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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Ezra was just giggling a bit and soon enough Cerberus seemed to be coming out of nowhere and she was telling him to get up before scratching at one of the heads. Well the dog wasn't covered in blood at all and didn't seem like it had been in a violent attitude at all.
"yea yea laugh at me getting squished by a dog" Kyle managed to get up only to come face to face withn Fennrir who was covered in blood "looks like we found out who was antagonized"
Ezra was just looking over for a moment in time before she was actually going over to Fenrir and holding out her hands towards him, allowing him to come to her at that point in time. "Oh what happened, my sweet boy?" she questioned him as though questioning a child.
while she calmed the beast Kyle looked him over and found a large wound on his side "it looks like he was attacked and then let lose to take out his rage because he didn't do this on his own I think I can get help reversing what happened I will have to see"
Ezra was just stroking Fenrir's head gently before she was examining the wound before just cooing at him gently that everything was going to be alright, that he was going to be alright.
Kyle moved away from the three and then reached out the the keeper of time requesting their aid in a matter that put the supernatural world at risk
Ezra was keeping the hounds calm at that point in time - Cerberus being more worked up because Fenrir was hurt. It wasn't long though before a golden clock seemed to appear out of nowhere and as it faded away a hooded figure was standing there. "What is it I can assist you with, Lord of Death?" the hooded figure was speaking. It was hard to tell if the keeper of time was a male or female, with how they kept themselves covered up and their voice was definitely being masked.
"thank you for your aid Guardian of Time" Kyle then motioned to the death around them "this was all caused by someone harming Fenrir and setting him lose in this school none of these students were destined to die this day I have collected the souls but with your aid their deaths can be reversed"
The hooded figure was giving a nod of their head before the strange golden clock seemed to appear and everything around them seemed to freeze, before all was changing. Going back to how it had been before the hounds had arrived. Students talking in the hallway, teachers getting ready for class, the hounds were back to their homes.
As time reversed Kyle released the souls so they could return to their rightful bodies. Once it was all done he turned back to the guardian “ thank you”
The guardian was giving a bow of their head before they were gliding over to where Fenrir had been standing, where a small part of his spirit seemed to linger even though time had been reversed. A way of him saying that he also had a story to tell, even though they knew it wasn't his fault completely. Upon touching that small sliver they were able to see what happened to the poor hound. They had both been out playing when they had been attacked by somebody, although Fenrir had gotten in the way of Cerberus, who was "younger", so that the other hound didn't get hurt. This caused anger at what had happened and Fenrir went after the person who had attacked them, who ended up fleeing into the school - and everything went downhill from there.
"poor boy he is normally so well-behaved I was curious as to why this happened" Kyle shook his head "I'll speak to Odin about this as well so that he isn't punished" Kyle didn't feel that Fenrir should be punished when he had just gone after the one who had attacked them both
"I shall also attest to Lord Odin that it wasn't the fault of young Fenrir." The Guardian of time spoke in a low voice.
"much appreciated" Kyle looked at Ezra and nodded his head lightly in silent confirmation that that was where they would be headed next once he had finished up there
"its not often the Time Guardian answers my call they must have felt it was worth while this time" Kyle walked back to her and offered her his hand
Ezra was watching as the time guardian seemed to be inclining their head before seeming to vanish so that they could go and visit Odin. After that Ezra was just following after Kyle.
"I have a couple more pick up and then we can go and see Hades and Odin to alert them to what happened" Kyle then opened a portal that took them to the home of an old lady who was surrounded by her family
Ezra was nodding her head before she was speaking, "No need to worry. I'm in no hurry at all." With that she was just following after him.
"my job is never ending there are days I wish that I could stop death but I sadly am not allowed too" Kyle was tired but with no help he couldn't rest like he wanted to
Ezra was just looking over before she was speaking, "I can imagine. But... I can assist you as well... In my own way. I cannot decide what happens to the soul but I can at least help collect them and send them to you as I come across them."
Kyle smiled at her "for that I thank you I am in need of aid but there are none currently worthy of the mantel of death there are suppose to be seven of us but I am the only one remaining"
"I appreciate it I am rather tired I don't get much sleep any more just enough to function while drinking lots of coffee" Kyle slept maybe two to three hours a night but there was little he could do
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