How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Hook rolled her eyes and patted Wendy's head.
"We will talk later" She smiled before walking away.

As Wendy took to shore to find a burial spot she saw something most peculiar, a girl, completely naked, looking no older than herself with long blood-red hair down to her thighs, standing at about 5'8. The Hair colour was a match for Ethel, but she looked younger and was less tall as well as less muscular, but more toned. She was also missing the scars Ethel had and her hair was obviously much longer. She approached Wendy with a wave.
"Ahh there you are"
Wendy looked at the sailors with her, and not a one stepped forward. One woman even blinked askance at the approaching adolescent female.

"Do -do I know you?" Wendy put her hand on her sword, but didn't grab it, yet. The others all had their swords or knives out. She held a hand up. "Ladies. Please. She's obviously unarmed.... Well, and unclothed. And in front of us, not behind."

Couldn't argue with that logic, but she kept her own hand on her sword. Wendy addressed the naked woman. "Kindly state your business, with whomever of us you mean. But come no closer. We're all adept with the sword if you try anything funny."
Ethel placed her hands on her hips before over her head.
"You don't recognize me? a shame, I am talking to you Wendy, of course. I asked you to come here with my things" She said winking at her, hoping she understood this was something she wanted to keep as much under wraps as she could.

"Plus, what dangers could an unarmed, unclothes, young girl be to so many warrior women?" She asked with a smile, oddly enough she didn't even seem a little nervous.
Wendy, looking first at this female claiming to be Ethel, and one of the privateers who said something in her ear. She sighed. "The acquaintance I fought alongside made me promise that. You have to forgive me since you're my size and she towered over us, including someone else who came with us. The only thing you two have in common, really, is the hair. Yours is a lot longer. Not only that, I saw her die."

She took a deep breath. "If you're really Ethel come back to life, what's the name of the lady who hung out with you the most aboard the ship, and who did Avenger and Princess Diana find during the scouting game."

The only answers that could be were Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos, and Princess Sapphire of House Amethyst. Something a complete stranger wouldn't know. The stranger could even brag about kicking the noble ladies collective asses in both games in Grovershire, England.
Ethel crossed her arms now over her chest.
"Olivia, and Sapphire, also I kicked ass, though now I am going to want to swear your friends there to secrecy. I am not exactly public about all of this" She claimed.
"We're members of Hook's crew, we know better than to blab, missy." One woman growled.

Wendy was finally convinced. As she began handing the stuff over, she asked, "Any chance you'll be going back to England with Olivia?"

She purposely left herself off, if things went well with the talk with Jane Hook, captain of the privateers, she was seriously thinking of staying aboard the Rumble Rose. She had a guaranteed job as the lookout, shown proof of her fighting abilities, and with a sword yet, if she could now get the girl (granted Hook was probably a decade older than her), why would she even want to go back to Berkshire? "Also... What about your, ahh, other body, and will you be coming back aboard the Rumble Rose?"
"Good on yeah, just wanted to make that perfectly clear, now can I have my armor back so I am not in my birthday suite?"

Ethel nodded "I don't see why not, I don't really have much else to do. though I'll need to explain my appearance change"

"Oh you can feed my other body to the mermaids once I get my things, and I will return to the Rumble Rose, doing my best to keep this under wraps, as much as I can, and seeing as you don't have my body with you, I guess it's still aboard the ship?" She asked.
"You really trying to keep me unclothed as long as you can huh?"
Wendy nodded; she blushed, "I'm more into a certain raven haired swashbuckler."

She got a few dirty looks from the crew with her, as one or two said they wouldn't be under whatever kind of supernatural Ethel was.

"Captain Hook would be happy to hear that. Now it makes sense. You said you could fit in anywhere. That includes the supernatural isle of Neverland."

Wendy and the others would return to the ship, among the flurry of activity preparing for the funeral... Or was it now gift to the mermaids. She knocked on the door, "My Captain, permission to enter with a guest, of whom you'll want to speak privily." She would actually excuse herself as well, and head up the mast to the crows nest, only for Clara MacGoughal to bark at her. "An' where th' se'en seas ye be thinkin' yer goin' lassie?!" After the answer, "Belay that ye bilge rat! We all know Neverland like th' back o' our hands! We know th' way t' Mermaid Cove, ye wee bairn! Cap'n will inform ye, wen ye need t' be in the crows nest!" Apparently some were watching the proceedings. "Avast, ye buncha lubbers! Gitcher-selves back to yer posts! An' ye, Ya Welch ne'er-do-well, back to yer own post at th' cap'n's side! She wants ya close at hand, Neptune only knows why! Git!"

Wendy ran headlong into the closed cabin door causing the Scot to facepalm. "Well... That be one way t' announce yer presence..."
She smirked.
"I am only teasing dear, and I suppose that sort of it, I wasn't born this way, at least, I do not think I was" She admitted.

Ethel looked to Clara and shrugged before she followed Wendy in as she burst into the room.

Hook turned to look at the door as Wendy burst in.
"Yes, come on in," She said sarcastically before getting a surprised look as she saw the naked strange girl that followed her.
"Umm, a friend of yours?"

Ethel closed the doors behind them for privacy and let Wendy answer the question.
"Sorry, Captain, ma'am. First mate MacGoughal started barking at me when I tried to go to the crows nest. I sorta ran into the door." Yeah, literally. "She cleared her throat. "Right, so... You're not going to believe this, admittedly I barely can myself..." she double checked through a porthole to make sure there wasn't a nearby privateer. "This is Ethel." She all but whispered the three words. A little more louder, but not quite at the level she was at first. "She's here to claim her stuff. I already tested her. It's really her."
Hook crossed her arms.
"You're right, I don't believe it, her body is right here," She said referring to the body still in her cabin.
"First off how?, and by that I mean, how did you test her? and how is that even possible?" She asked.

"mind if I at least dress first? it will actually help validate our claim," Ethel asked.
"Very well, dress as Wendy explains this to me with a bit more detail"

As Wendy explained Ethel would remove the armour from her corpse and start to dress in it, each piece seeming to be able adjusted to fit her new size.
Wendy would even go so far as indicating that Ethel mentioned Olivia as the member who hung out with her the most. "That's something a total stranger wouldn't have known. Or that Princess Sapphire, from Greece, was who was found by Avenger and Princess Diana in Grovershire. A complete stranger would have asked who the Avenger and Diana were, or even where Grovershire was!" Since Wendy had drawn Hook's attention from Ethel, she now pointed at the now dressed Ethel. "My Captain! The armour shrunk to fit her, precisely! And I thought I had already HEARD all the proof I needed. The other Ethel towered over all of us! Surely the armour would have been too big for the stranger, but look! There's the proof by sight!"
Ethel smiled as she looked toward the two tightening her gaunlets.
"Yup, one of the reasons I use armor in segments, like scales, its pieces move closer together and I had it specially tailored to grow from this size to the size you met before, and is on that desk." She said referring to the corpse.

Hook rubbed her chin.
"Okay that makes sense, or at least as much sense as can be made of all this, so what about the body?"

"Offer it as a gift for the mermaids, like a snack, we still have that meeting right?" Ethel asked as she grabbed a dagger from Hook's desk, and used it to cut her hair at the shoulder, the rest of the length that went to her thighs dropped down.
"And that maybe my hair can be used for something as well, always come back with a bunch more than I need"
"Captain, we've arrived back at th' cove, an' yer other blamed newbie, th' Lythikan, is insistin' on rowin' ye lot t' th' meetin', e'en if it's t' mind th' craft!" MacGoughal called. "Blamed ijit already in and waitin'! Cannae convince her fer nothin' the one that rows ye there, dinnae e'er come back less ye hae another offerin'!"
MacGoughal sighed and called out to Aqua, who gave a thumbs up. Meanwhile, it would probably take all three to load the other, now covered offering to the dinghy, and Olivia, back to shore, started rowing to shore. "Someone want to explain what MacGoughal's problem was, and what the devil she meant by I row there, I won't come back." She looked Ethel over and raised an eyebrow. "And what the hell happened to you?! You shrunk!"

Olivia was not with the three that boarded the Jolly Roger, so didn't know anything about Ethel's death and revival.
Ethel looked at her as she replied. "Well as for rowing, beats me, but as for my size, I got hit with a dagger a deflated, and all my hot air escaped." She joked with a smirk.

Hook looked at them.
"Get ready, we are to meet with them soon."
Once Olivia reached the shore, Aqua, and her redhead captain of the guard Mera, were waiting.

"I know how you humans like to use those extra limbs of yours, leave the tribute and follow the path to the hidden cove. Hook knows the way." Aqua raised an eyebrow looking over Ethel. After a throaty hum, she said, "Unless one of you lady sailors fancy a swim there. Not quite as perilous as the human path, but you have to follow me; where I swim you swim. I cannot be responsible for the consequences if you do not."

Wendy, who was a decent swimmer looked at the others and then to Aqua. "Exactly in your wake, or just follow your lead through an obstacle course?"

Aqua glanced at Wendy, then to Hook, then back to Wendy. "If you are in my wake, you'll drown. Dolphin. Unless you can hold your breath, fight my wake, and make progress through the water. Does that answer your question, little human?" She tilted her head, watching the teen's next move.

"I'm up for an adventure, I'll try the undersea route." Wendy nodded.

Aqua rolled her eyes. "Give your captain your clothes and sword then. All that weight will drag you down." She looked to the other two. "Anyone else for a swim, instead?" Wendy was already stripping, leaving herself in a two piece that could easily pass for a 20th century swimsuit. Or underwear.
Ethel crossed her arms.
"I'll stick to the recommended route, don't want to remove this armour again, kind of a pain in my ass."

Hook nodded.
"I am leading that route, so my answer is already done for me."
Even Olivia the Lythikan balked. "Wendy Darling, you're braver than me, in that aspect. You manage to survive, you'll have quite the tale to tell when we get back to England. You swam with a frickin MERMAID! See ya at the cove!" She headed back to Hook, who had been handed Wendy's clothes.

"Right, then. I'll see you at the secret cove." Wendy nodded. "Let's go, Aqua, and thanks for the offer.

Aqua gave a quick, curt nod. "How long can you hold your breath, and how fast can you swim?"

Wendy shrugged. "Three and a half minutes? I... actually don't know on the latter. I've swam in the huge lake nearby my manor in Berkshire."

"I'll time you then. For me it's ten minute swim. Take a deep breath, dive in and FOLLOW. me." She nodded to Hook. "I'll do my best to get her there alive Jane." She said with a salute as Wendy waded in to her chest. She took a deep breath and was soon underwater.

The two were soon underway underwater, Wendy keeping up with the undulating movements of Aqua surprisingly well. They would soon be out of sight.

Hook would see just in front of her, the sign to the secret mermaid cove with the arrow pointing into the dense foliage, frought with grabbing and choking vines that could literally choke someone, rocks that seemed to just up to trip unwary travelers, sending them stumbling off the path, and other seemingly non-dangerous pitfalls anywhere else would not be deadly. But on the path to the SECRET mermaid cove in Neverland? They were, and for a good reason.
Ethel nodded and watched as the Wendy swam off.
"That is not an easy swim, I do not envy that swim."

Hook smirked.
"We shall see if she survives, let us be off"

As they traveled through the woods at each step they would need help from one another, to get over, through, or past obstacle after obstacle. Cutting vines, climbing over rocks, making sure they were not getting lost, and ensuring they did not get pricked or run into anything poisonous. With plenty of team effort and striving they managed to make it through to the end where they were to hear celebrating in the distance. They would carefully make their way closer, being careful not to get heard.
"let's hope is a celebration of victory and not one of a new feast arriving freshly drowned." Hook whispered before they came into vision.
Wendy was sitting on a rock made to be like a throne, which very few humans got to sit in, in fact, the last one was Hook herself, before she became a captain (she could have been Wendy's age of 16 at the time?). She even had a mermaid sitting on each leg, one of them being Aqua!

Aqua saw them, straightened Wendy's crown of flowers, and necklace of shells around her neck, kissed her cheek and slid off into the water and swam towards them. "About time you slow pokes. The heroine of the hour was just about to retell her story. Come! Pull up a stone, soak your feet in the pool and listen!" She then motioned for Wendy, who looked at the other mermaid, a redhead, who refused to move from her perch, and said, "Looks like I'm not standing for this retelling!" A lot of the mermaids, including Mera tittered, as the other redhead in Wendy's lap, whimpered and just held on around her neck, tighter.

Aqua swam up to Hook. "You warned my niece Ariel repeatedly, but..." she turned around to listen again to Wendy's retelling.

Wendy explained how they had to swim through the coral reefs along the shore, and Wendy had to be careful not to scrape herself up on the jagged coral. She went under two archways along the underwater path, and by some caves with electric eels. "Just as we reached the inlet that led here, some fishermen was hauling up a net, and I noticed that head of red hair. Aqua was pissed about something, I didn't really pay attention to that, I just grabbed a sharp rock, had to beat off a swordfish with it, before cutting the net, setting all the fish, and the mermaid... Who is a little too thankful?! I mean, how can I take her to England? What would I even say to explain this?" More tittering, and thunderous applause from the mermaids in audience.

She was being showered with kisses the entire time she explained, and still holding a more that ecstatic teen mermaid about her age, who still wouldn't let go of Wendy's neck, arms tightly around her.
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Both Hook and Ethel smiled as they watched the display, they would let her finish before moving in to join the party,

Hook moved by Aqua.
"We did come for a meeting, we have much to discuss, let Wendy have her night as we go and get down to business."

Ethel meanwhile moved over to aside to Wendy,
"Careful, they bite~" She teased in a singsong voice.
Aqua nodded. "Yes, we can have that meeting right here and now. I knew your brother had dipped his weapons in blowfish toxin, which would be fatal for anyone cut during the battle. Had you come here first, I could have treated you all with the antidote, which would have guaranteed no loss of life."

She looked over to see her niece had now pretty much pinned Wendy down, and was grinding herself against the human. She shook her head and turned back to Hook. "Now this meeting is more a debrief. Do we have to worry about Pan and his minions? Or your brother and his crew?" She folded arms, looking at the three. "The Chief of the Piccaninny Warriors was supposed to arrive, with the princess, our new queen, I hope he didn't get lost. I only have the one more request. If Pan and your brother James are indeed gone, escort the princess, your queen, back to the Capitol safely. You know some of us more 'magical' creatures can't do it, and the princess has already asked, thankfully not ordered, but asked one of her royal privateers do it. Jane, I think yours is the only crew left. We haven't seen hide nor hair of any other crews." She turned around at the sound of gasps of ecstasy, to see Wendy writhing with a huge grin, on her back, legs spread, feet in the water, and Ariel, finally in the water herself, but head between Wendy's legs. "Ohhhh! Omigosh! Ariel, sweetie! Fuuuuuuck!!" Wendy cried out in her first orgasm, hips elevated off the rock she was lain out on.

Aqua looked apologetically at Hook. "Sorry, Jane. Looks like Ariel broke Wendy in for you..."
Hook nodded.
"Well, that would have saved us one life potentially, though it was very fast-acting poison, unless it could have been taken before the battle, no matter, the life that gave was our gift for you anyway. It was her wish." She explained looking to Ethel for a moment before back to Aqua.
"Both Pans and my brother Armys as well as them themselves are dead, they should not have nearly enough if any power to pose any threat." She explained before their attention was brought to Wendy.
"No worries, it is of no consequence, as for the queen, we will gladly provide safe passage. For a fee of course but that is not your issue to deal with."

Ethel meanwhile mingled among the mermaids, recalling her times with their ancestors, but telling them as if it were stories passed down rather then her own experiences.
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