How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Olivia had an absolute mean smirk on her face. "Oh, yes, I am soooo in!"

Calla shook her head. "I'm know as the non-killing vigilante. It's really the only way King Gregor called the truce with me in the first place. I doubt seriously he would want me to kill another human, even someone as vile as Duke Igthorne, in spite of the way he worded his note to me. Once I become a proper knight, and he orders it, I'll have no choice. I kill Igthorne, he could and should throw me in the dungeon. And I mean the one where it's constantly dark... A subterranean one."

Olivia shook her head. "Wuss. You should change your name to the Crimson Scaredy Cat. I read that note. He told you by any means necessary, Avenger. Any. Means. Necessary!"

Calla arose. "If you do it, I don't even want to know when you're leaving. I don't know, I can't tell the king. I won't even have known you left."

Aurora arose. "That makes two of us, thus far. Clair, if you join Olivia and Ethel, I won't be there to come to your rescue. I took the oath for doctors. It can be summed up as, Primum non nocere. First, do no harm. Although, obviously, Igthorne has harmed all of us in this room in some way." A pointed look to Ethel, of which she wouldn't back down. "As a medical professional, I cannot take part in this."

That really only left the Amazon's, and Clair with a choice, but with her shyness, could she even stand up for herself, which Olivia gave her one lesson in, and do what her conscience asked.
Diana shook her head.
"We are not yet at war, not yet, killing should be our last option, perhaps merely kidnap him and bring him back, I'll stay behind with the others, in case you were just the front line to a bigger plot, we may need more here to defend the rest. I can't tell you what to do, but perhaps try locking him but before you remove his head."

Clair nodded.
"I umm, y-yea, I umm, I'll stay with Aurora, I mean, w-with my condition and whatnot..." She spoke softly, there were way too many people in her plus someone who was a complete stranger, she could not muster the confidence to say anymore as she practically hid.

Ethel looked at Olivia, then Cassandra.
"Well, is it just us three, after all, you wouldn't abandon your sister, would you? Though both of you keep in mind, we go, you do as I say alright?" She demanded.
Cassandra frowned, glancing at Diana, but understood. Diana did pretty much give her her matching orders... In a sense. With a curt nod to Diana, she answered Ethel. "Locking him up, as my sister stated, and no... I do not abandon my friends little alone my sister. He went after my sister's head, he'll have ME to contend with, now."

Olivia shrugged. "I'm sure he has plenty of toys in his own dungeon, subterranean one, we can tease him with. I want my family's mace back. I've got a score to settle with him, asking for my head. Mess with a Nevrakis, you get the knife."
"Yes well we will see what we can do, but as long as you both agree to follow my lead, then I'll bring you to my meeting place with him," She told them.
Cassandra nodded, as Olivia raised an eyebrow, looking between Diana and Cassandra. "Wait one minute. How do we fool Igthorne on Cass being Diana. He might be fooled by height since it's only two and a half centimetres, but Diana is raven haired, while Cass is a blonde."

Aurora shook her head. "I guess you ladies don't know that hydrogen peroxide bleaches hair. If, say, she got pranked with peroxide instead of her regular shampoo...? I mean, most natural shampoos do have some in them. Not really enough to bleach out..."

Olivia shook her head. "That would be genius, except for one glaring fallacy! Who would have enough peroxide to pull that off, except maybe a physician? YOU, Aurora, would have been the only person who could have pulled the prank!"

Aurora blushed as Cassandra growled, "Focus! The point isn't me pretending to be my sister, it's that Igthorne came after her, and younger sister isn't going to stand for it!" She turned to Ethel. "I'll follow your lead."

Olivia shrugged and nodded. "I as well."

Calla rolled her eyes. "If everything is settled, those of us still in the games have to get there. I'm supposed to be one of the horse riders." She glanced at Clair. "If you aren't picked already, I or Diana will be available."

She hoped... Unfortunately, only seven riders would be needed with three possibly checking out, and four late to the check-in.
Ethel nodded and looked to the girls that would be going with her.
"Don't worry, we will discuss the plan on the way, I doubt either of you will need to go undercover, but we will see." She explained before leading them away.

Clair nodded.
"Thank you, I would be happy to join either of you, I umm, I am not sure but Ruby might have wanted to be my partner, but I can't recall, I have had issues remembering things since the attack" She admitted.
Mission: Impossible: Igthorne

Olivia nodded. "Very well. You've got a couple of decent fighters, both with a mouth..."

"Hey!" Cassandra interjected. Before shrugging. "Not denying, just saying... Might be a bit more information than warranted."

Olivia facepalmed. "I'm telling on myself as well, Cassandra..." A look at Ethel. "We both will need to rein in our mouths for anything stealth. And it would be a good idea we do any covert investigation apart from one another."

Cassandra sighed but nodded at Ethel. "One thing we can agree on, we'll be having a war of words we pair up. A loud war of words. I'll give us a minute without your supervision. Another thing we can both agree on... We'll both bring back results."

Mission: Improbable: Tracking Pair-Ups

Aurora made a grimace. "See me after our points tallying, for a private conversation about that. Now's not a good time."

Gregor was not pleased when he finally saw the four others. "Avenger! You of all people should know better than to keep the rest of us waiting! What was so fired important that you had to drag three of the top six in points away for whatever meeting you needed to have?! Docking you 25 points! You start today at minus 25. End of discussion, young lady! Diana, get a horse, your partner is Avenger, who lost her ride by being late! Aurora, you are the walking partner for Lady Wendy Darling. Clair, you're with Princess Ruby. Everyone has already picked. Oh, and one MORE thing, Avenger...." Gregor got right in his daughter's face. "I best see Amazonian teamwork between you two. Dismissed."

Ruby rode over to Clair and said shyly. "Hope it's alright that I picked you. I know even Mother hates when I assume, but I didn't think you wouldn't show up. I believe you really want to do your best..." She then went even shier. "I mean, I'm right, right? You'll do your best?"
Mission: Impossible: Igthorne

Ethel nodded thinking as they arrived outside the base but close and she stopped them.
"Okay, I have two ideas, one puts you both at risk of death the other has no risk of death" She declared before clearing her throat.
"ahem, plan one, I poorly tie you both up and walk you in, saying the deed is done but I brought you, Olivia, back alive as well as another Amazon I found another girl I found to be working with you. He thinks I think you two are traitors, along with Diana and the others." She explained holding up a finger.
"Note you would be brought in under the guise as play toys for them, I get the feeling he may enjoy that idea." She added.

"Plan number two, you two cover the one and only exit to their compound, I go in, do what needs to be done and you two wait to see if he somehow escapes me and makes a run for it, in which case, capture or kill, I don't really care" She placed her hands on her hips waiting for a response, curious on which idea they would prefer, or if they would offer counter ideas.


Mission: Improbable: Tracking Pair-Ups

Clair nodded to Aurora, happy to get another checkup, hoping that the poison wasn't still in her system or something.

Clair couldn't help but flinch at how the King acted toward Calla, if only he knew what they were doing, but she was not going to say anything.

Clair returned her shyness in response.
"I umm, n-no it's fine, I umm kind of thought you might after our last talk. I umm, I can promise I'll do my best, b-but I can't promise my best is too good, though I did bring some trinkets that might help" She admitted.
"Umm, are we going to share that horse?" She asked, hoping she would not need to try and ride one alone.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Olivia sighed. "I didn't even know he'd stolen anything until he was long gone. If you don't have someone at your back, you may find one of the daggers stolen from me, in yours. I don't trust him to try to sneak out or behind you, by pulling the oldest trick in the sorcerer's book... Not that I think he is one. Have you focus one direction while he comes from another."

Cassandra saw the opportunity, "And to make sure they don't know Olivia's behind you... I'll guard the exit." She whipped out her broadsword, running a thumb across the blade. "My queen is also my big sister. This WOULD be for Diana, and all the Amazons throughout the known world. Go, Olivia. Before I change my mind and make YOU the guard."

Olivia shrugged with a smirk. "I hate when she uses logic, but hang around us long enough, Ethel, you get used to it. I'll give you a fifteen second head start. This way no one loses face or their lives. You can even say I'm dead, if you desire. I say we spring the trap together when he wants to see our collective heads."

Mission improbable Pair-Ups

Wendy tongue clicked her horse and Aurora quickly followed on foot.

Ruby, meanwhile, rubbed the back of her head with a blush. "Y-You? Up h-here? W-w-with m-me? I-I-I mean... O-only if y-you wanna? Umm. F-foot tracker, is like... Y'know... Erm, o-on f-foot. I, umm, th-think y-you can... Uhh, ride to the f-first site.... I m-mean... I-if you wanna." Ruby definitely wouldn't mind it, if she could get over her shyness, and help Clair up.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel rubbed the back of her head.
"Hmm, I would have preferred to do this myself with you only here to confirm the kill or capture. But if you are willing to enter into the field knowing you may die when the crap starts to fly." she declared.


Mission improbable Pair-Ups

Clair could not help but blush looking up at Ruby on the horse.
"Oh umm, I uhh, I d-don't want to get you in trouble. B-but I umm, I would also need help up, I umm, I've never done anything like this before."
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Olivia smirked, "You know how we Lythikans love a good scrap, right?" She readied two daggers, one in each hand. "This sounds like it'll be a good scrap!" She nodded towards the doorway. "After you."

Cassandra rolled her eyes, shook her head and chuckled. "I've seen how you guard a six. She'll literally have eyes in the back of her head..."

"You know me too well, Cass." Olivia stated as she began walking backwards, literally being Ethel's eyes behind her.

Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby looked Clair over, and turned beet red in blush. Clair would have to have really good hearing to hear Ruby mumble, "I can only lift you up here if, like, you're under 40 kilograms."

Gregor was less harsh with Ruby than he had been with his own daughter, "Ladies, don't fall behind. There's a surprise waiting for you, Clair, at the first checkpoint where you get your tracking mission." It would be Clair's parents who would give Ruby and Clair the mission of the lost hunter and his dog.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Okay but don't cry to me if one of you ends up dead. So we pretending you are my prisoner then?"


Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Clair leaned in and listened as best she could.
"Oh I umm, I am not quite that light, b-but I can also help myself up, so you would not need to hold all my weight"

"Oh! umm, y-yes sire!" Clair replied.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Olivia shook her head. "You didn't know you were followed. Remember, I'm giving you a headstart. Pay no attention to what happens behind you. No matter what. Fifteen seconds starts now."

With Ethel known by Igthorne, no guard, including an ogre would bother her. The guards would point her towards the dining hall, where Igthorne would be eating breakfast alone, with way more food in front of him, then she would have seen in front of the king earlier, when they had breakfast and both courses were served at once.

After the headstart, Olivia silenced whatever guard with either a threatening gesture with the knife, or an actual attack. Usually the threat worked, and she clocked the guard anyway.

Mission improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby slid up in the saddle, and also slipped her equestrian boots (not quite the same style as Crimson Avenger's musketeer boots) and said, "Okay, step into the strap, and swing your leg behind me..." as she held out her hand for Clair to grab for balance, blushing the entire time.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

"Well that is an issue, you see if I am returning, that would mean I was successful right? A bit strange being followed in by a dead girl hmm? if you get caught, then I am exposed and you are probably executed. However, that is your risk to take, so very well" She replied with a nod before moving into the camp, making her way to Igathorne.

Listening for Olivia behind her as she entered his room.
"So, the King seemed to be doing his best to try and cover up the deaths, I can wait around here while we wait for the news, or you can pay up now your call," She said as she started to walk around him.


Mission improbable Pair-Ups

Clair nodded, reaching up and after some stumbling managed to get her leg in the strap, and with some help, get on the saddle behind Ruby. She immediately wraps her arms around Ruby from behind, for balance.
"Oh! S-sorry, I umm, I-I'm a little nervous up here, I- it's my first time" She blushed as she did her best to hold on and stay balanced.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Igthorne didn't even look up. "Where are their heads? That's proof enough for me. I especially want to see the Crimson Avenger's and her doctor's. Aurora. I can wait on the other three."

Olivia, meanwhile, clocked the ogre guarding the dining room, who was easily Ethel's height, with relative ease. She stopped him from making a sound hitting the floor. She motioned for Ethel that she was ready, as soon as she answered Igthorne's question, indicating with a scowl his direction, she heard with her own ears. What the HELL could Igthorne have against Aurora, that he wanted her head? Apparently, whoever was treating Avenger and keeping her healthy was a thorn worse than even Olivia! She mouthed to Ethel silently, "Aurora worth more than ME?! NOW, I'm insulted!"

Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby blushed even redder if it was possible, and had a shy grin as Clair clung to her waist. "Umm, I don't mind you hold on tight to me, we're partners. Next stop, the first checkpoint. It's just over 200 metres up the trail. Exactly one furlong. Hold on, keep your feet in the stirrups, please, okay?"

She would steer the horse in the right direction, and had her just walk to the checkpoint where Clair's parents were waiting with their mission. Ruby would woah the horse at the designated spot.
Maybe one of Clair's parents would help her off. "Please be careful getting down, sweet Clair." Princess Ruby would offer as encouragement.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel spotted Olivia as she replied to Igathorne.
"Right right, I don't really like to do that extra messy stuff, so I got a guy on it, he will even make sure they last longer and will have some utility use, for whatever you wish to use it for" She stated touching his shoulder on the opposing to where Olivia was, so he might look away from her fully.
"After all these girls were of the most vile, villainous wretches there is, right? So they would deserve no less disgrace" She asked standing in the flank of Olivia.


Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Clair nodded.
"That is good because I don't think my arms would let me hold any less tight right now" She admitted a slight shake in her speech. She moved her feet into the stir-ups and then nodded.
"Okay, all set."

As they arrived Clair's eyes widened.
"Mommy!? Daddy?!" She declared as she saw them.
"Hey, sweetheart!" They said in unison as her father did indeed help her down off the horse.
"Don't worry young Miss, I'll be sure she gets down safely" He assured Ruby with a smile as he got her down and she hugged them jumping up and down.
"I missed you guys so much!" She declared.
"We missed you too"
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Igthorne smirked, but continued to eat, paying more attention to Ethel. He nodded in agreement with what she said. "Then, I'll have those heads by sunset, I hope."

He didn't notice Olivia stealthily sneaking up to his other side from just beyond his peripheral vision, and behind him.

At the exact moment, both would be primed to close the trap, an arrow shot through the window and pierced the wall just in front of Ethel and Igthorne. Scowling, he grabbed the attached note. "'Vengeance is mine'?!" He glared at Ethel. "If this is a doublecross...!"

Jovial giggling echoed in the halls, causing even Olivia to duck into the shadows. The bounty on Avenger and Robin's heads had reached Sherwood Forest, and one of the merry ladies, a brash teen, had taken it upon herself to end Igthorne's tyranny.

"The next arrow shall be between thine eyes, tyrant!" The feminine voice seemed to be coming from everywhere in the corridor. "An' ye won't know from whence it'll come!"

Olivia looked disgusted at Ethel. She made the sign of asking whether she should get Cassandra to come, or not, her eyes darting every direction from her shadowed hiding spot.

Igthorne, actually looked troubled, beads of sweat appearing on his brow. "Find the intruder. Bring him or her to me. In pieces, if needbe." He growled at Ethel, showing his true colours. "Move!"

Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby blushed as she was called only "miss". She kinda liked that. Laying her head against the back of the horse's neck, and petting her, Ruby smiled at the shared love. "Reminds me of me and my mother back in Cordonia..." She said wistfully. A sigh. "Unfortunately, with the threats all around us, of countries' civil wars spilling onto our lands, my father has to do more practicing with his fire power. Just to be ready¹."

Amethyst cleared her throat. "This is all well and good. We'll have more time for socializing after their tracking mission. Princess Ruby. You know better. Mrs Handler? Give Clair her mission's story and papers as it looks like she's the foot tracker, and good luck you two, I definitely want time to socialize with the both of you later as well. Same starting trail as the Avenger and Amazon Princess, although their's is a witch and her cat. Two distinct trails, though."

A mile up the path at the fork in the road, the Avenger shook her head as she whacked the bushes more out of frustration. She finally looked up at Diana atop her horse. "Someone want to tell me who's lamebrain idea it was to name the cat after our capital city, and the witch Sabina²?! I mean what sorceress in her right mind is going to call her cat 'Londonium'?!" She pointed Diana to the left. "According to the tuft of tawny fur, which should have been black, by the way, and the snagged collar with the cursive L, they went that way. The claw marks on the tree," she then marked it with the blue ink given to their team. "Says one or both, took to the trees."

She'd be right, as Diana would spot the broken broom stick hanging in the tree branches not far down their path, saying the two they were tracking, met with an unfortunate event. Diana would also spot a piece of torn garment flapping in the breeze that she would need to get down.

¹-This takes place after the Choices app trilogy, The Crown and the Flame to get the basic synopsis of what Kenna and Dominic went through 20 years prior to our story, read the plot in fandom wiki!

²-SabRina the Teenage Witch shout out of course.. Had to make it as English as possible.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel's eyes tracked the arrow as it shot past her and Igathorne.
"I assure you, I don't know who that is but worry not, I'll be sure to do what your fellows apparently failed to do" She replied looking at where the arrow came from, calculating its trajectory.

Ethel signed to Olivia to hold, starting to walk out and if Igathorne looked away from her would point to her eyes then Igathorne. She then went to walk outside, looking toward where the arrow had come from.


Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

"I am terribly sorry to hear that, war times are rough" He sympathized.
"Thank you for helping take care of my daughter" He added before nodding toward Amethyst and giving them their mission story and papers.
"You got this, just use the tracking we talked about" She added.
"Yes, I remember, I'll do my best" She nodded.

"Perhaps the same one who names the street 3rd but not a 4th, who knows what they are thinking." She shrugged and looked up before she nodded.
"Look at that, doesn't look like a regular stick," She said spotting the broom handle.
As they moved on she spotted the fabric.
"Looks like we are on the right track"
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Brittany wouldn't be that easy to spot, as she wasn't in the traditional colours of Sherwood Forest, but the browns and greys of Castle Drekmore. She would move once the arrow was shot. Noticing Ethel searching for her, the brown haired teen laughed merrily, it echoing off the corridor walls, making it come from everywhere but where she was. "What ho! A merry chase, is it? What a lark!"

Olivia thought she had spotted movement up on the balcony overlooking the dining room, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. She turned her attention back to a scowling Igthorne, who stormed off in the opposite direction. She quickly and quietly tailed him... But so did his merry pursuer, expertly camouflaged to blend in with her dreary surroundings.

They would all be led to the villain's treasure room of stolen weapons and other items, including Olivia's family mace! He grabbed an odd and old looking broadsword, one Diana or Cassandra would know well. Maybe even Ethel. Forged by Hephaestus and presented as a gift to Queen Hippolyta, the sword had vanished during its tour of England. It never made it to it's destination of the national museum in Londonium to be displayed in honour of the Amazons. Now the villain was wielding Hippolyta's sword! "Coward! Come out and show yourself!"

"Why am I not surprised..." Olivia muttered under her breath. If only he'd be drawn out of the way, so she could recover her family's heirloom. She'd give him the battle he obviously wanted.

Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby was aware of the rules of the game, and would wait until Clair read the story of the hunter and his dog. "What colour of ink do we use to mark our trail?"

Amethyst handed her up the inkwell. "Your colour, princess. Ruby Red. Make it large enough for it to be seen."

They would then head off, coming to the same fork Avenger and Diana did. The mark on a tree to the left already told them which direction to go, but first Clair needed to find the hunting cap, and the dog's collar, also marked with a cursive letter. A "P" for Poinsettia. Clair would learn by the story, the hunter's name was Nicholas and they were out hunting deer when they disappeared.

Calla noticed the stick and nodded, marked the tree, and continued. Farther along, she had to smirk. "You spotted it, you retrieve it. The broomstick could stay, but the cloth can't. I'll look around here for some more signs of our missing duo."

While doing that tracking, she'd run across two sets of footprints. One was their game quarries' the other was real. Both would lead them off the trail, however, "Diana, we have a dilemma. This isn't supposed to lead off the trail... And I have two sets, here. BOTH do! It's been years since I've been in the games, what now?"

The rules say to mark their characters as "lost" and go on to the second checkpoint, but the other set of footprints, the one without the cat paw prints, was a real person!
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel stopped in place listening and looking for her moving around, even with the echos she knew that echos were effects of sound waves bouncing off the walls, there was a limited space for her to be in, and she knew her target, so she waited and soon also spotted the movement on the balcony so gave chase as well.

She went back just in time to see Igathorne entering the treasure room and slowly follow him in, appearing as he called out the challenge.
"Oh hey there, easy now, fancy treasure you got here, some of these look awfully Amazonian by craft huh?" She asked hands empty and up.


Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Clair read it for Ruby to hear, and then smiled as she collected the ink.
"Oh! Ruby Red, like your name!" She smiled.

Clair was looking for her clues.
"Hmm, deer hunting, maybe we need to find like, a deer hunting place? or tracks?" She said as she explored exactly what she was looking for.
"Any luck up there Ruby?" She asked looking at her own her horse.

Diana scoffed with a smirk, moving to collect the cloth and then noticing their dilemma.
"Well, usually I would say we mark as lost and move on, but you are Avenger, so what do you think?" She asked.
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Igthorne scowled at her, "I thought you said you were going to take care of the intruder!"

An arrow neatly parted his hair and took his head cloth clean off. Brittany was somewhere in the shadows in the room with them, having already moved from where she fired the arrow. "Find that damned sniper if you have to tear the walls down!" Igthorne yelled in a panic.

Olivia got the chance she wanted, grabbing the Lythikan mace. "Knew you stole my family's heirloom, Iggy, and here's the proof! You want it so bad, take it!" She then whacked him with it, sending him through a suit of armour that must have been a dwarf's, by the size of it, and into a more average size suit of armour.

Brittany revealed herself. She couldn't be any taller than Dr. Aurora! She was definitely far more toned and athletic than the Cordonian Duchess, and way more sunkissed. "Right proper swing ye 'ave there, milady! 'E might not be jolly well gettin' up from THAT one, he won't. Blimey! Remind me ne'er to be gettin' on YER bad side, luv!"

Olivia growled at the teen who couldn't be any older than Cass, Clair or Princess Calla! "Explain yourself, before YOU meet the mace!"

The brunette took off her grey hat and gave Olivia a proper bow any duchess would deserve. "Brittany Hagglethorne, at your service. Aiming to do what needs be done, if ye 'ant already taken care of the little ig-thorn in everyone's side."

Igthorne was unmoving, with a mark on the castle wall where he hit it, six feet up from the floor. Two suits of armour lay scattered around him and the Amazon sword right where he dropped it when he was sent flying by the mace... Even with one villain down, they'd still have to deal with Cornwall... Eventually.

Brittany looked at the villain's unmoving form. "So, someone gonna check to see if the deed's done, or shall we all stage a hasty retreat...?"

Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Ruby knew someone had this case last year, and it finally dawned on her. Hopping off her horse, she painted a ruby 'X' on the tree. "Have you found the hat and the dog collar yet? We have to have proof of the search, but yes. Deer, human or dog tracks.... Or a broken branch...?" She was looking right at the bush Avenger frustratingly hit (and where the dog collar was hidden), not knowing that would be one of the places to start looking.

Calla sighed and both nodded and shook her head. "Look at these tracks without the paw prints... I wore shoes with soles like this in my childhood. I even lost one when I visited your lands when you first moved here to England. Came back to Dunwyn with only one shoe. Father was so furious, he made me walk barefoot for a week after that. I haven't lost one slipper since." She walked over to where a wild blackberry brambles bush was growing. "Here, Diana, see? Torn blue cloth, of darker shade than Dunwynian blue, you'll notice it doesn't match the cloth from the tree. Mark the fictional one and her cat lost if we must, but we're finding the real lost girl. Try to find a path the horse can follow, someone needs rescuing!" She tracked the footprints through the brambles to a glade, and on into the woods again.

The trail would lead them back towards the road that wound to the right from the fork; Ruby and Clair's path. It would be a good hour, however, before they met that road. Enough time for the other two to find their objective?
Mission Impossible Igthorne

Ethel watched as the events unfolded, placing her hands on her hips once Igathorne was down.
"Well, aren't you adorable, tiny wee assassin girl are yeah? And Olivia, thought we might be able to get some info out of him, who knows now..." She shrugged walking up and kicking him before picking up the sword and checking his pulse via his neck.


Mission Improbable Pair-Ups

Clair placed her finger to her lips and looked around, seeing the broken branch.
"Oh! broken branch!" She called out and pointed.

Diana nodded, choosing to test Avenger's leadership skills while also maybe saving a real person, she hopped on her horse and followed as best she could.
Brittany frowned, looking up over a foot to meet Ethel's eyes, "Wee?! Just cuz I dint grow strong and tall as an oak tree like ya two, don't mean I'm sma! I'm average height for an English person, I am, and heiress of th' great Hagglethorn Hall¹ in bonny Scotland."

Olivia shook her head, as she watched Ethel check for a pulse, which would be there, but weak. "If somehow he's breathing, we need to bind him and take him to Gregor to face charges against king and country."

"Right smart plan, that. I'll just be going..."

"Freeze, Hagglethorn!" Olivia's two words stopped Brittany in her tracks and might have even chilled Ethel, with the iciness they were delivered. "Ain't no way Robin Hood would have even KNOWN you went on this excursion, little alone allowed it. Give me one good reason NOT to bring YOU before Gregor as well!"

Knowing Gregor, he'd both punish her and reward her. Only Ethel or Robin Hood himself could keep Brittany from going before King Gregor! Olivia would follow Ethel's line of reasoning, and Brittany WAS Robin's protege (at least until his own children come along).

Ruby nodded. "And as the foot tracker, you search it and the surrounding area, while I look around from atop my horse. So? Let's start tracking." She hopped back on her horse and walked her around the area, checking things like low hanging branches and other higher places. She wouldn't find either, but the dog collar was in the bushes with the broken limbs, and the hat behind the tree leading right, just out of Ruby's vision.

(Avenger and Diana en route following real footprints.)

¹Hagglethorn Hall, centuries later, will be moved brick by brick to the US, and make it's cartoon debut on The New Scooby Doo Movies with guest star Monkee and Scotsman Davy Jones.
Ethel nodded.
"Well he is alive at least, if just," she said as she removed his weapons and armour, leaving him in cloth or leather garb.
"Back to the King we go then," she said swinging him over her shoulder with seeming ease after restraining his hands and legs with rope.

"Well-averaged sized British person, you best have a good excuse because that didn't sound like an option to me and if need be I got a second shoulder for you right here" She smirked as she waited for the girls response.


Clair nodded and started to look around, finding the collar and hat, showing them quickly to Ruby.
"Oh look! I guess we go that way?" she both said and asked.
Brittany's eyes got wide. "Robin 'ood would be searchin' fer me, he would! An' if you're younger'n 'im, you'll be gettin' yer 'ide tanned like leather!" She then winced at a phantom whipping from her past. "I can assure you that, I can."

Olivia smirked. "You have two... Make that three ways of going back to Grovershire with us. Walking on your own two legs, or over my or Ethel's shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Your choice."

Brittany lowered her head. "Lead the way, Lady Ethel..." She sighed, defeated.

Olivia gave a curt nod. "Wise decision. See? That wasn't so hard. March. I'LL protect our rears."

Cassandra would look between the unconscious Igthorne and the oddly dressed Merry Lady, before shrugging and falling in step behind Ethel (and in front of Brittany), in case Igthorne came to.

Ruby smiled, nodded, and then said, "Now, as we go along this path, keep a watch out for any other signs of our missing duo."

After nearly an hour of walking, a cabin appeared just off the path, and Avenger appeared just in front of Ruby's horse, causing the horse to snort, rear up on her hind legs, whinnying, but the Cordonian princess proved her equestrian abilities by holding on the reins, and somehow calming her horse back down. "Avenger! By the saints! Giving me and my horse a fright! And poor Clair, too, I imagine!"

"Sorry, but a pair of REAL footprints led this way..."

Ruby went Princess on her fellow Royal. "Nevertheless, you best have told your partner about your little detour, or you can count on more docked points, unless those real footprints lead to a real lost individual. Now. You and your partner if she's near, can join us in investigating the cabin for our missing characters, or at least a clue to where next we go."
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