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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

His brow was knit tight, and he bit his lip hard as he moved faster. His movements were getting a little sloppy as he slammed into her again and again, but god he needed this so badly. He needed it more than he really knew, and he felt it welling up before he cried out loudly and emptied his massive load into her, slamming hard and emptying more and more into her, like he couldn't stop.
Her toes curled and she gasped loudly, feeling it fill her full, her heart skipping a little at the feeling. She tried to catch her breath as she reached out her arms to him, wanting him close, wanting to hold him.
He pressed his forehead to hers and grunted as he emptied a small load into her. "H-Haah..~ V-Vee..~~"
She gave a soft grunt, wrapping her arms around him gently, "Oh, Cash~~" She moaned softly, eyes sliding closed.
She kissed back gently, making a soft noise, "I love you, too, Cash...~" She replied before suddenly giggling, "I'll apologize to our neighbors tomorrow when I get the chance...~" She said teasingly.
After a night of rest and dreading a call from the cops that never came, they were off to their next show.
"Damn, there's so much room in here now." Mick grinned.
Vivi smiled, laying against Cash as she usually did in the back seat, now having more space to do with Mick up front with Shawn. Her bruise had darkened a little, but she assured Cash that it would right itself in a couple days, despite his concerned protests.
"Six thousand people, Cash. Six fucking thousand!" Mick reached back to throw a playful excited punch at him, grin splitting his face. Vivi hummed and played with Cash's hand, "Almost six thousand..." She corrected teasingly.
"You're welcome.." Vivi smiled, not even really meaning it. Mick playfully smacked her leg and she gave a fake scoff.
"Thanks, Viv, really!"
"Yeah, Miss Vivi, we wouldn't have gotten this far without you." Vivi blushed and mumbled shyly that it wasn't a big deal.
"Yeah, what he said!" Mick agreed and Vivi shyly played with Cash's fingers.
"Like I said, I just do my best for you guys.."
She hummed and nodded. When they arrived, Vivi got everyone checked into the hotel before Mick begged her to show them where they were preforming. She agreed and drove them to the concert hall. It was much bigger, even from the outside. And when they went inside, Mick could hardly contain himself.
"Mick, settle." Shawn laughed.
"No!! Look at this place! What?! Christ, Viv, if I could kiss you I would!!" He said. Vivi smiled in good humor.
"The thought is appreciated." She replied playfully.
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