How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair smiled, though it may seem shallow to some that Aurora was after a job via marriage, Clair looked at it differently, showing how a shift in perception can really change appearances.
"Oh, that's so sweet" she blushed with a smile on her face.
"You care a lot about her, so want to make sure she is always safe and healthy, or at least moments away from any care she could ever need." Clair didn't really hear any legitimate reasons for the most part about wanting to marry Calla so in her eyes this was one of the better ones.
"I hope you can win, I am sure since you saved my life, you probably bought lots of points as it will show the judges how you can take care of her after a possible attack," she added still not looking at her as she smiled brightly at what she saw as a very kind act.
"Thank you again for that by the way, I, is there a way I can repay you?"


All Diana could do was wait, nodding as she was lucky to be told anything at all. She just needed to wait and ask Calla when all was said and done.
Aurora blushed. "Well, it also doesn't hurt Cordonia/Dunwyn relations on the political front." She cleared her throat, "but all the political posturing would mean nothing if the princess was ill and unable to..." She waved the casted hand about, trying to think of the word. Failing, she finally shrugged, bringing it down to drape over the outside of the tub. "If she can't diplomat things."

Aurora cleared her throat. "What about you? I mean aren't you her inventor, aren't you? Are you trying for the princess, too?"

Diana would see her mother walk out and nod to Artemis, who nodded back and went in to the cabin.

While Artemis was giving her lecture, Hippolyta would walk over to Diana. "How's the Brittania Amazona lands? Where's Cassandra and is she ready for her rule over the Scandinavian Amazons come May? She taking to her diplomatic lessons well?" Hippolyta didn't know Cassandra was actually in the running for Calla's hand, although not in the top ten yet.
Clair listened as best as she could to her, instinctively looking up toward her for a moment before getting a glimpse of her form and looking away again quickly.
"Oh, umm yeah that makes sense... And I am her inventor, but I'm pretty sure she just got me in here to distract from Avenger, and so I could stand in for her" She admitted, looking down into the water at herself.
"so umm, can I repay you somehow for, saving my life and stuff?" she asked again.


 Diana smiled.
"Oh she is doing well and so are they, and she is actually also in this competition, not doing too bad either, that also goes for her lessons, she is improving, the is for asking. How are things back home?"
Aurora grinned. "And doing pretty good, if I do say so myself; sixth out of thirty is nothing to sneeze at." She was washing herself with a mix of bath oils and soap, as she spoke, one handed. "It's amazing that something containing ashes can get one clean. A bit rough on the skin, but it works."

She then shook her head. "You don't owe me anything. It's my job, even as a medical assistant, to make sure you survive mishaps... But in this case, in spite of you biting him, this was more an assassination attempt. That guy is going to have a long time in the dungeon, if he survives the poisoning he brought on himself." She rinsed off. "I'll fetch the towels if you're ready to stop looking like a prune." She showed her fingers, which were indeed looking slightly pruney.

Hippolyta nodded. "Splendid. All's well in Themiscyra. Harvest of olives, dates and grapes went well. I'll send you your regular shipment of oil? I know you have grapes to make your own wine here. One of the reasons I agreed to take over the lands in England for our people from the Scots." She watched as Calla approached, head down. She turned to her. "You will do well to listen to your sister and the goddesses, princess. So she knows what we discussed, inform Diana of your penance."

Calla stiffened slightly. Barely looking at Diana, she said, "I'm to live off the land, much like your people did when they first came to England. Hunt my own game, foraging, learn how to prepare my food, remember my place among the Amazons, I'm not the princess, I'm a fellow sister and tribesman. Part of a team. Learn from all experiences I encounter going forward."

"So basically, get your head out of your ass?" Cassandra asked, even causing Calla and Hippolyta to chuckle. Artemis raised an eyebrow, yet smirked. Athena folded her arms and glowered. The goddess of wisdom really needed to loosen up, since even the goddess of the hunt was amused.

Cassandra could have said it with just a scoch more tact, though.

Hippolyta asided to Diana. "I see what you mean. She HAS improved, but have her continue working on her diplomatic skills." She then glanced to Athena and they both left together, to return home.
Clair had been doing the same, washing with the available oils and soaps.
"Yes, I believe it works on the principle of using them as a way to attach the oils in our skin to the water that would normally resist it. That way the water can take the oils and things in those oils off with it, and the as ashe is to help grind some of the harder stains off I suppose?" she explained.
"Not exactly my area of expertise but I did some reading into it"

Clair nodded as she was told she was just doing her job. She kind of understood that sometimes when she made a device that really helped someone they would similarly thank her. She got a little pale at the mention of an assassination.
"You really think he was trying to kill me? Why would he want me dead?" she asked with a nod at the towel looking up momentarily to see her hand.


Diana nodded and could not help but stifle a chuckle at the comment as well. Once the great left leaving Diana and Calla she looked at her.
"You up for the task? And was it said you had to live off the land alone?" She asked hand on her hip.
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With a nod, Aurora stepped out of the tub first, and gathered both towels, handing one to Clair while wrapping herself with the other. "Olivia!" She called after fastening her towel around her. "Have they returned with our change of clothes?"

"Keep your towel on, doc! They just got here! Are you both decent enough?" Olivia snipped through the door.

"We're all girls, Olivia! Come in, and give us our fresh clothes!" Aurora groaned.

Olivia entered and presented the clothes, Aurora would find the dress was too big for Clair, so Aurora would be in it. "Geez, at least it's Valtoria colours... What the hell is this tiara for?! I'm not the princess! Ruby's idea of a joke?!" Clair would have a blue and gold pantsuit.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "If you don't want to insult the princess... You better wear it, Aurora."


Calla nodded with a half-hearted shrug. "Well, not exactly, alone alone. I have to do as the first English Amazons, plural, did, according to Artemis and Queen Hippolyta. Athena would rather I learn the hard way." She took a deep breath. "Artemis was the one to say I learn, yet continue with the court games as usual. I have to forage and hunt for my meals, though. I don't eat with the rest of the girls, getting already prepared meals. That's part of my penance. I literally have to kill and prepare my own meat."
As Aurora and Olivia called out to one another Clair was making her way out of the the bath, making sure the towel didn't get wet as she continued to compose herself, getting a little lightheaded again but recovered.

As Olivia entered she would see everything that Aurora did earlier before Clair managed to get the towel around herself to dry off and cover up.

Clair was a bit worried that Aurora didn't answer her question about why someone would want to kill her but tried to put it out of her mind as she dried and attempted to dress, though in her weakened state would need help to dress in any kind of decent period.


Diana nodded.
"Well, you should at least be well-versed in how to do just that, and if your father is angry enough with you might be good practice if he decides to give you a temporary banishment when you return. Though how are you still participating for your own hand?" she asked seeming confused by her allowance into the games.
Aurora sighed, looking at Clair, and then Olivia, as the latter gaped at the scars on Clair, finally sort of answered Clair's question. "I can tell an assassination attempt when I see one, but I'm not sure how to explain how one in high position can be attacked."

Olivia glared at Aurora. "You're in the same position, Service! How do you NOT know?" She growled.

"Who wants to assassinate a healer, Olivia?"

Olivia sighed, "Plenty of Lythikans! Cordonia is too soft! You would definitely be on somebody's list in Lythikos!"

She thought about it. "I might have an idea if she asks me... And any of the princesses would, including Diana and Cassandra. With Calla Dunwyn having two jobs, one as a vigilante, there's definitely a target on her. I've heard some of the knights plotting to hang her. That's basically assassination."

Aurora's eyes went wide. "So rubbing people the wrong way? Who could have been rubbed the wrong way by Clair?!"

Olivia lost her glare. "THAT is a VERY good question... I don't know. Association with the Crimson Avenger is hardly an excuse, even in Lythikos."

This showed how wrong people like Igthorne and Cornwall really were.

Calla shrugged. "I think this became more a regular court season, anyway, Diana. Olivia's made it pretty clear she doesn't want MY hand. I, personally, put Clair in as a vyer as a favour to her mom and herself to help with her social anxiety and get her to open up to her peers."

So Clair's thoughts were spot on. She was there as a favour, and Princess Calla HAD talked to her mom about her getting out more. "Only Clair doesn't know that, and it's best she doesn't learn. I swear Aurora is here to be the resident medical aid on field. Millicent only comes to make connections and learn the newest gadgets." She chuckled. "She's probably having a field day with Clair here this year."

Calla took a deep breath. "Let's hope my father is just as discerning about what's going on in the court as anyone else who has been watching the proceedings. Let's also hope I'm not disqualified from court or I won't be able to keep an eye on Clair." Could THAT be why Artemis still wanted Princess Calla in court? To watch over Clair?
Clair got the towel wrapped around her and started to dry herself while trying to stay covered as she listened to the other two talk about what they seemed sure was an assassination attempt. The more they talked the more pale Clair got.

"I, why would they want to kill me? because of my connection to Avenger? Is this about the whole hanging puppets thing?" she asked her voice shaking as she brought a hand up to her neck, imagining what they may have had planned for her had they managed to take her. With that she promptly fell to the ground, towel falling off her thankfully at least dry exposed body.


Diana listened to her and kept her thoughts to herself until Calla was done.
"Okay so by the sounds of it, you don't have many official true contestants left. I and Groveshire among them," she asked.

"As for Clair, it's Nice that you are trying g to help her be more social and their business, but don't you think you should be honest with your intentions with her, she isn't exactly an expert on this stuff and might actually think you are interested, and be interested back. Plus if Avenger doesn't want her as an inventor, you may be putting her in unnecessary danger, given the attack earlier," she explained.

Diana took a breath.
"You might be left in the court to watch her, if she is a potential target they would want the Avenger around you to help protect her inventor," she suggested.
When Aurora and Olivia heard Clair, they turned just in time for her to faint. Neither of them close enough to catch her.

"Dammit, Service!" Olivia hissed as both rushed to Clair's side.

"Me?! It's the stress of what occurred and could have!" Aurora balked, as she knelt first and gently began patting Clair's cheeks again. Cooing, Aurora called Clair's name.

"Fine. Let's agree to disagree on who's fault this is, and get her back to the waking world." Olivia huffed. She even 'helped'. "C'mon, warrior, back on your feet. Battles to win. Enemies to vanquish."

"Really, Olivia?" Aurora sighed exasperated.

"Hey. It works in Lythikos." Olivia shrugged.

Calla sighed again. "That's just it, Diana. I think you and Grovershire do have competition for my heart and therefore my hand. The way Aurora took it upon herself to protect Clair, and even Clair herself. I want Clair to be my inventor, and it's more than just being proactive with her. I think I might actually like her, I'm not sure if I like her in that way, not like I know regarding you and Duchess Calla, at least not yet." She shook her head. "We need to get back, inform father of the changes to the diners. Athena wants me to start immediately on learning the humility of fending for myself regarding eating. At the very least."
As Aurora tapped her cheek gently she stirred, eyes twitching lightly at the stimulation, before she slowly opened her eyes to see the two girls above her.
"Hmmm? What can I do for you?" she replied with a half-out-of-it mumble and gentle smile. She reached up weakly toward them with her hand.
"Pretty" she added with another almost sleepy or drunk-sounding mumble.


Diana nodded along with her.
"Very well, we might as well go get the king informed about everything, I'm sure he will approve of your chosen punishment"
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Olivia sighed in relief as Aurora let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "You can get dressed?" Olivia commented with a shrug, before huffing at being called 'pretty'. "And we aren't pretty."

Aurora grimaced. "For once we agree, unless Clair's talking about my heart." To her, beauty was more about the person inside, and not the outward appearance. She took Clair by the hand, and Olivia handed the clean pantsuit over. "Clair? Can you get dressed? Need help?"

"Service is your physician. She's responsible for helping you dress if you need it. Welcome back." Olivia nodded.

Gregor raised an eyebrow as he heard the punishment. Although he agreed to the stipulations, he still shook his head sadly, sending Calla and Diana mixed signals. "You're getting a double serving of humble pie, Calla. And Artemis WANTS you to stay in court? Everyone here now knows the Dunwynian princess is The Crimson Avenger! What's the point of you being here as The Crimson Avenger?" He put a hand to his head. "As soon as either of you see Aurora Service, send her to me. I think I may have need of her medical prowess, myself. Fine, the day is over anyway, go hunt game, Calla, get your meal." He shooed her off, but gave Diana a nod.
Clair took her hand and sat up placing a hand on her head as she got to a sit.
"Tired... Dizzy.." she mumbled looking up to the others as they spoke.
"Dressed?" she asked looking down at herself, and then cupping her hands over her breasts.
"Oh no... I'm naked" she sighed sounding distraught, and still loopy.
"Need to dress," she said as she started to look for the clothes, it was clear from the way she moved she would need help.


Diana nodded in return to him and awaited Calla to head out for her hunt.
"Your majesty, perhaps they want her to stick around as the Avenger in case another attack happens? So far the news is contained to those present at the unmasking. Perhaps we can use that knowledge to our advantage, keeping her in the court, without a chance to win can test her capabilities while also keeping all targets within our vision." She suggested.
Aurora would help Clair get dressed, beginning with the pants first. "Step in, that's it, other foot. Good." She'd direct and help physically move if needed. "I'm not surprised you're tired and dizzy. I can let you have liquids... Which reminds me," she momentarily looked at Olivia, "Get me a bottle of wine, younger vintage, preferably red. Nothing older than '60 if you can help it. Less alcohol, the better, but grapes would do good for her system."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Even I knew THAT, Service."

Aurora would continue helping Clair dress, but have her stay seated.

Gregor nodded as he put a hand to his head. "That makes sense. And I cannot forgo her points. Just because she's also the princess, Crimson Avenger can still legally try for someone's hand, based on where she sits in the standings." He chuckled, "Although mathematically still in the running, she's still over 100 points out of tenth place at this time. She's got a big hurdle to leap in court as well as her chastisement from the Amazon goddesses. I don't expect The Crimson Avenger to be able to do both. Besides, her abilities WILL most assuredly, be put to the test. We hopefully play the two matches tomorrow morning, and then head to Grovershire by early afternoon." He nodded to her. "Dismissed, Diana. Doesn't matter she's The Crimson Avenger, Calla knows no one is allowed to hunt alone. Catch up to her."
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Clair would indeed need help, clearly that poison had still yet to take it's full effect, and even when it was kicked out of her system relatively fast its worrying the amount of effect it still had, all they could do now was treat her symptoms and hope they didn't get worse and she would improve with the proper rest and care.

She would be easy to manipulate, going with the motions Aurora lead her through, though as she tasted the wine would reel back.
"eww, yucky..." she would.complain.


Diana nodded alon with his assessment, giving a warriors now when he dismissed her.
"Of course your Majesty" she said before running off to catch up to Calla.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Yucky? Wine is yucky? Since when?!"

Aurora shook her head, taking the cup from Clair to set it down on the floor. "If she hasn't had newer vintage before, Olivia. Older is better, except on dispelling adamantum." She focused again on her 'patient', "I get it hasn't been even the better stuff we've had in our meals..." Aurora turned as Olivia cleared her throat. "What now, Olivia?"

"Both dinners she's been at, the ball dinner, and the tavern in Dunwyn last night, I believe she's had tea."

Aurora frowned. "Wonderful." She faced Clair again, staying eye level with her. "The new wine has medical properties that will help you get better quickly. One is the main ingredient in wine. Grapes. So, for me, at least finish this cup. I'll see that you have tea during dinner. It can even be your choice of hot, and a more tepid temperature." She handed the cup back. "Please. And sip, don't swig."

Calla smiled as Diana caught back up to her. "I get that I'm to only feed myself, but I'm not exactly sure what I should be hunting. I probably wouldn't have ate much of the planned dinner as I didn't exactly exert much energy. Tackling that kidnapper, notwithstanding, I really didn't do anything." She looked at Diana, as she put her bow back on her shoulder, for an idea of what to hunt. She really wasn't THAT hungry... Just enough, really, to be slightly annoying to herself. Diana wouldn't even hear her stomach rumble like it would be apt to, when Calla had done a lot of activity.
Clair seemed to space out a little as they spoke to each other, Olivia was absolutely correct, Clair had tea at the dinners instead of wine. Clair didn't like wine or any sort of alcohol really and once they realized that and pushed the wine on her she looked at Aurora and blush a little.
"Okay..." She pouted, taking a sip and wincing, sticking her tongue out and shivering.
"Hey, you want to know a secret?.. I can lick my eyeball" She snickered taking another sip of the wine and reacting the same as she had before.


Diana nodded.
"I understand you are not that hungry now, but remember, the entire time you are needing to hunt for yourself, you will be getting less food, that will add up, why not hunt full force each night, and if you have extra, preserve it as best you can for the next night, where you may be missing it."
Olivia kind of snickered as Aurora raised her whole brow. "Well, that's.... Certainly an interesting talent. If I wasn't pretty sure it would gross out most of the ladies in court, I'd almost recommend it for the talent show later in the year. Do you have any other unique talents?"

Olivia was definitely amused. "Now, Service, don't put undue pressure on the poor lass. There's no guarantee we're even going to Broad Commons this year, since we just went last year."

"Well, there's no harm in being prepared, right Clair?" Aurora was thinking, maybe with the focus on anything else, Clair wouldn't even notice she would finish the cup of wine. The proscription, that most non-drinkers likened to cough syrup.

Calla made a face as they would enter the woods. "Which still begs the question... What should I try for? Quail? Pheasant ? Boar? Something else that lives out here?"

Being royal, she would have had a myriad of the different game throughout her 17 years, except for something like squirrel, chipmunk or opossum, which would be something a villager would have. She really was completely new at the concept of hunting for her food. She could outforage or outscavenge any of the other nobles, including Olivia and Aurora (but probably not Diana). At least this and subsequent hunts would enhance and hone both her tracking and scouting, both of which would be needed in upcoming games.
Clair smiled, looking at Olivia and then Aurora.
"I, uhh, do like be prepared..." She took another sip and shivered again.
"Other talents? umm, not really, umm, what about you two, do you have any, lick your eye things?" She asked looking back toward Olivia as she took another sip, once again shivering at the taste.


"Well that depends, what do you know how to prepare, boar will likely get you more meat, but pheasant is probably easier to find" She replied, curious what else Calla could add.
Olivia chuckled but then cleared her throat. "I wasn't doing well last year until the talent show.... I wowed the king and scared half the court."

Aurora smiled, glancing at Olivia. "And impressed both Ruby, in her first court season, and myself. I don't know why Millicent said she wasn't impressed. Her eyes got big as saucers with a mile wide grin." She turned her eyes back to Clair. "Just a little bit more, and you'll finish your prescription. I could've been behind the counter at any tavern if I hadn't impressed the Cordonian royal physician with my medical knowledge. That's who's assistant I am."

Olivia wasn't exactly trying to brag, just state facts, as she said nonchalant, "Oh, I think juggling seven very sharp daggers is what did it.... So, Service, you're telling us you'd have been a lowly barkeep?"

"Or service wench, one." Aurora nodded. "Definitely a lesser noble if barkeep. Or not one at all, if service wench. You're basically a servant, waiting tables."

This could raise a question for Clair; how was Aurora the Duchess of Valtoria, if she started her working career as a barkeep? Mixing cocktails would hardly qualify her as an heiress of a noble house!

Calla blushed and looked at the ground, finally stopping altogether. "Diana. Even as the Avenger, I don't know the first thing about cooking, or preparing food. I mean, I hunted while training with Artemis, and I know the very basics, like skinning and whatnot."
Clair smiled and sipped more of her wine as she listened to them speak, reflexively shivering after each sip.
"Wow, dagger juggling, that sounds dangerous" She smiled, sounding impressed and possibly intrigued.

"And medical knowledge, wow.. smarty pants.." She smiled slurring her words a little after finishing her glass.

She looked back to Olivia and leaned toward her a little as she just quietly looked at her before speaking.
"H-how do you know if you are attracted to someone vs when that person is just pretty?" She sighed and laid down on her back.
"Like I don't understand how anyone knows like you are like so pretty it's ridiculous" She murmured.


"Then I suppose either focus on fruits and berries and other such things or try and learn to cook, not that complicated, apply heat till the meat looks right." She smirked.
Olivia raised an eyebrow as Aurora started giggling. "Watch it, Service!" She then looked at Clair, not really sure what to think. "Are you flirting?" She finally managed, half amused, in all actuality. Another look at Aurora. " Damn. What was in that wine?"

That tore it, poor Aurora was doubled over in laughter, shaking her head.

Olivia finally shrugged. "You like them for something besides their looks. Personality. Abilities. Maybe it's more a crush, I suppose..." Again a raised eyebrow. "Why? What are you saying?"

"I think she likes you. I mean your whole super warrior motif. Even Diana likes you because of it. With you, they either love you or hate you. There's no in-between." Aurora explained. "Just like it's either respect or fear. I'm pretty sure Millicent, at the latest, respects you."

Olivia raised an eyebrow towards Aurora. "I'm beginning to think you also have a crush, then, doc."

Aurora suddenly got real quiet, looking down to her feet and blushing.

Calla nodded, she just got 'owned' Amazon style, and she knew it. "I can ask for help? Not asking you to do it, just kind of, I don't know, give some pointers..." She trailed off, before beginning to pull grass like flora, looking at the bulbs. "As I thought. Wild onions!" She pulled a few more, before making a face. "Dash it all. I forgot to grab some travel sacks. I'm so not used to this..." They would hear some rustling up ahead in the bushes, where a flock of another game bird was. Grouse.
Clair stayed laying on her back as she looked between the others, listening to them but only really absorbing bits and parts of what they were saying in her current state.
"pfft hehehe" She giggled at their back and forth.
"Y-yeah, it's like when they are funny, and umm, capable, umm and uhh strong.. and have intelligence, but you are like both great. I get like weird feelings I don't understand, and these thoughts I am like, whaaat? why did I think that, you know?" She asked.


Diana placed a finger to her lips, tapping her gently on her shoulder and pointing toward the bushes.
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Olivia and Aurora both nodded, "I think we've all had crushes before. Wondering why we thought something... Improper...about someone we really like seems universal." Olivia stated.

Aurora thought about the rest of Clair's statement. "Weird feelings, like being drawn to them? An attraction? Your stomach feels like it's flipping, and you can literally feel your heart race when the person you like is around? Maybe like it's up in your throat?" Was she speaking from experience, or trying to diagnose the symptoms?

Calla let her bow slide off her shoulder and quietly nocked an arrow. Nodding, she went towards the bush without making a sound. Quickly, she took aim, daring not to even breathe, just as Artemis taught her.

Suddenly the bush rustled and a covey of grouse shot out, and Calla fired arrows back to back to back, just ahead of them.

She nailed two, but the third missed and lodged itself in a tree hole, accidentally catching herself a squirrel to go with her intended two birds.
Clair nodded and let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh good, it's not just me, and yes, all those things, weird thoughts, all the feelings you said, it makes me very confused." She admitted.


Diana nodded at her shots,
"That should be plenty. I'll help you figure out preserving, but first, you need to prepare the meat so it can be worked on, then we make something for smoking and jerking the remainder of the meat." She explained.
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