How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair chuckled at Olivia's outburst, though kept herself more in control as she pulled her hand away from the horse slowly.

She jumped a little at the raspberry, not expecting it and instinctively thinking she did something wrong before she heard the translation from Calla, letting her let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh!? I umm, I don't know if I am the proper one to tell her, her name... should it not be you?" She questioned before taking a breath and petting her.
"Sunny Justice, that's a good girl" After that Clair moved to try and help her find the brush.
Calla just smiled. "I want you to do it, because we're going to be a team. Whether it's on her with me, or on the ground. You're also my inventor. I want her used to you."

As Calla clicked her tongue to lead her horse into her borrowed stall for the stay, she grabbed the gate. "Watch yourself, Clair, I'm closing the stall gate, so Sunny Justice doesn't leave." The gate sat above the stable's floor about six inches, but until Calla moved it, no one could find the brush, not even Olivia! Aurora had hung back, and just watched, arms folded. If anyone would have thought to ask her, the medical assistant and student had seen where it fell from the moment it hit the dirt. It had bounced under the open gate. In effect , allowing the gate to hide it from view.

She wasn't going to just offer the information, as brushing the horse did not constitute a medical emergency. She did sigh with a shake of her head, expecting better from the horse's owner, at least.
Clair blushed and nodded, placing a hand on the horse and petting it a little nervously.
"Good Girl Sunny Justice, that is your name, Sunny Justice," She told her as they brought her into the stalls.

She backed away so the gate could close, not noticing the brush as her eyes were locked on the horse.
Olivia saw it, and also noticed Clair watching the horse. "Princess. Found your horse brush." She picked it up and handed it to Calla. "Fell under the gate. Why nobody saw it."

Calla blushed as she took it, hands momentarily touching each other in passing. "Took a wild bounce then." She began talking to Sunny Justice as she brushed through the mane, apologizing for missing her brushing yesterday as she was found out by her father and pretty much everyone else, due to the tackle, that ended up being paramount in saving Clair's life.

Olivia smirked as she leaned against the gate. "Not sure if your horse understands human babble, but see you do the same thing as I do when I'm brushing MY horses."

Calla continued brushing, talking softly to Sunny Justice; she looked over to Clair. "Would you like to have a go, Clair? It's a good way to show you're not scared of them."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "With everything she's gone through in the last twenty four hours, I'd have to advise against it, as her physician. In fact, I'd also advise against her being in a position where her pulse and body temperature would be increased. I would like her on terra firma tomorrow during the scouting or tracking. Whichever is first."

Olivia shook her head. "I don't know if I would have THAT much safety protocol. It's only brushing, not riding. She may even find it relaxing, because it can be." She then nodded to Clair to decide for herself whether she would help Calla brush the horse.
Clair watched as she handed the brush over, seeing the brief hand touch, and blushed as well despite not being the one that touched.

"Oh, umm, I don't think I know how to do it properly, and also, admittedly, I am scared, so I am worried if I tried she would know that." She replied before hearing Aurora chime in and nodded.
"Well, then doctors orders.. heh heh" She chuckled nervously before looking toward Olivia.

"Oh, well if you really think it would be good, maybe I could try..." She blushed.
Aurora would watch carefully, arms folded as Calla showed Clair how to brush the horse. "Like brushing your own hair, gentle strokes, talk to her while you're doing it, okay? I'll be right here. Talk to Sunny Justice like you would me, Aurora or Olivia in a calm, soothing voice." She then handed the brush to Clair.
Clair took the brush hesitantly and nodded.
"I umm, okay.." she said starting to brush her gently.
"So uhh, nice weather... And uhh, do umm, do you like saddles?" she started to ask questions as that was her go-to when talking to others, usually to get ideas for inventions or to get to know them.
"so umm, Sunny Justice, your hair is very nice" she spoke regularly, which was a soft but in this case nervous voice.
The horse didn't seem to mind the change in vocal tones, but to Clair's question came what seemed like a disapproving snort and shake of her head. The horse actually seemed to like the compliment about her mane, as once again the horse seemed to "raspberry" Clair with vibrating lips.

Olivia and Aurora exchanged surprised looks at each other as Sunny Justice seemed to be against saddles, as if she understood what Clair had asked her!

"Note to self," Calla thought aloud (so basically spoke it so everyone heard), "Try riding Sunny Justice barebacked."

The horse nodded and kicked slightly at the ground, agreeing with Calla's assessment.

Olivia and Aurora seemed to get an idea at the same time. "Try asking her other yes/no questions. Like if she likes carrots." Olivia asked.

"Or if she likes sugar cubes. Most horses do, that way Calla could have a variety of different treats." Aurora indicated.

It looked like Crimson Avenger wasn't the only one who clicked with Sunny Justice, which was a good thing for Clair.
Clair seemed a little taken back at the first few reactions from the horse and seemed to catch on as the others started to react.
"Oh, umm, okay. Do you like carrots? Do you like sugar cubes? Umm, do you prefer carrots, I think they are healthier." she said letting the horse reply for each question.
Nod and hoof scrape to all three questions, Clair asked. Sunny Justice moved her head to look at Clair, expecting one of the tasty treats the girl just mentioned.

Aurora nodded. "I hadn't met a horse yet, that didn't like the occasional sugar cube. You've got a pretty good head on your shoulders. Ever thought of training with horsekeepers, specializing in health and nutrition, Clair?"

Even Olivia was impressed. "Looks like this group of friends is increased one horse whisperer."

Thinking it was a snarky remark, Calla glared at her. Aurora knew better, and hoped Clair got it, and took it for the compliment it was. "Down, Princess. Olivia was being sincere."
Clair seemed to enjoy what to her was a strange interaction.
"Oh umm, never, I always assumed animals would not like me" she blushed as she pet and brushed the horse again.

She blushed at the compliment barrage.
"Oh wow, thanks" She moved some of her hair behind her ear averting her gaze embarrassed as Aurora shot down the stare by Calla that Clair hadn't noticed.
Calla cleared her throat as she came over to claim the horse's brush, "Seeing as Doctor Aurora would rather Clair be on solid ground for tomorrow, I think we should go have a chat now with The Duchess of Grovershire, to make certain the Valtorian Duchess's directions are followed, and before too much more time elapses.

Aurora sighed at being singled out as a fellow duchess to the hostess, even if it was true. "I'd rather you didn't address me thusly, princess."

Calla smirked, "When you refrain from addressing me as princess instead of hero... My Grace, Duchess Aurora."

Olivia smirked, arms folded. "We're officially at an impasse, doctor. You don't get your preferred title, until you start giving Calla hers."

Aurora looked at Olivia, then Clair, and finally Calla. "Fine, I'll try to remember to call the Crimson Avenger by hero, instead of princess. I just hope your father is as lenient about it as you are."

Unless Clair had anything to say or add, including any questions of how Aurora became a duchess in Cordonia, the walk to the mansion would be quiet.
Clair gave the brush back, giving Sunny Justice a final pet before stepping away.

"I think staying on solid ground is a good idea" Clair nodded, looking between the others as they started to talk about preferred names.

"Umm, perhaps we could wear name tags as a reminder until everyone is used to what to call one another?" she offered, not realizing how that would be quite a strange thing to do. Clair wasn't too aware of how the rank of duchess worked or how any ranks outside King Queen and princess worked, so far she had just been memorizing titles.
Olivia frowned at the idea of name tags, and Calla wasn't even sure if it was a trademark Olivia frown, a puzzled frown, or a thinkers frown. A scoff escaping her throat could also have been read any number of ways when Olivia did it. She was either mocking the very idea of name tags, dismissing them... Or just Oliviaing them in her Lythikan manner.

"That's such an outlandish idea, it just might work." Calla commented causing even Aurora to give her a perplexed stare.

After a few moments of awkward silence, and just as they reached Duchess Calla Grovershire, the Duchess of Valtoria, and resident physician, remarked, "You're weird.... Hero."

Grovershire looked at the four of them, and more to the seemingly most sane one of the bunch (which would be Clair), looked directly at her and quipped, "Dare I even ask, and hope to understand?"
Clair was especially bad at reading people, and Olivia was no different, she could not make heads or tails of her reaction. However, Clair did assume the worst, at first thinking her idea was terrible and sinking into her shoulders in embarrassment.

As Calla seemed to support her idea she could not help but blush, though Auroras followed reaction once again made her question, was Calla being sarcastic?

"Umm, well, I'm not sure, I suggested name tags to ensure everyone uses the proper names since it's a little confusing. However, I am thinking perhaps there may be a social element that I don't understand at play that may make such an idea not optimal..." she replied, assuming Groveshire wanted an explanation of what might cause their current state.
Calla Grovershire studied the situation and foursome in front of her a few minutes more, from Olivia just being Olivia, to Aurora's reaction and comment to the princess who shared her name, and everyone remaining knew was the Crimson Avenger. Finally she took a deep breath and addressed the 'elephant in the room', that being what set off the debate and idea from Clair.

King Gregor had walked over to talk to the physician on standby, which was Aurora, when Duchess Calla Grovershire spoke. "Aurora WILL be addressed as Doctor Aurora Service; the Dunwynian princess WILL be addressed as either Crimson Avenger, Avenger or hero; the rest of us will be either addressed as Lady so-and-so or for the duchesses except Aurora, Your Grace, and whoever doesn't abide by this will have to wear the name tag for the remainder of her visit to Grovershire. Is that clear?!"

Unfortunately, all the remaining nobleladies as well as the King, was in attendance as the pronouncement was made. Including Diana and Cassandra as well as the other remaining Amazons.

Cassandra asided to her older sister, "Anyone would be embarrassed to have to wear a name tag in a setting such as this, so why do I have the idea the inventor gave the suggestion because of something Princess Calla, or rather The Crimson Avenger, had said in her continuing etiquette war with Doctor Aurora Service?" She shrugged. "I mean what's Calla got against Aurora being a doctor instead of a duchess?"
Clair could not help but blush as it seemed not only was her idea, not something a regular person would want to do, that it was so bad that it would be used as a punishment for messing up the proper name for other girls.

Diana nodded.
"I feel like you hit the nail right on the head with that assessment sister. And perhaps she is against it because she wants to be called a hero first. Or she is jealous of her success? Though I would assume the former before the latter" she replied in a whisper.
Cassandra nodded, "Astute as always, sister. That does make the most sense. On that note, I wager before these two days are over, either Avenger or Aurora will be wearing the name tag. They both can be hardheaded. And that's coming from a hardhead."

At least Cassandra admitted it.

Gregor cleared his throat. "Doctor. A word privily."

Aurora nodded. "Of course, Sire." Just before she would go see the king, she addressed Clair. "Princess Calla and I are going to be at odds about this all season. I've got the training to be a physician, which is under my actual noble standing as a duchess. She insists on being a warrior or hero, which is well under her standing as a royal. I'm ordering you to keep us both in line. Yes, physician's orders, and if she balks, tell her to take it up with me. You are the ONLY person here save Duchess Grovershire to order me thusly when I get out of line. Repeat it after me, so I know you have it. 'Physician, heal thyself'. You can even say it in Latin if you wish, and if you know it. 'Medice, cura te ipsum'." Of course, Aurora would know it in both languages off the top of her head... She had to learn most of her terms in Latin!¹

¹-Latin was not a dead language in the late 14th century. The majority of the known world was either under The Holy Roman Empire, or the Ottoman one.
Diana nodded in agreement.
"I am afraid that is yet another thing we have in common sister."

Clair nodded a little nervous as she was told her role to play in their conflict.
"Oh, umm, I am not good at confrontation, but ill certainly do my best" she cleared her throat.
"Medice, cura te ipsum, or physician heal thyself, got it." she made a note in her journal.
"I'll do my best to keep you both in line" she agreed.
Aurora sighed and nodded. "I understand and that's all I ask is your best. If there was someone else I'd fully trust not to bang our heads together, literally, Clair, I'd not ask you." She smiled as both phrases were repeated back. "Go catch up to the other ladies you haven't seen since we've been here, like Millicent, Ariel and Princess Ruby. I need to find out what King Gregor needs. I'll see you at dinner." She patted Clair's back and left to speak to the king.

All three of the mentioned ladies were hanging nearby in a group with Wendy and Genevieve, the latter had been rude to a lot of them. If Clair approached she would hear Wendy basically tearing Genevieve a new one, and Clair's three acquaintances just silently nodding to the etiquette lecture, Lady Darling was imparting on the Gaul.
Clair nodded, happy that Aurora would be fine with her best, she didn't quite know what her best was in that field yet, but would certainly try to do as well as she could. As Aurora suggested she talk to the other girls she went flush, she didn't know them as well and the idea of approaching them made her nervous, but she became a little more comforted as her back was patted.

As Clair overheard the lecture when approaching she didn't want to get in the middle of it, but at the same time, part of her wanted to help the poor girl being talked down to. Sadly she could not muster up the courage and walked off elsewhere, perhaps she could find Olivia and get her to help if she could.
Olivia had wandered off to just take a stroll on Duchess Calla's large expanse of land. Right now, she was sitting on one of the Grovershire Estate's concrete backless benches just in front of the garden, gazing onto the rolling green countryside. This is where Clair would find her, with an uncharacteristic faraway glazed over look.
As Clair did her wandering she happened to spot Olivia and walked over toward her, approaching slowly before speaking up as she got beside her, not realizing she may have accidently sneaked up on her if she had been distracted.
"Hey, umm, nice view huh?"
Olivia looked over to Clair with a raised eyebrow, while moving over enough for Clair to also take a seat if she liked. "Mmm? Ah. I suppose. The garden behind us is a better view, but I've not the mood for it. Not alone, at any rate." She studied Clair's countenance before asking, "Alright. What's wrong and how can I help? You need me to bust a few heads for you?"
Clair took the seat with a blush.
"Thanks" She looked out at the view as Olivia told her about it, moving her hair behind her eat and rubbing her arm as she wanted to offer to go up there with her.

"Ehh?! N-no! I umm, I was umm, I was just thinking that I should talk to people or something, b-but I don't know many girls too well here.. Maybe I mean if you want... We umm... Umm. C-could maybe check the other garden out?" she offered, her voice a little shaky.
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