelash. "I'm well aware. Lt. Arden made me recite it every day before starting my medical lessons. It means, 'First, do no harm'. I lived that without even knowing what it meant, even as a barkeep. I would cut people off alcohol when they became intoxicated, most times before. I pissed a LOT of people at the tavern off."

"It's open to all females in the country, especially this season. The princess has to find a match and doesn't like men." Cornwall smirked, looking at Igthorne who gave him a cold, watch it, bub! stare. "She has to marry for political reasons, and there's sure to be other legitimate princesses there."

Igthorne said, "Just remember, one could be that exiled Amazon one who sides with the Crimson Avenger. The bad one named Diana."
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They nodded along hearing the story between Igathorn and Princess Calla / Avenger. They didn't like it but it made sense, nobility almost never saw jail time, despite what actions they committed, either they could pay their way out, or convince enough people to assume their innocence due to their station. They were surprised to hear the King tried to get the Avenger to kill Igathorn and the oath she had taken to the King.

"Alright, as long as you can swear to the safety of our daughter, that she won't be harmed further. These courtly games sound like they will be helpful for her social life, but we can see a potential in her that could shake this very nation. I dare say she is gifted with creativity some of the things she thinks of." Mr. Handler asked.


As the two talked Clair managed to finish off the prototype, having all the pieces attached properly so all the sound would travel to the ear pieces she had made, testing it by putting it on and tapping the desk with the disk against the desk, then pressing it to her chest, indeed hearing her own heartbeat before nodding and turning to the Doctors.
"Of course, test away, I welcome criticism" Clair stated holding her device out.
"Just remember it is a little fragile, as it is a prototype." She added.


She nodded.
"Perfect, and don't worry, I have dealt with Amazons before, trained with them on occasion so I know all their moves, even killed a few, Bad ones, as you put it, I got my in and that's all I need." She said before leaving, heading straight for the courting festival, and looked to join the festivities.
Gregor nodded. "I think, with some of the fighting women here, and Dr. Service, who handled her own casted arm like a pro, Clair's as safe as in her own home." At least, he was reasonably certain of that, not knowing what was coming... Unfortunately, the Amazons would be able to smell it.

Cassandra knew her older sister, there in the court games with her, would sense the change as she could. Neither would know just what it was... She knocked on Diana's door, just across from hers. "Diana. Have you sensed the air, yet? I can feel it coming in the air, tonight¹. I know not if it'll be later tonight or in the morning, but something is seriously off in nature."

Dr. Monroe took the instrument carefully, looking it over, before putting the tubes to his ears and disk to Clair's chest. "Amazing. I can hear it plain as day." He then moved it to other parts of Clair's torso. "Incredible. Dr. Service, come here and listen..." He gently took the ear tubes out and handed the device to the court physician.

Aurora put the ear tubes in and put the disk on Clair's torso where the older doctor indicated. "Fascinating. It seems this device can magnify the sounds of the air moving through your bronchial tubes. We can hear your lungs. This is better than Dr. Arden could imagine!" Let me see something..." She put the device near Clair's navel. She pulled away a bit quickly. "Didn't you eat this evening?!" She asked, as Dr. Monroe took the device and listened also.

Dr. Monroe took the device and put it where Aurora had it and frowned. "From the sounds of it, not much. Consultation, Dr. Service."

Aurora nodded and the two stepped near the door and had a whispered conversation with both nodding back and forth, to the other.

¹Will later become the first lyrics to a Phil Collins song, but right now is a warning from one Amazon to another.
Mr. Handler nodded.
"I suppose having Amazons here to help protect her would be safer than at home with just myself and my wife, who is not trained for combat either. Clair has some training in hand to hand but does not really possess the fighter's spirit, she is very passive and timid." He rubbed his chin.
"Okay, this may be the safer place for her after all."


Diana nodded.
"Yes, I too feel something is off, but we must be cautious that this may be our own pre-conceived worries, after we recently suffered quite the excitement, this could cloud and trick our senses, I recommend re meditate on these feelings tonight."


Clair blushed and tried to stifle any giggles from the ticklish sensation of the device on her torso.
"Well, I think so, it was shortly before I was attacked, though I don't think I ate too much, maybe one portion of that, I tend to not eat much when nervous, plus there was the attack" She claimed. As the doctors whispered to each other nodding she grew nervous, was something else wrong with her?
Gregor chuckled. "There's a few fighting women that aren't Amazons. Our hostess is one of them. She's earned the spot, not riding on her daddy's reputation. Of course the Grovershires come from a long line of trained fighters. There's also the Lythikan noble. She's no pushover, either." He finished his tea. "While you're here, Sir Handler, see if Olivia Nevrakis wouldn't mind sparring with you. You'll be pleasantly surprised with her abilities." He cleared his throat. "I'll let you get settled in, now, and tomorrow at breakfast, I'd like a look at your records to judge your days wages, Mrs. Handler."

Cassandra, always chomping at the bit for a row, nodded. "I had already taken that into account, sister, but I'll meditate some more as you say. Until morning, then. I will say, I hope Duchess Calla doesn't call us to breakfast as she did for dinner last night, otherwise that'll be one hellova wake-up call!"

Aurora and Dr. Monroe returned to Clair, both with stern expressions. Aurora spoke first. "Clair, you aren't in trouble, per se, and I explained the issue you have with Iberian spices, and he explained this is across the board with any strong spices, however, you didn't finish any of the plates and even gave away the apple pie after one bite. I get you don't have a tolerance for spices and sweets, but you need a variety of different foods for the nutrition value. We both agreed you need to eat more, and you'll be using up a lot of energy scouting or tracking tomorrow, and since you don't know how to ride a horse, you'll be hoofing it yourself. I'm to see you eat every bite at breakfast. Haven't you wondered why there's at least three courses every meal?"

Dr. Monroe was next with his lecture. "We've talked about this before, Clair, about eating more. I'm going to weigh you now, and depending on how much it is, I want to see you gain at least three kilograms¹ by the time you return to Dunwyn in a few weeks. If I'm not satisfied with the results, you won't be the only one in trouble."

"As the court physician, I'm also responsible for you girls' nutritional health and weight maintenance. I actually wasn't sure about that, but Dr Monroe set me straight on it, so now that I know, I have no excuse when it comes to this. Three kilograms in two weeks really isn't that hard of a goal to meet. I'll even help you, after all, that's why Gregor put me in charge of the court's health."

¹The physicians are only asking for a gain of about seven pounds, which really is an easy enough task to meet in two weeks.
Me. Handler nodded.
"Of course, I'll gladly help if I can.
"Yes, perhaps we can talk tomorrow."
Mrs. Handler agreed as well.


Clair Blushed.
"Oh right, all the excitement had me forget, I suppose that's always been my weakness, my parents are constantly saying I need to eat more and work less," she admitted.
"I'll do my best to finish breakfast tomorrow. With you helping me Dr. Aurora, I'm sure I can gain the needed weight!" she declared.


A tall red-haired woman approached the courting grounds, walking up to one of the guards at the entrance.
"Hello, I am here for the courting games, I apologize for my tardiness but I had other important business to attend to and as you can see my cart had recent repairs," she said gesturing toward her car which indeed looked to have a patch job.
"Oh yes, my name is Ethel, though as I understand this is an open competition, so I did not send word ahead"
Before Ethel's arrival:

Just before curfew was called, Aurora would walk Clair to her room, who had two guards, one Clair would recognize as Dame Knight Iolite. The knight opened the door for her. "You have a permanent roommate, Lady Clair, by order of the king. It's part of her punishment." She then called in, "Princess! Haul yet arse out here!"

Calla sheepishly obeyed, hat and mask removed, but still in her familiar Crimson Avenger outfit.

Aurora glared at Princess Calla. "I see someone else gets away with it, Avenger, but if you know what's good for you, you will NOT call me Duchess. You gotta problem with it, take it up with your father. I'm actually registered as the court physician. It's Doctor Aurora or Doctor Service to you."

Clair may have to step between the two.
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