Lost in Space (Reboot) OoC


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Where we plot.

Some basic but important information
The breeding protocol was always there as a contingency plan, in case any sort of disastrous event should reduce the human population aboard the colony ship to numbers below expected viable biological diversity through free choice of partner. Even with the colony ship intact and arriving at it's intended destination there was a protocol in place by which each adult man and woman were required to produce at least two children, a third and fourth child giving the parents a financial bonus for each additional child.

The contingency plan however was a little different, firstly in that it required all males and females over the age of 15 to breed at least three children without any promise of a bonus for a fourth or fifth. The children should preferably all be conceived within no more than a year of each other.

Choice of partner for each child was a free choice but also subject to strict regulations:

1. No couple already having produced a child were allowed to produce another until they had filled the mandated quota of at least three more children.

2. If a coupled male and female did not conceive a child within 6 months they were to be assigned new breeding partners.

3. Due to lesser probability of women over forty falling pregnant they were to choose younger males with more viable sperm to breed with and vice versa, younger females with a greater probability of falling pregnant were to choose older males with less viable sperm to breed with.

4. No colonist, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, were allowed to refuse breeding. Punishment for refusing to breed or secretly using any sort of contraceptive was banishment from the colony or be forced to breed without their consent. This applied to both males and females.
the only contraceptives allowed would be condoms or diaphragms to allow husbands and wives to still enjoy sex without risking pregnancy if they already have a child between them. All other methods such as birth control pills or implants, injections and whatever else of a more permanent nature would be illegal.
  • No one should feel that they need to write non-con to fully enjoy our group.
  • Non-con scenes should be labeled as such in the thread name so those wanting to avoid, not read them have a warning.
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So I'm thinking that Artemis might be a scaly sort of canine, about the size of a wolf, with a tail to match and their skin can be, hmm, let's say a mottled green color with yellow flecks. Their head is mostly canine-shaped, but their eyes are more reptilian and their tongue is like that of a snake, although the snout does more resemble that of a dinosaur, but with less teeth. The outer ears are vestigial but they are still very good scritching targets :) What I mean is, the triangular-shaped "ears" do go over where the actual ear holes are, but they aren't really used to...oh, what if they have some other sort of organ to mark where the ears are, like small horns or something? Cause a reptilian with doglike ears, even the triangular ones associated with wolves, German shepherds, and so on, doesn't seem right in retrospect. Oh, and Artemis behaves like a doggo sometimes, cause why not? They just lifted their leg on the chariot's wheel.
It's was fine. I'm still dealing with some things, so I apologize for those waiting on me. I know it's been some time now.
Is it safe to say this rp is dead in the water? I know everyone has things going on. That's understandable. Heck my Dr. put me on two meds yesterday cause I'm sick. So I get things being busy, but this feels like more than that.
It is only dead if we let it die. @AndNich123 @captain_bond I am happy to write with either of you and if I have missed a post, please let me know.

I put ideas out ideas for 3 of 4 characters for the next week.

I'm slower at responding than normal but am still very interested in writing some new scenes with anyone that is interested. We can discuss here or in DMs.
Is that scene your only interest in the group play? Apollo's been around a long time and I am confident he will be back at some point. We all have our ups and downs, when one scene slows perhaps another can advance with other writers? Perhaps you and @AndNich123 could plan something as well since you both seem ready for a new scene.
Is it safe to say this rp is dead in the water? I know everyone has things going on. That's understandable. Heck my Dr. put me on two meds yesterday cause I'm sick. So I get things being busy, but this feels like more than that.
I do hope you are better now!
Not that I can think of. I'm going to muck about in old posts and see if anything sparks anything.
I realise that I too have not been up to my usual standard of activity. I am still behind in the Journal Entries for Week 1 I have made mention of intending to write as a way to conclude the week for my characters before moving on to Week 2 but I don't think I owe any actual roleplay posts. It is true that all of us have been slowing down since we started this probably due to the initial eagerness to get into the story having worn off combined with real life events/issues.

And if I am honest I do actually prefer roleplays that move at a slightly slower pace. Not only does it usually make for better writing because the writers have time to think about their posts a little, maybe give the posts they are to respond to a few extra reads and thoughts. It also takes away the stress of having to respond quickly. I can read a post I am supposed to respond too, mark it as unread and let it roll around in my head for a while, not even really thinking about it, just letting it percolate for a while until my brain throws up an idea, a phrase or a certain action from which I can then build the entire post, or parts of it.

I also know that, at least for myself, there are days when I simply do not have the energy or inspiration to write, at all. Could I perhaps throw out a post anyway, just to keep a thread going? Probably! Would it be a good post? Almost certainly not! And I will say that I do prefer quality over quantity. I will also say that I do not feel comfortable posting something that is not up to my usual quality or the standards I have set for myself.

Also remember that not all of us spend the entire day in front of a computer, or well some of us perhaps do for work (and that might mean we do perhaps want some afk time after work from time to time. I for one have for instance opted to not use my phone for this, as I know many do, simply because I want to take my time when reading and responding rather than (quite literally) phoning it in while waiting for the bus, or standing in line at the grocery shop, or anywhere else like that.

I mean, both @MsBloom and I are waiting on @apollo247 to continue Exploring the Ruins.

This is true but I also know that when the reply comes it will almost certainly have been worth the wait. That particular scene is also about to be concluded as the three are soon going to get ready to head back to the colony.

I am unsure of what is holding up Elizabeth's Classroom (it might perhaps actually be me but I am reasonably sure it isn't) and the Self Defense thread. I am waiting for the former but don't really feel I have much to contribute to the latter, which I am reasonably sure I have mentioned here. It was a thread I wasn't originally interested in playing out anyway but wanted to have my female characters participate in for future reference.

I also realise that Week 1 has been a chronological nightmare with scenes being played out parallel to each other that happened on different days but I have tried to keep an eye on any chronological discrepancies to make sure that no character is doing two things at the same time and I can't say I have found any, except the ones I have pointed out. I also realise this might be confusing to some and that, for the sake of narrative logic, some writers may want to hold off on a post until they have more to go on from a scene that happened before.

In short. I am not prepared to declare this dead just yet.
I am unsure of what is holding up Elizabeth's Classroom (it might perhaps actually be me but I am reasonably sure it isn't)
Sorry, it was me and I just posted.

And if I am honest I do actually prefer roleplays that move at a slightly slower pace. Not only does it usually make for better writing because the writers have time to think about their posts a little, maybe give the posts they are to respond to a few extra reads and thoughts. It also takes away the stress of having to respond quickly. I can read a post I am supposed to respond too, mark it as unread and let it roll around in my head for a while, not even really thinking about it, just letting it percolate for a while until my brain throws up an idea, a phrase or a certain action from which I can then build the entire post, or parts of it.
I have a growing appreciation for this as well. I hope to find a better medium point where I keep a steady even if not quick pace at things.
I have been lurking on the site lately. I got some news this week that has hit pretty hard. Knocked me down pretty good. Took the wind right out of me. So I apologize for not being that active.
I have been lurking on the site lately. I got some news this week that has hit pretty hard. Knocked me down pretty good. Took the wind right out of me. So I apologize for not being that active.
So sorry to hear that. No apology needed, take whatever time you need. You are welcome to PM me if you want to chat as well. Real life is always the priority.
@captain_bond I laid out a story nugget on my week 2 journal for Mia. If you have other ideas, I'm happy to discuss them and try something out.
I have been lurking on the site lately. I got some news this week that has hit pretty hard. Knocked me down pretty good. Took the wind right out of me. So I apologize for not being that active.
So sorry to hear that. No apology needed, take whatever time you need. You are welcome to PM me if you want to chat as well. Real life is always the priority.

I second that.
Would it help if I posted some of the results of the first week? I was going to save them till it was more realistic for people to be aware of pregnancy, but I can share some results if people want to know. There were some surprising dice rolls.
Would it help if I posted some of the results of the first week? I was going to save them till it was more realistic for people to be aware of pregnancy, but I can share some results if people want to know. There were some surprising dice rolls.
You are going to PM the affected players so they can weave their symptoms into their writing? This seems most realistic to me. It seems a bit early but given the drop off of activity, perhaps sooner is better than later.
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