How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Olivia smirked. "So which is it, break the ice with some of our peers, or take a walk in the garden behind us? Unless you can invent a way to freeze time, but allow us to continue moving, we don't exactly have time for both."

She stood up. "You gotta learn to be more aggressive. That might be too big a leap. Maybe be assertive first. Like, I would like to take a walk in the garden. Or: I would like help talking with my other peers." She put both hands on her hips. "Direct. To the point. None of this 'if you want' stuff. Assert yourself."

Olivia then nodded to Clair. "You try it. Tell me which you want more without asking me my opinion. Use the statement 'I would...' and let me know what you would want."
Clair looked up at Olivia, she couldn't help but think about the time-stop invention for a moment before realizing she would have no idea where to start with something so complex, it sounds more like magic than what she does.

Clair stood up with her, still looking up due to their height difference, her hands clasped together as she listened to her, blushing as she was told to be more assertive, perhaps the time-stop machine was a better option? She knew that was ridiculous, but being assertive seemed just as hard at times. But she had to try! After all, Olivia must be trying to help her be a better person! and for some reason, her gut told her that she must try!

Clair took a deep breath.
"Okay... m-more assertive.." She took another deep breath.
"I... I would like to take a walk in the garden. please" She said mumbling the last part.
Olivia noticed. "That's a good start. Even added the magic word, although this is me, you're walking with. Still, more bees with honey... Or something like that. Sure let's walk in the garden."

The vast array of different types of flowers mixed with different shades of every colour of the rainbow, greeted their eyes as they entered, soon the different scents would make their way to them as they walked. "Wonder if the Duchess has even been in her garden lately. All my senses are tantalized." Olivia commented. "I don't think anyone has heard your opinion on the princess's moonlighting as a hero coming to light, and everyone including her father finding out about it. It's got to affect you the most as her inventor. What's your opinion?"
She blushed again at the compliments, touching her two index fingers together nervously. Though Olivia agreed to the walk she smiled brightly.

As they walked amongst the flowers Clair looked up at Olivia before at the flowers around them.
"So pretty, and the smell is lovely too. it really is amazing" Clair replied to her comment.
"Oh, my opinion? Oh, it really doesn't matter that much. I mean, if you want to know, I think she had to be someone right? if not her then maybe you, or Diana, in the end as long as she is trying to help people isn't that what matters?" She asked.
Olivia smirked with a chuckle. "Clair, I could never have been The Avenger. I can't stand those floppy musketeer hats. Feather in it is a nice fashion statement, and hers being bluish black, complements her outfit." She shrugged. "I'm not sure Diana could pull off the hat, either, I expect her to have a warrior's helmet." She then raised an eyebrow at her own revelation. "However, I wouldn't put it past the good physician, the Cordonian princess, Lady Wendy or the Monterissan spy to pull off the hero look and act."

Olivia took a deep breath before nodding. "Good point, as heroing isn't for everyone, little alone a noble or royal. Those I mentioned... Lady Wendy may be childish but she's hardly disrespectful, and actually has a good heart. She hates behaviour like what Duchess Beaumont, Lady Genevieve, and another, did to you and a few others at the ball. I wouldn't be the least surprised if she actually called one or more of them out on it."

She had no idea, Lady Wendy was reading Lady Genevieve the riot act earlier, and Clair overheard it.
Clair giggled at Olivia, and how she started to take literal logic toward her claim.
"Hehe, I suppose that is true, plus you are much too tall for the outfit" She blushed.

"Oh yes, I heard Wendy talking to the others before finding you, Oh! did I give your tool to you already?!" She asked starting to look through her bag for the hidden blade she made for her.
Olivia shook her head. "I thought you had something else to do with it? Some safety measure. I know what you had right away was good, and I did tell you to hold off on it until the hunt later this season. I don't think I'll need it for scouting or tracking. The event is usually well marked. Only if the device is ready for me to implement it." If it was fully ready, Olivia would in no wise turn it down.
Clair shook her head,
"not fully ready yet, but in order to keep working I need you to try it so I can tweak it a little, it's using a none sharp metal strip instead of a blade at the moment for safety, but since my arms aren't big enough and I don't know the techniques you will want to use, it's hard for me to add safety and final touches with the real blade." She explained as she pulled it out.
"Okay so if you could please trap this on and give it a little test that would help a lot." She asked holding it up.
"I will observe and take notes on both my observations and any comments you give"
Olivia shrugged, strapped it to her upper arm, one of several places she would keep a knife for easy access and pressed the button hidden in her hand on the same arm. "Normally I'd put this on before my top or dress, but after slip and corset." She stated, "but I want you to see the same time I do."

She had her hand at the ready, but didn't feel the "dagger " slide out, but there it was in her hand. She smirked. "And stealthy, I definitely like that. Two more just like this, especially if you can repeat the stealth mode. I don't want the assassin to even hear it coming!" She then turned even more serious. "How much will three cost me?" Not that Olivia was strapped for cash. She also wouldn't accept gift as a friend. She wanted to pay Clair for her work.
Clair could not help but blush heavily at Olivia explaining how she wanted to put it on before her top and dress and wanted her there for it as well, rubbing her neck nervously before she started to test the device.

Clair refocused on the testing of the device.
"Oh good! I am glad, it is specifically made for your arm and hand, I can definitely make three of them, the material list is actually pretty low due to its slim and small nature. I won't know their cost until it's all said and done but I won't charge for labor only the materials" She offered.
"The Silent Blade was tricky but fun to figure out, it may be even more subtle when sharp so you will need to be careful with your fingers," She told her.
Olivia gave a thinker's frown. "I guess you're the kind to insist that a friend gets a discount. Who am I to dicker about that? Your terms are acceptable, inventor."

Loud chimes echoed across the estate, followed by five loud bongs¹. Olivia actually looked startled, "What the hell was that?!"

Grovershire saw them near the exit. "That was my dinner bell! Come and get stuffed! I had the clockmaker in town make me something similar to the clock tower's chimes!"

Olivia shook her head as she patted her chest. "If they didn't hear that, they're deaf or dead."

¹-Represents Big Ben's chimes and sounding of the hour, which won't be built in London until 1843, and it's 1377 in the RP.
Clair nodded to Olivia, happy she was accepting the discount she wanted to offer.

"Ahh!" Clair let out a shocked scream as the chimes sounded she instinctively moved toward Olivia standing in front of her with her back to her, being terrified but wanting to protect her friend, despite her friend being far more capable of protecting them both if there was a danger.

Clair took a few shaking breaths as she tried to calm down from the shock.
"Whoa, that spooked me... I suppose we should get going?" She said embarrassingly taking a step back from Olivia as she turned around to face her.
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Olivia grimaced and patted Clair's back. "You're not sane if that didn't at least startle you. Who in their right mind would expect chimes and clock bells as a call to dinner? I wouldn't be surprised if even the AMAZONS won't have a comment about it, even if it being louder than THEIR dinner bell."

When they entered the dining hall, even Olivia had to take a double take. One long table, stretching from one end of the room to the other, and chairs on both sides greeted them. "Looks like we're all sitting together."

Grovershire tapped a fork against the glass. "Please find your placards and take a seat, thank you. Dinner will be introduced once everyone is seated."

The king held the spot at the head of the table, a spot usually reserved for the hostess, but instead, Calla Grovershire found herself directly across from the princess, and Aurora, the resident physician immediately next to the princess.

Olivia would find her placard across from the good doctor, and Clair between Aurora and Millicent. Well, both had asked the inventor for something. Aurora, medically and Millicent something covert. This could be Clair's chance to tell them about the progress. Unfortunately, not being near enough to the Crimson Avenger, meant Clair couldn't talk to her about the grappling hook.
Clair smiled at Olivia's compliment, happy but embarrassed at the compliment.
"umm, heh, yeah, I bet Diana would have even been surprised."

Clair looked around her mouth agape as she saw the large dining hall.
"Wow, the architecture for this place must have been some work..." She commented.

As Clair took her seat she smiled at the girls on either side of her, taking the device out for Millicent to try.
"Hey, take this, the blade is not sharp yet, but should work in a similar manner. This is a prototype, just to make sure everything is to your liking"

She then looked toward Aurora.
"Hey, umm, so nothing physical yet, but here, look at these." She said showing her book.
"This device is meant to amplify vibrations and sounds, the idea is you place these in your ears and this on someone's chest, so you can hear their heartbeat. And this device should measure micro changes in this bag that fills with air, I am not sure it will work but my thought is that it compresses around the arm about here" She said pointing toward her own bicep.
"And measures the blood pressure over about a minute, I think I read about a major artery around here it can use?" She questioned.
Grovershire overheard Clair. "That's because this was once dad's gymnasium. It's done in typical Grecian pillars and artistic design, which is sure to please our Amazon guests. Seeing as my first name is Grecian, once the manor became mine, I decided to make this the dining hall so that the guests could feast their eyes on the exquisite details and architecture, as they feasted on the meals. It serves a much nobler service now as the dining hall, wouldn't you agree, Princess Diana?"

Millicent took the blade and frowned slightly, as she tried to fold it. "I like it except it needs to be hidden in plain sight. Sharp this could at the very least blind the enemy. Can't the blade be folded in some kind of compartment of the handle and it disguised as an ordinary everyday object?"

Aurora looked over the plans in the journal, looking up to see Clair's movements. She nodded. "It's why one of the places to take the pulse is under the arm. Just a little bit higher than where you've indicated. I suppose this listening device can also be used while measuring the blood pressure." There was no question why Aurora was becoming a good physician, giving her the experience as the onsite one for the court, was the easiest decision King Gregor had to make.
Clair listened and nodded to Groveshires explanation.
Diana smiled as she looked around.
"Indeed, this would be impressive even for the standards of Themyscira" She claimed, certainly high praise from her.
"However, to be truly alike the gods and goddesses need to stand in the alcoves between the pillars"

Clair rubbed her chin in thought.
"Hmm, perhaps a regular armband? and disguise it using some specific coloring? We could attempt to make it look decorative, something simple but enough to go with most outfits but not so simple it looks cheap." She suggested in reply to Millicent.

"Right, That should work as well, and yes, is there anything that you think would need to be changed or improved?" She asked, wanting to be sure she had the right idea before making the devices for Aurora.
"I apologize, I have not made medical devices before, so it's new ground for me, though so very exciting." She smiled brightly.
Duchess Calla nodded. "I can get the stonemasons on that. After dinner, get with me so we can plot it out, who goes where."

Cassandra smirked. "Looks like your evening will be busy, sister. And here I had hoped for some more diplomacy lessons." She better be careful, or her diplomacy lesson would come in sitting on the conversation between Diana and Duchess Calla on the gods and goddesses!

Millicent mulled over the idea, finally nodding. "Good point. If you're in a rush, you don't want to stand there trying to get your blade out of some pocket inside the handle of the weapon. It's not practical."

Aurora looked over the drawings, and finally said, "I take this ball is how to pump air into this bag, which actually looks like a puffy short sleeve. That's perfect, as it's all the rage right now in Cordonia. Men and women alike are wearing puffy sleeves of various lengths, quite fashionable. Did you know about the fashion?" She then looked at Crimson Avenger Calla, and her long sleeve shirt and sighed. "Of course you did..."

Duchess Calla clapped her hands and one servant pushed out a cart full of covered bowls. Four others took the bowls from the cart and began passing them to the diners. "We're going to start with a Grovershire favorite: Cream of mushroom soup. The milk like base is actually goat, not cow milk. The same milk used to make feta cheese. The green specks is parsley, and if you need more salt and pepper, please ask, but do me the favour of trying it before you add more. Thank you, and dig in."

The second course would be an Iberian style meal, which would make Ariel happy, the third would be a Grecian "anti-salad" since it was mostly pasta, with chunks of vegetables, and seasoning in an olive oil based vinaigrette, this for the Amazons. The fourth and final course would salute Cordonia, as it would be their world famous hot apple pie.
Diana nodded.
"I am no expert, but I can attempt to assist if that was the esthetic you wanted."

Clair nodded.
"Okay, I hope that I can make it into something that you are happy with, how many would you like?" She asked already knowing she had to make 3 for Olivia.

Clair blushed.
"Oh, I umm, had no idea about the fashion thing, I don't really follow that stuff, to be honest, it was just how it mechanically needs to be as far as I can tell. Of course, we can test it together and I can change or tweak it as needed till we get the results you need." She knew that her lack of medical knowledge could hurt the effectiveness of the devices so wanted to be clear she might need Aurora to help her.

As the food came Clair put the notes and device away in her bag again so they would not be in the way as they ate, she was a slow and passive eater, trying to focus on her etiquette.
Grovershire nodded with a grin. "Not at first. I was wondering what I could put between the pillars that continued the Grecian theme. Brilliant idea, Princess Diana, I look forward to your invaluable input!"

Millicent just shrugged. "Probably only two. Before the invention can be issued to the other agents, it has to pass the examination from the Queen of Spies, herself, Queen Amalas. She'd then contact you either way."

Aurora smiled and nodded. "If it makes the process easier, I'll gladly help you."

Lady Wendy watched Clair, scrutinizing her on the way she handled herself. "It is okay to have conversation at the dinner table, as long as one doesn't talk with her mouth full." She made the slightest of motion with her head towards Millicent and Wendy's neighbor, Clair's fellow noble and merchant, Amanda Butcher, enrapted in conversation on cuts of meat.
Diana nodded. happy to be of help.

Clair noted two in her notebook, knowing she now needed to make a total of five.
"Right, got it, hopefully, if it becomes standard then your own people can make them with my blueprints, as making so many would take far too long"

Clair nodded to Aurora.
"That would be very helpful, perhaps we can work on it tonight, I'll also be working on another project but I can do that as you inspect and test" She offered.

Clair looked to Wendy as she made her comment, then looked down at her untouched plate.
"Oh, yes of course I understand, I'll be sure to eat as well, thank you" It seems she may not have understood at all.
(Good move, Wendy wouldn't have said anything until the Iberian cuisine was served. The second course)

Lady Wendy raised an eyebrow as she gave a slight frown and glance at Clair's plate. "Iberian cuisine not to your liking? I admit it is a little warm on the spices, especially in the rice." She politely scooped another forkful of the side on her plate, next to some kind of meat in a spicy brown gravy.

Ariel was heard farther down the table, "La carne está sazonada a la perfección!" She beamed, addressing a servant, who looked surprised and confused, both.

"Th-thank you, Lady Ariel... I-I-I think?" She stammered.
Clair blushed and held her hands up.
"N-no that isn't it at all, I was just distracted, I'll eat some now," She said not wanting to seem rude or wasteful.
Though as she did her face went a little red, she was not good with spices at all, though tried to hide it.
Wendy grimaced, before flagging down a servant, said something while motioning towards Clair and the servant nodded.

At the same time, Aurora noticed Clair's expression and also flagged down a servant. Although quiet, the physician's words would be heard by her next seat neighbor, Clair. "I think the spices are getting to my friend. Please bring her a glass of buttermilk."

Within three minutes, Clair would have two cold buttermilks to soothe the fire.

Both her rescuers would chime in at the same time. "Drink slowly, and then when the spices get too much again."

Wendy continued with a nod across the table to Clair. "The Greek anti-salad and the apple pie will be much cooler on your taste buds."
Clair nodded without speaking before taking a drink, letting out a breath of relief.
"Th-thank you both, s-sorry, guess I am not so good with spice" She admitted and started to eat slower, and basically drink after every bite.
Her face was now red, either from embarrassment or the spice, it was hard to tell.
Cassandra watched this with knitted eyebrows. "Diana? Our spices are actually mostly herbs and lighter seasonings, right? Last thing we need is an Amazon causing an international incident over our food... If Mother doesn't skin us, one of our gods will. Like Ares or Athena."

Aurora looked over to Wendy. "I got this here on if she has another problem. Thanks for being alert to the issue."

Wendy nodded. "I'm glad it was I sitting across from Lady Clair. That blasted Genevieve would have probably laughed at her or made a snide remark. Why I jumped down her throat earlier." She then looked at Clair. "Doc's got you from here through rest of dinner. If you can find a way to build a tolerance to stronger spices, try to do so, aye? Many of our allies use strong spices, including the Italians, Monterissans, and of course, Iberia. Even some of Lythikans' cuisine can get a little... Potent. Dinners are always full of other allies cuisines. Every meal."
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