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Pirates Oh my! (Cute and Rainbows)

((You sure say that alot.^_^ Well, in that case, I'll go the romance route as I'm quite enjoying their little cute together time. Though, it'll have to wait a bit. My supper just finished, so I'll post when I get done eating.))
((Haha Ya, that's because I'm pretty indifferent about just about everything. Mmk. That's perfect timing. My dinner just finished as well. ^-^ ))
((Well, I'm back. Still eating, but it's just a little after dinner snack. Wouldn't really call it a dessert though.))

For a long while, throughout the entire ship, it was silent and tense. After a while, the tension was broken when Johnathan knocked on the door of his room.

"It's me. The ship's gone. I think they may have hit a reef or something." he told her from outside. Of course, he was just assuming she locked it. He didn't actually bother to check it as he figured the sudden jiggling on the door knob might startle her.
Star jumped a bit as she heard the knock on the door. She knew it was him by his voice so she put the book down and got up, going and unlocking the door. She smiled as she saw him and moved out of the way to let him in. She held out the key in the palm of her hand, waiting for him to take it as he walked by. She was quite glad that the ship hadn't attacked, that meant she would be able to spend more time with Johnathan.
Johnathan smiled and nodded a thanks as he took the guy. Instead of putting the key back in his pocket, he went over to his desk, opened the drawer and dropped it in, before shutting the door again. He then noticed the book on his desk and picked it up, making sure not to lose her place. He then read a few lines to see where she was in the story.

" You're getting to the best part. Only a few more pages. I won't ruin it for you. I've always hated when people spoil stories for me." he said, walking over to her and offering her the book back, once more, looking into her eyes and becoming captivated once more.
Star's smiled seemed to lighten up a bit as she felt him take the key. She was a bit confused as to why he didn't put it back in his pocket but she figured he had a good enough reason. She just stayed in the same place as he went over and picked up her book and read where she was. She smiled as he said she was almost ot the good part. She could hardly wait until she got to it, but she would wait if he wanted to walk to her. She took the book and smiled up at him. "Well then, I cant wait." She said, but instead of reading, she jsut stared back into his eyes. She didn't really know why, but she just didn't want to look away form him.
As he looked at her, Johnathan lowered his face towards, almost about to kiss her, but broke off at the last second.

"Sorry........" he muttered, their faces still fairly close, but he was looking away in embarassment. He lost control of himself for a moment there and figured she wouldn't accept a kiss from him and may very well get super pissed at him again, something he'd much like to avoid.
As he looked at her, Johnathan lowered his face towards, almost about to kiss her, but broke off at the last second. "Sorry........" he muttered, their faces still fairly close, but he was looking away in embarassment. He lost control of himself for a moment there and figured she wouldn't accept a kiss from him and may very well get super pissed at him again, something he'd much like to avoid.

Star grew a bit nerveous as he got really close to her face, and almost seemed as if he was going to kiss her, but then just stopped. She wondered why and she thought maybe there was something wrong with her. She just sighed a bit and nodded. "It's fine." She said and ducked away from him, going and sitting at his desk once more and began to read.
"I just...........didn't think you'd kiss someone like me. I mean, I'm just a lowly pirate, and your a princess. Not exactly a match made in heaven." Johnathan replied, laughing lightly, followed by sighing in dissapointment as he set on the edge of the bed, burying his face in the palms of his hand. He was obviously not the perfect, god like being that all the stories made him out to be. He was really just.........human, like everyone else. He had his own doubts, his own fears, his own things that he enjoyed. God, how he wanted to kiss her. He could not deny he had feelings for her, and he was observant enough to be able to see the signs she was interested in him as well. Still, while famous, being a pirate limited the things he could do in his life. It wasn't as free as people made it out to be.

He sighed again, unable to bring himself to look at her, ashamed of himself. He was tired. Not physically, more emotionally. He was tired of the chains his occupation put on him. Tired of everything he was forced to do. He just wanted it to end. It was far from the first time that he had thoughts of giving up his way of life and becoming.........normal.

((I've gotta run for a while. I'll be back in...........oh..........about 2 and a half hours or so.))
Star looked up at him as he spoke. "Well I would quite enjoy it if you asked my opinion on it." She said, not really angry for what he'd done, she just kind of wished he had gone through with it. She looked back down at the book. "I wouldn't have minded kissing you..." She said softly. almost into the book. She didn't know what to do so she just kept reading. She really enjoyed the fact that she was actually outside her house, actually doing things. She didn't know why but she really liked being with him and as observant as she was, she really didn't the fact that he liked her as well. She sighed a bit, looking up at him right before she got to the best part. She sat the book down and looked over at him. She just stared at him, not quite sure what to say, but she got up and went over, sitting on the bed with him. She leaned over a bit and rested her head on his shoulder, that was what she did with her father when he was a bit down, so she decided maybe the same would work with him.

((Mmk, I'll talk to you when you come back then.))
Johnathan certainly heard her get up, but wasn't expecting her to come to him. When he felt her head on his shoulder, he raised his head away from his hands with a light smile on his face.

"You seem to know just how to make me feel better." he said, laughing lightly. Then, he raised his hand and tilted her chin up a bit, so she was looking at him, and him at her. He just looked at her a moment before leaning down towards her, catching her lips in a gentle kiss that he had intended earlier.
Star just sat there as she felt him move his head, but didn't bother to do anything. That was until he spoke. She looked up at him and smiled. "Well you act a lot like my father, and that's how I cheer him up. I'm just surprised it worked on you as well." She said, blushing a bit as he moved her chin up to look at him. She wasn't really expecting it this time, but she kissed him back, and she was glad that he had actually done it this time instead of stopping in fear she'd be mad.
Johnathan gradually deepened the kiss, keeping it going for a good while before pulling away, resting his forehead against hers, as well as the tip of his nose against hers too. He took a deep breath, his eyes closed, but a smile on his face.

"I'm glad I met you....." he told her, opening his eyes as he put his arms around her, affectionately holding her somewhat.
Star kissed him back, deepening the kiss as he did, though a bit more hesitantly because she was shyer. As he finally broke the kiss she looked into his eyes, blushing quite a bit. She was kind of glad their faces were so close, maybe he wouldn't notice her blushing so much again. She couldn't help but smirk. "I'm glad you took me." She said, still blushing a bit. His arm around her was quite a foreign thing to her, but it was quite comfortable so she wouldn't try and push him away.
Johnathan couldn't help but chuckle at her response, enjoying it. With his forehead still against hers, he glanced over at the rest of the bed, making the reason very obvious.

"I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do....." he told her, arms still around her as he pulled his face back a bit. He noticed her blushing and found it cute, but didn't tease her about it or bring it up. He figured that'd ruin the moment.
Star watched as he looked over at the bed and then blushed as she realized why. She didn't say anything at first, not quite sure what to say. She thought about his proposal for a moment and then decided that she'd go ahead and do it, not only because she liked him, but because he was really a nice guy, unlike all the scum out on the rest of the ship. "I-I guess it would be ok." She said softly but then looked over at the door. "Should we lock that though?" She asked, remembering how that man just came in last time and how she didn't want that to happen and she blushed even more at the thought.
Johnathan glanced at the door and nodded in agreement. Releasing her and hopping to his feet, he quickly went over to the desk and took out the key, before heading to the door and locking it. Then, he just casually tossed the key onto the chair at his desk. Wasn't really a big deal to put it away, since he had more important things to do He then went back over to her, smiling the whole time and gently took a hold of her hips, somewhat scooting her across the bed so they had enough room to lay down.

"I'll be gentle......" he whispered, over top of her before lowering himself to give her a quick kiss on the lips before moving down to her neck, his hands skillfully working of removing her dress.
She watched as he got up and locked the door before coming back to her. She was still blushing a bit and she couldn't help but be a bit nerveous about this. It was her first time after all. She smiled as he scooted her across the bed, she felt like she was so tiny when he did that. She smiled more lovingly at his comment. "Thank you..." She whispered, kissing his nose quickly before he went on. She gasped as he started kissing at her neck, it feeling quite nice. Now her corset would be a bit tricky and the easiest way was to just untie it and if one was strong enough they would be able to loosen the lacing quite quickly, The hooks on the front would be quite a bit harder. But as soon as that was off, the dress would be quite easy to take off.
Johnthan was spurred on by her pleasure gasp, working her neck quite like a master. Even though he wasn't exactly an expert on dresses, so it took him a bit of feeling around to figure out how to take the thing off. But eventually, after some trail and error, he got everything undone and pulled her dress down her body, lifting her legs lightly to get it fully off, leaving her in whatever undergarments she happen to be wearing. He then tossed the dress across his desk and stood up at the food of the button, unbuttoning his simple shirt and taking it off, tossing it away, before undoing his pants and sliding them off, leaving him fully nude. Clothed, he was handsome, but nude, his great body was in full glory.
Star blushed as he felt around her trying to get the dress off of her. She kind of wanted to laugh, but she couldn't because that would ruin the moment and he was a pirate, she didn't really expect him to know much about dresses. As he finally got it off of her she shimmied a bit to help him take it off of her until she laid there in just a pair of bloomers. A bra wasn't nessesary because the corset did the job of that. And speaking of what the corset did, it only made her breasts look a bit smaller, and now that it was off, he would be able to see that. As he got off the bed and stripped down Star couldn't help but blush. She was now extremly nerveous about this, but since she had come thus far she couldn't give up now.
Johnthan gave her a reassuring smile as he crawled onto the bed, hooking his fingers into the waist band of her bloomers and pulling them off, similar to how he did her dress earlier. With her now fully nude, he nestled himself between her legs, over top of her. He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand as he gave her a lingering, gentle kiss.

"Are you ready?" he asked, when he pulled his face away.
She blushed a bit more as she was now completely naked. But she trusted Johnathan so she clamed down a bit. She took a deep breath and nodded, looking up at him. She really was ready, and the sooner they got it over with the less it would hurt, at least that was what she had heard from people around her age. That was the main reason she was so nerveous, afraid of pain. She kissed him back and nodded at his question. "Yes, I'm ready." She said, still a bit nerveous.
Johnathan nodded, sliding his arms under and around her, holding her as he slowly started to slide his cock into her.

"Try and relax. It only at hurts at first, but the pain will soon fade......" he whispered to her, going slowly and being extra careful not to increase the pain she no doubt felt, sliding bit by bit, into her more and more.
Star looked up at him as he slid his arms around her and she did the same, wrapping her arms around his neck. She gasped a bit her lip as he started to slide it. It didn't seem as if he were going to fit, but he did. She nodded a bit and looked off to the side, she felt so tight around him but it didn't hurt too bad, just really uncomfortable for her.
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