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Pirates Oh my! (Cute and Rainbows)

Johnathan continued slowly sliding in, finally stopping when he was all of the way in.

"I'll let you get adjusted to the feeling. Just tell me when you're ready....." he told her, giving her a reassuring kiss on the lips, enjoying the feeling of her arms around his neck. Such a simple act during an intimate encounter. Never the less, he liked being held by her.
Star just laid there as he was all the way in. She blushed a bit, looking up at him. "I'm jsut surprised that you're all the way in." She said, implying that he was big, not that she really had anything to compare it to. She nodded at his statement and laid there for a minute, allowing herself to get adjusted. "O-ok, I think I'm ready." She said, it wasn't hurting as bad so that was what she based it off of. She liked how close they were now and she thought it to be a bit funny that they went from kissing to sex that fast.
When she said she was ready, he nodded with a smile before withdrawing somewhat, then thrusting back in. As he did when he first penetrated her, he started slow. But, he started to increase his speed and force, but still holding back somewhat, so as to not hurt her, since she wasn't exactly use to it. Not like he had a problem being slow and gentle with her. As he did so, he lowered his head and engage her in a rather deep and passionate kiss, even more so than their previous ones.
She bit her lip as he first thrusted in, not really sure if it still hurt enough to tell him to stop, but as he kept going it started to feel a little better so she just dealt with it. She still bit her lip though, at least until he began kissing her. She kissed him back, a bit surprised how much more passionate this kiss was from the last. She couldn't help but moan softly into the kiss despite the fact she still wasn't completely used to it, but she was still enjoying it, the pleasure mixed with the pain. apperently she was a bit of a masochist and she didn't even know it.
Johnathan increased his pace a bit, after hearing her pleasure reaction. Without stopping the kiss, he suddenly sat back, sitting straight up, leaving Star now in his lap. Though, he didn't skip a bit, lifting her up and pulling her back down on his cock, whilst thrusting up in rhythym, creating a very pleasurable combination.
Star was a bit shocked by the sudden change of position, though she didn't mind it in the least. She had hesitated a bit as he moved them, but it didn't seem to phase him a bit. She resumed kissing, enjoying this new position quite a bit. She blushed a bit, thinking he felt deeper inside her than before. The pain was starting to trade out and pleasure replaced it, causing her to whimper a bit into the kiss, but it was a cute, pleasurable whimper so he wouldn't have to worry at all. Her arms tightened around him, pressing them fairly close together, her breasts now rubbing his chest as she moved up and down.
Eventually, Johnanthan was forced to break the kiss, needing to actually breath. He was breathing heavily as he bounced her up and down on his lap, their foreheads against each other like before, his care and affection for her obvious in his eyes. He groaned lightly, quite enjoying it as well. Sweat was already starting to form on his muscular body.
Star looked into his eyes as he broke the kiss, breating heavier as well. She moaned softly, leaning her head back and looking up at the ceiling. She smiled a bit as he seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was. She was quite glad she made this decision especially since he seemed to care for her so much. She blushed after a moment, pulling him close to her, though she didn't kiss him anymore. "I-I really like you..." She said softly, "More so then anyone I've met before." She added. And while that was true, she really ded like him more than any of the men her father had tried to set her up with, it was probably her state of pleasure that helped her gain the courage to say such a thing.
"I feel the same way......" Johnathan replied, starting to breath somewhat heavily, his head right next to hers as he leaned down, kissing in the crook of her neck lightly. He sped up his thrusting up into her a bit, already able to tell his climax wasn't terribly far off. He'd do his past to keep it going longer, but it'd happen no matter what.
Star blushed a bit more as she heard his reply. But it made her uite happy. She bit her lip, obviously enjoying this. She could feel the sort of heat building up in her lower abdomen and it made his thrusts all the better. After a few minutes longer she moaned quite loudly, her back arching and she finally orgasmed. Her lower muscles tightening around his cock as he thrust in and out of her.
Johnathan held her body against his as she climaxed. Speeding up his thrusts, his own climax was soon to follow. Pulling her down onto his lap, his cock fully inside of her, his cock twitched as he cummed inside of her, moaning loudly as well, before resting his forehead on her shoulder, almost out of breath.
Her eyes widened as she felt the thick warm liquid fill her. It felt quite nice. She just sat on top of him, making no movments to say that she wanted to get off his lap quite yet. Star was breathing kind of heavy, her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out. She closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath.
"That was......amazing......." Johnathan managed to say between breaths. Sure, he had been with alot of women in his days, but this was probably the first woman that he genuinely cared for, which added something special that had been missing from all the other women, something that made this just the greatest moment ever.
Star looked at him and blushed but nodded a bit. "Quite spectacular." She said, smiling at him. She pushed him back and laid on top of him. The sweat on her body cooling her off and actually making her a bit cold so she just cuddled up with him. It was amazing how comfortable she felt with him in such a short amount of time, though it did make a bit of sense considering what they had just done.
Johnathan let her push him back on the bad, gladly laying there with her on top of him and his arms around her. He smiled lightly up at her before giving her a peck on the lips.

"You're so beautiful......." he said, lightly rubbing her back. He was quite tired out himself. Though, having her cuddled up with him did keep him warm.
Star closed her eyes, quite content with the moment they were having together. She opened her eyes and looked down at him as he said she was beatuiful. "You really mean that?" She asked, almost as if she didn't believe him. "You're not just saying it because I had sex with you?" She asked as if that would be his excuse.
"Of course I mean it. And no, I'm not just saying it because we had sex. I truely find you to be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Johnathan replied, smiling warmly up at her as he raised one hand and ran it through her hair. He was indeed telling the truth, but he could understand why she might sound as if he was lying or some such.
Star smiled as he said he wasn't lying, and she believed him completely with his reassurance. She blushed a bit more and her eyes widened a bit as he said she was the most beautiful. She really liked him and he seemed to really like her and even though they were completely different, maybe they could work it out. She smiled and rested her head on his chest, letting him do as he pleased to her hair.
Johnathan enjoyed the feeling of his fingers brushing through her silky red hair. He was more content in this moment than he had every been before. He wished this moment could last forever, but of course, that could never happen. They'd have to get out of bed and dress eventually. But for now, the moment was theirs to do with as they pleased. So, he moved his hand out of her hair and down to her back, holding her once more as he closed his eyes and just relaxed, enjoying the warmth and feeling of her body on top of his.

(Well, I'm gonna be heading out for the night. I shall see you later.))
Star sighed deeply, a grin on her face She really was enjoying this moment, more than any other. After a bit her tiredness took hold of her and dragged her under. She was soon fast a sleep, Her last hoped were hoping tey wouldn't get attacked because it would be pretty hard to get that corset back on in a hurry. In fact it would be damn near impossible.

((Mmk, have fun.))
Soon enough, Johnathan followed her to dream land, sleeping comfortable beneath her. It wasn't until a few hours later that he awoke naturally, slowly opening his eyes as his vision cleared, smiling when he saw his lover still on top of him. She still seemed to be asleep, so for the moment, he just smiled, not wanting to wake her since she looked so calm and peaceful.
Star stayed asleep all the time he did and even as he awoke. She moaned cutely in her sleep, obviously dreaming. She moved a bit, rolled over to the side of him, but still clinging to him in a cuddling fashion. She really liked sleeping beside him, he was quite warm, And truthfully sleeping beside anyone would've felt quite nice.
Johnathan just watched her in silence. He thought she actually looked even more beautiful as she slept. That was likely due to how peaceful and relaxed she looked. He was glad she was cuddling up to him. It was quite warm for him as well. He couldn't resist reaching over and lightly stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. He considered himself the luckiest man in the world right now.
Now Star could normally sleep through anything, but as he touched her cheek, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled over at him. "What time is it?" She asked in a lazy sort of manner. She was curious not only as to how long she had been on this ship, but how long she had been asleep. She really liked being with him, even if it was on a ship of pirates that would probably rape her as soon as they got the chance, but she knew he would protect her.
"I'm not sure exactly. The sun is still out, but it's a bit lower on the horizon, so I'd imagine we've both been asleep for at least a few hours." Johnathan explained, suddenly letting out a big yawn.

"If anything had happened, my men would have called for me, so it seems like things are nice and peaceful for the time being, which means we can stay in bed for a while longer." he added, smiling over at her as he rolled onto his side, facing her.
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