Lost in Space (Reboot) OoC


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Where we plot.

Some basic but important information
The breeding protocol was always there as a contingency plan, in case any sort of disastrous event should reduce the human population aboard the colony ship to numbers below expected viable biological diversity through free choice of partner. Even with the colony ship intact and arriving at it's intended destination there was a protocol in place by which each adult man and woman were required to produce at least two children, a third and fourth child giving the parents a financial bonus for each additional child.

The contingency plan however was a little different, firstly in that it required all males and females over the age of 15 to breed at least three children without any promise of a bonus for a fourth or fifth. The children should preferably all be conceived within no more than a year of each other.

Choice of partner for each child was a free choice but also subject to strict regulations:

1. No couple already having produced a child were allowed to produce another until they had filled the mandated quota of at least three more children.

2. If a coupled male and female did not conceive a child within 6 months they were to be assigned new breeding partners.

3. Due to lesser probability of women over forty falling pregnant they were to choose younger males with more viable sperm to breed with and vice versa, younger females with a greater probability of falling pregnant were to choose older males with less viable sperm to breed with.

4. No colonist, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, were allowed to refuse breeding. Punishment for refusing to breed or secretly using any sort of contraceptive was banishment from the colony or be forced to breed without their consent. This applied to both males and females.
the only contraceptives allowed would be condoms or diaphragms to allow husbands and wives to still enjoy sex without risking pregnancy if they already have a child between them. All other methods such as birth control pills or implants, injections and whatever else of a more permanent nature would be illegal.
  • No one should feel that they need to write non-con to fully enjoy our group.
  • Non-con scenes should be labeled as such in the thread name so those wanting to avoid, not read them have a warning.
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It's not perfect math, but basically on 28 day cycle, there's a week of peak fertility, two weeks either side where conception is possible but less likely, and a 4th week of a period where it's much less likely. So each female character is getting a 1d4 roll to see which week in a cycle of 4 is their best week.

So for example Elizabeth rolls a 3. On every third week, she gets a major bonus to conception rolls, on the weeks either side, the 2nd and 4th, she gets no related bonus, and on the opposite end on the 1st week she gets a major penalty to the chance.

I assume female characters can chose to track things and tell prospective partners or not, depending on how they feel. I'm currently generating those stats now.
One should also consider if all female characters' cycles begin on the same day or not. I imagine it would become burdensome (but also more realistic) if Elizabeth's "week 1" is different from Abeba's, from Mia's, from Riley's, etc.
there's a week of peak fertility

Ovulation as we also call it. ;)

One should also consider if all female characters' cycles begin on the same day or not.

For all the female characters to sync up would be a major stretch indeed.

The Mercer twins though might actually be naturally in sync.

Yeah, for the sake of my sanity, weeks will simply correspond to the in game week timer.

You mean that somehow 11 females all sync up their menstrual cycles, bleeding at the same time and ovulating at the same time?
Ovulation as we also call it. ;)

For all the female characters to sync up would be a major stretch indeed.

The Mercer twins though might actually be naturally in sync.

You mean that somehow 11 females all sync up their menstrual cycles, bleeding at the same time and ovulating at the same time?
No, I'm sorry if this was unclear. I'm just not having different female characters have a different start day like Bond suggested.
So we have the in game weeks. Right now we are on week one. Pretty soon we will probably start week 2.

To use my example from earlier, If Elizabeth rolled a 3, then when we start the third in game week, and every third week of a 4 week month, (Week 3, week 7, week 11 etc) that is the week she is ovulating, so on the week on either side and thereafter 2,4 6,8, 10,12 etc she is "normal, and on the 1st week of each month, 1,5,9 etc she would be menstruating and therefore less likely to conceive.

However Mac may have rolled a 2, so every 2nd week of a 4 week month, 2, 6, 10 she has her ovulation, and the 4th week is her menstruation.
If Elizabeth rolled a 3, then when we start the third in game week, and every third week of a 4 week month, (Week 3, week 7, week 11 etc) that is the week she is ovulating, so on the week on either side and thereafter 2,4 6,8, 10,12 etc she is "normal, and on the 1st week of each month, 1,5,9 etc she would be menstruating and therefore less likely to conceive.

However Mac may have rolled a 2, so every 2nd week of a 4 week month, 2, 6, 10 she has her ovulation, and the 4th week is her menstruation.

Got it. Yea that made a lot more sense.
I am starting to notice that many of our characters are approaching the end of Week 1. Does any of you have plans that require opening up Week 2 Journal Entries? If so then please let me know and I will open it.

I'm not fully ready for week 2 but I could certainly do some brainstorming here or in DMs. Not hearing much response to this initial query I assume everyone is still pretty content in week one.

I am going to be moving away from non-con for my characters, feeling they are now more prepared and are ready to make their own alliances with those more likely to respect their wishes. I intend to weave this intention into the story with some IC ideas and journal entries for week 2.

I'd like to explore the Charles Robinson character a bit more, I've already mentioned an idea to one player and would also be interested in something a little different for the Mercer twins if interested @MsBloom and @Aluora

I think things are proceeding well, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves as much as I am with this group. Feel free to reach out with ideas or concerns.
I am going to be moving away from non-con for my characters, feeling they are now more prepared and are ready to make their own alliances with those more likely to respect their wishes. I intend to weave this intention into the story with some IC ideas and journal entries for week 2.

That seems to be the way things are moving for sure.

Personally I would love to explore the whole foursome breeding between the Nyong'o siblings and the Drake siblings (the latter of course having grown up in a polycule, at least for a few years I would dare say. Did you and @Colonel_Liam decide on how long Mia has been part of the family?

and would also be interested in something a little different for the Mercer twins if interested @MsBloom and @Aluora


Not hearing much response to this initial query I assume everyone is still pretty content in week one.

I have come to the same conclusion. Just let me know when and if you are ready to move on. I do have a few Journal Entries to write myself but I am holding off on them until I have all the facts. I realised earlier that writing Journal Entries about events not yet played out can cause some narrative confusion.

Nate will definitely have something to say about whether or not consent is dead in this new colony.

I'd say the way the narrative and most of the characters are developing it most certainly is dead. There are even some plans for how to deal with Capheus when the time comes.
Although. Who knows? The alliance between Capheus and Lucas might just backfire and turn the colony into an amazonian society. ;)

(We did that to some extent in the Next Gen version of our first go at this story after all.)
Did you and @Colonel_Liam decide on how long Mia has been part of the family?
I believe we were calling it about 10 years, since she came of age.
The alliance between Capheus and Lucas might just backfire and turn the colony into an amazonian society. ;)
I think there are always women that like the bad boys, so I think things will even out a bit. Game wise I don't want to see anyone totally isolated obviously.
@MsBloom @apollo247 If I were to post right now, I'd have to turn "Nate is still watching, trying not to whip his cock out and jizz all over the bushes" into a post that's worthy of this wonderful group we've gathered here. Keep on posting until the sex scene is over, if you'd like to, that is.
If I were to post right now, I'd have to turn "Nate is still watching, trying not to whip his cock out and jizz all over the bushes" into a post that's worthy of this wonderful group we've gathered here. Keep on posting until the sex scene is over, if you'd like to, that is.

Although maybe a brief commentary about getting upset with Abeba for cheating on his sister perhaps? Or were you saving that for when he eventually makes his presence known?

I think there are always women that like the bad boys, so I think things will even out a bit.

There always is of course.
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