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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Big man, big man. Kiss her for me right now." Mick ordered, all in good fun, before running toward the stage. Vivi laughed and turned to Cash, "You heard the man~"
She giggled as she kissed back, holding his cheek gently. Mick hollered in pure excitement and joy, causing Shawn and Vivi to laugh loudly. Mick was jumping all over the stage, laughing uncontrollably.
"He's like a little kid.." Vivi smiled.
"A little.." She replied before turning toward him, "Mick, sweetheart, be careful up there!" She called.
"You said we had a couple days to ourselves before the show?" Shawn asked. She nodded.
"Yup! You're free to do as you please~"
As they headed off toward the downtown where all the shops and things were, people were noticing who Cash was. Some people wanted autographs, others wanted pictures. It was exciting for him.
"You doing ok, baby?" Vivi asked, squeezing his hand as they waited in line for food at a cafe, hearing girls whisper excitedly about him, watching them both.
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