How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair groaned as she was awoken, slowly sitting up with a hand on her head.
"uggghh... What?... I uhh, my head is killing me... I remember.. Uhh, you had a crown? I umm, yes I was judging the contest, and we umm, yes I was watching Olivia... I umm, I was grabbed, then it gets fuzzy..." she said, her voice more clear but clearly in pain.
Aurora smiled. "It was borrowed. Princess Ruby was trying to be funny. When I gave her back her tiara, she was 'but now no one will know you're queen of the healers!' She felt Clair's neck, and took her wrist, something Clair would have seen Dr. Monroe do on many a house visit. "Hmm. A little fast..." She got down eye level. "Stare at me as long as you can. Try not to blink." She reached into her bag and pulled out a few herbs. "Have you ever had the Lythikan lavender pastry that's real popular in Dunwyn?"
Clair went through the motions of the checkup, being used to it from her regular check-ups, though blushed at the physical contact.

"Well, you are clearly a good healer or else I imagine I may not be here, thank you by the way." she blushed.

"St-stare?" she replied nervously and started to look into her eyes, having to fight every instant to not look away.

"I-I umm, I have not, I have seen them but never tried." she admitted.
"Hmm. Ok You can stop." Aurora sighed. "Tell me what parts of the body aches, and if you have a tummy ache as well." She gave her some of the sage Olivia found the evening before. "If you don't have any teeth hurting, chew on this sage, first." If no stomach aches, Aurora would have her chew a little lavender next, and ask again if the headache was going away (it should, but if slightly there still, Aurora would give her some rose hips).

She would treat the body aches with a mixture of herb and spice salves rubbed into Clair's skin right where Clair tells her it hurts.
As she was told she could stop she looked away, her flushed face, remaining red as she looked away shyly.

"Oh umm, my hands, arms, legs, and umm, uhh... Breasts" she admitted with hesitation and nervousness, though took and chewed the lavender when handed it, which seemed to work.

As Aurora started to rub her arms and hand with the salve she grew concerned at her other pains and what that might entail.
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There was very little Aurora could do, but all the symptoms were something one would expect from recovery of the kind of poisoning Clair had endured. After finishing with the salve, Aurora stated, "It's a good thing I was injured, otherwise who knows who could keep an eye on you. Let us away to the King's reserved seats."

Olivia checked on her team, having already taken her own horse out for a trot in the early morning. "Making sure you're all here, especially Avenger."

The butcher's daughter winced at the slight as she glanced at Princess Calla in her Crimson Avenger guise. "That's a deserved ouch." She then glanced at Diana, wondering why Diana wasn't called out too, since she had been out until late with the Avenger. Although Dunwynian, and aware of the Amazons, she knew nothing about their renowned stamina.
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Clair blushed and nodded, her heart was racing as the salve was added, she had never been touched so much by another woman, but she knew it was medical, which helped a lot.
"heh, yeah, I really owe you one, is there anything I can do to repay you?" She asked, hoping she could do something nice for Aurora.


Diana gave a friendly nod at the look, thinking it was obvious why she had not been called out.
(Aurora and Clair inactive, waiting in king's box for the two games to begin)

Olivia cleared her throat, as she went to the center of the small circle of the team's stable yard. "Two of you I don't need to tell that Wendy Darling of the Berkshire Darlings loves rivalries and trash talking." She glanced at Avenger who was looking at Diana with one eyebrow raised and a smirk. Olivia continued, "However, for our rookie, put your mind at rest. Wendy is just an overgrown kid. You could say, she may physically be 18, but she's the girl who never grew up. She likes to start things. I know this may sound strange coming from me... But do NOT engage the enemy. I reiterate. Do NOT engage the enemy! Princess Ruby is on the team, so for her sake and the sake of fair play, let everything Wendy says roll off your back like ice water off a polar bear's. Any questions?"
Diana nodded.
"A proper warrior does not lose her temper at mere words, shall she decide to fight with words I shall let her tire herself out."
Olivia nodded Diana's direction. "And that's what I want all of us to do. Just let Darling Wendy run her mouth, and put yourself on ignore. Let's go watch Lady Ariel's team face off against Duchess Calla, we're scheduled for ten o'clock. It's almost eight."

Aurora and Clair would have nothing to do but converse quietly while the first match played out, with Grovershire's team pretty much having the game won in the first half-hour. Ariel's team only managed a goal per half-hour. The final was 5-2.

Soon, it was Aurora and Clair's turn to keep score for their teams, as the other eight took to the field. Aurora whispered over to Clair. "How about a side bet just between us. Ten pounds says that with Princess Ruby, Duchess Beaumont, and Lady Clara Princeton on Lady Wendy's team, they'll win. If you accept, you're saying your team of Duchess Olivia, Princesses Diana and Calla, and Lady Amanda Butcher will come out on top."
Diana nodded again at her commands.
"Sounds like a plan"

Clair talked with Aurora as they waited for their turn to judge.
"So umm, what exactly happened yesterday? I mean, after my attack, I know you helped, but it sounds like I was up still for a while after that, but I don't remember."

As Aurora whispered to Clair she smiled.
"While I do believe that Olivia's team will win, I don't have ten pounds to bet, id there something else I can put in instead?" She asked wanting to play along, but knowing she didn't have the money to cover the bet.
Aurora raised an eyebrow. "What could you put up for collateral worth ten pounds, then?" She shook her head. "Well, you could owe me, if nothing else. Let's just keep score... "

Despite all of Wendy Darling's trash talk, neither team had scored in the first half-hour. In fact, the only thing either team was leading in, was steals with the Lythikos Amazons leading 7-3. The only thing that counted was the goals which was 0-0.

"What's the matter, Nevrakis? Are you afraid of the goal?" Wendy teased during the intermission. Never mind her team hadn't scored either, although they did get the closest to it.

Olivia had the plan to break the scoreless deadlock. "Diana, you're on point to hit off against Beaumont. Hit it directly to Amanda. Once you do so run interference whilst we bat the ball around a bit. Amanda, you pass it to me, I pass it to Calla.. '

The princess cleared her throat and gave Olivia a stare down.

"Crimson Avenger, then. If we play this right, Avenger could be within striking distance of the goal. Calla. Seriously. If you've no clear shot pass to Diana and she'll take it. We should have them confounded by then. Let's eat up as much of that half-hour we can so there's no chance of a tie."

"We have to score first to get the lead." Amanda stated matter-of-factly.

"We play this right," Olivia smirked. "We will."

The intermission ended with a trumpet, and Beatrice lined up to hit off against Olivia's choice.

Aurora sided to Clair. "The Pirates and Amazons sure have proven to be the best match-up, don't you agree?"
"I could put down maybe a free tool I can make?" She suggested but nodded and started to keep score.

Clair's eyes were locked on the game, looking for anything she had to write down, she responded to Aurora without looking toward her.
"Oh yeah, it has been really tense, a lot of back and forth, it's anyone's game" She replied, still focused on the game but for a moment looking toward Aurora.
"Are you enjoying it?"

Meanwhile in the Game Diana nodded to the plan and executed it as the next play started, as it came to Avenger's shot, she was covered, they knew she was a strong player and were sure to not let her take the shot, but as she passed to Diana, she quickly followed with her shot, gaining the first Goal for Olivia's team.

"Oh! That is a point for my team!" Clair called out before covering her mouth embarrassed by the outburst.
During the half, Aurora nodded. "Real nail biter. Make the tool something medical and you got it."

The passing back and forth was enough to make even Aurora's head spin, in fact, if Clair hadn't shouted, she would probably think the ball was still in play. "Oh! Well, then, mark Avenger down for the assist, but the goal is Diana's. Erm... Diana was the last player to touch the ball with the mallet, right?"

It wasn't long after, the King nodded to his trumpeter to sound the end of the match. Aurora shook her head with a chuckle. "Looks like I owe you ten pounds. That's $12.50 in Cordonian nobles, which is what I have on me." She realized how that sounded. "I mean it's not ALL I have. I mean I only have nobles. So many places take the Cordonian noble, I didn't think to exchange. I just know that it's every noble and a bronze per pound. Therefore, it's twelve nobles and a Cordonian silver to equal ten pounds." She handed over the money, and Clair would see the image of Queen Kenna on the ten noble note, and Princess Ruby on both the one noble notes. The Cordonian silver had the letter L behind a dot (.L meaning .50) on the back and the Cordonian royal seal on the front.
Clair nodded and made a note in her book to brainstorm medical devices to make.

Clair promptly wrote down all the necessary information.
"mmhmm, Avenger passed it to Diana who scored." She replied, showing her the score sheet.

Clair looked surprised as she spoke, looking at the money as it was handed to her.
"Oh, umm well thank you, it will be nice to have something on me what kind of medical tool do you want? Have any use for it in mind?" she asked ready to take notes.
Aurora nodded about how Clair wrote the score.

She then explained, "Lieutenant Arden, well, Doctor Arden to you and anyone else outside the medical field or Cordonian royal army, and I have both brainstormed about some way other than feeling a pulse to monitor how hard the heart is working and the blood pumping through the veins (blood pressure monitor). Someone with a natural ruddy complexion, like our friends to the north of even the Amazons (so the Scots and Irish), aren't always having issues, but it appears so before we even start our evaluation. If you can invent something to help us check that, we'd both be everso grateful, and I'm betting you could even improve life for your physicians here in England as well."
Clair nodded getting into thought before starting to write in her notebook, scratching things out before writing more down, placing her hand over her chest before returning to her notes.
She would continue to work on this if not interrupted.
"Hmmm, okay pulse, blood pressure..." She mumbled to herself.
"You don't happen to know where like, a major blood thingy is in the body do you?" She asked.
Aurora continued in her seat as Olivia was congratulating her team on the win, and shaking hands with Wendy's for a good match. Finally she glanced at Clair. "Are you talking about the main artery to the heart? The jugular along the neck?" she pointed to the part of her neck where that was, "The other pressure points we use to measure how fast your heart is beating?" She showed the spots on her wrist, under the arm, back of knee, and ankle, as well as other places one could find the pulse besides the very jugular vein she had previously indicated. "I'm a medical assistant, and student under Lieu... I mean Doctor Arden, my dear, of course I know." She sighed. "Unless around the wrist or ankle, I wouldn't know where to put the invention, because it can't be the neck. Obvious reasons."
Clair placed the pen to her mouth in thought and nodded.
"Yes, can't be the neck... I'll mull this over and get back to you when I have some ideas to show you"

Diana continued to interact with the other contestants in the match.
Aurora nodded. "Sounds like a deal. I'm looking forward to seeing what you may come up with. Take your time, though, medical inventions shouldn't be rushed, there to help people after all, and you DO have the whole of the fall courting season. I'm not going anywhere."

Finally, the king came through, shaking hands with Olivia first, and then Diana, Avenger and Amanda. "Well done, there will be extra points for each of you for one of the best polo matches in years, and definitely the best of the season. Real tense and entertaining game with all the passing and even the thievery in the first half. As I recall, the last 1-0 game was the last courting season my daughter attended, four years ago." Gregor looked right at Calla as the Avenger. "A pity she has to bow out early, but at least you're showing why you are a contender, Avenger."

Olivia cleared her throat, looking at Diana first, since the Amazon princess would be the top contender for Calla's hand. "Suppose the top contender is not interested in Princess Calla for anything except friendship? Suppose she's after someone else?" She knew being the captain of one of the winning teams meant Olivia had padded her already big lead.

Gregor rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Honestly, Olivia. I suppose you're asking not just for yourself, but the benefits of the rest of your teammates. Courting season is just that. To pursue and woo who you wish. You just have to be decided by mid December when you paint the portrait of whom you are pursuing, as it's to be a Christmas present to your intended at the Christmas ball back in Dunwyn."
Clair nodded and returned to working on ideas.

Diana Shook his hand back.
"Thank you, your Majesty, though that final play was Olivia's idea, if anyone deserves the credit it is her, though at this point I don't think she needs it."

"Oh, fascinating, what if any limits are on the courting? must you court someone in the competition or must they be royal?" She asked.
Gregor thought for a moment. "Wise question, Diana. There's several royals in competition yet. You and your younger flesh and blood sister, Ruby Rose and although no longer competing," A direct look again at the Avenger, since everyone present was at her unmasking, "As well as my own daughter. Everyone else is either high-end noble, as in Duchesses, or lower ranked nobles... Such as merchants. We even have a medical professional who just happens to also be a duchess." He shrugged. "But, being royal yourself, isn't that point moot since whomever goes for you is getting a royal? Even if it's one of the other two princesses?" A smile. "If this was a popularity contest and not a courting of skills, you, Olivia and Duchess Aurora would be pretty much tied atop the standings. I hear you three the most."

This was news to Olivia and she just gave the king a blank stare, but didn't ask the question on her mind.

The king bid goodbye to the group and said before parting. "A half hour to pack your things, I will give the leader of the games a copy of everyone's total points and ranking once we all reach Grovershire. Let's be off, so we can arrive before high tea¹."

¹-Before 4pm. It's just before noon.
Diana nodded along, though she was just curious about the rules, and mostly wanted to ask for the others since they may or may not know what options they may have.
"Thank you, your Majesty"

Once he left Diana aside to Olivia.
"So any idea who you may want to paint?"
Olivia smirked. "A certain fellow duchess who will be hosting us next. I'm surprised she's not as popular as us. I expected you to be near the top, and I come off as brash or one-track mind.... NOT surprised the doc's up there. Lythikans would either want to marry her or string her upside down, and gut her. Physicians are not well liked in my country. Too many like wearing their scars of battles proudly, and don't want a meddling physician putting balm or hiding it under bandages."

Avenger wandered off, looking for the aforementioned duchess, wondering what the plan was. Last time she was in court, Calla Grovershire hosted a cross between scouting and a scavenger hunt. Would Clair also be curious and wanting a heads up?
Diana smirked.
"Groveshire hmm? interesting, I didn't notice you two spending too much time together."

Clair was hard at work in her journal, and might as well of been blind and deaf to the outside world until someone pulled her out of it.
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