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The Life of a Recovering Succubus (MotionlessOrbit x Ouroborus)

Anaise followed after her, though she waited at the bottom of the stairs, watching as the people filtered in. It was surprising to see so many people entering the house and filling the room. She was no stranger to crowds, but to think they all came from the same family. Now that was something. Succubus didn't have large families, really. There were a lot of requirements to get one pregnant, letting them enjoy as much sex as they wanted.

She was amazed by it, but she didn't let it get to her. She took a deep breath and walked through the crowd, saying hello to everyone and introducing herself as much as she could. "Hi, I'm Anaise, Noah's girlfriend." She found herself saying a lot, as well as explaining that she was a succubus. They'd all heard of her, but they'd never seen her before. She was enjoying it as much as anyone could, a little grin on her face.
Eventually the polite chatter and small talk was interrupted by a loud noise outside, it was clearly some kind of motorcycle along with another vehicle. Several of the family members gathered rolled their eyes as Dorothy went to answer the door.

"Robert, happy thanksgiving" she said, returning as she hugged a tall and strapping man wearing a biker jacket and shaking back a man of long hair. "Stop calling me Robert, Dolly. Its Bobby. We're Bobby and Dolly, it's always been that way" he said, his voice loud but jovial as Dorothy sighed but wearing a smile.

Bobby spend a few minutes shaking hands and laughing as he joked with family he'd assumedly not seen for while. He eventually reached Noah and clapped him on the shoulder, hard enough to nearly make Noah fall over

"Hey there shrimp toast. Happy thanksgiving. Your balls drop yet?" he asked with a chuckle, making Noah turn pink with embarrassment. Her boyfriend quickly changed the subject by turning his attention to Anaise.

"Damn. This her? Your girlfriend?" asked Bobby, his immediate lust for Anaise showing to her and he didn't hide it either. Bobby was not afraid of just looking Anaise up and down, grinning at her chest under the stretched out top before finally settling on her own gaze and giving her a playful wink.

"Nice to meet'cha. Noah calls me Uncle Bobby but you can call me anything anytime sugar tits" he said, practically licking his lips as he seemed to be mostly talking to Anaise's chest, Noah just freezing up and slowly turning crimson.
Anaise felt like she was in front of a radiator, the way he was so blatant with his lust for her. It washed over her and left her skin feeling warm to the touch. She understood what Dorothy meant, but the woman had under-sold it. Then again, how could you prepare anyone for this?

"Nice to meet you, Bobby. " She smiled and offer him a hand to shake. "I'm Anaise. Yeah, I'm Noah's girlfriend." She said it in a way that made it seem as if she almost couldn't believe it either. She could feel Noah's skin heating up from his embarrassment of his Uncle's behavior, but she didn't mind it one bit. She was enjoying it, really.

"Thanks for coming to Thanksgiving! This is my first one, and I'm really excited to really get to know you and the rest of his family!" It was hard to maintain herself in front of Noah and the others, really. The way he was looking at her was exciting and it was starting to arouse her.
Bobby smirked at the formal gesture and reached out to take Anaise's hand regardless. The men both noticed the way Anaise confirmed she was Noah's girlfriend, Bobby letting out a chuckle as Noah looked across at Anaise with flushed cheeks. Bobby meanwhile was barely paying attention to his nephew and instead continuing to just check out his girlfriend right in front of him.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss good old family fun for anything" laughed Bobby. "You just let me know if there's anything I can do to make it a good one, ok sweetheart?" he said, already reaching out and touching Anaise's midriff and her waist. Noah meanwhile was turning so crimson there might as well have been steam coming out of his ears.

"Erm... A-A-Anaise? Do you... want to meet some other people from my family?" he stammered, clearly trying to get his girlfriend away from his handsy uncle.
The Anaise Noah thought he knew would have pulled away and perhaps scolded Bobby. Instead, she not only let him hold her, feeling her up, but stepped a little bit closer to him, her chest pushing up against his torso slightly. "Thank you, I'll be sure to get to know you better." She promised him, a sly smile on her lips.

She then turned away from the man, looking to Noah. "It's okay, Noah. You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself." She assured him, gently cradling his cheek in her hand. "Don't get so worked up." Of course, she had every intention of pushing his buttons and testing his limits.
Noah swallowed as he felt that same weird cocktail of feelings brewing in his stomach again. He watched Anaise cosying up to Bobby and the sight made him want to throw up but almost a weird arousal was coming over him. It made him unable to open his mouth, just watching in a combination of horror and strange fascination.

Anaise meanwhile turned to Noah and cupped his face, reassuring him even as Bobby grinned at her advances and reached down to place his hand over her ass, squeezing it through her skirt. Noah was just about to try and say something when he was suddenly pulled into a pseudo hug by another figure.

The young man looked to be around Noah's age, possibly a few years older, at least a high school senior or college freshman. He had the same wavy and dark coloured hair as Bobby and there was a familial resemblance between them. "There's my favourite half-pint cousin" said the boy, pulling Noah into a headlock and messing with his hair while Bobby just chuckled at their antics.

"Anaise, this is my oldest, Chase" he said, introducing them. Chase paused messing with Noah for a minute and have Anaise a grin, looking her up and down just like his dad had. "Fuck, Noah. So you weren't just bullshitting" laughed Chase, Noah struggling to get free from his older cousin while Bobby took the opportunity to grope his girlfriend and grin down at her.
Anaise bit her lip whjen she felt Bobby's hands squeezing her ass through her skirt. Her eyes darted left and right, making sure no one else was looking, though it was clear that Bobby's son could see. Chase was distracting Noah from his uncle groping her, letting her enjoy the attention more.

"Ah, hi Chase, nice to meet you." She breathed softly, leaning back into Bobby's touch. She was still excited from her time with Dorothy upstairs, and before with Gabriel. She'd set out to accomplish corrupting someone, and she had. Twice. But she felt like Bobby needed no corrupting, and if Chase was like his father...

"You have such a big family, Noah, I never knew." She moaned softly under Bobby's touch.
"Yeah, one big happy family" said Bobby, taking note that Anaise didn't mind his touch and if anything seemed to want more. His hand slipped under her skirt and he sank his fingers into the round plump peach that was her perfect ass. Noah eventually extricated himself from under his cousin and looked down to see Bobby openly groping his girlfriend. A few other people had taken notice but from their expressions and from Dorothy's earlier warnings, it seemed it was something they'd become used to and were at least willing to weather in silence. Although a few did whisper about his behaviour or roll their eyes.

"What took you so long with the car? You take it to dinner before parking it" chastised Bobby as Chase played with his hair and grinned at Anaise. His son jabbed his thumb back behind towards the door. "Don't blame me. The twins were fucking around in the back and I nearly totalled it" he said, Bobby groaning and turning to go and deal with 'the twins', his hand leaving Anaise but the man giving her a playful wink before he pushed his way through the dozen or so people gathered and chatting around the lounge and hallway.

"So Anaise, how long have you been dating Noah?" asked Chase, having taken notice of how his dad had been groping the succubus and she'd seemed to enjoy it. Noah meanwhile hugged himself to Anaise, as if he might be able to ward other men away or she might shelter him from his lascivious extended family.
Anaise let out a small sigh as Bobby let go of her, making sure to smooth out her skirt. She was a wet mess, and with no panties there to catch her arousal, it would dribble down her thighs slowly. It wouldn't have been long before Bobby would have felt her excitement if he kept it up, not that it was a problem.

"Uhm, not very long." Anaise answered Chase with a small smile. She looked down at Noah, surprised to see how possessive he was being over her. He'd never been like this before, and she wondered if it had to do with her staying with Levi on the weekend. "But, we're happy, I think. Right, Noah?" She asked, giving him a little peck on the cheek, though her eyes were on Chase the whole time.

"What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?"
Chase smirked at Anaise's question while Noah just shrank inside himself, giving Anaise a weak smile as she pecked him on the cheek. He nodded while Chase shook his head and shrugged. "Nah. Not right now. I like being a free agent" he said, giving Anaise another lustful look.

"I heard succubi have allergic reactions if they try and be monogamous. But you're looking really fine to me" he said, Noah bristling at his inappropriate comments but Chase just kept checking out his girlfriend right in front of him. "That's a really nice looking top. Your skirt's cute too. You think maybe it'd look good a little shorter" he said, Chase brazenly reaching down to play with the hem of it, lifting it a little and threatening to show anyone stood facing Anaise's front side that she was pantie-less and dripping down her thighs.
"I remember when I was a free agent, it is fun." Anaise grinned at him in agreement. "I loved it, and I miss it sometimes." She couldn't help but return his look, just as lustful and inviting as his own. Of course, she was anything but monogamous at the moment, she just wasn't going to tell Noah.

"I No, not allergic gets really...difficult." She explained a little. She would have went more in depth, but then he started lifting her skirt, threatening to expose her bare pussy. She didn't mind, but she didn't want everyone seeing. "Hey," She flattened her skirt, holding it down with her hands as she looked at him. "Thank you for the compliments, I try my best to look good." She grinned.

"I'd rather you didn't do that, though. Noah might not like that. Right, honey?" She asked him.
Noah watched as Anaise barely denied him, biting his lip and nodding hastily as Anaise asked him how he felt. "Y-y-yeah. Anaise doesn't like that sort of thing" mumbled Noah but Chase gave him a slightly too hard jovial punch on the arm.

"Shut up dickweed. She's your girlfriend and you're hanging off her arm like a little kid" said Chase, clearly hoping his show of bravado would impress Anaise as he bullied her boyfriend right in front of her. "If you're missing being single, I think I can see why" he laughed, giving Noah a small shove as he let go of Anaise.

"You can stop hogging this hottie all to yourself man. You want to come look at the drinks Aunt Dolly's got going on?" he asked, looking to Anaise as Noah looked to her too, giving her a pleading look.
Anaise held her giggle as she watched Chase bully his cousin. Before hand, she would have been upset, and defended him on his behalf. Instead, she enjoyed the act, at least a little. She didn't hate Noah, but she was a little miffed with him, and this was amusing to her.

"Sure, I'd love to see what she has to drink." She agreed before looking to Noah. The face he was giving her did make her feel a little bad, but she shook her head. "C'mon, Noah, Let me get to know your family. I don't have one like this." She told him before stepping over to Chase.
Noah didn't have anything to say in response. Instead he just stood there and watched as his cousin wrapped an arm around Anaise's waist and guided her from the lounge. Before they exited, Noah just caught the sight of Chase's hand going under Anaise's skirt, groping her ass and feeling her lack of panties. "Forgot something while you were getting changed?" he remarked, guiding Anaise into the kitchen and the pair getting curious looks from other relatives and family friends.

Chase let Anaise go as he mixed them both something strong and handed her a glass, grinning at her. "You're not really dating Noah, right? He must be paying you? Or it's a joke? There's no way a girl as hot as you wants to be with him" he remarked, the pair finding a quiet spot in the corner of the kitchen away from the others, not too far from where Anaise had secretly sucked Gabriel's cock just a few hours ago.
"Mm," Anaise exhaled softly as he groped her bare ass underneath her skirt, "'s a fashion statement." She replied slyly.

"No, he's my boyfriend. He's not so bad!" She told him, lightly hitting his shoulder as she took the drink he'd offered her, taking a long sip from it. "He's a cowardly, but, well....everyone has their redeeming qualities." She explained with a chuckle. "He's sweet and cute...that's what I need from him. But I can get what I need from others." She teased him before coughing a little on the drink. "So strong.."
"Sorry, I can mix it a bit more if you'd like?" offered Chase, smiling however as Anaise confessed she got other things from other guys. "So, if Noah is nice, sweet and cute. What does another guy need to give you?" he asked, taking a step closer to Anaise, running a hand over her midriff and waist in a very similar way to how his father had.

"Does he need to be the kind of guy who messes with your boyfriend? I saw how you laughed when I was picking on him" he said, noting down Anaise had seemed to almost enjoy seeing Chase bully Noah. "You like seeing a proper man giving that little twerp a hard time?" he asked, his hand becoming more brazen as he played with her skirt again and used his grip on it to pull Anaise closer towards him.
"No, no it's fine." Anaise assured him, taking another sip. She almost spilled the drink from her glass when he pulled her against him, barely able to set it aside. Her breasts pushed up tightly against his chest, and her hands held him by his arms, feeling the muscle they held. "I mean...I did enjoy it a little." She admitted with a small grin.

"It was kind of cute, but also...I mean, what girl doesn't love a man who can assert himself?" She asked slyly , looking up at him. "That's a surefire way to get a girl's attention...even if it's just Noah." She chuckled softly. "But I definitely need a man who can leave me satisfied." She admitted. "It's hard when your lover can't help you finish."
"Oh yeah? I'm gonna be honest, that's really hot. Knowing you get off on seeing him getting picked on" chuckled Chase, returning Anaise's grin and nodding along as she talked about being satisfied. "Well I've never failed in that department" he said, playing with her skirt more until his hand slipped under it and touched her heated wet slit gently. Chase was subtle about it, slowly glancing around to make sure the few other people chatting in the kitchen were absorbed in their conversation.

"It's pretty sad" he whispered, leaning in to murmur into her ear. "Seeing you so worked up with a limp-dicked little guy like Noah as your boyfriend" he said, gently spreading her pink lips as he felt the soaking wetness clinging to his fingertips, stroking her pussy slowly under her skirt. "Makes me wanna go beat him up for not treating you like you need to be treated" he growled, sliding two fingers easily inside Anaise, her slick lips practically swallowing them and offering little resistance with how wet and needy her pussy had become.
"Mm!" Anaise muffled a moan as his fingers teased her. It was hard enough to be quiet when he was just feeling the lips to her oussy, but she almost moaned aloud when his fingers slipped inside of her. She leaned against him more, biting her lip to keep quiet, but while she could keep her volume low she couldn't keep her legs from wobbling slightly.

"Well..." She whispered quietly, trying to keep her volume low, "You wouldn't the only one..." She whispered. Her pussy was like an inferno, swallowing his fingers deep in her heat as he finger edges her. Maybe it was because of how he kept mentioning Noah, or because they could be caught so easily, but this was far hotter than she thought. The risk of being caught turned her on far more than she would have thought.

"I really need someone who can use this body of mine properly, and he can't...and wont..." She whimpered softly. "A real man, with a real cock to satisfy me."
"Oh yeah? You want me to rough him up a bit in front of you?" whispered Chase, as Anaise tried not to get them noticed and he slid his fingers deep inside her. He felt how hot and wet she was, her tight walls clinging to him as he drove himself into her slick cunt, all the way to the knuckle and letting Anaise muffle herself against him.

"Would that make you even wetter than you are now?" he teased, moving his hand so he could rub the pad of this thumb against her clit while he fingered her pussy. "I've got a real cock baby. I'm sure it'll satisfy you. Make you forget all about my limp-dicked cousin. I'll make you cum so hard you forget all about him" he said, biting her earlobe and pulling back a little, giving a distant aunt and friendly smile as she looked over to see what they were up to.

Chase casually sipped his drink and his hand under her skirt, obscured by Anaise's form. There was just her trembling and the shifting of Chase's arm to give them away. Unless Anaise cried out. However it seemed Chase didn't mind them being watched either.
"Ahn!" anaise covered her mouth to muffle her cry as his knuckles sank deep into her pussy, exploring her folds freely. She turned her head away from the others, so no one could see her face,doing her best to hide herself. "That would make me so wet! " she admitted to him, eyes glancing back at him.

He reminded her so much of Charlie, it was funny. The way he talked about Noah, as if he almost didn't like his cousin just because he was dating someone like her. It only made her wetter, to be coveted in such a way, her juices running down his hand is small streams. She only hoped that he was as big as Charlie was, too. "I want your cock so bad..." She bmwhispered to him, holding back how insatiable she'd become.

"My pussy feels like its going to explode." She panted, her folds wrapped tightly around his digits. She couldn't help herself, her hand moving to his crotch and squeezing his cock through his pants. She almost had half a mind to have him fuck her here and now.
Anaise got her wish as she reached for Chase's crotch and felt a pretty sizeable bulge in his jeans. He might have been as big as Charlie, if not just a little smaller. Either way, his bravado and arrogance was explained by the size of his dick, Anaise feeling how hard she'd made him as he fingered her faster and harder.

"Cum for me. I want to feel you creaming yourself" he whispered, fucking her with his fingers. "Then we're gonna go find Noah and give him what he deserves" he explained, his voice low and with a wicked lilt to it. "When I'm done with that little runt. We'll go a quiet spot and you can show me how grateful you for putting him in his place".
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Anaise closed her eyes as he whispered in her ear, his words only turning her on more. The feeling of his cock and its size left her more than just satisfied, making her moan lowly, eyes squeezing tightly closed. "Chase...!" She whispered fiercely, standing on her toes.

"I'm gonna...I'm...!" Her body finished the sentence for her. Her pussy clamped down tightly against him, molding to the shape of his fingers as she squirted her juices onto his hand. To shush her moan, she buried her face in his chest,but she couldn't stop bucking her hips against his hand, whimpering the whole time she came. She had no idea Charlie's family was so robust, but she was loving them already.
Chase let out a groan as he felt Anaise soak herself, dripping down her thighs, wetting her skirt and coating his fingers. He kept stroking her pussy as she trembled and climaxed as quietly as she could. A few of the family were certainly curious as to what the pair were up to, fairly sure that the blue-haired girl was meant to be Noah's girlfriend but there she was cuddling with Chase instead. Maybe they'd heard it wrong.

"Good girl" said Chase, sliding his fingers out of Anaise and showing her how wet they were. He pressed them to her lips so Anaise could suck off her own juices while he reached down and gently smoothed he ruffled skirt. "You wanna go find Noah now?" he asked quietly.
Anaise opened her mouth and slid his fingers inside. She wrapped her kiss around them and sucked them clean, leaving not a drop of her cum on his hand. She let go with a small pop before sighing, smiling as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, let's go find him. The sooner we do, the sooner I can show you just how grateful I'll be." She teased him, giving his cock one last squeeze before letting go.
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