How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Olivia stooped down, as Calla shook her head. "All I did was stop a kidnapping. She did bite the guy, several times, but he wouldn't let her go." Calla said, hand on knee, as she stayed kneeling. "Unless... Diana, don't the Amazons have some kind of herbal remedy for knockout victims? Runs in my head, after an extra grueling sparring session, the Grecian Amazon physician administered something to both me and my sparring partner after we literally knocked each other out."

"No matter how much I wailed on him with my cast. He was bound and determined to keep holding on, even as I was choking him." Aurora offered. "And if the herbal remedy works better than that potent smelling salts we currently have..."

"Some poisons can be worn on the skin, making biting potentially harmful." Olivia said calmly, "like certain plants that don't smell dangerous." She listened to the other two. "If you got some of those herbs, Diana.... I think right now, smelling salts cure would be worse kind of wake-up since we don't know if we had something on his hands."

It was at this moment, Calla felt the top of her head. "Anybody seen my hat?"
Diana listened to the others.
"Sadly I do not have those herbs on me, they are made in our homeland, and as for the unscented poisons it's possible, I am no medical expert when it comes to those things." She placed a hand on her chin as she looked toward Clair.
"Olivia, do you have any methods for finding these less noticeable poisons?" She asked.
"We should definitely figure that out before waking her, as she will be in no doubt an excited state, causing an elevated heartbeat and if there are poisons in her system, they will be moved around her body more."

As Avenger asked for her hat the guard spoke up.
"Here your Highness" He replied without thinking.
Olivia smirked and nodded. "Unfortunately, any Lythikan noble can. We are taught chemistry. Another unfortunate thing, is to run a MEDICAL diagnosis on some blood... I need a practicing physician. Not a bunch of first aid experts like those present."

Aurora was taken aback. "H-How did you know? I-I-I'm a medical assistant in Cordonia! It's the highest rank a woman can get in Cordonia if she's not royal!"

Olivia just smirked. "You said you were wailing on him with your cast. Only someone with medical knowledge would know how to wield her broken wrist as a weapon without harming herself farther."

Calla excused herself, and walked over to the guard. "Thank you, hand it over, please." She had no idea her father had a stipulation first.

Meanwhile, Gregor had left, caught up to the guards holding the attempted kidnapper, with a few of his guards. Through the window in the door, he asked coolly. "With eyes all over, what the hell was Sigmund thinking, sending you to grab a merchant?!"
Diana nodded as this group seemed to have things covered and went to help the King with his investigation as he left.

As Calla approached the guard he gave a bow.
"My apologies, but I am in direct order from His Majesty to keep the garment until you remove your own, the-the mask that is!" He specified realizing how it sounded at first.

As Gregor caught up and questioned him, he would see a more pale look on his face before he seemed to clock out, unconscious, upon inspection a small breakage of skin would be found on his hand where he was bitten, and it had turned a slight purple colour.

Diana happened to spot just the mark, remembering the comment Olivia had made, she looked closer for a better inspection.
"He may have a poison in his system... I gotta go!" She said before running back to the others, quickly going to Aurora and Olivia.

"The man had a bite wound that had some purple-greenish colouring around it, and he just went pale and passed out, could that be a poison that got into his system but was there for Clair?" She asked Olivia and Aurora.
"If so Aurora, you may need to take over as doctor for this, especially if we don't know the effects or speed of the potential poison."
Aurora made a face. "That sounds like bruising. She then cleared a spot, "You know how to separate platelets, I take. Use a finger, do you have a kit with you¿"

"In my saddlebags. I always come prepared for anything. We've nary a moment to lose, now. I'll need my portable enlarging glass and something sterile to set the blood on." She looked at Clair's face, and said, "Gotta get some blood from you. Sorry, luv."

Aurora frowned. "Medical assistant, remember? I know what you need, I just needed to know where to get them and if you had any." She excused herself and headed for Olivia's horse.

Meanwhile, Calla glared at the guard, before it softened. "My mask. I see. So it really is over." She reached behind her head, undoing the cloth and revealing her eyes. She held it out. "Fair exchange, I guess. I feel more naked without my hat. The excitement had to settle before I realized it was gone, though."

Gregor would return shortly after the exchange. "Did you get my daughter's mask?"
Clair would remain still on the ground unable to refuse or give consent to her blood being taken.

The Guard made the swap with a nod.
"Afraid so your highness"

When the King returned the Guard saluted and held the mask out for him.
When Aurora returned, Olivia used the tip of her dagger to break the skin on Clair's index finger and put some blood on a sterile piece of glass. Carefully, she laid it flat and used her enlarging glass carefully making three separate 'puddles'. "Nobody so much as breathe" she informed the others taking her face away from the glass. "I mean, around me and my work."

Aurora, had professionally wrapped Clair's finger and watched Olivia working with the chemicals.

"Eureka!" Olivia declared after half an hour. "It's not plant at all! It's ore. A rare metal. I need to test something with a different puddle, but she's been poisoned by the rare metallic ore known as Adamantum. It's similar to your bracelets Diana, but actually stronger than Feminum. Both metal ores are along other rare finds like titanium. There's only one area of England you can find adamantum."

Calla had returned, now wearing her hat, but without her mask. "Drekmore. Igthorne was behind the attack. Why am I not surprised?"

Olivia nodded at Crimson Avenger, and then did a double take. "Your mask?!"

"Payment to get my hat back from the king." Calla explained. "So... How do we get the adamantum out of her system?" She asked.

"It's been ingested. I don't know." Olivia shrugged.

"Induced vomiting. Get her on her side. We need to force her to throw up. That's for starters." Aurora said, taking charge. "Avenger. Ask the king if he has some castor oil. A teaspoon should be enough."

Calla shivered. "I'm liable to get a dose of that myself." She balked.

"Medical emergency, here, someone needs to go!"
Diana sat by and waited as Olivia did her work, looking surprised when it was not a plant, but a metal that poisoned her, feeling even more guilty at her initial proclamation that she wasn't poisoned, if not for Olivia, she likely would have gone undiagnosed and, who knows what would happen after that.

Diana took off, needing to make up for her potentially lethal mistake, and went to the King.
"Your Majesty, we need Castor Oil, not much, but maybe a bottle, but we need to be able to take about a teaspoon at a time!" She declared, staying stoic while also being clear about the severity of the situation.

Meanwhile, Clair's skin was seeming to get more pale to those who might have the perception to notice.
Gregor nodded. "Clair, right?" He clapped his hands. Soon Diana would have the spoon and a bottle containing the equivalent of six of them. "You have a teaspoon left, you ought to give it to Calla." He showed the mask. "For her lies. Great hero, very bad daughter. And you can quote me. Off with you. Save Clair."

Aurora was the most observant, having actually studied under Cordonian physicians. "We don't have much time left. She's paling."
"Yes!" Diana replied quickly and ran back, knowing time was of the essence.

"Here! I have what you asked for, but will she throw up when unconscious?" She asked.

Luckily Clair was declining slowly, but as Aurora said she was still declining.
"I heard a story in Cordonia, about how they got an unconscious individual to eject something they swallowed which was in the stomach." She caressed the throat to swallow the castor oil. "Get her back on her side, that's it, now Olivia, hold her steady on her side. I'm going to use the back of the spoon to activate swallowing in order to basically make her gag on the handle of the spoon. There's no hope if this doesn't work."

With meticulous medical detail, Aurora used the handle of the spoon to tease the muscles in the back of the throat, to induce the gagging reflex, and hopefully cause a reflux of anything in Clair's stomach in the last few hours.

Aurora knew the dangers of this would be a face full of bile (stomach acid) but if it saved Clair, it was worth needing a bath a few days early.
Diana nodded staying by in case they needed her for some reason.

So far the operation seemed to go well, they manage to get the castor oil in her and set her on her side, as Aurora started to carefully move the spoon in she would quickly learn that Clair had a very sensitive gag reflex and not only threw up but awoke and manage to turn away from everyone as well as spit the spoon out. Though she also had a very confused look on her face.
As if her confusion wouldn't be enough, Clair was enveloped in a bear group hug by Olivia and Avenger.

"You had us so worried!" Olivia said.

"She's not out of the woods yet, you two." Aurora then called to a nearby servant of the grounds. "A stein of water. Sooner than a trice¹!" She ordered, causing the servant to salute before hurrying off. "All right, give her air, sooner than a trice¹!"

Almost out of fear, Olivia and Avenger both backed off. It wasn't just Aurora's authoritative voice, it was her phrase.

Aurora looked compassionately on Clair. "Sit down. Relax. How are you feeling?"

"Uh... Doctor?" The servant returned, and Aurora pointed to give the water to Clair. "Yes'm. But about yourself, ma'am. Should someone run some water for you? So you can clean up?"

Olivia nodded to Aurora. "Get cleaned up, Service. We can answer any questions Clair has from here."

Aurora made a face. "Drink the water, and keep drinking water. We need to flush the rest of those toxins out of your system." She said in a kind voice to Clair.

The actual Birmingham physician finally came through, as he and the guards took the assault victim to a house for recovery, now that she was stabilized. He paused just long enough to hear the servant call Aurora 'Doctor', before rushing on, especially after hearing Aurora's prescription of lots of water, and seeing the results of vomit.

"A woman doctor. Times are changing."

¹-sooner than a trice would later become the doctors' for immediately. Stat.
"What the?!" She blushed slightly as she was hugged before looking panicked as she did her best to hold in her next throw-up, but couldn't, however, manage to avoid hitting either of the girls hugging her.

Luckily as the two backed off, Clair was able to seemingly clear the rest of it out of her system, staying on all fours as she lost the rest of her lunch, breakfast, and dinner from the night before. By the time the water got to her, she had an empty tank, returning a small amount of colour to her face.
"I feel- uhh.. f- honestly, terrible like I was run over by a four-horse cart..." She held a hand to her head and one to her stomach.

"Cleaned up?" She cleaned her hand to her mouth a little seeing the vomit's remains and nodded.
"Yes please"

She took the water and nodded at the request starting to drink before pausing and swallowing.
"Toxins?! I.. what toxins what is happening? why was I on the ground? why was there a wooden spoon in my mouth? What happened? I... Someone grabbed me..." She went pale again and started to look around.
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"So a bath for two, then, Doctor?" The servant asked, looking between Clair and Aurora.

Aurora sighed as the King finally got over to the crowd again. "Your Majesty..." She looked pleading at him to save her from this seeming insane claim.

Gregor nodded. "Lady Aurora Service of Valtoria, Cordonia is only a medical assistant. A learned practitioner. I will be sending word to Queen Kenna to make her the first female practicing physician in Cordonia, after her heroism today.The festive end of the day's activities are over, and we'll try to play the other two games tomorrow. Olivia, Diana and Amanda. You are dismissed to enjoy your day, and I recommend one of you be present for Aurora and Clair to get cleaned up." He then produced a stick with green leaves he had behind his back, and gave Calla a hard whack with it on her behind.

Calla yelped, jumped, and covered her butt with both hands and bit her lower lip as she looked at her upset father.

"March!" He said sternly, pointing to the center of the festivities where there was a stockade, with the whipping stick. "You're lucky it's just a public whipping and not you IN the stocks. I want your hands out of the line of fire. March, princess!" Calla knew this was a long time coming, and the king was going to wear out that stick on her ass. Literally. And nothing her favourites could do about it.

Olivia shook her head. "You want to take point for Aurora and Clair during their bath, or should I?"

Now would be the time for Clair to interject who SHE wanted at hand.
Clair was still confused about most things, however, she knew she did not need a bath, but what little colour could reach her face did as she heard talk about a bath for two. Though her embarrassment did not last long as she once again passed out,

Diana looked back at Olivia.
"Sounds like another Job for a Captain, I'll go check on the girl who was attacked, you take Clair and Aurora"
Olivia shrugged and nodded. "Let me know how she is." She didn't want to ask how a Nipponese spirit manifested itself, as she knew part of the answer. "I'll be the third party."

Aurora was right at Clair's side as she passed out again. "Can we please stop over-exciting the girl?" She scolded the servant and then Olivia. "We need her to be conscious so she can drink the water."

Olivia bit her tongue, before she bit Aurora's head off. She folded her arms and watched Aurora gently pat Clair's cheeks, saying softly, "C'mon, Clair, stay with us so I can explain what happened..."

The crowd gathered around as Calla was revealed as the Avenger for her public humiliation and whipping. Just as Diana would have to go by there, on the way to the house to visit the assault victim, Calla's hat was removed, her wrists put in the stocks and her waist down exposed for all, as she was punished with the whip, more so for lying to her father.
Clair would gently wake as she was gently patted awake.
"Hmm? What?" Clair was still a little out of it coming out from yet another bout of unconsciousness. However, as she was handed water to drink she would start to drink it as her mind started to clear up and she looked around trying to re-grasp what was happening.

Diana stopped for a moment, wanting to intervene in the whipping, but knew that she was not supposed to be messing with the laws of other lands. She took a breath and then moved forward, approaching the King.
"Pardon me, your Majesty, though I respect your land and your rule here. As well as the disrespect your daughter has given you with her actions, I ask now that you let her instead take her punishment the way of an Amazon, after all, she was posing as a sister. Plus instead of a public display of punishment that quite frankly we see no benefits to, ours can help grow her character and person." She asked, giving the warrior bow before she gave her interjection.
Aurora sighed and helped Clair to her feet. "Clair, I was right next to you when that rogue knight grabbed you. I don't know why anyone would want to kidnap an inventor, well, maybe a vague idea... Nevertheless, I started attacking him to make him let you go. Do you remember biting him? That's probably when you were poisoned, and ingested the adamantum powder he had on his hands. The Crimson Avenger finally brought him down by tackling him, unfortunately, you and I went down with you underneath everything."

Olivia was right with them, supporting both by her presence, and scowl for any and all who stared too long at them.

Calla had already gotten a few whacks as Diana intervened. In tears, she shook her head. "I wasn't posing! Ask your mom, Diana! I'm an honorary Amazon sister of Themiscyra!"

Gregor stopped, and looked at The crowned princess of Brittania Amazona. "She's half Amazon, Diana. Jenna, her mother, was from Themiscyra. Good idea. She needs discipline. I'm sure her friends Artemis and Athena would LOVE to discipline her as well." He unshackled her from the stock. "Pull your pants up, Calla, and go with Diana. Let's see if you actually do learn something. Diana's older than you, so you're her ward. Learn your lesson well, princess." Calla would end up getting a pair of Feminum bracelets at the very least.
Clair looked to Aurora and then Olivia, pausing before speaking in response.
"Y-yeah, it's coming back now, we were judging and I was grabbed, it all went so fast after that." She took a breath.
"Hmm, yes I did bite him, and I do remember an odd metal taste, I thought it was just blood, so I bit harder since he had not yet let go. Then we fell and I woke up again..." She recalled.
"Thank you both... but wait adamantium poisoning, that is lethal... isn't it?" She asked concern in her voice, she would throw up had her stomach had anything but water in it.

Diana nodded.
"All the more reason for her to indeed face the judgment of the Amazons for her deceptions." She declared pulling out the bracelets and slapping them on her and walking off.
"You okay?" She whispered.
Aurora nodded gravely. "It can be if a lot is ingested. And by a lot, I mean as little as a few grams. That's why I had to induce vomiting. Thankfully, your body reacted like it should have with the right incentives."

Olivia cleared her throat, glaring at Aurora.

Aurora coughed reactively to Olivia's "Ahem."

"Something you don't need all the details on, but I'm pretty sure you can figure out from what you have experienced since coming to." Aurora commented. They were soon at the wash room. "I don't have an issue bathing with another girl as we both have the same equipment. I have to be in with you as your presiding doctor. I'll leave it to you if we clean up together, or I clean up after you."

Olivia, keeping her arms folded, said, "Either way, you're both stuck in the room until you both have cleaned up. You're capes aren't soiled, so keep them separate from your pile of clothes. A runner should be by to deliver your change of clothes shortly. I'll be at the door."

Calla sighed. "For now, I guess, although my butt is plenty sore right now." She watched the bracelets be put on her wrists. "Lesson in humility. To remember that the Amazons were once slaves and to do one's best not to repeat the past mistakes." So Calla was familiar with the reason the Amazons wore the bracelets. Or at least the main one. "Diana... I'd almost rather face that whip then your mother's wrath."

Artemis showed up, walking next to Diana. She eyed Calla. "Oh, you have to also face Athena. The goddess of wisdom is very... Perturbed. I'm not happy with my protege, either." Then to Diana. "I'm not privy to everything, but your mother, Hippolyta, is extremely upset as well. She is coming with Athena, and put your eldest sister, my namesake, on the throne while she deals with this. I came first to give you a heads up."
Clair looked down, she felt a little sick that she had been poisoned, not to mention the taste in her mouth, the empty stomach, and the residual feeling of the actual poison in her system, she might be out of the forest, but that was no guarantee that it wouldn't arise again or just act on her more slowly. The Concern was clear on her face as Aurora described it.

Luckily the topic was changed before she got too in her own head about it, and quite frankly, it all still didn't feel real. Even as they reached the washroom she still felt as if it all had not really sunk in yet, and the new topic distracting her didn't help her much on that front.
"I umm, y-yeah we have the same equipment, so it should be fine r-right?" She blushed and though she never made eye contact, this time was actively looking away. She didn't even know if she believed what she was saying, but why would it matter, other girls were fine with it right? Besides, either way, they would both be naked in the room, might as well have it done at the same time.


Diana nodded along with what she said.
"Luckily for you, though they are not pleased, I am sure they can understand you not trusting a man with such a secret, However, not informing us was another issue." She reminded her.
"You will see them in private, we shall only join you if requested by them" She explained.
Olivia looked inside as the two who needed cleaned up entered. Looking around she gave a curt nod. "Two pegs. Well, more than two. I'll take your capes and hang them up, and leave with the servants so you two have privacy." She then smirked at both of them. "I can't believe you two can't even at least look each other in the eye. Is bathing with another so bad?"

Olivia didn't understand that Aurora was the only female in her class, and Clair's loner history, was likely the biggest hurdle for the two. After getting Clair's dragon cape, and Aurora's lion cape, and hanging them on the pegs, she stationed herself at the door, closing it only after the servants left.

Aurora took a deep breath. "I guess we just pile our clothes together, and I see the large full body towels waiting for us when we're finished." She had a pink tint to her cheeks as she stripped and stepped into the tub. "I'm not sure if we face each other, or you sit with your back to me. Your prerogative, I guess." She would take in all of Clair, every scar and anything else Clair would have, but would keep any comments or concerns, medical wise, to herself unless Clair asked for her opinion. She would rather avoid looking, begging the question as to why she was there, vying for Calla's hand.

Calla nodded, and when they reached the specified point, Artemis held up her hand. "We will be speaking to you, individually, sister, right there." The goddess of the hunt, pointed to a one room cabin. "Athena will be first. Pecking order as it were, but you will have the choice of me or Hippolyta next."

Calla sighed. "No offense meant as you're a goddess, but I met Hippolyta when you trained me on Themiscyra. I'll take your lecture last." She headed to the cabin, both were there waiting for her, Athena said something to Hippolyta, and the Amazon queen nodded, gave Calla a stare down, but a curt nod as Calla apparently relayed her choice, and Artemis, satisfied, asided to Diana. "Dealing with those two first is probably the first show of true wisdom Calla has portrayed. There's hope for her already."
Clair couldn't respond to Olivia, instead just developed a familiar blush on her cheeks as she looked down. Clair indeed had quite the loner lifestyle, she had only ever bathed in the creek outside the village, and only early in the morning with her mother present. She had never even seen another girl her age naked before and was worried about how she might feel about it.

Clair took a breath as well, trying to compose herself, it being difficult with her weakened state and her now racing heart rate, was she really about to actually have a bath with another girl!?

"I umm, y-yeah" Clair responded, and might have seen the pinkish hue that adorned Aurora's cheeks had she been looking anywhere near her. She shakily stripped and added her clothes to the pile. Aurora would indeed see many a scar on her, though they would look much different than the battle scars of warriors she knew. Most were burns or cuts along her hands and arms, with the occasional ones along her sides and shoulders, even one on her leg. However, of all her scars the ones that would seem the most strange would be the ones located around her pelvic region, it was hard to imagine how they happened, and why they were as numerous as they are.

"Oh umm, I don't know what the rules are for facing... I suppose if I pass out in the water it would be safer if you were looking..." she replied, still not looking at Aurora at all, she did not like the answer she gave but knew it was what she thought was the most logical.

 As they got into the tub, Clair was not sure what to do or say as they cleaned, so decided to nervously ask what she had already asked others at the party.
"S-so, why are you trying for the princess's hand?"


Diana nodded.
"I think there is wisdom in there somewhere, we just need to learn how to teach her to use it more often. Besides, I certainly hope that you goddesses show some sympathy for the position she was in, and her intentions with the lie being to help others." she replied quietly.
Aurora wanted to ask questions about the scars , some of which she pretty much knew, considering Clair worked with her hands. Some looked like healed signs of abuse, which considering who her parents were, didn't make sense. She really didn't want to intrude, since she wasn't a physician per se.

Aurora would help Clair in the tub if she needed, holding her casted hand out to her, since she knew the cast couldn't get wet. "Considering my expertise, I would think it obvious. If I marry her, she wouldn't have need of calling for a physician for every little bump, scrape and bruise. She'd have a physician right next to her. No waiting while a runner goes for the royal physician."

It did seem that all Aurora wanted out of a marriage to the princess... Was a job.

Artemis chuckled. "I can't speak for Athena, you know how she is about wisdom, but as for me, I understand what she was doing. I'm not all knowing, but did know by her demeanor, and why she HAD to return to England, that she was intending to fight crime, or join her father's army. And before you ask, Diana, you know it wasn't MY place to tell anyone. It was hers. A test she failed miserably. One of the things I'll be talking to her about, plus the fact she soaked in everything I taught her, but went the non-killing route, anyway. Granted, only humans, she wouldn't kill, yet still."

They would watch Queen Hippolyta go in as Athena came out and nodded to her.
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