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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He nearly ripped the gown down off of her breasts to switch breasts, his eyes rolling back and half lidded.
Her head fell back slightly and she gave a low moan, "O-Oh, fuck, baby~~" She squirmed again, her pussy aching for attention.
She felt every pulse and throb, his cock hot against her dripping heat. She moaned, his cock rubbing her clit as he ground against her.
She whined loudly, her face flushed darkly as she squirmed more, "F-Fuck, baby...~!! I want it, I want you so bad...~!!"
He grunted and moved to bite along her shoulder, pulling back to try and push into her without really looking.
She moaned weakly, and after a moment he managed to push into her, her sounds growing louder the deeper he went, "O-Oh my God~!!"
He panted and pulled back to the tip before slamming hard into her with a low grunt. "I-I love it so fucking much, Vee." He hissed out, "fucking perfect. I'm hooked..~!"
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