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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Her stomach tied into knots and she grunted with each hard thrust, "Y...Yeah~? You don't want...any other girl~?"
She arched and cried out, "H...Hooked is a pretty bold claim...~! W-Would you do have one night with me...~?"
"L-Let's pray you never have to find out..~" he said against her throat as he bit up from her collarbone.
She whined and cried out, "F-Fair enough...~!!" The thought alone drove her wild. Cash taking someone's life, for her? While she knew she wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, it was rather attractive to her. Nothing of this earth would keep him from her.
She moaned loudly, gutturally, reaching to scratch the base of his skull again. She wanted him to use her at this point.
He let out another low, debased moan as he forced his tongue into her mouth and slammed hard into her spot.
He grunted and continued, his mind blanking out completely as he slammed harder and harder into her spot.
"C...Cash...~!! O-Oh, fuck, baby...~!! I-It's so good...~!! It's so fucking good...~!! I can't take it...~!!" She cried, though it was muffled by his lips.
She watched him through half lidded eyes, grunting and moaning as he slammed into her, "F-Fuck, baby, I would do anything for you~~ just ask and it's done, doesn't matter what it is~~" She said between moans.
Her hands dropped beside her head, letting him move so he could admire her as he buried himself inside her over and over. Her full hips looked amazing in his hands, her gown pushed up over her stomach as the top was pulled down under her massive tits, which bounced with each hard thrust he made. She was just so beautiful, everything he could ever dream of in a woman.
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