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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

If he could find the words to tell her, he would. But he just moved faster, one hand sinking into her soft tits. "F..Fuhk..~!"
His eyes rolled back in his skull and he let out an odd, pleasured sound as he did so. He started picking up speed, moaning loudly and bucking his hips into her.
She gasped loudly, gripping the sheets tight beside her head, "C...Cash~!! B-Baby, I-I'm close~!! I'm so fucking close, it's right there~!!"
She ground her hips hard against his, screaming over and over as she climaxed hard, her walls squeezing tight around him. There was a hard bang on the wall, the people next to them clearly put off.
"Keep it the fuck down!!" Came a muffled yell.
"B-Baby, h-hang on, I-I'm sensitive~!!" She whined, her voice going a slight octave higher. But how could he stop when there were people listening?
Her eyes crossed and she covered her mouth to muffle her shrill screams. He was so deep, twisting her up just right.
"F-Fuck, Vee, d-don't keep 'em from me." He said as he moved one hand to pin her wrists above her head.
"Haaah~!!" Why was that so hot? Why did that push her closer? She had no idea, but she loved it more than she could ever describe, "I-I'm...sorry, baby~!! I-I just...feel kinda bad~!!"
That did it. She had no idea why, but that did her in. She arched hard and screamed as she climaxed again, grinding hard against him as he railed her, "O-Oh my fucking God, Cash~!!"
He moaned lowly and ground hard, letting her really feel and savor just how deep in her guts he was. "Sh..Shit, Vee..~"
She blushed darkly and shook her head, "I-I don't quick it'll happen...but I'm so dizzy, baby, I feel like I'll pass out~"
"Yeah..~? D-Damn.. should I give you a break..~?" He asked. His cock throbbed and it made her stomach turn.
He shuddered and continued moving. It was more desperate now, less brutal movement and more with a need. He was getting close.
She didn't try to hide her moans this time, which garnered another pound on the wall. She melted, knowing what that meant.
He moved faster and faster, panting and crying out as he bucked desperately into her. "V..Vee, I'm.." he gasped.
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