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Pirates Oh my! (Cute and Rainbows)

"Do I have something on my face?" Johnathan asked, easily catching her little peek over the top of the book at him. Like her, he was quite observant as well and could easily pick up the slightest movements like that. Also, he had a good idea why she was doing it. He wasn't intentionally trying to embarass her. He was just.........kind of having fun.
She jumped a bit as he caught her looking at him and shook her head, blushing a bit more, but it was hidden behind the book. She went back to reading, trying to engulf herself in the book, but she couldn't help but shift her eyes to him every once in a while. She didn't think he would notice considering it was just her eyes, but then again he seemed to be just as observant as she was.
"You know, I can tell when you're peeking at me. If you have a question you'd like to ask, go ahead and ask. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind knowing why you keep stopping where you are in the book to look at me." said Johnathan, scooting across the bed to sit at the end closest to the desk.

"Are you thinking embarassing thoughts about me or something? Is that why your blush isn't fading?" he asked, smiling lightly as he enjoyed teasing her a bit.
Star was a bit shocked that he noticed she was glancing at him randomly. "No, I'm only looking, there isn't a crime against that." She said smartly. As he scooted over closer to the desk she seemed to get a bit uncomfortable and scooted more into the chair even though she couldn't sit much more in it. Her eyes widened and she blushed more as he asked if she was thinking dirty thoughts about him. "Why no! Why would I do such a thing?! Even if you are handsome..." She trailed off, looking back at the book, not realizing she had said the last part.
"Handsome, huh? Any other dirty little secrets you want to let slip out?" Johnathan asked, laughing lightly.

"Shall I strike poses for you?" He soon added, playfully flexing his muscles in cheesy little poses. He definitely seemed entertained even more now with teasing her about her little slip up. Though, he felt the same about her. She thought he was handsome, he thought she was beautiful.
Star blushed even more as she realized what she had done. She definitly had to be more careful with what she said. She looked over the book at his as he struck the pose and she put the book down quicklyleaning foward and burrying her face in her arms from embarassment. She was leaning her arms on the table, her face burning red, not that one could see it any longer, but she could feel it. She didn't know what to do, no longer wanting to face him.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have teased you." Johnathan replied, regaining his composure, reflexively reaching out and placing his hand on her arm in a comforting gesture. Though, it took him a second to realize what he did, and he quickly brought his hand back.

"Sorry........I um..........just...uh..............sorry........" he stuttered out, now highly embarassed himself and barely able to speak.
Star looked up a bit, only so she could see him, but he probably couldn't see her through her hair over her face. Her face was still red, but she hid it behind her arm. She couldn't help but smirk a bit at his stammering. It was kind of cute how he got when she seemed to feel bad in just about any sort of way. Him now being embarassed made her feel a bit better and she sat up once more, fixing her hair by moving it all over one shoulder and watching him, her blush fading a bit.
"Feeling better?" Johnathan asked, her fading blush being replaced by his light pink cheeks.

"Sorry for teasing you. I don't really get like that much. It's just that........." he started to explain, but trailed off at the end, unable to really put into words why he was embarassed by what he did. Though, for some people, it'd be easy enough to spot. He was definitley attracted to her.
Star nodded as he asked if she felt better, her face still in the book though she wasn't really reading, it just looked liek she was. "It's fine, it's just no one has ever made me blush before..." She said looking up at him quickly then back at the book. She found it was easier to talk when she wasn't looking directly at him. "They've tried, but no one has ever done so..." She said, still staring blankly at the book. She wasn't going to cry or anything because of him teasing her, she was just embarassed by it.
"Should I take that as an achievment, or avoid doing it ever again?" Johnathan asked.

"Though, I wasn't teasing when I said you looked cute. I really did mean that." he quickly added, scooting back across the bed to where he was, before getting closer to her. He didn't always think before he spoke, not realizing what he just said might just embarass her again.
She looked over the top of the book again so he could only see that top of her head and her crystal blue eyes peering over to the top. "Well I'd take it as an acheivment if I were you." She said, tyring to be a bit silly. She blushed a bit again as he said she really was cute, she just couldn't help but blush at a statement such as that. She smiled a bit, though it was obviously forced as if trying to hide the fact she was blushing again. "It's fine. It doesn't bother me too much, I'm just not used to it is all." She said, still looking at him.
"Alright, then I guess that it was an honor to make you blush." Johnathan replied, smiling as he gave her a playful little bow from where he was sitting on the bed. Being around her certainly lightened his mood up. Most of the time, he was mister serious that didn't smile or even joke around. With it just being him and her, he could actually act like himself without worry.
Star grinned at his statement and even allowed herself to laugh as he gave his bow. She clapped for him, still giggling a bit. "Congratulations, Captian Sky." She said just being silly now. It wasn't ofter that she got to do this. Her father rarely would joke with her, always too worried about his kingly duties and such so she was quite glad that at least Johnathan wouldn't mind her goofing off a bit.
"Well then, are there any other humor duties I shall attempt for you, your highness?" Johnathan replied, smiling as he slide off the bed, and knelt across from the desk like a loyal knight. Even for him, this was just too fun. He was welcoming this lively change of pace. Putting on a mask of a cold, heartless pirate was tiring. He was glad someone was enjoying the real him.
Star couldn't stop grinning as he asked that question. She shook her head, biting her lip to keep from laughing. "None that I can think of." She said, giggling a bit but obviously trying to supress it. She just sat there, staring at him until the there was a knock at the door. She suddenly looked up and saw the door creak open a bit She just continued to stare as a man was shoved in and the door was shut behind him. He looked quite nerveous and Star just stared at him. "Captian, there's a-another Ship off the starboard bow. They don't seem to want to attack, but... Well we're awaiting your orders, Sir." He said, not looking the Captian directly in the eyes. His crew really did fear him and Star was a bit amazed by that.
Johnathan just sighed as the man spoke. Well, their little fun time was ruined.

"Come with me. I want you to tell me if you recognize the ship." he told her, standing up straight and going to the door, waiting for her. He didnt' bother to put on his captains cloak or hat or even put on his boots. He was ready to go out there in his casual clothes, barefoot even.
Star's smile dhad faded quickly at the sight of the other man and she just watched as Johnathan seemed just as angry that their fun was ruined as she was. She nodded and got out from behind the desk, following him out of the deck. Once they got out there she wondered if it could be her dad's ship, but then she remembered he had gone to a landlocked counry so it couldn't have been him. She looked out at the ship, squinting a bit and leaning foward as if that would help at all. But she looked back to him and shook her head. "No, I don't recognize it." She said, just staring at him now.
Johnathan kept quiet, even after he heard her. Now that he saw it, he recognized it. It was a rival group of pirates. This type of situation happened alot. One group of pirates would raid a town, another would found out soon afterwards, then hunt down the first group to try and steal the loot they had managed to get.

"Well, looks like today is going to continue to be rather eventful." he said to himself, sighing lightly.

"You may want to go back to my quarters. That is, unless you actually want to take part in a possible battle." he told her, reaching into his pocket and taking out a key. It was the key to his room. With this, she'd be able to lock herself in from the inside.
Star watched the ship, it didn't really seem to be going anywhere, but then again neither did they. She looked back to Johnathan as he spoke and was slightly aware of what was going to happen before he said it. She nodded as he said she may want to go back to his quarters and she did. "No that's fine, I'd only get in the way." She said and took the key from his hand. She wondered if he was going to fight barefoot but then shook the thought from her head and looked over to him. She just stood there, she probably would until the last second or he rushed her in there because if he did indeed want his shoes she wouldn't want to lock him out. Plus she turthfully didn't want to be alone again, she liked having him around.
Johnathan was quite surprised that she didn't hurry back to the room and lock the door. He could guess with ease that she was likely scared and didn't want to be alone.

"Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to you." he said with a comforting smile as he looked over at her. He lightly reached out, just barely brushing his hand against her own. He was by no means trying to hold her hand or anything, it was just his small attempt at trying to comfort her by physical contact.
Star smiled a bit and blushed as he said he wouldn't let anything happen to her. "Thank you." She said and took a step foward, now quite close to him. She stood on her toes quickly and kissed his cheek and then turned and went back into his quarters. She was blushing as she went back into the room, though no one would see becasue she was facing away from him. She was kind of hoping he would have come back to his room with her so she didn't have to potentially embarass him like that, but then again he might just play it off like the fun they were having was more than just the innocent fun it really was.
Surprise didn't even begin to describe what Johnathan was feeling when she kissed his cheek. He watched her return to the room in astonishment. He heard a few of his men snickering at the little display of affection, but were quickly shut up when he shot them one of his famous glares. He continued keeping his eye on the ship in the distance, but would constantly glance at the door to his quarters. Something inside of him was trying to tug him to the door, while he came to terms about actually missing her presence.
Star just went and sat back in his chair behind his desk after locking the door. She picked up the book again, not quite sure if that was the best idea because if they agtually fought then she would already be scared, and on top of that, reading a horror novel wasn't the best idea, but she had to do something to take her mind off of Johnathan. She just couldn't really stop thinkng about him, and for some strange reason she just felt like going out there or bringing him back in here. She really liked having someone around to talke to and goof off with.
((Would you like a ship battle, or would you like me to send the ship away, so to speak, for some more romantic time between Johnathan and Star?))
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