How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Olivia raised an eyebrow. "Well, why not? King's army whether or not you're volunteer or paid is still prestigious, especially for an English female of noble breeding. We've both seen her in action. She'd been in either Lythikos or with the Amazons she'd be a seasoned veteran by now."

She then motioned towards the dorms. "Let's take a walk, and get packed up, I've given you who I'm most interested in, what about you? Anyone particular you're interested in, or too early to tell? You and the Dunwynian princess have known each other since when? Your move to England from Greece, right? Nearly eight years, just before she turned ten? You've grown up together as neighbors the very least."

Speaking of, on the way to check in with Duchess Calla, Crimson Avenger (Princess Calla) went by where Clair was sitting. "Hullo? Have you already gotten packed up for the three hour trip to Grovershire, Clair? You interested in visiting the Duchess before we arrive in her duchy?" She called in an attempt to bring Clair out of her notebook.
Diana nodded along with Olivia's explanation.
"I see, I mean that is a very logical explanation, but if you removed status and all that would you still pick her?" She asked curious, agreeing to the walk and moving with her.

"As for me, I am not sure yet, though the Princess in question could be a contender, though all this Avenger business makes me wonder how well I really know her, you know?" She brought up.


"Hmm!? Oh, Avenger! n-no I have not packed, but I also don't have anything to pack really, I have not been home since I knew I was to be in this, so don't really have anything that wasn't given to me." She explained looking up from her notebook.
"Oh! I have a few new ideas for you, including a device that launches a hook-like object, then can be used to scale buildings with ease" She whispered.
"But right now I am brainstorming things for medical use, trying to think of a way to measure micro changes in confined air pressure."
Olivia nodded. "Point, on both fronts. Am I after Grovershire because she's a duchess? And how well do even I know Princess Calla? I've been skiing with Calla even after her return from her self exile, as well as hiking and scouting when she came by Lythikos during her self exile. Fool girl asked me to teach her some of Lythikos fighting skills with a rapier. I told her Lythikans do not fence. Lythikans swordfight. Told her to grow up some and come back if she was serious to learn to use a dagger."

She then stopped. "Here now. That was her plan all along, wasn't it? She always could defend herself pretty well, I was present in audience when she snuck into the knight trials to be her bodyguard after her return. She wiped the floor up with men and women alike. I could even see the Amazon training in her. The one person who came the closest to besting her was Amethyst of Galway. Sir Rock's daughter. The king admitted she could take care of herself but ordered her to pick someone for contingency. Thus Amethyst, a new knight and a palace guard, anyway, became her bodyguard."

Calla walked over to Clair. "Which means you still have a few things, as well as your notebook, quill and inkwell. Come on, then, let's get your things together. Whatever the good doctor has you working on can wait." This is exactly what Aurora had said, which Calla didn't know! "I can always talk to our hostess once we arrive in Grovershire. Need a hand up?" She held her hand out to Clair. "How about after we get your little amount in a bag, we talk about me scaling buildings with your device?" She smiled.
Diana decided not to interrupt Olivia as she had mistaken what she had said and let her finish explaining her relationship with Calla.
"That certainly is quite the relationship, though I more so meant to question how well I know Princess Calla, however, given your interest in Duchess Calla, I am curious about how well you know her"


Clair looked at the things she had set up.
"Right, umm... yes please" She reached up and took her hand with a blush, getting up with a hand.
Clair packed up her things, placing them into her bag (that she pretty much always had on her) "So, that climbing device is kind of based on that weapon we don't want to repeat, but this one launches a hook attached to a rope, then when it hooks into something, then you pull something, and it automatically pulls the rope in with enough power to pull you up with it" She explained.
Olivia made a face. "Of course you meant her." She shook her head. "That's what I get for assuming."

She then put a hand to her chin. "The duchess is another matter altogether. She's a few years younger than me. Expert equestrian, but then the dollmakers' gift to her said that much. I've gone riding and hunting with her, know her family's military background. She has nearly 500 acres, which is close to the entirety of Grovershire. Her father taught her to defend herself and her land. Has precious few servants compared to other nobles with vast amounts of land. Doesn't know just military, but knitting, painting and cooking. As you saw this morning, hellova polo player. Has hosted both spring and fall courting season since she was thirteen." She glanced at Diana. "What else specifically do you want to know, that I'd be allowed to tell you?"

Calla nodded, pulling Clair up. "Might be needed during the scavenger hunt later this season." She really didn't need to help with the packing, and the grappling device did intrigue her. "Reason I say the scavenger hunt, is there's been several times that we've had to go into the trees quite literal, to find some of the clues or answers."
Diana nodded along as she explained, raising a hand as she asked if there was anything specific.
"Well. if you are wanting to marry her, is it simply political, or is it also romantic in any way?"


"Oh, yes thus could help for that, though I am afraid I don't think I can have that built for that, as I do not have my workshop or enough time to do such a thing." She admitted.
Olivia blushed at the question, so much so she actually felt the heat radiate off her cheeks. Clearing her throat as her face cooled down, she snarked, "You will tell no one you made me blush, Diana, I mean it; I will emphatically deny it." She sighed. "A bit of both actually. Not only do I find her multi-facets intriguing and could help Grovershire and Lythikos forge a strong alliance that would also benefit Dunwyn and the rest of England... But... I actually have feelings for her. I've noticed them for a few years now." Who knew Olivia actually had a soft heart under her brash, warrior-like exterior?

Calla shook her head. "That's your great talent. I have to wonder what, if anything, you could make if given access to the necessary tools. I know Broad Commons is no guarantee THIS year, since the court just went last, even though it was well received and is reportedly where Olivia came back from the brink of elimination to a contender, but still... You could easily be this year's Olivia story, although you're already a contender. I'm proud of the way you're handling your social issues." She gave Clair one of her "patented princess smiles" she saves for special people.
Diana smiled at her reaction.
"Heh, no worries that gem will stay with me," she smirked.
"I am glad to hear it, and the way things are now, looks like you will be getting to make that move after all" she smiled.


Clair could not help but blush heavily at Calla's compliments, as well as her comparing her to Olivia.
"I... Wow, you think so? I umm, I'm kind of a one-trick horse. But thank you, I have been trying hard, and honestly surprised I didn't pass out more than I did, and one of the times was because I almost died... Which I am trying not to think about because I am kind of freaking out about that, to be honest."
Olivia nodded, "And right now, we're going into my area of expertise..." She rolled her eyes, "Hunting and fighting. Which is Berkshire. This is Grovershire. Scouting and tracking are more your and Millicent's forte. I suppose I could do tracking if I put my mind to it." Olivia could get far with Duchess Calla if she actually showed an interest in the games she hosted. It could be a chance to impress and woo the Duchess, if Olivia was serious about courting the Duchess of Grovershire.

Princess Calla nodded, "But that one trick is very impressive. Are you not working on something for three different representatives of three kingdoms? Me for Dunwyn, Millicent and in effect Queen Amalas of Monterisso, and Aurora and therefore Queen Kenna of Cordonia?"
Diana placed a hand on her chin.
"The question is, do you think the Duchess will want to see you showing off your skills, or, better appreciate you showing interest in what she is interested in?" She asked.


Clair blushed.
"Well, I umm, I suppose I am, but really it's more like all of you motivated me to work on something that can be shared with all three" She replied rubbing her arm.
Olivia smirked. "She rarely takes an interest in getting off the horse to actually track. She's more a scout. The duchy of Grovershire has hosted the events prior to Calla taking over from her father. She just never changed it. Tradition and who would take tracking after Grovershire has had it with scouting for over fifty years? I think Calla's stuck with it."

She then glanced at Diana. "You know... Now that you're established in England, why can't Britannia Amazona host court games? I'm sure you'd make great hosts... Well for maybe the spring season, it's even wetter and rawer than Lythikos farther north you go. Scotland is downright brutal, and easily gives us a run for our money every winter. We still get more snow." Yeah, being in the Alps would do that.

It was time to board the carriages for Grovershire.

Calla made a motion that would basically say "And there you are."

Calla had finally walked them to the area where the carriages sat, ready to be loaded with people and belongings. "Inventing makes you happy, Clair. It's also a good outlet for you. You'll always be MY inventor, the Crimson Avenger's, I mean, and I don't mind you helping out our allies which both Monterisso and Cordonia are. I actually want you to make friends with Millicent, Ruby and Aurora, too."
Diana nodded.
"Well yes it would make sense, though we still have laws that no man may enter our lands, so the King would not be able to attend, that does not sound like it would fly too well."


Clair blushed at Avenger's response her hand moving to shyly move hair behind her ear.
"Wow, I umm, thanks, I promise I will always do my best to keep things progressing forward, I am just happy I can be of some use" She smiled.
Olivia chuckled. "I'm wondering what he's going to do, or what we're going to do, with his only daughter closing in on 18. There are other court seasons around the country, but Dunwyn, and surrounding areas, have been the most diverse." She looked around as the women boarded the carriages. "Better find the Avenger's. Knowing Gregor, Calla's in even hotter water, so her four close friends have to ride together."

The princess saw Olivia and Diana and waved them over, but she only waved once Diana would look over the crowd.

After trying to get Diana's attention, Calla looked at Clair. "I see father wants to rub it in a little..." She pointed to one of the horses. "That's the one I always borrowed from the village stables when I would go on horseback. Actually, borrow isn't the right word. How do you borrow your own steed. The owner of the stables said as long as I feed, water, groom and exercise her, he considers her mine... Or rather, the Avenger's."

She would help Clair in and wait for Diana and Olivia, to help them in. She kept glancing around for Grovershire, forgetting that the hostess has to meet the carriages at the duchy, and had to go on ahead.
Diana saw the nod and waved back.
"Looks like we are headed that way, the King probably wants us with Avenger"

Clair blushed and looked a little worried.
"Oh, are we going to need to ride horses ourselves? I don't know how..." she admitted.
Wendy Darling who had brown hair with just a hint of kind of a rust look, leaned on Avenger's shoulder. "You sure can pick 'em, eh, princess?" She allowed Calla to get a fussing Olivia in, before continuing her trash talk. "I can't WAIT to see how you finally blunder something as the Avenger." She smirked as she pulled Calla's hat down over her eyes, right when Calla would be putting her hand out to help Diana in the carriage. "Good luck teaching her how to ride a horse."

Olivia glared at the Berkshire Lady while Calla uncovered her eyes. "At least she's middle noble. I couldn't see a duchess acting like that. Dukedom, or Duchessdom, is a heartbeat from the throne unless there's an heir." She shook her head and scoffed. "Even calling her a 'lady' is a stretch."

She should know about close to the throne, and if Clair remembers (and was present) Olivia mentioned how her family, the Nevrakis family, were next in line for the Lythikan throne.
Diana got into the carriage anyway, looking toward the girl with a raised brow, she didn't say a word but simply rolled her eyes at her before getting in fully.

Clair meanwhile sunk down a little, knowing she was the source of the mockery for Avenger.
"I am sorry..." She whispered still sunken down a little.

Once hearing the other Diana spoke up.
"Pay her no mind"
Olivia, for once, didn't know to whom Diana was addressing. Sure, Clair apologized for something not completely within her control, but Olivia just made a remark that if Wendy had overheard (thankfully, she didn't), Olivia could be accused of slander... Even if it was true. Olivia folded her arms across her chest and huffed, "Pay her no mind? Diana, she just put down Clair's lack of equestrian ability AND Calla's ability as a teacher... I think I had every right to pick on her lack of etiquette!"

Calla sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Down, Olivia. BOTH of your replies were warranted. Yours about her lack of upbringing, and hers to both you and Clair. We're dropping the subject, now."

Once she was sure Olivia wouldn't add fuel to the fire, Calla turned to Clair. "Chin up. It's really not that hard to ride a horse. I'm sure between me and several of your other friends, you'll be riding tall in the saddle before you know it."

"Tall in the saddle? Where in thunder did you hear that?" Olivia asked with raised eyebrows.

"Tornok when I trained with him. He had a million of them, and I learned several hundred of them." Calla explained.

Olivia chuckled and then asided to Diana, "THAT I believe. Hellova hand to hand master, and master of the oddball sayings, as well."
Diana just looked over toward Olivia as she went off, she had been talking about Wendy, and she would not focus on what she had said, but before she could retort Calla stepped in. She simply nodded at what she had said and kept quiet, letting the topic die.

"It sounds like you may be the best to teach Clair how to ride, or perhaps Olivia as well. Or maybe even try to get her excused from it somehow or have her ride with one of you" Diana suggested.

Clair nodded.
"Oh! I wouldn't mind just riding with someone, on the saddle behind or in front however that works... Admittedly I have never actually been on a horse and am, umm a little, terrified about it..." she said nervously.

Diana looked over hearing that.
"You know she can't be scared while on horseback..."
Both Olivia and Calla nodded. They were both thinking the same thing and Olivia started the sentence. "The first thing we should do..."

Calla finished it, " introduce the horses."

Both gave each other a startled look, and Calla said, "Like minds..."

Olivia quickly finished, "think alike."

If there was any doubt either of the other two had of the two being friends, it would be quickly dispelled, surely, by their little unintended show of being on the same page.

Soon, they arrived at the Grovershire duchy, which looked more like a mansion than a castle like most other duchies, including Olivia's.

Duchess Calla Grovershire was dressed in a colourful two toned gown of blue and green with the family necklace displayed around her neck. "Welcome, everyone! Let's get everyone checked in, your rooms given out, and then the rest of the afternoon until dinner is yours!" With it being nearly two o'clock, there wouldn't be much of the afternoon left before five-thirty. If Princess Calla and Olivia wanted time to introduce the horses to Clair, someone needed to step forward and let Duchess Calla know to get them sorted out first.
By the time they arrived, Clair finally looked like she had life in her again, before this point had always looked tired and or pale as snow.

As they learned of their schedule for the day, Clair was busy still writing in her notebook, something she had also been doing on the way over.
Diana meanwhile, poked Olivia with her elbow before gesturing toward Clair, hoping she would recall the plan they had made before.
Olivia raised an eyebrow, and looking Clair's way, gave a nod. She motioned with her head towards the stables then made another head nod towards Aurora, before joining the princess who had already caught the duchess who shared her name.

Olivia hoped all the silent back and forth wasn't lost on Diana, and the Amazon grabbed both the physician and the inventor and herded them towards the stables.

Olivia waited until Princess Calla had finished, before adding her own two pence. "Give us also the room for Duchess Aurora Service, because as the only onsite physician..."

Grovershire held up her hand. "Say no more, Olivia. I would have ordered you two to take the good doctor along as an insurance policy. I care about Clair, too. You, however, have to see the king before you join the gang. Something about leading in the standings?" She pointed to the King, just getting out of his carriage.

With a sigh and eye roll, Olivia walked over to the king. She would make it back to the stables five minutes after Crimson Avenger, finally relieving Diana, unless Diana wished to stay around the stables as the introductions to the horses commenced.
Diana would go as needed, though did not feel like she would be required for the introduction, instead, she headed back toward her room to get settled before what she needed to do next.

Clair would finally get her nose out of her books as she was led by Olivia with Calla over toward the stables. Once she arrived she plugged her nose at the smell at first before getting used to it.

"Wow they are a lot bigger in person, I don't think I could even get on top of one, let alone control it," Clair said nervously.
"Besides, how am I to know what it is going to do, it's like, an animal," She asked.
Aurora had been there, just quiet, as she listened and watched the goings on. She had to chuckle at Clair plugging her nose. "Horse scents take some getting used to.'

As the carriage horses were led in, Clair would see Avenger's horse being brought in by the stablehand. Calla walked over and clicked her tongue as she took the reins from him and led her towards Clair. The horse obediently followed her mistress to the others.

Olivia smirked, one hand on her hip. Calla's horse when she was the Avenger was a beautiful yellowish tan, with a light brown mane and tail, and stood as tall as Olivia. "So this is the Avenger's horse. You ever name her?"

"I haven't had her long, and never had the time." She answered as the horse nickered and bent her head down towards Clair. "Don't be afraid, go ahead and pet her." Calla encouraged Clair as Olivia started petting and patting her. "She's really quite gentle, with gentle people, as long as you are nice to her. Why don't you help me out with a name, Clair?"

Olivia shrugged. "I can kind of see your current problem, Calla. I'd name her for her colouring, myself. Honey Mead, Butternut, Summer Sun. Maybe even Copper. I sure hope Clair can either be more inventive or narrow it down to one."

"Would you like to give her an apple, Clair?" Calla asked, holding an apple to Clair, which got the horse's attention, and she started nodding and nickered again.
Clair nodded to Aurora as she unplugged her nose.

Clair looked at the horse a little nervous still even though it was calm and Calla and Olivia were right there as she was brought to her.

"No name? Well, she looks fully grown, right? why isn't she named already who trained her, would they not give her a name?" She asked still clearly nervous.
Clair slowly reached forward to pet the horse moving slowly.
"Heh, okay, good girl," She said as she slowly moved to pet her, eventually doing so, her hand petting near where Olivia was.

"Hmm, umm, well she kind of looks like those buttercup desserts that were at your party, same colours, umm, So Butternut is nice, Or Summer Sun, sorry I am not good at naming." She replied looking toward Calla and taking to offered apple.
"Okay, right I have read something about this, you need an open hand right?" She said doing just that as she offered her the apple.
Calla shook her head. "Technically, 'The Horse With No Name ' isn't a name."

Olivia started chuckling, she took her hand away, moreso to be out of Clair's way.

Aurora's eyes bugged out. "Are you kidding me?! What kind of fool name is 'The Horse With No Name'?!"

By then, the horse had gently taken the apple and Olivia laughed out loud. "Damn! Butternut is better than that!" She gasped holding her sides as Aurora rushed to her since she was starting to turn really red from laughing so hard. She was even having trouble catching her breath, and Aurora led her outside to get some air.

The horse just shook her head, mane flipping every which way. She then appeared to blow a raspberry at Clair, lips vibrating, which was just her way of saying thanks for the snack.

Calla translated. "She says 'thank you'." She then thought about it. "Well, since this is my horse as the Crimson Avenger, maybe a name that sort of embodies my hero persona. I do like Butternut, and it'd be fine for a princess's horse."

"What about Sunny Justice? That's sounds like a bright yellow name." Aurora called from the door.

Calla really wanted Clair to help name the horse, and finally, after a deep breath. "Pick one of those two, Sunny Justice or Summer Sun, and tell her as you pet her." She then made a face. "Where's my groomers' brush?... I had it when I came in here..." She was looking everywhere but the stable's dirt floor, near the open gate, where her horse would spend the evenings in Grovershire.
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